The Strond Delusion & Heresy of an Israeli-Gentile Covenant

I am vehemently disagreeing with your ethnic cleansing agenda. Since you've been exposed as having that euphoric passion then of course you will seek shelter any way you can.
Of course you would. Dogs (Gentiles) who are arrogant and prideful, unlike the woman asking for crumbs, wouldn't like that Yeshua Mashiach was sent ONLY to His covenant people and that salvation is OF THE JEWS. Gentiles do anything to steal Israel's Messiah from Israel and to steal their inheritance. But God is not pleased, nor will He allow it.
When Israel occupies their Promised Land and God cleanses their land of Gentiles then Israel will finally live in peace and safety under their God while dogs live outside the Holy City and Land.

21 And in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts. Zech. 14:21.

You choose. Either Gentiles will not be in the land of Israel, or Gentiles will not be in the House of God. I think Zechariah is saying the latter. But you'll find a way to reject this prophecy and claim that those words from God came from me and that they don't need to respected nor heeded.
Still, IT IS in the Bible.
Deal with it.
I have.
We say that God's Law is fulfilled in Christ, not "obsolete" nor "ended" nor "abolished." Start listening to what the Bible actually says about God's Commandments.
Honestly, I mistook you for some other poster who erroneously reject the Torah of God and actually think by doing so they are good with God.
They are not.
I think you should find out who they are and warn them, too.
Be your brother's keeper.
Of course you would. Dogs (Gentiles) who are arrogant and prideful, unlike the woman asking for crumbs, wouldn't like that Yeshua Mashiach was sent ONLY to His covenant people and that salvation is OF THE JEWS. Gentiles do anything to steal Israel's Messiah from Israel and to steal their inheritance. But God is not pleased, nor will He allow it.
When Israel occupies their Promised Land and God cleanses their land of Gentiles then Israel will finally live in peace and safety under their God while dogs live outside the Holy City and Land.

21 And in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts. Zech. 14:21.

You choose. Either Gentiles will not be in the land of Israel, or Gentiles will not be in the House of God. I think Zechariah is saying the latter. But you'll find a way to reject this prophecy and claim that those words from God came from me and that they don't need to respected nor heeded.
Still, IT IS in the Bible.
Deal with it.
I have.
There might not be Canaanites but there will certainly be Americans, Brits, French, Canadians, etc....
Honestly, I mistook you for some other poster who erroneously reject the Torah of God and actually think by doing so they are good with God.
They are not.
I think you should find out who they are and warn them, too.
Be your brother's keeper.
Everyone I've interacted with all say that God's Law is fulfilled in Christ
Of course you would. Dogs (Gentiles) who are arrogant and prideful, unlike the woman asking for crumbs, wouldn't like that Yeshua Mashiach was sent ONLY to His covenant people and that salvation is OF THE JEWS. Gentiles do anything to steal Israel's Messiah from Israel and to steal their inheritance. But God is not pleased, nor will He allow it.
When Israel occupies their Promised Land and God cleanses their land of Gentiles then Israel will finally live in peace and safety under their God while dogs live outside the Holy City and Land.

21 And in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts. Zech. 14:21.

You choose. Either Gentiles will not be in the land of Israel, or Gentiles will not be in the House of God. I think Zechariah is saying the latter. But you'll find a way to reject this prophecy and claim that those words from God came from me and that they don't need to respected nor heeded.
Still, IT IS in the Bible.
Deal with it.
I have.
So God/Christ made a mistake calling Paul and sending him to the gentiles?
So God/Christ made a mistake calling Paul and sending him to the gentiles?
No. Saul was an excellent choice to study the Scripture (he possessed "books" and parchments) to make sense and to understand the New Covenant era that was upon the twelve tribes of Israel. His credentials as God's choice to "bring in" Gentiles (first, committed circumcised proselytes and uncommitted, uncircumcised devout God-Fearers, and later the regular run-of-the mill Gentiles.)
God instructed Saul to do this thing, but He did not tell him how to do this thing. He had to proceed with trial and error. And some of that error is found in his letters in which he contradicts himself.
No. Saul was an excellent choice to study the Scripture (he possessed "books" and parchments) to make sense and to understand the New Covenant era that was upon the twelve tribes of Israel. His credentials as God's choice to "bring in" Gentiles (first, committed circumcised proselytes and uncommitted, uncircumcised devout God-Fearers, and later the regular run-of-the mill Gentiles.)
God instructed Saul to do this thing, but He did not tell him how to do this thing. He had to proceed with trial and error. And some of that error is found in his letters in which he contradicts himself.
Nowhere does Paul ever contradict himself. Between Paul and yourself, you lose! Sorry.
Nowhere does Paul ever contradict himself. Between Paul and yourself, you lose! Sorry.
13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Rom. 2:13.

20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: Rom. 3:20.

I rest my case.
13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Rom. 2:13.

20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: Rom. 3:20.

I rest my case.
Those 2 passages are referring to two totally different target groups.

The target group of your first passage is pagan Gentiles who knew nothing about the true God and yet performed lawful deeds against all odds. Christ will take that into consideration when God will judge the secrets of men. God's fairness brilliantly shines through here.

The target group of your second passage is referring to Jews who had all the privileges of knowing God and yet fell into legalism. There is no excuse for them.

I rest my case on English Comprehension 101.
Those 2 passages are referring to two totally different target groups.

The target group of your first passage is pagan Gentiles who knew nothing about the true God and yet performed lawful deeds against all odds. Christ will take that into consideration when God will judge the secrets of men. God's fairness brilliantly shines through here.

The target group of your second passage is referring to Jews who had all the privileges of knowing God and yet fell into legalism. There is no excuse for them.

I rest my case on English Comprehension 101.
The subject is the Law (Torah.)
It doesn't matter who the recipients are for all will be judged by the Law (Torah.)
So, Saul says no man is justified by the Law, and in another place says we are justified by the Law.

13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Rom. 2:13.

20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: Rom. 3:20.


I rest my case.
The subject is the Law (Torah.)
It doesn't matter who the recipients are for all will be judged by the Law (Torah.)
So, Saul says no man is justified by the Law, and in another place says we are justified by the Law.

13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Rom. 2:13.

20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: Rom. 3:20.


I rest my case.
The subject is the Law and the target groups are pagan Gentiles for your first passage and Jews for your second passage.
Your inability to understand that calls into question your understanding of the English Language.
I rest my case.
The subject is the Law and the target groups are pagan Gentiles for your first passage and Jews for your second passage.
Your inability to understand that calls into question your understanding of the English Language.
I rest my case.
Tell me how God's Torah is different for each group.
At the end both will be judged by the same Torah, whether both have obeyed or not and whether one is Jew of Gentile.
Tell me how God's Torah is different for each group.
At the end both will be judged by the same Torah, whether both have obeyed or not and whether one is Jew of Gentile.
It's NOT that the Law is different for each group. It's God's judgment that is different based on the extremely different circumstances of each group concerning the Law.
If you don't understand those passages in English then read them in the language you are comfortable in.
It's NOT that the Law is different for each group. It's God's judgment that is different based on the extremely different circumstances of each group concerning the Law.
If you don't understand those passages in English then read them in the language you are comfortable in.
There is NO DIFFERENCE. God's Torah is the same Law for everyone, especially knowing now that God will use His Torah to judge everyone.
There is NO DIFFERENCE. God's Torah is the same Law for everyone, especially knowing now that God will use His Torah to judge everyone.
I already told you that the Law itself is the same. What's different is the different circumstances of those 2 vastly different groups. Can you understand what I'm saying or do I have to keep repeating myself?
I already told you that the Law itself is the same. What's different is the different circumstances of those 2 vastly different groups. Can you understand what I'm saying or do I have to keep repeating myself?
So, a law against jaywalking is applied differently to a male and not a female, or applied differently to a white person over a black person. Or is my circumstance of being chased by a bully with a knife and I jaywalk to escape is not a violation but jaywalking because it is closer to my vehicle across the street is a violation. Is this what you mean?
So, a law against jaywalking is applied differently to a male and not a female, or applied differently to a white person over a black person. Or is my circumstance of being chased by a bully with a knife and I jaywalk to escape is not a violation but jaywalking because it is closer to my vehicle across the street is a violation. Is this what you mean?
Circumstances do count. If you jay walked to save a toddler from being run over by a car then only an idiot would ticket you for jay walking.
Circumstances do count. If you jay walked to save a toddler from being run over by a car then only an idiot would ticket you for jay walking.
But we're not talking about that circumstance. And if so then an officer would not be an idiot for citing a jaywalker - even if to save a toddler. That is his job. And it is the correct move to make.
But we're not talking about that circumstance. And if so then an officer would not be an idiot for citing a jaywalker - even if to save a toddler. That is his job. And it is the correct move to make.
I stand by my words. If you jay walked to save a toddler from being run over by a car then only an idiot would ticket you for jay walking.
I stand by my words. If you jay walked to save a toddler from being run over by a car then only an idiot would ticket you for jay walking.
You stand by disobedience to the law is the same as disobedience to God.
Obedience is BETTER than sacrifice.

22 And Samuel said,
Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices,
As in obeying the voice of the LORD?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
And to hearken than the fat of rams.
23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
1 Sam. 15:21–23.

You obviously know nothing about obedience to God for instead you practice witchcraft when you disobey God. The law is there to be obeyed not sacrificed and you know nothing about obedience to God.
Stand by your witchcraft. I reject your rebellion.
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