The heart is central to the Christian faith

Jesus , the Real One always separates the different religions, faiths of this world. Its why so many times the New Testaments talks about false Christs, false teachers, deceivers etc......

Some do this intentionally while others I believe are deceived into thinking they have the real Jesus. But there are many "tests" in the N.T. where we can discern the real from the fake much like trained bankers can spot a counterfeit $100 from the genuine $100.

I will quote the late Dr. Walter Martin. What we deal with most of the time is a language barrier. We read the same words in the Bible and have a different definition and vocabulary than those with a different Jesus, a different gospel. Its the semantic game being played out on a regular basis with online forums and when you answer the person knowing at your door to talk about the Bible.

Here is Dr Martin below in his summary of this issues we encounter :

"The historic doctrine of the Trinity is seldom, if ever, considered without careful redefinition. If the reader consults the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, published by the Unity School of Christianity, he will see the masterpiece of redefinition for himself. For in this particular volume, Unity has redefined exhaustively many of the cardinal terms of biblical theology, much as Mary Baker Eddy did in her Glossary of Terms in the book Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures. The reader will be positively amazed to find what has happened to biblical history, the person of Adam, the concept of human sin, spiritual depravity, and eternal judgment. One thing, however, will emerge very clearly from this study: Unity may use the terminology of the Bible, but by no stretch of the imagination can the redefinition be equated with the thing itself. Another confusing aspect of non-Christian cultists’ approach to semantics is the manner in which they will surprise the Christian with voluminous quotations from no less authority than the Bible, and give the appearance of agreeing with nearly every statement the Christian makes in attempting to evangelize the cultist. Such stock phrases as “We believe that way too; we agree on this point” or the more familiar, “[Mrs. Eddy, Mr. or Mrs. Fillmore, Mr. Evans, Dr. Buchman, Joseph Smith, or Brigham Young] says exactly the same thing; we are completely in agreement.” All such tactics based upon the juggling of terms usually have the effect of frustrating the average Christian, for he is unable to put his finger on what he knows is error, and is repeatedly tantalized by seeming agreement which, as he knows, does not exist. He is therefore often forced into silence because he is unaware of what the cultist is actually doing. Often, even though he may be aware of this in a limited sense, he hesitates to plunge into a discussion for fear of ridicule because of an inadequate background or a lack of biblical information.

The solution to this perplexing problem is far from simple. The Christian must realize that for every biblical or doctrinal term he mentions, a redefinition light flashes on in the mind of the cultist, and a lightning-fast redefinition is accomplished. Realizing that the cultist will apparently agree with the doctrine under discussion while firmly disagreeing in reality with the historical and biblical concept, the Christian is on his way to dealing effectively with cult terminology. This amazing operation of terminological redefinition works very much like a word association test in psychology.

It is simple for a cultist to spiritualize and redefine the clear meaning of biblical texts and teachings so as to be in apparent harmony with the historic Christian faith. However, such a harmony is at best a surface agreement, based upon double meanings of words that cannot stand the test of biblical context, grammar, or sound exegesis. Language is, to be sure, a complex subject; all are agreed on this. But one thing is beyond dispute, and that is that in context words mean just what they say. Either we admit this or we must be prepared to surrender all the accomplishments of grammar and scholastic progress and return to writing on cave walls with charcoal sticks in the tradition of our alleged stone-age ancestors. To illustrate this point more sharply, the experience of everyday life points out the absurdity of terminological redefinitions in every way of life.

A quick survey of how cults redefine Christian terminology illustrates this important observation.

Cult Definition
Christian Definition
Many gods​
One God​
Jehovah’s Witnesses​
Jesus Christ​
Not god, created by Jehovah​
God the Son, Creator of all​
Christian Science​
Illusion, error, not real​
Disobedience to God​
New Age​
Becoming One with the Universe/God​
Reconciliation with God by means of Christ’s atonement​

Is it any wonder, then, that orthodox Christians feel called upon to openly denounce such perversions of clearly defined and historically accepted biblical terminology, and claim that the cults have no rights—scholastically, biblically, or linguistically—to redefine biblical terms as they do? "

hope this helps !!!
Reconcilation .
lets look real close at todays message and approach verses the TRUE message of reconcilation that JESUS and the apostles gave .
Todays message is about the wrong kind of reconcilation and in order to get that kind of reconcilation , JESUS GETS DENIED .
THEY go about to reconcile man to man , group with group , BUT NONE are reconciled to GOD for the gospel
of peace and reconcilation GETS SILENCED by a lie . a lie that says christain truth is no better than muslim truth or etc
SO while man isbeing reconiled to man . NOT one soul will be saved .
And i have heard them even say GODS PLAN is for the UNITY of HUMANITY . rather odd though
MANKIND sure was UNIFIED at the tower of babel , they worked as one people to create a tower
they believed would reach to heaven . KINDA LIKE THEY DO TODAY asthey imply their peace tower is the way to GOD .
Rather odd huh .
NOW as far as true peace , true reconcilation . JESUS told us what that is and so did paul and others .
For the true peace of GOD , would reconcile man BACK TO GOD . and that message of peace , IS TO BELIEVE ON JESUS THE CHRIST
who DOES RECONCILE us to GOD . the ONLY ONE WHO can .
BUT that message of peace and reconcilation is now seen as hateful and devisive
to today message of their so called peace and reconcilation of man to man , group to group , religoin with religon .
OOSPY we got us a huge problem . AND I SHALL expose it no matter the cost for doing so .
No lie is of the TRUTH . yes indeed .
GOD cannot lie .
THE FATHER testifies of the SON
the SPIRIT shall testify OF ME said JESUS .
And HE shall lead you into all TRUTH . not lies . TRUTH .
GOD is HIS SPIRIT , HE IS HIS WORD and GOD is not a man that HE can lie .
THUS , guess what else that would mean . WELL IT MEANS HIS WORDS BE TRUTH .
SO now i leave us with a real friendly reminder , one that i know my friend knows well ,
LET GOD BE TRUE but every man a liar . SO as YE can be justified in YOUR sayings and overcome when ye be judged .
EVERY WORD of GOD IS TRUTH . Now on that note it is bible time friends .
Cause by grace i do happen to know , THE SCRIPTURES were not inspired of man , BUT OF GOD HIMSELF .
Is not the TRUTH that which we, who are His Flock, are to be seeking and submitting too whereby we are Sanctified in the TRUTH???

Why do our brethren argue against and/or run away from "it is written".

Is it not that men have crept into the churches to draw away the Sheep and make them disciples of man instead of CHRIST and the Holy Spirit.

Do i not hear on these forum's the constant naying of: "my pastor says" and/or "intellectual man says" and/or "i follow_______________ "

"How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God?"
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Jesus , the Real One always separates the different religions, faiths of this world. Its why so many times the New Testaments talks about false Christs, false teachers, deceivers etc......

Some do this intentionally while others I believe are deceived into thinking they have the real Jesus. But there are many "tests" in the N.T. where we can discern the real from the fake much like trained bankers can spot a counterfeit $100 from the genuine $100.

I will quote the late Dr. Walter Martin. What we deal with most of the time is a language barrier. We read the same words in the Bible and have a different definition and vocabulary than those with a different Jesus, a different gospel. Its the semantic game being played out on a regular basis with online forums and when you answer the person knowing at your door to talk about the Bible.

Here is Dr Martin below in his summary of this issues we encounter :

"The historic doctrine of the Trinity is seldom, if ever, considered without careful redefinition. If the reader consults the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, published by the Unity School of Christianity, he will see the masterpiece of redefinition for himself. For in this particular volume, Unity has redefined exhaustively many of the cardinal terms of biblical theology, much as Mary Baker Eddy did in her Glossary of Terms in the book Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures. The reader will be positively amazed to find what has happened to biblical history, the person of Adam, the concept of human sin, spiritual depravity, and eternal judgment. One thing, however, will emerge very clearly from this study: Unity may use the terminology of the Bible, but by no stretch of the imagination can the redefinition be equated with the thing itself. Another confusing aspect of non-Christian cultists’ approach to semantics is the manner in which they will surprise the Christian with voluminous quotations from no less authority than the Bible, and give the appearance of agreeing with nearly every statement the Christian makes in attempting to evangelize the cultist. Such stock phrases as “We believe that way too; we agree on this point” or the more familiar, “[Mrs. Eddy, Mr. or Mrs. Fillmore, Mr. Evans, Dr. Buchman, Joseph Smith, or Brigham Young] says exactly the same thing; we are completely in agreement.” All such tactics based upon the juggling of terms usually have the effect of frustrating the average Christian, for he is unable to put his finger on what he knows is error, and is repeatedly tantalized by seeming agreement which, as he knows, does not exist. He is therefore often forced into silence because he is unaware of what the cultist is actually doing. Often, even though he may be aware of this in a limited sense, he hesitates to plunge into a discussion for fear of ridicule because of an inadequate background or a lack of biblical information.

The solution to this perplexing problem is far from simple. The Christian must realize that for every biblical or doctrinal term he mentions, a redefinition light flashes on in the mind of the cultist, and a lightning-fast redefinition is accomplished. Realizing that the cultist will apparently agree with the doctrine under discussion while firmly disagreeing in reality with the historical and biblical concept, the Christian is on his way to dealing effectively with cult terminology. This amazing operation of terminological redefinition works very much like a word association test in psychology.

It is simple for a cultist to spiritualize and redefine the clear meaning of biblical texts and teachings so as to be in apparent harmony with the historic Christian faith. However, such a harmony is at best a surface agreement, based upon double meanings of words that cannot stand the test of biblical context, grammar, or sound exegesis. Language is, to be sure, a complex subject; all are agreed on this. But one thing is beyond dispute, and that is that in context words mean just what they say. Either we admit this or we must be prepared to surrender all the accomplishments of grammar and scholastic progress and return to writing on cave walls with charcoal sticks in the tradition of our alleged stone-age ancestors. To illustrate this point more sharply, the experience of everyday life points out the absurdity of terminological redefinitions in every way of life.

A quick survey of how cults redefine Christian terminology illustrates this important observation.

Cult Definition
Christian Definition
Many gods​
One God​
Jehovah’s Witnesses​
Jesus Christ​
Not god, created by Jehovah​
God the Son, Creator of all​
Christian Science​
Illusion, error, not real​
Disobedience to God​
New Age​
Becoming One with the Universe/God​
Reconciliation with God by means of Christ’s atonement​

Is it any wonder, then, that orthodox Christians feel called upon to openly denounce such perversions of clearly defined and historically accepted biblical terminology, and claim that the cults have no rights—scholastically, biblically, or linguistically—to redefine biblical terms as they do? "

hope this helps !!!
Thanks for forwarding this to us! This puts many things into perspective when dealing with Judaizers, Unitarians, JWs, Calvinists, Mormons, Muslims, Baha'i, etc.... My experience is that they will "metaphorize", "nebulize", blur, or minimize whatever Biblical fact contradicts their heresy.
As Jesus is God then he is omnipresent. If you don't believe that then you are even more of a Judaizer than I previously thought

The Abrahamic Covenant is based on Faith in God. There is no getting around that. Faith does come before regeneration time and time again. If you don't believe that then you are a honorary member of Judaizers branch of the Living Dead.
Show me in Genesis 12, 15, and 17 where God says faith is part of the Abraham Covenant. I checked. He doesn't. If God keeps His Promises, why would one have to have faith God will keep His Promises especially since the Abraham Covenant records what God will do in relation to the only requirement from Abraham and his seed: Circumcision.
And don't post about Abraham "believed" God or had faith in God. The covenant itself does not require faith and God does not require faith, only circumcision.

And on this side of eternity Jesus is with the Father and the Holy Spirit of Promise PROMISED TO ISRAEL is in the world today applying to God's elect Israel the salvation bought by the Son. For purposes of time and the Person of the Godhead each has had their day in the sun. The Spirit is in the world today and represents the Father and the Son and both are in eternity. Not on earth.
Show me in Genesis 12, 15, and 17 where God says faith is part of the Abraham Covenant. I checked. He doesn't. If God keeps His Promises, why would one have to have faith God will keep His Promises especially since the Abraham Covenant records what God will do in relation to the only requirement from Abraham and his seed: Circumcision.
And don't post about Abraham "believed" God or had faith in God. The covenant itself does not require faith and God does not require faith, only circumcision.

And on this side of eternity Jesus is with the Father and the Holy Spirit of Promise PROMISED TO ISRAEL is in the world today applying to God's elect Israel the salvation bought by the Son. For purposes of time and the Person of the Godhead each has had their day in the sun. The Spirit is in the world today and represents the Father and the Son and both are in eternity. Not on earth.
Paul rebukes your Judaizing misunderstandings. Don't you just love Paul?

Read Romans 9. It's the "children of promise" that are counted as the seed whom God will call his people (outside of his people, i.e.: Gentiles) righteous because of their faith.

6 But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel,
7 nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.”
8 That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.
9 For this is the word of promise: “At this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son.”

25 As He says also in Hosea:
“I will call them My people, who were not My people,
And her beloved, who was not beloved.”
26 “And it shall come to pass in the place where it was said to them,
‘You are not My people,’
There they shall be called sons of the living God.”

30 What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith;
31 but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness.
32 Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone.
Yes the banker is trained to see and feel the genuine bill so that when he feels a counterfeit he immediately knows it's one. :)

When we are so familiar with the real Jesus of the Bible and His claims we can spot something is " off " whe the counterfeit shows up. It's easy to "flush " it out in a conversation with only a few questions.
Yes my friend it sure is easy to flush it out with only a few reminders and questions .
Shall we test this my friend .
Let me begin . I go and say that all other religoins cannot save and do not Know GOD .
And one says , HEY dont judge for there are good people in all religoins who etc etc etc .
Answer . THERE is NONE WHO IS GOOD but GOD and thus all NEED to BELEIVE ON JESUS THE CHRIST to be saved
to be made the righteousness of GOD , to be justified by WHAT CHRIST has DONE .
pretty easy all right .
Or how about if they respond and say dont judge you dont know their heart .
WELL i do know the heart of man is wicked from his youth and up . SO AGAIN all need to beleive on JESUS THE CHRIST .
He shall create in us a new heart with new desires to be pleasing to GOD .
Without faith in GOD it is impossible to please him . WITHOUT BELIEF and FAITH in HIS CHRIST , WELL then ones FAITH IS NOT IN
THE FATHER WHO SENT HIM . now is it . its rather in ourselves to attain , to etc , and if ones faith is in their own abilities and own works
MAN do they and man have they FALLEN FAR SHORT of the GLORY and RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD .
Many have not submitted to the RIGHTEOUSNESS which is of GOD . TILL THEY DO , they in deadly danger and walk in darkness
and know not at what they stumble as they fumble the words of GOD to try and create some other way to HIM . STUMBLING STONE
He who hears us is of GOD but he who hears us not is not of GOD . DONT JUDGE
My response to those who say dont judge , is I DIDNT SAY IT FIRST , JESUS DID and later JOHN DID . bible time .
Paul rebukes your Judaizing misunderstandings. Don't you just love Paul?

Read Romans 9. It's the "children of promise" that are counted as the seed whom God will call his people (outside of his people, i.e.: Gentiles) righteous because of their faith.

6 But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel,
7 nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.”
8 That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.

9 For this is the word of promise: “At this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son.”

25 As He says also in Hosea:
“I will call them My people, who were not My people,
And her beloved, who was not beloved.”
26 “And it shall come to pass in the place where it was said to them,
‘You are not My people,’
There they shall be called sons of the living God.”

30 What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith;
31 but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness.
32 Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone.
The created fell at the tree and all since have fallen far far short .
the created cannot attain .
But he who created all CAN . And thus HE DID send the SON and took on the same likeness of flesh we live in
to reconcile man back to GOD . what man cannot attain , GOD has already attained in THE SON .
and whether one be a hebrew or a gentile , THERE IS none who can attain . TIME TO BELIEVE ON JESUS THE CHRIST .
Time to call these people out of darkness by the preaching of the one true life saving life changing gospel .
Anything else is as the winds of winds that leadeth only to the great whirlwind of destruction and perdition .
ALL who rejected GOD will face the very WRATH OF GOD . And if one rejects HIS CHRIST , THEY DID REJECT GOD . now didnt they .
i keep it real simple and offer no other kinda false hope to anyone , whether jew or gentile . GOTTA PREACH JESUS to them all
and how i pray when they do hear they do BELEIVE and do not deny .
Paul rebukes your Judaizing misunderstandings. Don't you just love Paul?

Read Romans 9. It's the "children of promise" that are counted as the seed whom God will call his people (outside of his people, i.e.: Gentiles) righteous because of their faith.
Yes, Romans 9. Let's look at something Saul says. This is salvation in a nutshell:

3 For I could wish that myself were eaccursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:
4 Who are Israelites;
to whom pertaineth the adoption,
and the glory,
and the covenants,
and the giving of the law,
and the service of God,
and the promises;
5 Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh
Christ came,
who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.
Rom. 9:3–5.

This is salvation and Saul covers it nicely in just a few short sentences. Notice none of these things are given to non-Hebrew Gentiles. Gentiles do not have the "adoption" or "the glory" or "the covenants" or "the Law" or "the service [in the Tabernacle/Temple] of God" or "the promises." These all belong to Israel.

6 But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel,
7 nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.”
8 That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.

9 For this is the word of promise: “At this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son.”
Saul is making distinction between Isaac and Ishmael. Both are the seed of Abraham, but the covenant is inherited by Isaac. No Gentiles here. Next.
25 As He says also in Hosea:
“I will call them My people, who were not My people,
And her beloved, who was not beloved.”
26 “And it shall come to pass in the place where it was said to them,
‘You are not My people,’
There they shall be called sons of the living God.”
Again, addressing Israel. NOT GENTILES.
30 What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith;
31 but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness.
32 Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone.
The Gentiles here are mixed heritage Hebrews who grew up as Gentiles in a Greek culture. They were not even circumcised and while some knew of their Hebrew heritage some did not and as seed of Abraham and heirs according to the Promise of God it is necessary that they learn of their inheritance. Saul as rabbi and Pharisee would NOT preach a Holy Spirit of Promise Promised to Israel to Gentiles. Saul knew there were no non-Hebrew Gentiles in any of the three Hebrew Covenants. God promised nothing to Gentiles and so Gentiles are on the outside of covenant and salvation. If God wanted to save non-Hebrews He would have said so when He made these covenants with Israel but He didn't. There are no non-Hebrew Gentiles in any of the three Hebrew covenants.
Is not the TRUTH that which we, who are His Flock, are to be seeking and submitting too whereby we are Sanctified in the TRUTH???

Why do our brethren argue against and/or run away from "it is written".

Is it not that men have crept into the churches to draw away the Sheep and make them disciples of man instead of CHRIST and the Holy Spirit.

Do i not hear on these forum's the constant naying of: "my pastor says" and/or "intellectual man says" and/or "i follow_______________ "

"How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God?"
The abraham peace accords of man will bring the WRATH OF GOD upon this world .
IT will never attain to the very world peace n safety it believed it would . IT HAS TROD the dire necessity of JESUS THE CHRIST
under foot and for that CHRIST shall tread them all under foot . Deny CHRIST , HE will deny you .
Now i have read that abraham peace accords and it doeth the very work of the liberal pope drivin agenda .
TO merge this people as one giving out false hope , YET AGAIN , that somehow muslisms worship the same GOD we do .
What a crock of dung that one is . TRUTH is if even a hebrew denies CHRIST , THEY gonna wail too .
As JESUS preached TO THE JEWS FIRST and warned them
IT WILL BE WORSE FOR YE than for sodom on the day of judgment . THERE really is ONLY one plan of salvation
THERE really is only ONE SAME GOSPEL to both jew and gentile . AND ITS ABOUT TIME christendom itself learns that gospel
and begins to preach THAT JESUS . or suffer the wrath of all mighty GOD and of the Lamb
will all do who bought the lie and had rejected the love of the truth whereby the could have been saved .
Is not the TRUTH that which we, who are His Flock, are to be seeking and submitting too whereby we are Sanctified in the TRUTH???

Why do our brethren argue against and/or run away from "it is written".

Is it not that men have crept into the churches to draw away the Sheep and make them disciples of man instead of CHRIST and the Holy Spirit.

Do i not hear on these forum's the constant naying of: "my pastor says" and/or "intellectual man says" and/or "i follow_______________ "

"How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God?"
the peace plan will lead to the greatest crusades of all out darkness to come against the saints .
Interfaith will lead all to a lie and the merged will come against the true saints in the largest crusades that have ever been .
What is forming and what is , Is leading all to total rebellion as ONE against GOD , CHRIST , the saints . and they think
they do GODS WILL .
Is not the TRUTH that which we, who are His Flock, are to be seeking and submitting too whereby we are Sanctified in the TRUTH???

Why do our brethren argue against and/or run away from "it is written".

Is it not that men have crept into the churches to draw away the Sheep and make them disciples of man instead of CHRIST and the Holy Spirit.

Do i not hear on these forum's the constant naying of: "my pastor says" and/or "intellectual man says" and/or "i follow_______________ "

"How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God?"
I have heard it said that my words are too grave , too fearful , that i am scaring the people .
GOOD , they need have the true fear of GOD put into them . THEY headed right to the LIE NOW .
and on that path they will be destroyed by the VERY GOD and very CHRIST they thought they followed
and yet HAD DENIED . save some through compassion and others through fear . Someone gotta do something .
My desire is good for all , and i see a lot headed right down the road that ends in perdition . i shall expose the harlot
and all her works and whatever the cost to me is for doing that , WILL BE THE COST .
And they loved not their lives unto death .
Yes my friend it sure is easy to flush it out with only a few reminders and questions .
Shall we test this my friend .
Let me begin . I go and say that all other religoins cannot save and do not Know GOD .
And one says , HEY dont judge for there are good people in all religoins who etc etc etc .
Answer . THERE is NONE WHO IS GOOD but GOD and thus all NEED to BELEIVE ON JESUS THE CHRIST to be saved
to be made the righteousness of GOD , to be justified by WHAT CHRIST has DONE .
pretty easy all right .
Or how about if they respond and say dont judge you dont know their heart .
WELL i do know the heart of man is wicked from his youth and up . SO AGAIN all need to beleive on JESUS THE CHRIST .
He shall create in us a new heart with new desires to be pleasing to GOD .
Without faith in GOD it is impossible to please him . WITHOUT BELIEF and FAITH in HIS CHRIST , WELL then ones FAITH IS NOT IN
THE FATHER WHO SENT HIM . now is it . its rather in ourselves to attain , to etc , and if ones faith is in their own abilities and own works
MAN do they and man have they FALLEN FAR SHORT of the GLORY and RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD .
Many have not submitted to the RIGHTEOUSNESS which is of GOD . TILL THEY DO , they in deadly danger and walk in darkness
and know not at what they stumble as they fumble the words of GOD to try and create some other way to HIM . STUMBLING STONE
He who hears us is of GOD but he who hears us not is not of GOD . DONT JUDGE
My response to those who say dont judge , is I DIDNT SAY IT FIRST , JESUS DID and later JOHN DID . bible time .
BTW it's not faith is the Father that saves anyone from their sin, its faith in the Son alone. He is the Savior of all men, He is the One who died for the sins of the world, He is the One a person must confess as Lord ( YHWH ) to be saved. There is no one else and no other name by which men are saved but His.

See Romans 10:9-13, cf Joel 2:32. :) for biblical proof He is the One Lord.
BTW it's not faith is the Father that saves anyone from their sin, its faith in the Son alone. He is the Savior of all men, He is the One a person must confess as Lord ( YHWH ) to be saved. There is no one else and no other name by which men are saved but His.

See Romans 10:9-13, cf Joel 2:32. :) for biblical proof He is the One Lord.
Yes indeed = Acts 4:12

hen Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders of Israel: If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man, by what means he has been made well, let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

HOWEVER, when you believe in the NAME above all names you also believe in the FATHER and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, 2as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He [a]should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him.
3 = And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
4I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.
5And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
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Yes, Romans 9. Let's look at something Saul says. This is salvation in a nutshell:

3 For I could wish that myself were eaccursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:
4 Who are Israelites;
to whom pertaineth the adoption,
and the glory,
and the covenants,
and the giving of the law,
and the service of God,
and the promises;
5 Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh
Christ came,
who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.
Rom. 9:3–5.

This is salvation and Saul covers it nicely in just a few short sentences. Notice none of these things are given to non-Hebrew Gentiles. Gentiles do not have the "adoption" or "the glory" or "the covenants" or "the Law" or "the service [in the Tabernacle/Temple] of God" or "the promises." These all belong to Israel.
Paul is leading up to the "children of the promise" as the seed which include Gentiles.
Saul is making distinction between Isaac and Ishmael. Both are the seed of Abraham, but the covenant is inherited by Isaac. No Gentiles here. Next.

Again, addressing Israel. NOT GENTILES.
Here Paul is talking about "children of the promise" as the seed which include Gentiles.
The Gentiles here are mixed heritage Hebrews who grew up as Gentiles in a Greek culture. They were not even circumcised and while some knew of their Hebrew heritage some did not and as seed of Abraham and heirs according to the Promise of God it is necessary that they learn of their inheritance. Saul as rabbi and Pharisee would NOT preach a Holy Spirit of Promise Promised to Israel to Gentiles. Saul knew there were no non-Hebrew Gentiles in any of the three Hebrew Covenants. God promised nothing to Gentiles and so Gentiles are on the outside of covenant and salvation. If God wanted to save non-Hebrews He would have said so when He made these covenants with Israel but He didn't. There are no non-Hebrew Gentiles in any of the three Hebrew covenants.
Here Paul is explaining why Gentiles are included as "children of the promise" as the seed.

Don't you just love Paul? How can he not be your favorite Apostle of all times?
I have heard it said that my words are too grave , too fearful , that i am scaring the people .
GOOD , they need have the true fear of GOD put into them . THEY headed right to the LIE NOW .
and on that path they will be destroyed by the VERY GOD and very CHRIST they thought they followed
and yet HAD DENIED . save some through compassion and others through fear . Someone gotta do something .
My desire is good for all , and i see a lot headed right down the road that ends in perdition . i shall expose the harlot
and all her works and whatever the cost to me is for doing that , WILL BE THE COST .
And they loved not their lives unto death .
Yes my friend it sure is easy to flush it out with only a few reminders and questions .
Shall we test this my friend .
Let me begin . I go and say that all other religoins cannot save and do not Know GOD .
And one says , HEY dont judge for there are good people in all religoins who etc etc etc .
Answer . THERE is NONE WHO IS GOOD but GOD and thus all NEED to BELEIVE ON JESUS THE CHRIST to be saved
to be made the righteousness of GOD , to be justified by WHAT CHRIST has DONE .
pretty easy all right .
Or how about if they respond and say dont judge you dont know their heart .
WELL i do know the heart of man is wicked from his youth and up . SO AGAIN all need to beleive on JESUS THE CHRIST .
He shall create in us a new heart with new desires to be pleasing to GOD .
Without faith in GOD it is impossible to please him . WITHOUT BELIEF and FAITH in HIS CHRIST , WELL then ones FAITH IS NOT IN
THE FATHER WHO SENT HIM . now is it . its rather in ourselves to attain , to etc , and if ones faith is in their own abilities and own works
MAN do they and man have they FALLEN FAR SHORT of the GLORY and RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD .
Many have not submitted to the RIGHTEOUSNESS which is of GOD . TILL THEY DO , they in deadly danger and walk in darkness
and know not at what they stumble as they fumble the words of GOD to try and create some other way to HIM . STUMBLING STONE
He who hears us is of GOD but he who hears us not is not of GOD . DONT JUDGE
My response to those who say dont judge , is I DIDNT SAY IT FIRST , JESUS DID and later JOHN DID . bible time .
Yes indeed = Acts 4:12

hen Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders of Israel: If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man, by what means he has been made well, let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

HOWEVER, when you believe in the NAME above all names you also believe in the FATHER and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, 2as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He [a]should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him.
3 = And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
4I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.
5And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
I have given them YOUR NAME .
i have MANIFEST your NAME . you bet my friend .
Trumpets sounded as marching boots be pounded to the song of the glorious and only LIFE saving NAME OF JESUS THE CHRIST .
Interfaith and all its splendor and glory gets shut down and exposed on this lambs watch .
Paul is leading up to the "children of the promise" as the seed which include Gentiles.

Here Paul is talking about "children of the promise" as the seed which include Gentiles.

Here Paul is explaining why Gentiles are included as "children of the promise" as the seed.

Don't you just love Paul? How can he not be your favorite Apostle of all times?
Same paul also exposed the vile acts of man with man and woman with woman .
Same one said Who we obey is whose we are whether of sin unto death or of obediance unto righteousness .
We love and embrace ALL things inspired by the Spirit . and what GOD has called wicked let none call good .
Put on the marching boots and all armour of the LORD
and stand upon the ROCK of our salvation Christ JESUS . For a massive tidal wave of delusion is pouring and flooding
within even Christendom itself . And he or she who makes not their stand upon the ROCK , upon CHRIST JESUS
will surely be taken in the flood of the great delusion that has come in under the guise its of GOD and its HIS LOVE .
HIS LOVE REJOICES IN TRUTH and not in inquity . Now to them trenches and let the trumpets be sounded
and the boots be pounded to the WORD and words of OUR LORD and all TRUTH left to us in said bible .
He who stands upon THE LORD though the waves come gainst him shall not fall into the river of delusion .
But he who stands upon interfaith and the movement of men will at his end hear , I NEVER KNEW YOU .
you who heeded that which is of anti christ . watch out its moving in fast now .
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