The Gospels Codex from 78 AD - where is it?

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Do you think it was an honest attempt to reach Syriac Aramaic people or the planting of a viral-laden bomb to undermine the Greek Koine Bible?

Neither... the so-called "oral law" of the Jews that supposedly keeps the "real meaning" the Torah, is the natural man speaking with no revelation and guidance.

It is like someone writing a commentary on the Bible when they are not even born again. It turns into a kind of a legalistic soulish folk religion full of superstitions.
Neither... the so-called "oral law" of the Jews that supposedly keeps the "real meaning" the Torah, is the natural man speaking with no revelation and guidance.

It is like someone writing a commentary on the Bible when they are not even born again. It turns into a kind of a legalistic soulish folk religion full of superstitions.
Just curious, the Peshitta was written down by who exactly? Who claimed authorship of that text, if anyone? I would like to unravel what was the true intent of that writing.
Just curious, the Peshitta was written down by who exactly? Who claimed authorship of that text, if anyone? I would like to unravel what was the true intent of that writing.

As far as I know, it was simply to bring the Bible to Aramaic speakers, nothing more nor less.

No special or secret reason.
Whoever said that is wrong and doesn't understand the historical documents.


The consensus within biblical scholarship, though not universal, is that the Old Testament of the Peshitta was translated into Syriac from Hebrew, probably in the 2nd century AD, and that the New Testament of the Peshitta was translated from the Greek.

Just curious, the Peshitta was written down by who exactly? Who claimed authorship of that text, if anyone? I would like to unravel what was the true intent of that writing.
The Church of the East who use the Peshitta claim it is the original text of the New Testament. They can trace it back to the earliest manuscript to the 5th century. But that doesn't mean it was originally written at that time.

Their New Testament canon didn't include 2 Peter, 2 & 3 John, Jude or Revelation. The conjecture is that those were written after the rest of the New Testament was collected and started being dispersed through out the east. Later those 5 books were accepted but never to the same level of authority. This is another evidence of the validity of the original texts written in Aramaic.
The Alexandrian Jews translated the Hebrew OT to Koine Greek NT with "much mourning"? Was there a mourning ceremony when the LXX was unveiled? Was there wailing and gnashing of teeth when the LXX was unveiled? The Alexandrian Jews took on this immense translation project so that in the end that can wail about it? What you're promoting is totally bizarre.

The fact is that the Alexandrian Jews were effectively Hellenized and it became painfully obvious that the Hebrew OT needed to be translated to Greek if the subsequent Jewish generations were to be OT literate. That was the driving force behind the LXX. The driving force was not so that they can wail, mourn, gnash their teeth at the LXX's creation.
Read the evidence and weep.

Torah translated into Greek (246 BCE)
"During Talmudic times, Tevet 8 was observed by some as a fast day, expressing the fear of the detrimental effect of the translation."
What?? Consensus? By whom? Greekies?

Well, I'm not closed minded but I do tend to at least respect scholarly consensus.

Who are your expert witnesses?

There is definite signs of translation in Aramaic, and clear inaccuracies, and all manuscripts are late.

Just because it is in "Aramaic" does not make it a magic text with no textual history free from text criticism.
Well, I'm not closed minded but I do tend to at least respect scholarly consensus.
Do you though? Do you? Which scholarly consensus are you going to respect? The western Church scholars? Or the eastern Church scholars? Both can't be correct.

You forgot this: The consensus within biblical scholarship, though not universal,

There is definite signs of translation in Aramaic, and clear inaccuracies, and all manuscripts are late.
I would love to see evidence for these claims. All of those are provably false.
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Neither... the so-called "oral law" of the Jews that supposedly keeps the "real meaning" the Torah, is the natural man speaking with no revelation and guidance.

It is like someone writing a commentary on the Bible when they are not even born again. It turns into a kind of a legalistic soulish folk religion full of superstitions.

There is some value to be found in oral tradition. However, the gaps in time that exists make it much less likely to be accurate. Which is somewhat what happened from Abraham to Egyptian slavery.
Do you though? Do you? Which scholarly consensus are you going to respect? The western Church scholars? Or the eastern Church scholars? Both can't be correct.

You forgot this: The consensus within biblical scholarship, though not universal,

I would love to see evidence for these claims. All of those are provably false.

Then prove it. You've admitted to supposedly "keeping the best for last". The onus is upon you to accurately place the Aramaic editions in 78 AD. You have done that.
There is some value to be found in oral tradition. However, the gaps in time that exists make it much less likely to be accurate. Which is somewhat what happened from Abraham to Egyptian slavery.
What evidence do you have for these outlandish statements? You can't just get away with drive-by edit
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Then prove it. You've admitted to supposedly "keeping the best for last". The onus is upon you to accurately place the Aramaic editions in 78 AD. You have done that.
I have no obligation to do anything. You are the one who ignored the words within Josephus that absolutely destroyed the statements that you claimed. You dismissed them entirely. Until YOU address this presented evidence and explain how Josephus actually supports your view, nothing else you ask or present matters. Just because you don't want to deal with something that goes against your views, doesn't mean that you will not be held to it.
What evidence do you have for these outlandish statements? You can't just get away with drive-by lies.

Simple. There are competing manuscripts from the time period that detail an alternate narrative. Moses presents the Truth while the others are most likely from uncertain oral traditions.

Also, from experience.... it is human nature to selectively share the information that is only important to you. You know.... SIN.

SIN alone explains much of the mess we have with manuscripts. If man had really cared for God, we would have a perfect extant witness today. We don't.

I'm not trying to be difficult here but you really shouldn't start with commentary. It is obvious that you're not looking for real evidence. You're just following your own desires. Rather poorly at that.
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