The Gospel Of Salvation

again there is a reason i brought this video . to remind us that not one story in that bible is a fable .
GOD himself had and has all power , HE SPOKE ALL INTO EXISTANCE .
Easily He can give a man power to KILL a thousand men at once . THERE Is no limit , His hand is not so short .
A virgin concieved
Sarah herself , even conceived when she was well past the age .
GOD SPOKE , SPOKE and created all that IS . SO let us never once heed men
who try and say certain things in that there bible could not have possibly have occured .
NOTHING too hard for GOD my friend . I BELEIVE that . its time our faith be built up
and harsh persecutions will soon come upon the saints to test and to try us all . HAVE FAITH IN GOD
cause in man there is no hope . IF it is written in the BIBLE , my FRIEND ITS TRUTH . LET GOD BE TRUE but every man a liar .
Tears of JOY to my eyes and heart..................
The true gospel is a disclosure of God’s saving power, and it teaches that God’s saving grace is particular, reserved exclusively for the elect a remnant. God’s elect will perceive the gospel of Christ as the power of God, whereas the reprobates will believe it is foolishness1 Corinthians 1:18. Understand, the glorious gospel of Gods grace is not an offer that is offered to all men in hopes that they will accept it. The true gospel is a proclamation of God’s particular sovereign grace, and the righteousness of Christ, which produces converting effects only to the elect.
Paul's Gospel is very clear, that we are saved, made righteous by the obedience of one Rom 5:19

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.:

Now Adam's sin became ours, or we were made sinners, through his sin; by imputation, it was reckoned, it was placed to the account of all his posterity. So Christ's righteousness becomes ours, or we are made righteous, through that righteousness of his; by the imputation of it to us, it is reckoned, it is placed to our account. Again, the same way our sins became Christ's, Christ's righteousness becomes ours, as appears from (1 Corinthians 5:21). He who knew no sin, was made sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Now the way in which Christ was made sin for us, was by imputation; he never had any sin inherent in him, though he had it transferred unto him and laid upon him. So the way in which we are made the righteousness of God, must be by the imputation of Christ's righteousness, and indeed we cannot be made righteous any other way, than by imputation. For the objects of justification are ungodly persons in themselves; for God justifies the ungodly

as in the verse preceding my text. Now if they are ungodly in themselves, then they are not justified by a righteousness of their own, it must be by the righteousness of another. And if they are justified by the righteousness of another, that other's righteousness must be some way or other made theirs, it must be placed to their account, and reckoned as their own, which is only done by an imputation of it to them.
Paul's Gospel is very clear, that we are saved, made righteous by the obedience of one Rom 5:19

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.:
Yes and the same paul who wrote that made sure to make it clear one must confess Him by mouth
believing from the heart that GOD has rose Him from the dead .
For with the heart man believes unto RIGHTEOUSNESS and confession unto salvation .
Lets not try and go down that ol all inclusive interfaith lovey do path my friend .
I know it can bring a false peace , but beleive me its false and will save none . Do be encouraged .
Yes and the same paul who wrote that made sure to make it clear one must confess Him by mouth
believing from the heart that GOD has rose Him from the dead .
For with the heart man believes unto RIGHTEOUSNESS and confession unto salvation .
Lets not try and go down that ol all inclusive interfaith lovey do path my friend .
I know it can bring a false peace , but beleive me its false and will save none . Do be encouraged .
That does you no good if you havent been convinced of Rom 5:19
That does you no good if you havent been convinced of Rom 5:19
yeah many forget about the dire fact one must believe . I sees what you are trying to do .
You fallen in love with inclusive love my friend .
Always remember IF GOD says something ITS TRUE
and let us not be as eve who decided to BELIEVE the serepent
when HE said surely ye shall not die . GOD said THEY WOULD .
JESUS made darn sure to say what comes upon those who believe not . ITS KNOWN as DAMANATION .
now you wanna turn around and call HIM a liar . Yeah , interfaith is of anti christ
and this church age has been taken for a ride on a false love train . Lets not twist scrips
LETS BELIEVE ALL That is written .
Yes, all who believe
Exactly . The one thing the serpent loveth to do
is to convince us no need to BELEIVE .
GOD said surely ye shall die in the day ye eat thereof
and mr serpent said SURELY ye shall not die .
Just like he and his men do today .
SURELY they shall not perish if they believe not , surely they shall not be damned.
BUT boy is he a liar . JESUS SAID THEY WOULD . IF GOD says it , COUNT IT AS TRUTH .
Yes, all who believe
Let GOD be true . HIS WORDS be TRUTH . we dont heed the voice of the serpent or his men .
THEY building a love religoin and it sure dont include JESUS THE CHRIST and the DIRE NEED TO BELEIVE ON HIM .
its a false love road . THE SHEEP wont enter that broad road either . JESUS has the sheep . THEY BELIEVE HIM , aka HIS WORDS
and not the voice or words of another .
Allow me the soliders call .
SOLIDERS of the LORD , MOUNT UP . TIME to defend the one true faith for many decievers have infiltrated
and have made the road to GOD , VERY , VERY BROAD . but know not the broad road they on leads only to destruction .
Yes, all who believe
He who believes is not condemend
but he who believes NOT is condemned already
for he beleives NOT on the name of the ONLY begotten SON o GOD .
JESUS WORDS are true ,
brightfames are NOT . many are on the broad road and follow what paul would term another jesus .
that jesus has made VOID the words OF THE TRUE JESUS who made it darn clear
it was dire necessary to BELIEVE ON HIM .
HIS SHEEP , HEED HIS VOICE and the voice of the peddlar who peddles a false love song
that makes a real broad path , they WONT HEED IT . they expose it .
TO the trenches TOM , we are in an all out war and the one true gospel
is under attack by even those within christendom itself .
yeah many forget about the dire fact one must believe . I sees what you are trying to do .
You fallen in love with inclusive love my friend .
Always remember IF GOD says something ITS TRUE
and let us not be as eve who decided to BELIEVE the serepent
when HE said surely ye shall not die . GOD said THEY WOULD .
JESUS made darn sure to say what comes upon those who believe not . ITS KNOWN as DAMANATION .
now you wanna turn around and call HIM a liar . Yeah , interfaith is of anti christ
and this church age has been taken for a ride on a false love train . Lets not twist scrips
LETS BELIEVE ALL That is written .
If you dont believe Rom 5:19 thats unbelif
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