The early church fathers were important to us for four reasons:

The godhead involves God, His Spirit and His son. All are deities yet the father at the head, with His Spirit and Christ as His hands as per prophets.
the term being was fetishized based on augustine who muddled the term with aristotelian (pagan) substance. De Trinitate is filled with associations of God to this. But a rule of pagan substance = only one primary cause. This is a huge topic in plato which rcc took to the limit for satanic reasons.
three Beings who are deities, with God as their head. simple.

That is simple, but it isn’t trinitarianism.

The deity of the trinitarians is one being, and only one deity.

What you’re describing sounds like tritheism to me. Are you a tritheist?
the 144k are restored to their deity, which is their eden nature given by God, the original body He made for them in paradise now as resurrection body. Thus in their deity as His actual Sons, they rule with Christ.
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That is simple, but it isn’t trinitarianism.

The deity of the trinitarians is one being, and only one deity.

What you’re describing sounds like tritheism to me. Are you a tritheist?
no idea what that is as I avoid buzz terms.

God's nature is eden nature, His signature is upon His nature. The nature (growing things, this body of flesh) on this planet is not from Him.

His Nature has a different physicality and character.
That is simple, but it isn’t trinitarianism.

The deity of the trinitarians is one being, and only one deity.

What you’re describing sounds like tritheism to me. Are you a tritheist?
i dont see a problem with that they are one since their nature is one nature and is their signature, that said, they are three Beings
with the father as their head...

just as male and female are one, with male as head... but not in form of domination. not a higher and lower.
i dont see a problem with that they are one since their nature is one nature and is their signature, that said, they are three Beings
with the father as their head...

just as male and female are one, with male as head... but not in form of domination. not a higher and lower.


Would you say then that the heavens and the earth were created by three Gods?
All the 144k will be restored to their place which was lost because of adam..

the 144k in their glorified being will return with Christ to this earth during trib and rescue many more believers who were left behind.
All the 144k will be restored to their place which was lost because of adam..

the 144k in their glorified being will return with Christ to this earth during trib and rescue many more believers who were left behind.

Are these 144,000 Gods?

Would you say then that the heavens and the earth were created by three Gods?
Different attributes of God have different aspects of reality they create... the feminine pillar of fire has specific ones as do the 7 torches, also feminine creational attributes of God. The cornerstone and 4 cherubs, male attributes of God, also have their job.
The godhead involves God, His Spirit and His son. All are deities yet the father at the head, with His Spirit and Christ as His hands as per prophets.
I would not use the word godhead or even godhood unless you really mean 3 deities that might encompass it, this word, as it's of a pagan origin.

The pagan were generally polytheists...

Wycliff I believe in the 1300s was first to change the Greek word for divinity or divine being depending if used as an adjective or noun into godhead.

I believe the source of divinity is only from the Father God and that his spirit naturally is incorporated/included, and not his son. The son partakes in the Father's divine nature.

just saying...and hello to you...APAK
That is simple, but it isn’t trinitarianism.

The deity of the trinitarians is one being, and only one deity.

What you’re describing sounds like tritheism to me. Are you a tritheist?
No it’s One Being and 3 Persons or 3 Divine Persons who are One Being.
Anyone who has read Tertullian for themselves knows that he isn’t a trinitarian at all. He says things which no trinitarian would ever say.

And he says SOME things better than even many modern Trinitarians:

"In what sense, however, you ought to understand Him to be another, I have already explained, on the ground of Personality, not of Substance — in the way of distinction, not of division. But although I must everywhere hold one only substance in three coherent and inseparable (Persons), yet I am bound to acknowledge, from the necessity of the case, that He who issues a command is different from Him who executes it."



I may never recover.
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