@Pancho Frijoles,
I do not mean to be unkind. I do mean to be direct. I am confident you think your posts have merit but they do not. Instead, they show an amazing amount of ignorance of both scripture and basic logic. On top of that, apparently my posts have somehow been found provoking because a pile of posts to defend the mistakes is a dead giveaway for something triggered.
From the scriptural point of view the FACT is Jesus is the ONLY way ANYONE can be saved. If memory serves me correctly, you and I have discussed the exclusive nature of Jesus' and the NT writers' claim of exclusivity. This, of course, directly contradicts the Bahai viewpoint of revelation being progressive in nature, coming in many forms in many ways from many sources. You are never going to find consensus with that in this Christian forum in a thread populated with Christians, especially not the conservative evangelicals in assembly here. It's understandable that anyone in your position might want to present a rationale case for an alternative that might persuade us but that brings me back to my first point: Ignorance and fallacy has been posted, not exegesis and logic, and you apparently don't see it.
The minute Paul wrote there is no other person, no other name by which anyone can be saved he necessarily qualified the entirety of Christian revelation and asserted a huge problem for all other religions. Paul did that knowingly and if he wrote those words under God's inspired direction then it was God Himself qualifying the entirety of His revelation and necessarily precluding a plethora of disparate views heled by others in Paul's day (and that would include the Jewish appeal to ritual and the Law, as well as all the Gentile viewpoints existing in Paul's day). We might discuss whether or not, or how and to what degree the knowledge of Christ crucified and resurrected was revealed in other religions, but the exclusivity of Jesus is not up for debate.
Aside from that, much of what you've posted has ignored to stipulations of the op (like the
covenant aspect of salvation) and is, therefore, off topic, digressive, and perhaps even indicative of your imposing an agenda on the thread rather than respecting the op.
So take a few breaths.
The covenant within which David and the Ninevites (assuming they were soteriologically saved) were saved is Christological. That fact has been evidenced and
proven using verse explaining that condition. You don't get to dispute it anymore. That Old Testament persons heard the gospel and possessed at least some knowledge of that gospel has also been demonstrated. You don't get to dispute that, either. In fact, entire books about this have been written and simple survey of that matter would consume several posts. That you either do not already know that or would presume to teach any of us differently is another indication of sheer ignorance of the Bible. As someone who is Bahai and, therefore, believes the Bible a part of divine inspiration it is incumbent on you to understand its depth before presuming to tell any Christian what it says or what it means. I happen to be someone who has read all the great books and studied with teachers in those religions, but the Christians here have chosen and been led not to study other perspective and devote themselves to the study of the Bible. The fact that we have real and seemingly disparate views does not change the fact most of us have studied the Bible much more thoroughly than you. Your posts here confirm that fact. You've stalled over Paul's statement there is no other person by which anyone can be saved and how that qualifies
everything written in the OT. I am not the only one here who has attempted to help you understand this and when it exceeds the point of agreeing to disagree it disrupts the thread, especially when it becomes argumentum ad nauseam.
This op, btw, is intended to bring to light the significance of the covenant relationship regarding salvation. It will prove to be a matter of controversy for some. I will not be digressing to discuss all the nonsense you've posted, and I exhort everyone else in the thread (
@Red Baker,
@Studyman) not to fall prey to digression. The op's question is simple and specific, and the minute Paul cited the exclusivity of Christ he also qualified every covenant ever mentioned in the Bible. Logic dictates that if there is no other person by which anyone can be saved then every single covenant with God must somehow be related to that fact.
It does not take four pages posts to answer this op's inquiry and every occasion when I read someone answering the question asked, I endeavor move the conversation forward.