Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth

'But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned
and hast been assured of,
knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures,
which are able to make thee wise unto salvation
through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
.All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable
.. for doctrine,
.... for reproof,
...... for correction,
........ for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect,
throughly furnished unto all good works.'

(2Tim. 3:15-17)

Hello @Johann,

I have cause to be grateful for the teaching that I have received concerning the need to 'rightly divide the word of truth' ( 2 Tim. 2:15): For it has led me to know and acknowledge Christ Jesus the risen Lord not only as my Saviour and Lord; but as the Head of the Church which is The Body of Christ, of which I believe myself to be a member. For by God's grace I can now differentiate between what is 'about' me, as a member of that blessed company: and what is, though for my learning, not directly 'for' me by way of application. Bringing clarity of thought and dispelling any ground for confusion or wrong application of truth. Praise God!

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
Absolutely correct @Complete and keep up the good work.

'Of these things put them in remembrance,
charging them before the Lord
that they strive not about words to no profit,
but to the subverting of the hearers.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
But shun profane and vain babblings:
for they will increase unto more ungodliness.'

(2Tim 2:14-16)

Hello there,

I found this relatively short explanation (below), of what it means to rightly divide the word of truth,
please take a look and make comment if you wish:-

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
Is this the site you study from @Complete?

Hello @Johann,

'Berean Apologetics Community Forum', is the only forum that I take part in now, for it is the one where I have found one or two kindred minds, and the opportunity to discuss the calling and hope that the risen Christ revealed to the Apostle Paul, as His Steward while in prison at Rome, which Paul made known to the saints and faithful through the epistles written from His imprisonment (Eph. Phil. Col. 1 & 2 Tim, Tit. and Phile.), Romans 5:12 - 8:39. being the basis upon which that teaching is grounded.

Believer.com is an Acts 28 site as is Bibleunderstanding.com, which I do visit, but they have no forum facility, only the means of making comment at the end of each study posted, which is good, but limited.

I have not used the study materials available on this site so far, no. I have the books and recordings of the works of such as Dr, E. W. Bullinger, Mr. Charles Welch and Mr. Stuart Allen published and distributed by, 'The Berean Publishing Trust,' of, 'The Chapel of The Opened Book,' Wilson Street, London. This library has served me well so far, with, 'The Companion Bible', and Concordances, Bible Dictionary etc., + online facilities. So I am not without study aids. I prefer to just get down and read my Bible, and compare Scripture with Scripture, for that is where joy is found in the spirit, as the Holy Spirit takes of the things of Christ and makes them known to me, by His grace.

* I am an Acts 28 Dispensationalist, and I believe this site is mid-Acts by persuasion.

* What about you, Johann, do you use the study facilities available on this site?

Thank you
In Christ Jesus

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Hello @Johann,

'Berean Apologetics Community Forum' is the only forum that I take part in now, for it is the one where I have found one or two kindred minds, and the opportunity to discuss the calling and hope that the risen Christ revealed to the Apostle Paul, as His Steward while in prison at Rome, which Paul made known to the saints and faithful through the epistles written from His imprisonment (Eph. Phil. Col. 1 & 2 Tim, Tit. and Phile.), Romans 5:12 - 8:39. being the basis upon which that teaching is grounded.

Believer.com is an Acts 28 site as is Bibleunderstanding.com, which I do visit, but they have no forum facility, only the means of making comment at the end of each study posted, which is good, but limited.

I have not used the study materials available on this site so far, no. I have the books and recordings of the works of such as Dr, E. W. Bullinger, Mr. Charles Welch and Mr. Stuart Allen published and distributed by, ',' of, 'The Chapel of The Opened Book,' Wilson Street, London. This library has served me well so far, with, 'The Companion Bible', and Concordances, Bible Dictionary etc., + online facilities. So I am not without study aids. I prefer to just get down and read my Bible, and compare Scripture with Scripture, for that is where joy is found in the spirit, as the Holy Spirit takes of the things of Christ and makes them known to me, by His grace.

* I am an Acts 28 Dispensationalist, and I believe this site is mid-Acts by persuasion.

* What about you, Johann, do you use the study facilities available on this site?

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
No @Complete-is this the one you are talking about?

Hello @Johann,

'Berean Apologetics Community Forum', is the only forum that I take part in now, for it is the one where I have found one or two kindred minds, and the opportunity to discuss the calling and hope that the risen Christ revealed to the Apostle Paul, as His Steward while in prison at Rome, which Paul made known to the saints and faithful through the epistles written from His imprisonment (Eph. Phil. Col. 1 & 2 Tim, Tit. and Phile.), Romans 5:12 - 8:39. being the basis upon which that teaching is grounded.

Believer.com is an Acts 28 site as is Bibleunderstanding.com, which I do visit, but they have no forum facility, only the means of making comment at the end of each study posted, which is good, but limited.

I have not used the study materials available on this site so far, no. I have the books and recordings of the works of such as Dr, E. W. Bullinger, Mr. Charles Welch and Mr. Stuart Allen published and distributed by, 'The Berean Publishing Trust,' of, 'The Chapel of The Opened Book,' Wilson Street, London. This library has served me well so far, with, 'The Companion Bible', and Concordances, Bible Dictionary etc., + online facilities. So I am not without study aids. I prefer to just get down and read my Bible, and compare Scripture with Scripture, for that is where joy is found in the spirit, as the Holy Spirit takes of the things of Christ and makes them known to me, by His grace.

* I am an Acts 28 Dispensationalist, and I believe this site is mid-Acts by persuasion.

* What about you, Johann, do you use the study facilities available on this site?

Thank you
In Christ Jesus

I just got done meeting with our saturday morning mens discipleship group at my house. I'm having trouble reading the print on my bible I have had from the 80's with all my notes in it so I just ordered a Thompson Chain reference bible in large print. I can't wait to get a bible that I can read the print and hold in my hands. Its so easy in our day to depend on electronic versions. I prefer to sit alone without a device with me, the physical bible and the Lord. :)
No @Complete-is this the one you are talking about?


Hi @Johann,

That is the Publishing Trust that has been a valuable source of literature, written and audio, for me. There should be a list of their books there somewhere. Though there does not appear to be any other online source of fellowship with them, except by zoom at their chapel, which is 'The Chapel of The Opened Book', in London. Believer.com is very good though.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
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Hi @Johann,

That is the Publishing Trust that has been a valuable source of literature, written and audio, for me. There should be a list of their books there somewhere. Though there does not appear to be any other online source of fellowship with them, except by zoom at their chapel, which is 'The Chapel of The Opened Book', in London. Believer.com is very good though.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
That's strange, @Complete. I can't seem to locate The Chapel of The Opened Book. Also, does Believer.com engage deeply with the Hebrew and Greek texts?

Hi @Johann,

This may be of help:- https://www.obt.org.uk/

I Believe that Believer.com does engage with the Hebrew and Greek Text, yes.

In Christ Jesus
And as you rightly said, @Complete, all we need is one or two like-minded people, since I am tired of all the arguments and members claiming you're wrong for embracing dispensational teachings. At least that way, you are staying true to the Scriptures.

And as you rightly said, @Complete, all we need is one or two like-minded people, since I am tired of all the arguments and members claiming you're wrong for embracing dispensational teachings. At least that way, you are staying true to the Scriptures.

I'm dispensational myself but I don't tell those who don't believe it they are wrong. Its not salvific.
I was not referring to you, Civic-there's no need to be so sensitive.

I never said you were I was just making a point that it should not divide.

And I'm not sensitive at all on the topic. :)

Its not salvific so Its not important in the grand scheme of things whether one believes in a pre, mid, post trib.

Hello brothers in Christ,

We are all God's workmanship, and each one of us is under His tutelage.

May His will be done in each one of us,
For His Name and glory's sake.
Within the love of Christ our Saviour,
our Lord and Head.
Hi there both (@civic & @Johann)

Our interaction on the forum is ideally one of mutual edification, isn't it? and in the light of that, it is necessary for us to always keep in mind the tactics of the enemy of our souls, who uses the flesh as a means of sowing discord.

In the past I have taken part in many different forums, and there have been occasions when I have felt as though I have been swimming in shark infested waters. The attacks have been brutal and extremely personal in nature, but I have learned through those experiences to ignore the personal and concentrate on the subject in hand, and this acts as a shield , and enables me to continue engaging without either taking or giving offence.

Looking at 2 Timothy 2:15, within it's context, Timothy is surrounded by dispute, debate and argument it seems, and Paul, with the words of instruction in that verse, lifts Timothy above the vain disputations surrounding him, and places Him before God in Christ, reminding Him that it is God's approval that He is to seek, by rightly dividing the word of Truth, thus avoiding the damaging disputing of those around him, which at the very worst, could destroy the faith of some.

With love in Christ Jesus
'Of these things put them in remembrance,
charging them before the Lord
that they strive not about words to no profit,
but to the subverting of the hearers.
,, Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
.... a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
...... rightly dividing the word of truth.
But shun profane and vain babblings:
for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
And their word will eat as doth a canker:
of whom is
Hymenaeus and Philetus;
Who concerning the truth have erred,

saying that the resurrection is past already;
and overthrow the faith of some.'

(2Tim. 2:14-18)

Hi there,@Johann, @civic and Co.,

Hymenaeus and Philetus, had taken what was a yet future event, and placed it in the past: Thereby failing to rightly divide the word of truth that they had heard; causing consternation by erring concerning the truth. They said that the resurrection was past already. no wonder their fellow believers were in turmoil! This is why the instruction of Paul to Timothy was, and is, important. For if we take what applies to a past dispensation or a future dispensation, and apply it in this present one, it will cause confusion and blind the eyes of faith to the truth which is applicable to the believer in this present dispensation.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
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Hi there both (@civic & @Johann)

Our interaction on the forum is ideally one of mutual edification, isn't it? and in the light of that, it is necessary for us to always keep in mind the tactics of the enemy of our souls, who uses the flesh as a means of sowing discord.

In the past I have taken part in many different forums, and there have been occasions when I have felt as though I have been swimming in shark infested waters. The attacks have been brutal and extremely personal in nature, but I have learned through those experiences to ignore the personal and concentrate on the subject in hand, and this acts as a shield , and enables me to continue engaging without either taking or giving offence.

Looking at 2 Timothy 2:15, within it's context, Timothy is surrounded by dispute, debate and argument it seems, and Paul, with the words of instruction in that verse, lifts Timothy above the vain disputations surrounding him, and places Him before God in Christ, reminding Him that it is God's approval that He is to seek, by rightly dividing the word of Truth, thus avoiding the damaging disputing of those around him, which at the very worst, could destroy the faith of some.

With love in Christ Jesus
Well said !
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