Well-known member
I was asked to move this subject away from a thread it was not on topic with.
Not sure if this works.... any of the mods please move if so desired.
@Red Baker had posted this under the "Do we have any Catholics here" reply 106
To God's Grace asking
What I do believe the scriptures plainly teach concerning the lost is that they do not possess eternal life in "any sense whatsoever"!
“But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.”
Some Premillennial Theologians use this verse as support for the idea that there are at least two physical resurrections with a literal earthly millennial reign in between. However, scripture clearly teaches "one" future resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.
John 5:28-29
Ecclesiastes 12:7
1st Resurrection:
Acts 26:23
Colossians 1:18
Remember what the "souls" of those under the altar cried in Revelation 6:10, and Remember God's reply to them? His reply was that they should rest for a season, for there were more people to be martyred. You see, these are the "souls" reigning a thousand years in heaven, not "men" reigning on earth with Christ in a earthly city jerusalem as some Theologians surmise. Christians who have died (physically) and gone to heaven, yet living and Reigning with Christ in their souls existence! God will not Judge till the fullness of His martyrs have come in. He will not loose the judgment of Satan till His set time. Not until His Church is come to the full. This is the marvelous truth of God's Word. And the sad contradiction to those who try and make these souls of 1000 years speak of a literal 1000 year reign of Christ on this sin cursed earth with men.
Rest of the Dead = the unsaved who have died
First Resurrection = Christ, and all raised up with Him!
Now I posted this...
Reply 107
Thank you @Red Baker . You spoke it clearly
They are living and reigning with Christ every since He went to the cross to make that possible. We live and reign with Christ in heaven in our souls, even though our bodies decayed, yet we live. That's exactly what the verse is talking about. Believers who die, yet their souls living and reigning with Christ, while unbelievers (the rest of the dead) who die, don't live again until the second resurrection.
Ecclesiastes 12:7
But... a few questions please that I have struggled with.
If unbelievers dont live again until the second resurrection. (I assume also their judgement)... then when Jesus spoke to the rich man about the beggar Lazarus across the great divide... Who was He talking to? I do not believe this to have been a parable because this is one time Jesus used Lazarus' real name. ( Parables are generalized) The rich man knew enough to talk about thirst and his brothers. I had always assumed he was unsaved and already in hell.
What is your opinion, please, of where and what is/was PARADISE? Abraham's bosom?
I assume it to be Abraham's bosom but many say it is heaven. Others the 4th heaven?
Now... last, I promise.
Jesus descended at some point during his 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb.
This was to liberate those who had not ascended until after He would ascend and sit on the right hand of the Father. IS THAT RIGHT?
Since after the tomb was discovered empty and Jesus did appear to others... and according to Luke His ascension was 40 days after His resurrection (Pentecost)... When did the liberated souls actually go to heaven? (Remember, no one had seen the Father or Gone to Heaven except Jesus and no one would until He was up there) (I still have a problem of those resurrected saints in Matt 27:51-53.. especially since not all the saints came out of their graves)
Thanks and blessing.
Reply 108 was Red's Can you find us a thread we can discuss this in, or, do think it's okay to do so here, I do not care, but then again, I want to do what is proper and right?
And #109
@GodsGrace said
You're asking @Red Baker so I will only reply to the above since the answer is absolutely accepted by all Christians....
Paradise is Hades.
Abraham's Bossom is Paradise/Hades.
Same place.
I leave the rest for RB although I, of course, know the answers.
I do find it rather amazing how we have differing opinions.
This is not what Jesus wanted....He wanted His followers to be of one mind.
But, I suppose, that's a different topic.
So.. now that you are up to speed....
Ill make a reply to @GodsGrace
I am very, very, very happy you are here. I am very, very, very happy you are contributing
But my having been on a number of forums now I can assure you thatwe all have differing opinions unless we hail from the same church and denomination which is generally not the case.
I think what you wrote
"This is not what Jesus wanted....He wanted His followers to be of one mind.
But, I suppose, that's a different topic."
Would make a great topic. I think you should start one.
As to cutting in on other debates... You are fine. It sure is difficult to not voice an opinion when something hits your eyes and starts scream....LOL
So folks...
Anyone feel free to jump in here.
Not sure if this works.... any of the mods please move if so desired.
@Red Baker had posted this under the "Do we have any Catholics here" reply 106
To God's Grace asking
Do you believe in soul sleep for unbelievers?
What I do believe the scriptures plainly teach concerning the lost is that they do not possess eternal life in "any sense whatsoever"!
“But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.”
Some Premillennial Theologians use this verse as support for the idea that there are at least two physical resurrections with a literal earthly millennial reign in between. However, scripture clearly teaches "one" future resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.
John 5:28-29
- "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
- And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation."
Ecclesiastes 12:7
- "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it".
- "We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord".
1st Resurrection:
2nd Resurrection:Every single believer who has been raised up in Christ to new life, hath part in this 1st resurrection. Remember the scriptures talk of Christ as the "FIRST BORN FROM THE DEAD." If that's not the 1st Resurrection from the dead, the new birth in Christ, then nothing is. He is the Resurrection as He told Martha, and all those raised WITH HIM hath part in that first Resurrection. They are the Church of the firstborn. On these, the second death hath no power. Of course not, for they never die again! ..He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
1st Death:The second coming, at the last trumpet, at the last day, when we that are alive will be raised up to meet Jesus in the air, and Judgment day when the rest of the dead (unsaved who have died) are all are raised up to stand for Judgment.
2nd Death:The death in Adam which all of mankind has suffered and which if they are not resurrected in Christ from that death, they shall suffer the judgement in the second resurrection.
We see these thousand years are different for each group, and cannot logically or rationally be the same thousand years if that means literally a thousand. Simply put, verse five tells us that the rest of the dead, those who weren't Saved by having part in Christ's Resurrection (The First) remained dead, and they didn't live again until after the thousand years. That's not speculation, that's what the scriptures clearly say. And after the fullness of God's purpose, which is a different length of time for each of the dead, then they will be raised to stand for Judgment. Those who make the claim that the first Resurrection is not in Christ are contradicting God's Word. God tells us point blank that Christ is the First Resurrection. And he who hath an ear, let him hear and receive it.The Judgment that is meted out By GOD upon the unrighteous. HELL! There shall be weeping and grinding of teeth! This is the death that the wages of sin brings forth. It's punishment. The 1st Resurrection (Those raised in Christ) have no need to worry about this, as the power of the Cross of Christ (1st Resurrection) has taken away the sting of death.
Acts 26:23
- "That Christ should suffer, and that he should be the First Resurrection from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles".
Colossians 1:18
- "And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence".
- "To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect"
Remember what the "souls" of those under the altar cried in Revelation 6:10, and Remember God's reply to them? His reply was that they should rest for a season, for there were more people to be martyred. You see, these are the "souls" reigning a thousand years in heaven, not "men" reigning on earth with Christ in a earthly city jerusalem as some Theologians surmise. Christians who have died (physically) and gone to heaven, yet living and Reigning with Christ in their souls existence! God will not Judge till the fullness of His martyrs have come in. He will not loose the judgment of Satan till His set time. Not until His Church is come to the full. This is the marvelous truth of God's Word. And the sad contradiction to those who try and make these souls of 1000 years speak of a literal 1000 year reign of Christ on this sin cursed earth with men.
Rest of the Dead = the unsaved who have died
First Resurrection = Christ, and all raised up with Him!
Now I posted this...
Reply 107
Thank you @Red Baker . You spoke it clearly
They are living and reigning with Christ every since He went to the cross to make that possible. We live and reign with Christ in heaven in our souls, even though our bodies decayed, yet we live. That's exactly what the verse is talking about. Believers who die, yet their souls living and reigning with Christ, while unbelievers (the rest of the dead) who die, don't live again until the second resurrection.
Ecclesiastes 12:7
But... a few questions please that I have struggled with.
If unbelievers dont live again until the second resurrection. (I assume also their judgement)... then when Jesus spoke to the rich man about the beggar Lazarus across the great divide... Who was He talking to? I do not believe this to have been a parable because this is one time Jesus used Lazarus' real name. ( Parables are generalized) The rich man knew enough to talk about thirst and his brothers. I had always assumed he was unsaved and already in hell.
What is your opinion, please, of where and what is/was PARADISE? Abraham's bosom?
I assume it to be Abraham's bosom but many say it is heaven. Others the 4th heaven?
Now... last, I promise.
Jesus descended at some point during his 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb.
This was to liberate those who had not ascended until after He would ascend and sit on the right hand of the Father. IS THAT RIGHT?
Since after the tomb was discovered empty and Jesus did appear to others... and according to Luke His ascension was 40 days after His resurrection (Pentecost)... When did the liberated souls actually go to heaven? (Remember, no one had seen the Father or Gone to Heaven except Jesus and no one would until He was up there) (I still have a problem of those resurrected saints in Matt 27:51-53.. especially since not all the saints came out of their graves)
Thanks and blessing.
Reply 108 was Red's Can you find us a thread we can discuss this in, or, do think it's okay to do so here, I do not care, but then again, I want to do what is proper and right?
And #109
@GodsGrace said
You're asking @Red Baker so I will only reply to the above since the answer is absolutely accepted by all Christians....
Paradise is Hades.
Abraham's Bossom is Paradise/Hades.
Same place.
I leave the rest for RB although I, of course, know the answers.
I do find it rather amazing how we have differing opinions.
This is not what Jesus wanted....He wanted His followers to be of one mind.
But, I suppose, that's a different topic.
So.. now that you are up to speed....
Ill make a reply to @GodsGrace
I am very, very, very happy you are here. I am very, very, very happy you are contributing
But my having been on a number of forums now I can assure you thatwe all have differing opinions unless we hail from the same church and denomination which is generally not the case.
I think what you wrote
"This is not what Jesus wanted....He wanted His followers to be of one mind.
But, I suppose, that's a different topic."
Would make a great topic. I think you should start one.
As to cutting in on other debates... You are fine. It sure is difficult to not voice an opinion when something hits your eyes and starts scream....LOL
So folks...
Anyone feel free to jump in here.