Religion of peace?

That their religion of peace? Because that's obviously a lie.

Islam, is a lie.
"allah" is the generic term for the Christian God, ... "Its the same God", is a Lie.

Simple to prove.

1.) Allah demands that you give your sons for Him.

2.), Father God, the Father of the born again, gave His only begotten Son, for you.

A.) That is NOT the same """"God."""""

Also, the reason that Islam wants the world on fire, is because the Hadith and the Quran' teach that their (savior) Mahdi, is ushered in to save them, if they create a world on fire, a world of total mindless chaos... WW3.

And who is the Islamic (savior) = Mahdi?

He is our "Anti-Christ, or "son of perdition".. = The Beast.
What do you get when you Cross "allah" with the "quran"?

A.) 40 beheaded babies on 10-7-2023

B.) 1200 + murdered Israelies

C.) 24 dead Americans (so far).

Welcome to : ISLAM, as performed by Hamas and co-authored by Iran.
And backed by Russia
And backed by Russia

In the last 4 yrs, Russia and Iran were bringing in those "long range" missiles that the "news" is now talking about that are located in Lebanon and Syria.
Israel was blowing them up, for the last 3-4 yrs, but they were not able to stop all the "import".

If you haven't noticed.. PUTIN has had no empathy for the slaughter of the Jews, and in fact has been mocking Israel for their "lack of security", etc, etc.

A.) Russia + China + Iran

Welcome to the end times, just before the Rapture of the Church.
God is saying...>"DO YOU SEE THIS IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE"., this is your last wake up call,= "WORLD".

Some will hear it,... and some will just keep watching Netflix and Pro Football and think only about making more money.

Soon, the Devil as a man is coming to "give peace to a world on fire", and they don't know it, and they will join His "global economy".
And all they have to do is "take the mark"... "sign on the dotted line".
In the last 4 yrs, Russia and Iran were bringing in those "long range" missiles that the "news" is now talking about that are located in Lebanon and Syria.
Israel was blowing them up, for the last 3-4 yrs, but they were not able to stop all the "import".

If you haven't noticed.. PUTIN has had no empathy for the slaughter of the Jews, and in fact has been mocking Israel for their "lack of security", etc, etc.

A.) Russia + China + Iran

Welcome to the end times, just before the Rapture of the Church.
God is saying...>"DO YOU SEE THIS IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE"., this is your last wake up call, "world".

Some will hear it, some will just keep watching Netflix and Pro Football and think only about making more money.

Soon, the Devil as a man is coming to "give peace to a world on fire", and they don't know it, and they will join His "global economy".
And all they have to do is "take the mark"... "sign on the dotted line".
It’s almost as if prophecy is unfolding before our eyes and not being recognized with these “ signs “
there will be no peace on this earth
“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” 1 Thessalonians 5:3

1But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
It’s almost as if prophecy is unfolding before our eyes and not being recognized with these “ signs “

I have a Thread that is called "in comes the DEVIL"..

I haven't posted it here.. on the BAM.

But i'll just show you what it is.. Reader.

1.) "bible prophecy", that we hear today, is about 150 yrs old.
Its just a re-hash of a lot of confused scholarship.

I dont teach that junk.

So, here is how to understand....= when and why the Devil comes as the "son of perdition".

Its very simple... Reader.

He wont come, unless there is a REASON for Him to show up.

What is that Reason?

A.) worldwide Global economic collapse

B.) WW3

And how close is that?

Its about an inch or a mm away from us.


A.) the Global monetary system is based on the USD. The American Dollar.

The American Dollar is gone.. See, America has a National Debt that is greater than their personal Wealth can ever pay off.
America is trying desperately to pay down the "interest" on their Nat'l Debt, not the debt itself.
This is why CHINA is loaning the USA, "national debt relief" for years, to try to pay down just the INTEREST, on the American Nat'l debt.
What does that mean?
It means that the American Dollar, is overdrawn in the bank, its "in the RED" and China is the BANK.

See, Reader, the value of money is based on National Debt, + how the world perceives the VALUE of a countries currency.
So, the American Dollar has no literal value, as the USA National Debt is greater then the sum of its Monetary Value will ever be again.
The American Dollar, is overdrawn in the bank = BANKRUPT< and for years... and years.
This means that the Global Economy that is balanced on the US-Dollar, is standing on AIR, nothing......nothing.

So, now you have what is almost a world war 3, starting with the Ukraine, and now add this Israeli "war", + the fact that the USD, is "zero" value.

See all that?
That is, "WW3" and "Global economic meltdown" just inches away from Worldwide Reality.

And THAT will bring in the Devil, as the AntiChrist, ...... who comes to "solve all that" as the "man of peace".

We are THERE., Reader.
"Look UP< as your redemption draweth neigh..."
This world is tottering right on the edge of this.....its going to happen, and maybe in a few days., maybe a month, or 3.

Then = "in comes the Devil".

We wont be here. (Body of Christ). (See the Rapture for the update), and if you dont believe in this, then stay down here and enjoy what the Devil is going to do to those who are "left behind".
You'll be martyr'd if you want to join us, who have been Raptured., because we are Born again.. already "in Christ'.
Dont believe me?
Then stay here and find out the hard way.

See, the Born again, = We'll be watching it all play out down here, from up Above.
@Bob Carabbio

Yes that's who is behind this.

What occurred in Israel this past week is so gruesome, it is difficult to absorb. Hamas militants murdered hundreds of young people at a desert dance party. The terrorists first destroyed the cars of those at the rave before they began shooting them so that those who made it to the parking lot could not escape. This was no mere terrorist attack. It was a long-planned, calculated military operation of the most odious, grotesque kind. The Hamas militants went door to door murdering innocent civilians in their homes. They attacked kibbutzs and beheaded babies at one of them. They did these things with relish, with pride. They posted videos of their murderous crimes on social media. That is mans inhumanity to man.

ACTUALLY it's man's HUMAN NATURE egged on by satanic RELIGION that gets it done. It's "Humanity" displaying it's true nature.
All these comments pointing fingers. Don't forget your violent American past full of rape, pillage and terror in your wars. Don't forget prophecy that ALL nations will join Satan and his attack against Jerusalem and attempt to defeat God
I have a Thread that is called "in comes the DEVIL"..

I haven't posted it here.. on the BAM.

But i'll just show you what it is.. Reader.

1.) "bible prophecy", that we hear today, is about 150 yrs old.
Its just a re-hash of a lot of confused scholarship.

I dont teach that junk.

So, here is how to understand....= when and why the Devil comes as the "son of perdition".

Its very simple... Reader.

He wont come, unless there is a REASON for Him to show up.

What is that Reason?

A.) worldwide Global economic collapse

B.) WW3

And how close is that?

Its about an inch or a mm away from us.


A.) the Global monetary system is based on the USD. The American Dollar.

The American Dollar is gone.. See, America has a National Debt that is greater than their personal Wealth can ever pay off.
America is trying desperately to pay down the "interest" on their Nat'l Debt, not the debt itself.
This is why CHINA is loaning the USA, "national debt relief" for years, to try to pay down just the INTEREST, on the American Nat'l debt.
What does that mean?
It means that the American Dollar, is overdrawn in the bank, its "in the RED" and China is the BANK.

See, Reader, the value of money is based on National Debt, + how the world perceives the VALUE of a countries currency.
So, the American Dollar has no literal value, as the USA National Debt is greater then the sum of its Monetary Value will ever be again.
The American Dollar, is overdrawn in the bank = BANKRUPT< and for years... and years.
This means that the Global Economy that is balanced on the US-Dollar, is standing on AIR, nothing......nothing.

So, now you have what is almost a world war 3, starting with the Ukraine, and now add this Israeli "war", + the fact that the USD, is "zero" value.

See all that?
That is, "WW3" and "Global economic meltdown" just inches away from Worldwide Reality.

And THAT will bring in the Devil, as the AntiChrist, ...... who comes to "solve all that" as the "man of peace".

We are THERE., Reader.
"Look UP< as your redemption draweth neigh..."
This world is tottering right on the edge of this.....its going to happen, and maybe in a few days., maybe a month, or 3.

Then = "in comes the Devil".

We wont be here. (Body of Christ). (See the Rapture for the update), and if you dont believe in this, then stay down here and enjoy what the Devil is going to do to those who are "left behind".
You'll be martyr'd if you want to join us, who have been Raptured., because we are Born again.. already "in Christ'.
Dont believe me?
Then stay here and find out the hard way.

See, the Born again, = We'll be watching it all play out down here, from up Above.
Yes go ahead and post it here in a new thread that makes for a great discussion. :)

Islam 101

Islam 101 is meant to help people become better educated about the fundamentals of Islam and to help the more knowledgeable better convey the facts to others.

No it's not sarcasm that's what it's called.

Peace: “Peace” in Islam equals submission to the will of Allah through his divine and eternal law, sharia, and the extension of the Dar al-Islam — or ‘House of Islam’ — to cover the entire world. The absence of sharia is the absence of peace. Since it is the will of Allah that Islam will rule the entire planet, entering non-Muslim lands to subjugate the population and wipe out their corrupt, infidel culture is not seen by Muslims as “waging war,” but as spreading peace.
Agreed. Islam is a dualistic world view, besides being an expansionist, supremacist, totalitarian ideology masquerading as a religion.

Therefore, when Islam speaks of peace it is not in the normal use of the word.

According to Islam's world view, there are 2 'houses;' the house of war and the house of Islam (or surrender or peace).

Islam is the scourge of humanity and I believe founded by Lucifer pretending to be Gabriel.

The Savagery of Hamas​

Though hardly any Americans have ever met a Hamas militant, we can now discern their nature.
How much pressure would make you rouse a family in the early morning, line them up -- mother, father, and children -- and shoot them all, one by one?


A lesson in Islamic theology​

Hamas and Fatah Explain What Their War Against Israel is All About​

It is true that Muslim schools teach their childen to believe that "Jews came from apes and pigs'...
And this is so ingrained in their mentality .. .and that is why they can kill jews, and their children, slaughter them... and not have 2nd thought or a sleepless night, following the massacre.

And this situation with Gaza.....
Israel gave it to them in 2005.
Pulled all the Jews out. Pulled them out of their force, in many cases.
Then these Gaza arabs (Palestinians) elected HAMAS as their GOVERNMENT.
Hamas then started using Gaza as their Rocket Launch Pad, and their own arab people as body shields.

So, Israel eventually had to control all the IMPORTS into Gaza, to try to keep the BOMBS out.

And by doing that, the Palestinians (Arabs) have been saying for years... "we are trapped here".... and the world media believed it and reported this as Truth.
This is why so many in the world believe all Israel does is "harm palestinians"..
(The Media will get you killed).
But the palestinians are not forced to live there.. They can leave Gaza, but noone will have them, because they are in bed with Hamas.
Is this Israel's fault?
= News Media Silence.

The world has been told..."Israel keeps them caged in Gaza",.... but that is not the case.
What Israel had to do, was control what goes into Gaza, as if they didnt, then Hamas would have nothing but rocket launchers and rockets coming into Gaza Cities, day and night.
And as we see, they got them in anyway for the last 15+ yrs.

its a terrible situation, and its made worse in principal, because Israel gave them Gaza, and they betrayed this Gift, with ROCKETS and SLAUGHTER, since '2005.

If Hamas lives, then Jews die.
That's the situation. And Hamas is going to use their own people, to hide behind, and when they are both killed, the News Media will say.. "see, there is Israel killing those innocent palestinians, again."

Well, Israel is going to Kill Hamas.
They will never turn back now, after what happened last Saturday, 10-6.
Hamas is going to die like the dogs they are, and if the Taliban comes from the other side, then they are going to die as well, and in that case, Israel will have some help.

Israel has never asked any country to "send in some troops" and help us.
Not once, since the Nation of Israel was created..... But in this latest case, if Hezbollah and the Taliban, attack .., while Israel is fighting Hamas , then Israel will need some help.
It seems to be available., and thank God for that assurance.
Thank God that the BIBLE is true.
They will never be able to destroy Israel, as long as God is alive and He's not going anywhere.
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When you're talking about religion you're talking about religion. There is a Christian religion too which doesn't necessarly mean a person is born again. It's seeking peace by doing A, B, C, and D.......going to church....God will now love me.......paying tithes......praying 3 hours today......God's going to love me alot now. Work at a homeless shelter......OK I"m surely approved by God now!

The only thing which bring true peace is understanding the power of the blood of Jesus and how it's made one justified, just as if they'd never sinned before God It is by grace and not by works lest any man should boast.
When I see written that Islam is referred to as the "religion of peace", I've always heard "religion of piece" or "pieces". Since that is what they do to their enemies when they get the chance.

Why Islam is Not a Religion

Islam is not a religion. It is a worldwide political movement meant on domination, an anti-religion that is morally inverted.

When you're talking about religion you're talking about religion. There is a Christian religion

Here is what i teach my students..

"religion" is the "broad way that leads to destruction" as that is man's attempt to be God, or reach God by Man's method = Religion.

1.) Christianity, is not a Religion.. its instead a very "narrow way to God".... as Christianity is God become a man, virgin born, to offer us the CROSS as John 14:6.

2.) Christianity, is the believer, become "the temple of the Holy Spirit", and "man" can't do that for themselves.

3.) Religion is "all roads of belief lead to the supreme being"..

4.) Christianity is The Bread of Heaven come down to offer you Heaven, as God's Love Gift to everyone.. John 3:16
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