It’s almost as if prophecy is unfolding before our eyes and not being recognized with these “ signs “
I have a Thread that is called "in comes the DEVIL"..
I haven't posted it here.. on the BAM.
But i'll just show you what it is..
1.) "bible prophecy", that we hear today, is about 150 yrs old.
Its just a re-hash of a lot of confused scholarship.
I dont teach that junk.
So, here is how to understand....= when and why the Devil comes as the "son of perdition".
Its very simple... Reader.
He wont come, unless there is a REASON for Him to show up.
What is that Reason?
A.) worldwide Global economic collapse
B.) WW3
And how close is that?
Its about an inch or a mm away from us.
A.) the Global monetary system is based on the USD. The American Dollar.
The American Dollar is gone.. See, America has a National Debt that is greater than their personal Wealth can ever pay off.
America is trying desperately to pay down the "interest" on their Nat'l Debt, not the debt itself.
This is why CHINA is loaning the USA, "national debt relief" for years, to try to pay down just the INTEREST, on the American Nat'l debt.
What does that mean?
It means that the American Dollar, is overdrawn in the bank, its "in the RED" and China is the BANK.
See, Reader, the value of money is based on National Debt, + how the world perceives the VALUE of a countries currency.
So, the American Dollar has no literal value, as the USA National Debt is greater then the sum of its Monetary Value will ever be again.
The American Dollar, is overdrawn in the bank = BANKRUPT< and for years... and years.
This means that the Global Economy that is balanced on the US-Dollar, is standing on AIR, nothing......nothing.
So, now you have what is almost a world war 3, starting with the Ukraine, and now add this Israeli "war", + the fact that the USD, is "zero" value.
See all that?
That is, "WW3" and "Global economic meltdown" just inches away from Worldwide Reality.
And THAT will bring in the Devil, as the AntiChrist, ...... who comes to "solve all that" as the "man of peace".
We are THERE., Reader.
"Look UP< as your redemption draweth neigh..."
This world is tottering right on the edge of this.....its going to happen, and maybe in a few days., maybe a month, or 3.
Then = "in comes the Devil".
We wont be here. (Body of Christ). (See the Rapture for the update), and if you dont believe in this, then stay down here and enjoy what the Devil is going to do to those who are "left behind".
You'll be martyr'd if you want to join us, who have been Raptured., because we are
Born again.. already "in Christ'.
Dont believe me?
Then stay here and find out the hard way.
See, the Born again, = We'll be watching it all play out down here, from up Above.