First of all, im not defending Putin... but there is so much unknown history that Americans and the world at large does not know about what was happening, even during the Obama Administration, that was pushing Putin, already toward what we see, over a decade ago...
Here are some facts.
Before "The Crimea" was a part of the Ukraine, it was Russian, and a part of Russia.
So, when it was essentially annexed back into Russia, this would be like Hawaii, being returned to the USA, after France captured it for the next 50 yrs.
And, Obama and the deep state that runs the USA... were planning to get it back for the Ukraine.
This is why NATO and the USA used the Ukraine to let them build Air bases and Chemical Plants in the Ukraine.. as they were coming for The Crimea, and also planned on using the Ukraine as a big NATO base.
So, what is the issue with all that?
The issue is that PUTIN knew it was happening........and so, this "invasion of the Ukraine" is for 3 main reasons.
1.) Its to Stop NATO and the USA from using The Ukraine as their own with Zelenskyy's help.
2.) The Ukraine and Nato and the USA were planning on taking back the Crimea, once they assimilated completely, were completely integrated within the Ukraine..., and Putin had to stop this.
3.) Zelenskyy was elected because He agreed to the Euro devised "Minsk Agreement" that would have prevented this invasion... that was also based on Donbas Russians, in the Ukraine being killed for the last 12 yrs, by the Ukraine Army... And these Russian's were pleading with Putin for a decade to "come and help us, they are killing us"... And that Minsk Agreement would have ceased that killing.
The USA State Dept, caused Zelenskyy to not sigh it.
So, Putin was pushed against the wall, by Nato, and the USA..........regarding situation, that most of the World, =has no clue.
In '2022, Putin told Zelenskyy, "allow those Donbass Russians their autonomy, and we wont invade you.""
Zelensky told Putin......"i wont exchange land....for peace"......and now you see what has happened to the Ukraine.