Euro "Ukraine Peace Plan" = WW3

Are you aware that Russia has not "kept the Ukraine" ?
Through no fault of their own. It was Ukrainians that repelled RUSSIAN soldiers from land that was part of Ukraine.

Ukrainian citizens wanted what EAST Germany had (EU Prosperity) rather than what Russia offered (old style USSR Poverty).
They didn't want NATO, they wanted TRADE. Unfortunately, as POLAND and FINLAND demonstrated, the only way to live as a "neighbor" of Russia is to join NATO. Which says more about RUSSIA than it does about NATO.
First of all, im not defending Putin... but there is so much unknown history that Americans and the world at large does not know about what was happening, even during the Obama Administration, that was pushing Putin, already toward what we see, over a decade ago...

Here are some facts.
Before "The Crimea" was a part of the Ukraine, it was Russian, and a part of Russia.
So, when it was essentially annexed back into Russia, this would be like Hawaii, being returned to the USA, after France captured it for the next 50 yrs.

And, Obama and the deep state that runs the USA... were planning to get it back for the Ukraine.
This is why NATO and the USA used the Ukraine to let them build Air bases and Chemical Plants in the Ukraine.. as they were coming for The Crimea, and also planned on using the Ukraine as a big NATO base.

So, what is the issue with all that?
The issue is that PUTIN knew it was happening........and so, this "invasion of the Ukraine" is for 3 main reasons.

1.) Its to Stop NATO and the USA from using The Ukraine as their own with Zelenskyy's help.

2.) The Ukraine and Nato and the USA were planning on taking back the Crimea, once they assimilated completely, were completely integrated within the Ukraine..., and Putin had to stop this.

3.) Zelenskyy was elected because He agreed to the Euro devised "Minsk Agreement" that would have prevented this invasion... that was also based on Donbas Russians, in the Ukraine being killed for the last 12 yrs, by the Ukraine Army... And these Russian's were pleading with Putin for a decade to "come and help us, they are killing us"... And that Minsk Agreement would have ceased that killing.
The USA State Dept, caused Zelenskyy to not sigh it.

So, Putin was pushed against the wall, by Nato, and the USA..........regarding situation, that most of the World, =has no clue.

In '2022, Putin told Zelenskyy, "allow those Donbass Russians their autonomy, and we wont invade you.""

Zelensky told Putin......"i wont exchange land....for peace"......and now you see what has happened to the Ukraine.
Ever since communism "collapsed" in Russia, there's been a concerted effort by Russian politicians to find another way to control their people. Over the past two decades, they came up with a new identity called the “Russian World”. That new sense of identity has been heavily promoted by both Vladimir Putin and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill. It asserts that there is a transnational Russian sphere or civilization, called Holy Russia, which includes Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, as well as ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking people throughout the world. The ideology asserts that Moscow is the political center and Kyiv is the spiritual center. Russian is the common language and the Russian Orthodox Church under the Moscow Patriarchate is the common religion. In this world, the Patriarch works in symphony with a common president/national leader (Putin) to govern this Russian world, as well as upholding a common distinctive spirituality, morality, and culture.

Against the corrupt and morally decadent liberal West, Putin promotes Russia as the Savior of Christian and conservative traditional values. In Putin's warped thinking, Ukraine's siding with the West is in fact a siding with Nazis (even though Zelenskiy is Jewish!) and Putin is needed to save Ukrainians from the morally decadent West.

Western Media is totally oblivious to what is going on because it has secularized, relativized, and trivialized its understanding of faith and theology. Therefore, the West has no idea how faith can be and is being weaponized. Whether it be Vladimir Putin, Osama bin Laden, Islamic State or Christian white nationalist terrorism, false usage of religion as an identity can exert a deadly hold. Western mainstream media, which rarely understands anything about religion, presents the world too often in Manichean terms that fail to see how modern holy wars are a product of and reaction against secularism itself
Russian Orthodox Church under the Moscow

September 4, 2024

"""""""Ukraine has passed a law banning religious organizations with links to Russia.""""""

And who decides what Russian Churches inside the Ukraine have "ties to Russia'.

A.) You get ONE Guess.

Putin is needed to save Ukrainians from the morally decadent West.

Putin didnt send in the army to "save Ukrainians'.

Western Media is totally oblivious to what is going on because it has secularized, relativized, and trivialized its understanding of faith and theology.

Putin understands the difference between "western media" and mainline Christianity within the USA.

Not too long ago Putin made a speech, and asked, "what has happened to American Morality"..

"Isnt America supposed to be a Christian nation"?

That's a good question.
September 4, 2024

"""""""Ukraine has passed a law banning religious organizations with links to Russia.""""""

And who decides what Russian Churches inside the Ukraine have "ties to Russia'.

A.) You get ONE Guess.
Because of Trump, it can now be said that all American Evangelical outreaches have ties to Russia.
Putin didnt send in the army to "save Ukrainians'.
That "moral excuse" addresses only the moral dimension of why he invaded Ukraine.
Putin understands the difference between "western media" and mainline Christianity within the USA.

Not too long ago Putin made a speech, and asked, "what has happened to American Morality"..

"Isnt America supposed to be a Christian nation"?

That's a good question.
He expects our Media to understand Spirituality??? He's more lost than I first suspected.
Because of Trump, it can now be said that all American Evangelical outreaches have ties to Russia.

Zelensky would shut their doors., as He did in the Ukraine.

That "moral excuse" addresses only the moral dimension of why he invaded Ukraine.

You are not paying attention.

Putin didnt invade the Ukraine to own it.

Watch the Videos i posted.

Consider that in '2022, FEB, before the Invasion, Zelensky was given about his 10th opportunity to stop killing Russians in "donbass", and to agree to "never join Nato".

He decided to not sign the "Minsk agreement"..

He declined all this...., and now he has what you see.
He chose it for his country.

He expects our Media to understand Spirituality??? He's more lost than I first suspected.

You are not not paying attention to my posts.

Putin understands that the USA media is a broken marxist subversive dung heap, = 97%.

So, he is saying that because the USA claims to be about 82% Christian, then why all the depravity... why so many "rights" given to alt sexual perverts?

Here is Zelensky's army.
Notice the insignia.
Hitler would be so proud.
Ukraine army.pngGolinkin-Azov-ftr.jpg
You are not paying attention.

Putin didnt invade the Ukraine to own it.

Watch the Videos i posted.

Consider that in '2022, FEB, before the Invasion, Zelensky was given about his 10th opportunity to stop killing Russians in "donbass", and to agree to "never join Nato".

He decided to not sign the "Minsk agreement"..

He declined all this...., and now he has what you see.
He chose it for his country.
Somebody has to step in and set solid borders between the 2 countries. Who is going to do that?
You are not not paying attention to my posts.

Putin understands that the USA media is a broken marxist subversive dung heap, = 97%.

So, he is saying that because the USA claims to be about 82% Christian, then why all the depravity... why so many "rights" given to alt sexual perverts?

Here is Zelensky's army.
Notice the insignia.
Hitler would be so proud.
So what? The USA has its share of Fascists. I can name you dozens of nations that have Fascist Parties/Mobs/Clans.
Somebody has to step in and set solid borders between the 2 countries. Who is going to do that?

Well, if Biden had won, the the answer is.......>>"The USA is supposed to run the world, so, """""

But Trump has a different concept about using America as the glue that holds the planet together, using USA Taxpayer money.
This lightbulb went off in his head long ago that said....>>"Treaties drag the world into war... so, we need to revise that situation.""

The only person in His Cabinet who really hates Russia is Marco Rubio.. in fact, if Lindsey Graham and Rubio were Pres and VP, then they'd bankrupt the USA trying to continue to finance their war with Russia using Zelenskyy..
However, Trump is not interested in WW3.. He interested in MAGA..and so that precludes giving more Billions to continue a war with Russia, using the Ukraine.

Who will create the Border now?
Hard to they have to get the Russian Troops out of the Ukraine first., and that is going to be some time into the future.

So what? The USA has its share of Fascists. I can name you dozens of nations that have Fascist Parties/Mobs/Clans.

America's "christianity" issue isn't related to small groups of Neo-Nazi's... , and those photos were of the Ukraine Army and their Flags.

Its a special "Nazi" Battalion that was killing Russians in Donbas.
Its not doing that anymore, since the "invasion"..

Azov Brigade
Military unit

The 12th Special Operations Brigade "Azov" is a formation of the National Guard of Ukraine formerly based in Mariupol, in the coastal region of the Sea of Azov, from which it derives its name.
Today, 3-3-25..... on Fox news, i saw a report that said that "Euro nations" are willing to put their "NATO boots on the ground" in the Ukraine, as a part of the "peace process". "plan".

So/../. What does that look like in the real world?

Its look like NATO Troops, in the Ukraine, and just as soon as one of them is Killed for the "sake of protecting Zelenskyy's "peace", then NATO and Russia are now in a War, (that means Your Country reader).... and that was always the plan, using Zelenskyy to achieve it.
It just took a while to get here... and a lot of dead people in the Ukraine.

So, if Trump agrees to use "troops on the Ground", as a "peace plan".... then US Trump Voters... have been bamboozled, big time.
THere-Fore.. let us hope that Trump understands that NATO Troops on the ground fighting Russia, is WW3 created, and if that is not his plan, then He is not going to agree at all with "NATO boots on the ground".
And so.... he'll also not agree to allow the Ukraine to become a part of NATO, as this is also INSTANT = WW3 started, if that happened.

PUTIN is not going to let NATO sit on His border, and that is what the Ukraine becomes, if they are allowed to Join NATO.

So the moral of this story is.......

1.) NATO troops on the Ground in the Ukraine, begins WW3

2.) If the Ukraine becomes a part of NATO then WW3 has begun.

Its going to be an interesting next 3 months, watching this "Ukraine Peace Plan" play out .. along with what is going to happen in the Middle east, as there will never be lasting Peace in the Middle East until the Prince of Peace is down here with His Redeemed... Ruling and Reigning.

The Body of Christ is about to leave this Planet.
I don't think Donald plans to let Ukraine join NATO. I don't think Donald wants to have a war with Russia.
Today, 3-3-25..... on Fox news, i saw a report that said that "Euro nations" are willing to put their "NATO boots on the ground" in the Ukraine, as a part of the "peace process". "plan".

Not NATO, it's called the coalition of the willing, not NATO.

Foxnews eh?

Your president said, Europe should take care of itself.

It's what happening right now, exactly as he wished.
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