Proof of What Modern Bible Translators Have Done to Corrupt Newer Bible Translations

It doesn't read that way in the NASB.
Furthermore, you dodged John 14:14 from my previous post.
I didn't dodge your post, I just now saw it, so quit making up falsehoods.

The John 14:14 verse in the KJV reveals praying to The Father in Christ's Name. The Critical text has us praying to Jesus in His Name. Jesus IS GOD. So Who would you be praying to in either case? To GOD.

John 14:14
14 If ye shall ask any thing in My name, I will do it.

John 14:13-14
14 If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.
It doesn't read that way in the NASB.
Furthermore, you dodged John 14:14 from my previous post.

Luke 24:52
And they, after worshiping Him, returned to Jerusalem with great joy,

That is following a similar reading to the Traditional text. Which not everything between the Critical text and Traditional text is completely different, so no big surprise there.
I didn't dodge your post, I just now saw it, so quit making up falsehoods.

Don't blame me for your inability to see things before responding to me.
The John 14:14 verse in the KJV reveals praying to The Father in Christ's Name. The Critical text has us praying to Jesus in His Name. Jesus IS GOD. So Who would you be praying to in either case? To GOD.

And I don't know of many people who claim to be believers who deny the Father is God, but I have met scores who deny the Lord Jesus is God.
The newer versions win this one.
Luke 24:52
And they, after worshiping Him, returned to Jerusalem with great joy,

That is following a similar reading to the Traditional text. Which not everything between the Critical text and Traditional text is completely different, so no big surprise there.

Thus, you need to supply better proof.
I believe that too.

That's why the long gap of time since the Alexandrian text was found does not align with God's promise to preserve His Word unto all... generations. So it's not simply about how old manuscripts are, it's about how wide and long of a usage they've had. The Traditional text does show that preservation, even as evidenced by thousands of copies made, and quotes from them by the early Church fathers, which shows the copies align with those Traditional text at least back to the 4th century A.D.

I have found knowing some man's perception of human history outside of Scriptures is kind of useless. I believe God makes Himself known to every man who seeks to know Him. It seems He chose Scriptures for us to know, and rightly so, given all the differing religious sects and businesses, all promoting a different Philosophy based on the testimony of dozens of philosophers, "who come in Christ's Name".

And I found 'modern' Bible translations based on the W&H Alexandrian text remove associations of the Deity with Jesus Christ. Apostle John showed that those who refuse to believe that God came in the flesh as Jesus Christ are antichrists (1 John 4:3).

I believe the Christ of the Bible, the Rock of Israel, the Holy One of Israel, became man in the person of Jesus. There are those who say He came to earth as God, and not flesh and blood as other men. I think philosophy is what John was teaching against. Basically that when the going got tough for Jesus, HJE just kicked in some God powers no other human had access to, and by this HE overcame. I don't believe HE, or His Father who gave Him such a Great Reward, would engage in such deception as to pretend to be a human, but having no real skin in the game.

You apparently haven't read Revelation 22 then, which warns about those who take away or add to the Scriptures, with their part in the book of life taken away by God. The existence of that warning in itself is enough to show that some men would... try to alter His Word of Truth.

Deuteronomy 4:2: Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

Proverbs 30:6: Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

Revelation 22:18: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.

Since I am not adding or taking away, simply discerning and trusting, I have nothing to worry about in this regard.

That goes for anything, even the many junk Christian novels and 13 book Left-Behind series and movies peddeled at Christian bookstores. Even Forums like this one.

I agree that we shouldn't place our faith and trust in Hollywood, or any man other than those we know were inspired by God. They exist in the Holy Scriptures Paul said could be trusted "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
But when historical documentation by past history Christian Bible scholars, and documentation by modern Christian Bible scholars are given in a YouTube video, it means one has to perk up and pay attention, and then must verify. If it cannot be verified, then it's heresay. If it can, then it is documented evidence.

The Pharisees killed their own Redeemer, believing they were serving this same Redeemer's Will. Religious scholars who had God's Oracles in their own hands, still rejected God's Laws by their own religious traditions.

This is a deception not to be messed around with. If these men could be deceived, who am I to let these same Scholars into the Temple of my mind.

It is written;

Matt. 24: 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I (Jesus) am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Jesus could have warned against Islam, Atheists, Buddhism, satan worship, even Jews. But HE didn't. He warned me to take heed of men from a Specific Religion, "Christianity".

If HE was worried about them over all religions of this world, then who am I to let their doctrines, traditions and philosophies into my mind through videos, sermons, or movies?

I have the Holy Scriptures. If I believe, as Paul did, I might have hope. If I ignore the warning of the Christ "of the Bible", and am cut off, who do I have to blame by myself.
I have found knowing some man's perception of human history outside of Scriptures is kind of useless. I believe God makes Himself known to every man who seeks to know Him. It seems He chose Scriptures for us to know, and rightly so, given all the differing religious sects and businesses, all promoting a different Philosophy based on the testimony of dozens of philosophers, "who come in Christ's Name".

I believe the Christ of the Bible, the Rock of Israel, the Holy One of Israel, became man in the person of Jesus. There are those who say He came to earth as God, and not flesh and blood as other men. I think philosophy is what John was teaching against. Basically that when the going got tough for Jesus, HJE just kicked in some God powers no other human had access to, and by this HE overcame. I don't believe HE, or His Father who gave Him such a Great Reward, would engage in such deception as to pretend to be a human, but having no real skin in the game.

Deuteronomy 4:2: Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

Proverbs 30:6: Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

Revelation 22:18: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.

Since I am not adding or taking away, simply discerning and trusting, I have nothing to worry about in this regard.

I agree that we shouldn't place our faith and trust in Hollywood, or any man other than those we know were inspired by God. They exist in the Holy Scriptures Paul said could be trusted "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

The Pharisees killed their own Redeemer, believing they were serving this same Redeemer's Will. Religious scholars who had God's Oracles in their own hands, still rejected God's Laws by their own religious traditions.

This is a deception not to be messed around with. If these men could be deceived, who am I to let these same Scholars into the Temple of my mind.

It is written;

Matt. 24: 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I (Jesus) am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Jesus could have warned against Islam, Atheists, Buddhism, satan worship, even Jews. But HE didn't. He warned me to take heed of men from a Specific Religion, "Christianity".

If HE was worried about them over all religions of this world, then who am I to let their doctrines, traditions and philosophies into my mind through videos, sermons, or movies?

I have the Holy Scriptures. If I believe, as Paul did, I might have hope. If I ignore the warning of the Christ "of the Bible", and am cut off, who do I have to blame by myself.

You may believe whatever you want... to believe.

But it is a fact that there are those who were, and are, in concerted effort, trying to change the Traditional written Word of God. And the more Bible revisions they keep doing, the further away... from understanding His Word will be. Just the NU modern version is in something like its 29th revision, as they keep claiming they are continually finding more previously unknown Bible manuscripts.
You may believe whatever you want... to believe.

But it is a fact that there are those who were, and are, in concerted effort, trying to change the Traditional written Word of God. And the more Bible revisions they keep doing, the further away... from understanding His Word will be. Just the NU modern version is in something like its 29th revision, as they keep claiming they are continually finding more previously unknown Bible manuscripts.

So then, for the last 3 centuries, there was no way to know God and the "Way of the Lord" because His Truth was hidden away? And only now can men know Him through ancient artifacts?

I do agree with you on one thing. We are created to believe whatever we want to believe.
So then, for the last 3 centuries, there was no way to know God and the "Way of the Lord" because His Truth was hidden away? And only now can men know Him through ancient artifacts?
That is some crazy idea YOU have come up with, I never said any such thing.

Thus another one that likes to lie and bear false witness bites the dust. WELCOME TO MY IGNORE LIST.
That is some crazy idea YOU have come up with, I never said any such thing.

Thus another one that likes to lie and bear false witness bites the dust. WELCOME TO MY IGNORE LIST.


Is this not what you are preaching is the problem with modern translations?

"So then, for the last 3 centuries, there was no way to know God and the "Way of the Lord" because His Truth was hidden away? And only now can men know Him through ancient artifacts?"

That is what you said was wrong with modern translations, Yes?

"But it is a fact that there are those who were, and are, in concerted effort, trying to change the Traditional written Word of God. And the more Bible revisions they keep doing, the further away... from understanding His Word will be. Just the NU modern version is in something like its 29th revision, as they "keep claiming" they are continually finding more "previously unknown" Bible manuscripts.

You are pretty quick to judgment, perhaps being on your ignore list will be a good thing.
Why do many of the newer versions have "Me" in John 14:14 and the KJV doesn't when praying to Jesus is a powerful proof that He is God?

Hey @Fred

Satan, is the original "bible corrector"..

He corrected God's word, when dealing with "hath God said".....

See that ?

That is.>"can you really trust what God said".

And That = is now become .this one..

"There are errors in the bible"...
"The original Greek is the word of God and not some silly translation".

So, What is all this?
Its the Devil using his owned, to cast DOUBT on the word of God so that CHRISTians, have no final authority other then "church fathers" or "commentaries" or "online sites", or their "opinion".

Satan has perfected this DOUBT and Confusion, regarding the word of God.

Let me show you what happens all the time, and not just to me....

Lets say, im teaching a room full of people next Sunday... and i say....>"lets take the word of God and let us all turn to......."

And i start reading the verse....

I will notice that 40% of the assembly is looking around as if they are lost in a dark forest at 2am.

Why is that?
Its because 40% of them have a "bible" that does not have the verse in it, that ANY minister is reading to any congregation... including the reading from mine.
Now, if you are using a JW's book or "Calvins's theology".. or the Book of Mormon or a Catholic Douay Rheims, then Satan is happy about that and does not create "new" versions of those, as they are already Satanic.
He does not try to confuse what he's already created to deceive.

See that?

That is : THE DEVIL'S work.

He is so good at what he does.... and people, some, dont even believe that Satan exists.
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So much arguing and bad Blood between brothers. It's truly sad. Whatever "changes" are there the vast majority of the text and main message of trusting in God's messiah is not changed. Should not forget that while lost in the weeds.
And all this from a myopic Western point of view. No understanding of the entire other half of Christian history of the East. Syria, Parthia, India, China...where Christianity flourished for centuries.
That would be true of the KJV as well in that some words are not found in them that are found in other versions.

There is the "i hate the KJV" cult.
I dont belong to that...
And i do use a few versions, but, when i check out a new bible, i use the KJV to filter it, regarding DOCTRINES..

As, a BIBLE is not a bible, unless the NT Doctrines, as taught by Paul, are absolutely correct as found in it.

And what Satan does, is change a few words, or omit verses, in many "new bibles" and that makes them Dumpster worthy, and nothing more, because the Doctrine(s) are changed or omitted or hidden.

Satan is happy if you read that you are to "love your brethren", but when a necessary DOCTRINE has to be in the Bible, he will omit it, or have it hidden by word changes that deny it or confuse it.

One of the worst versions , and i know this is going to raise blood pressure, but, the truth is.. the NIV is one of the WORST.

And i believe it might just be the best selling, on occasion.
So much arguing and bad Blood between brothers. It's truly sad. Whatever "changes" are there the vast majority of the text and main message of trusting in God's messiah is not changed. Should not forget that while lost in the weeds.

If you think that the bible is one message, and that Paul's doctrines are not required to be studied and learned and taught, then you have found the weeds, @EclipseEventSigns .

If you own a bible, then read 1 Timothy 4:16
As that is Paul talking to the born again... and not just to Timothy.

See, the reason that there are more then 200 denominations in the USA, and about 45,000 in the world.... is because of doctrinal divisions.

And if all learned Paul's, and taught those, then there would be, truly, "one church", "one mind", "one faith".

But, as you see.....
If you think that the bible is one message, and that Paul's doctrines are not required to be studied and learned and taught, then you have found the weeds, @EclipseEventSigns .

If you own a bible, then read 1 Timothy 4:16
As that is Paul talking to the born again... and not just to Timothy.
I don't even know what you are talking about and what you are disagreeing with in my comment.
I don't even know what you are talking about and what you are disagreeing with in my comment.
Let me show you..

You said this..

Whatever "changes" are there the vast majority of the text and main message of trusting in God's messiah is not changed.

And that is absolutely not true.
However, there is no point in me taking the time to show you many of Paul's Doctrines, as you feel that the bible is a one message, situation.

So, I'll leave that to you to believe.
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