Please Pray For My Mom


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Currently we as a family have been going through stuff. My Dad was in the Hospital for 5 days. He needs to go back for surgery in August. But that is not His or I, primary concern. It is my Mother. She's been sleeping all day everyday for the past couple weeks. When she gets up to do anything, she is constantly angry. Neither Dad nor I, understand why. I suggested that she should see the doctor, and she told me there is nothing wrong with her. It is really bothering me and dad, and when we try to talk to her about it, she just shuts us out. Please pray that we can figure out something. Dad even said, that if she is going to be this way, or something worse, He won't go in for surgery.
I'm sorry to hear this about your parents. I'm praying right now and will be praying in the morning during my devotions. I'm not a doctor or anything but it sounds like your mom might be having some symptoms of dementia. I have a couple of friends that are going through that right now. You may have to do some sort of an intervention.

Stay strong my brother, God got your back!👃
I'm sorry to hear this about your parents. I'm praying right now and will be praying in the morning during my devotions. I'm not a doctor or anything but it sounds like your mom might be having some symptoms of dementia. I have a couple of friends that are going through that right now. You may have to do some sort of an intervention.

Stay strong my brother, God got your back!👃
Thank you for praying. My dad has a leaky heart valve, that they need to repair. But if Mom continues to fade away, He doesn't want to go through with it. If both of them die, I will be all alone.
Not long after posting this prayer request, my Mom started behaving a little better. At least she got up and started doing a few things. She is still yelling at Dad and I over little things that shouldn't matter. She has poor eyesight, and we do our best to try and help her. But just because the stove light didn't happen to be turned on, she yelled at us. She wanted dad and I take the mail to the mail box, and we didn't hear her say that. She yelled at us again. It is pretty much like that about everything.
I did not know much about my mom's foot. I don't recall her talking about it much. I knew there was some swelling but since I hadn't heard anything more I haven't thought much about it. Just the other day I heard her say something to Dad about it, and by the next day she decided to see the doctor about it. The doctor put her on some medication, and it seems like mom is starting to feel better. She seems to be behaving a bit better. I really don't know if this is the improvement that we are praying for or not. I just hope things start to get better, and from time to time I keep praying.

I don't like thinking about things that are going to happen in the future. In August I'm taking off of work, so that I can be around when my Dad goes in for his heart valve surgery. I wish that was over with now, and I know that Dad does too. He also likes to get things like this off his plate.
'But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities:
for we know not what we should pray for as we ought:
but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit,
because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to His purpose.'

(Rom 8:25-28)

Hello @AlwaysOnAJourney,

It sounds as though there is a lot of anxiety being experienced by all three of you, and people respond to anxiety in different ways I find. Sometimes it takes the form of aggression, and of withdrawal too. You each have your own reasons for feeling anxious, based on the ill health of each one. So try to relax and be at peace and cast your cares upon the Lord, for He cares for you.

Dear God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
God of all comfort and all grace,
We pray for this young man, and for his Mother and Father,
We pray that Your will, will be done, in the lives of each one,
And that each will be enabled to draw on Your strength,
For Your strength is made perfect in our weakness.
We pray that each will draw near to You, and cast their care upon You,
and enter into Your rest,
in the sure knowledge that Your love and grace is there for them
moment by moment of every day.
We pray this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Now risen and glorified, and at Your right hand,
Interceding on our behalf before You, Father.
We thank You and praise You,
For You will provide.
Again, in Jesus Holy Name we ask it.

My anxiety is over the fact that I'm stupid. I know that some people don't believe in ADHD. But when I was in school I was diagnosed with a learning disability because I didn't learn easy. Still today at the age of 45, I still struggle with my brain. I get tired really easy, and I obsess over things. If I don't obsess then even worse things happen because I need to double and times triple check the things I do, or I will miss something. It is a problem in my brain. And that causes me fear, and anxiety. Even when I remind myself to trust in the Lord, I can't let go because as soon as I do, I start messing up again. Some of you might not understand what it is like to live this way. Why doesn't Jesus heal me? I've asked him. But He does as He pleases for reasons I don't understand. It just seems that I meant to struggle in this life. For what reason? Who knows? It is very hard for me to completely trust.
praying for you.

Thank you!

There has been some improvements with Mom. Dad says He's been feeling better. I don't know how much energy a 76 year old should have, but I miss the days when my Dad had more energy and a desire to have fun. Mom has been the worst. When she was in her 60s and had to retire she basically checked out. Dad wanted to stay busy, where as Mom just wanted to sit on the couch and do a lot of sleeping. It is hard for me understand what is going on with them. I have my own physical and spiritual problems. I also miss my Grandparents. They used to live in the other house. Grandpa died in 2011. Grandma finally died in 2018. After that this farm became extra lonely.

Lots of people have broken families. Our family seemed have gotten saved after Grandpa and Grandma asked Jesus in. Their three kids, with included my Dad, all became professing Christians. But things happened in their lives. Choices were made. Dad went to Bible college, with the idea of pasturing a Church, which never happened. In those days He had friends, and He married mom. When I was born they had friends, and a home bible study. But in the early 2000s the friendships began to die, as Church problems got worse and worse. After 2020 we have have not been in Church since. Doesn't do any good to visit the local churches anymore. It's hard to explain, but it is like they like who they like and dislike who they dislike. We are not on the "like" list. We also live in a bad area for meetup groups. Honestly I don't know what 'normal' people do, other than sports.
I have an update on my mom.

When she saw the doctor about her foot problem, the doctor gave her an antibiotic. While she was on that medication she started acting better. But as soon as she ran out of that medication, she went back to being tired and super cranky. Dad and I wonder if there is something medically wrong with her, and somehow the medication was helping more than just her foot. The problem is, we can't convince her to go see the doctor again. Please continue praying for my mom.
No--anything but stupid. I have read your posts on other forums. Not stupid at all.

It just occurred to me that I haven't posted much about my mom. In the past I have posted more about my dad. The reason is, my dad and I do more things together.

There have always been family issues, that for the most part, I have kept to myself, except for when I felt it was necessary to share them. The resent health issues that my Dad has been facing, seems to have caused some of the other family relational issues to get worse.

For many years, my mom has always felt like she is the smartest one. Whenever something goes wrong for me or dad, especially for when it goes wrong for dad! Mom will behave as though he's dumb because that thing went wrong for him.

When I was a young kid, my mom stayed home with me, and Dad worked to support the family. In those days mom was pretty nice. When I was in middle school, she finally went back to work. She fell in love with her job so much that she even told me, that she would rather be at work then be around us! Dad and I have discussed this, and we don't understand what we do so wrong that causes her to feel this way about us.

When you pray for my mom, you are kinda praying that God heals our family. Cause we try to do things right, but nothing seems to be right for her.

What you are reading in this prayer request, has been going on, in much smaller ways, for close to 30 years. But since everyone has gotten older, and parents retired, these issues finally got to the point to where I felt that it is time to go online and ask for prayer.
Update, I'm thankful that my mom has been doing better. But my dad informed me that He still senses that she could at any moment go back to her angry shelf again. For some reason she's been on edge about the medical stuff going on, when she should be giving her worries over to God. It seems she keeps blaming Dad. Dad doesn't seem to understand it. I sure don't! I think Dad and I have been just taking things one day at a time.
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