Mark 1:45 God's Will Not Done

Huh? LOL When He says not my will but my Fathers in heaven?
I mean when it comes to instructions that he's given out.

And by the way his natural inclination to not want to go to the cross was not substantiated to be his true will. His true over riding will was to do that will of the Father and he even said that it was. Not my will but yours be done.
I mean when it comes to instructions that he's given out.

And by the way his natural inclination to not want to go to the cross was not substantiated to be his true will. His true over riding will was to do that will of the Father and he even said that it was. Not my will but yours be done.
Instructions He has given out? He is giving instructions to the Father??
Instructions He has given out?
Yes all throughout the gospels. When he gives instructions for people to do things is that the will of God? That's the simplest of all questions a Christian could be asked isn't it?
He is giving instructions to the Father??
Get back to my OP. I never even mentioned about the prayer Jesus prayed to the Father in my OP. So once again when Jesus told people to do something is that the will of God YES or NO?

(Now readers watch what he does with this. Maybe he might answer it without creating a diversion? I will applaud him if he does...lets see.......)
Yes all throughout the gospels. When he gives instructions for people to do things is that the will of God? That's the simplest of all questions a Christian could be asked isn't it?

Get back to my OP. I never even mentioned about the prayer Jesus prayed to the Father in my OP. So once again when Jesus told people to do something is that the will of God YES or NO?

(Now readers watch what he does with this. Maybe he might answer it without creating a diversion? I will applaud him if he does...lets see.......)
The answer is yes. So what.
The answer is yes. So what.
Well I'm glad you did say yes. Congratulations. So now you're free to give up your Calvinism for I clearly revealed Jesus said this,

And Jesus sternly charged him and sent him away at once, and said to him, “See that you say nothing to anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest...... Mk 1: 44 And the healed man didn't do this but rather did this, But he went out and began to talk freely about it, and to spread the news.Mk 1:45

So you said YES when Jesus gives instructions to be carried out that is the will of God. How therefore could this man not have obeyed and done something different if Calvinism were true? Sorry Presby but I'd suggest you concede and admit you're in check mate.
Well I'm glad you did say yes. Congratulations. So now you're free to give up your Calvinism for I clearly revealed Jesus said this,

And Jesus sternly charged him and sent him away at once, and said to him, “See that you say nothing to anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest...... Mk 1: 44 And the healed man didn't do this but rather did this, But he went out and began to talk freely about it, and to spread the news.Mk 1:45

So you said YES when Jesus gives instructions to be carried out that is the will of God. How therefore could this man not have obeyed and done something different if Calvinism were true? Sorry Presby but I'd suggest you concede and admit you're in check mate.
Easy. It was determined He not do so.

Still a Calvinist
Well I'm glad you did say yes. Congratulations. So now you're free to give up your Calvinism for I clearly revealed Jesus said this,

And Jesus sternly charged him and sent him away at once, and said to him, “See that you say nothing to anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest...... Mk 1: 44 And the healed man didn't do this but rather did this, But he went out and began to talk freely about it, and to spread the news.Mk 1:45

So you said YES when Jesus gives instructions to be carried out that is the will of God. How therefore could this man not have obeyed and done something different if Calvinism were true? Sorry Presby but I'd suggest you concede and admit you're in check mate.
Yes caught in a trap like a rat taking the cheese 🧀. Set perfectly and so predictable. You set that up just like Jesus did with the Pharisees. Well done 👍
Easy. It was determined He not do so.

Still a Calvinist
God determined him not to do this? But when I asked you do you believe when God asks somebody to do something and I asked you is that therefore God's will, and you replied with,

The answer is yes. So what.

So when Jesus told the man NOT TO go into the city and tell people about his healing THIS IS God's will but when he disobeys and does it anyway that is God's will? So now you swing back and claim it wasn't God will now?

It is God's will, no it's not his will, it is God's will, no it's not his will,
It is God's will, no it's not his will, it is God's will, no it's not his will,

My dear friend I've tried to tell you repeatedly or at least I have to the other Calvinists on here that your theology has put you on a Scrambler Machine like at an Amusement Park. You swing one direction and then you're forced the absolute opposite direction with no clear order of what you believe about anything. Do yourself a favor Presby and raise your hand to the operator signally that you want to get off! No offence but no need for you be in a spin like this forever!

PS: And don't think we'll take glee that we somehow defeated you. We're all just here trying help one another.
God determined him not to do this? But when I asked you do you believe when God asks somebody to do something and I asked you is that therefore God's will, and you replied with,

The answer is yes. So what.

So when Jesus told the man NOT TO go into the city and tell people about his healing THIS IS God's will but when he disobeys and does it anyway that is God's will? So now you swing back and claim it wasn't God will now?

It is God's will, no it's not his will, it is God's will, no it's not his will,
It is God's will, no it's not his will, it is God's will, no it's not his will,

My dear friend I've tried to tell you repeatedly or at least I have to the other Calvinists on here that your theology has put you on a Scrambler Machine like at an Amusement Park. You swing one direction and then you're forced the absolute opposite direction with no clear order of what you believe about anything. Do yourself a favor Presby and raise your hand to the operator signally that you want to get off! No offence but no need for you be in a spin like this forever!

PS: And don't think we'll take glee that we somehow defeated you. We're all just here trying help one another.
Yup. All determined by God to occur. He has His reasons.

You have defeated nothing and I don't need help from you. LOL If I need help from you it's pretty much over
LOL Thanks just the same.
Yes caught in a trap like a rat taking the cheese 🧀. Set perfectly and so predictable. You set that up just like Jesus did with the Pharisees. Well done 👍
I do believe it revealed to him the inconsistency of his position. Our real hope is that he'll get off the merry go round or scrambler thing and join with us to advance the Kingdom of God in a more adequate way. Perhaps some might say I'm foolish to hope so but maybe that's my hope against hope.
I do believe it revealed to him the inconsistency of his position. Our real hope is that he'll get off the merry go round or scrambler thing and join with us to advance the Kingdom of God in a more adequate way. Perhaps some might say I'm foolish to hope so but maybe that's my hope against hope.
There is no inconsistency. A inconsistency would be no purpose of God can be thwarted, but some can according to Rockson.

I don't need you to advance the kingdom of God.
I do believe it revealed to him the inconsistency of his position. Our real hope is that he'll get off the merry go round or scrambler thing and join with us to advance the Kingdom of God in a more adequate way. Perhaps some might say I'm foolish to hope so but maybe that's my hope against hope.
Only Jesus can removed the blindness with His salve. According to Calvinism God is causing him not to see the truth.
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