God determined him not to do this? But when I asked you do you believe when God asks somebody to do something and I asked you is that therefore God's will, and you replied with,
The answer is yes. So what.
So when Jesus told the man NOT TO go into the city and tell people about his healing THIS IS God's will but when he disobeys and does it anyway that is God's will? So now you swing back and claim it wasn't God will now?
It is God's will, no it's not his will, it is God's will, no it's not his will,
It is God's will, no it's not his will, it is God's will, no it's not his will,
My dear friend I've tried to tell you repeatedly or at least I have to the other Calvinists on here that your theology has put you on a Scrambler Machine like at an Amusement Park. You swing one direction and then you're forced the absolute opposite direction with no clear order of what you believe about anything. Do yourself a favor Presby and raise your hand to the operator signally that you want to get off! No offence but no need for you be in a spin like this forever!
PS: And don't think we'll take glee that we somehow defeated you. We're all just here trying help one another.