Jesus heals two men with demons


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Jesus Heals Two Men with Demons​

Mat 8:28 And he having come to the other side, to the region of the Gergesenes, there met him two demoniacs, coming forth out of the tombs, very fierce, so that no one was able to pass over by that way,
After Jesus came to the other side, he and his disciples made it to the region of the Gergsenes, and there were two demoniacs (possessed people by demons), coming forthout out of the tombs.

Think about the mentality of a person who is naked and living in the cemetery, they are gone depraved because in that day demons were fully apparent in this time, and they had various degress of weight between each laid out for oneself going through of Jesus and his encounter with demons.
Mat 8:29 and lo, they cried out, saying, 'What—to us and to thee, Jesus, Son of God? didst thou come hither, before the time, to afflict us?'
The demons from within the man, asked when they seen Jesus,

"What to us and to thee, Jesus, Son of God? dids thou come here, before the time, to afflict us?

You see that the demons know who Jesus is, the very Son of God, they did say, the man soul was fixing to be restored by Yeshua, which is praise worthy to say! What is interesting to know is not only is there a knowing of who Jesus is, they also ask him, have you come to afflict us?

Therefore there was an affliction that could have been done, but Jesus doesn't say anything about this. The demon also asked, through the man, have you done so before the time?

What is the type of time that the demons are speaking of? Until there very own end, when all things would be placed beneath Jesus feet and he would giver everything back to his Father, as scripture states. Did you know that? There would be an end, and the Demons even ask Jesus about this during this conversation.
Mat 8:30 And there was far off from them a herd of many swine feeding,
Swine nearby were all feeding from a barn, and troughs, feeding.
Mat 8:31 and the demons were calling on him, saying, 'If thou dost cast us forth, permit us to go away to the herd of the swine;'
And then the Demons ask, calling on him, saying 'if thou dost cast us forth, permit us to go away to the heart of the swine;'

Naturally the Jewish people I believe were to abstain from eating swine, so it would be disgusting to say the least to a jewish person in that time cause I think it was against the law of moses, but not sure you have to go check that out. Anyway, the Demons ask Jesus here to let them go forth from the man if they were to be cast out. They knew the power that Jesus, the Son of God had, and they obeyed him. It also talks about alot of how darkness can override your mind and take over and lead you to not such a good mentality, which can properly be restored by reading the word of God, which does cause the darkness of our hearts, and minds, and souls to be renewed and put lights in there because of the Lord Yeshua, the Messiah.

Mat 8:32 and he saith to them, 'Go.' And having come forth, they went to the herd of the swine, and lo, the whole herd of the swine rushed down the steep, to the sea, and died in the waters,
Yeshua, spoke saying 'Go.', and they, (demons - darkness in the man) They left from the body and went to the herd of the swine rushed down the steep, to the sea, and died in the waters.

This reminds me also speaking of Swine - flesh. While the flesh consumes on the flesh it will only continue to sin and be unfruitful with not spiritual life, or faithful life towards God, that is why the flesh is weak and the spirit is willing. Continue to pray, and read a little bit of the word each chance you get and remember to go over and repeat the information for the bible to yourself and may you continue to be encouraged to seek out Yahava/Yahweh the LORD of Israel, Spiritually today, and the Lord of Lords and King of Kings
Mat 8:33 and those feeding did flee, and, having gone to the city, they declared all, and the matter of the demoniacs.
Those who were at the feeding when they seen this, the heard of swine going off and dying in the water, reminds me of baptism, but also the ultimate end to demons in general when Jesus was to have his victory over all things. Those who went into the city and told everyone that was around what happened, some came and to go look.
Mat 8:34 And lo, all the city came forth to meet Jesus, and having seen him, they called on him that he might depart from their borders.
All that wanted to come to see from the city, meet Jesus. They seen him, and they told him to go, and depart away from them.
Yes the demons recognized their Creator and pleaded with Him not to be tormented in judgement before their time as they know of their condemnation and final judgement. Jesus did not do that and allowed them to be cast into the herd of pigs. So as God Jesus has command/authority over the powers of darkness and defeated them at the cross and resurrection from the dead. He defeated them and conquered sin and death at the same time as He defeated satan and his demons.
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