Jehovah's Witnesses Sexual abuse scandal

Most of jacob rejects the 144k and their job given by God for them...
and follow the kjv which is the Sealed Vision...
whereby God ceased to speak to us,
after His prophets were Ignored...
and because of that,
the people went into captivity,
and He no longer speaking to them
made possible that His words be corrupted,
aka that esau could present the corrupt scroll
which is Not His words to us.

the septuagint and the kjv and all the texts are corrupt.
all of them 'arising' after the captivity.

And, in the medieval period, the popes
made sure to decide What texts were 'canon'
and what theologies were canon

No council or edict of augustine or of a pope is valid.
Not one.

every text must be cross read and translated..
by listening souls He gives as having that job....
From God.

He certainly did not give that job to John Dee and King James..
both occultists to the max.
His 144 will be restored to Eden paradise in the other reality
next to this one, exactly His Creation
He declared Good...
and no more will we ever again see
this horrid fleshbody not made by God
or this earth not made by God.
they teach a stake.
In ancient texts is recounted by God's enemy with glee, because they were able to begin vampiring God's creation because of it, and are proud of their crimes, that in the other reality there was type of stake or spear Mystery Babylon used against eden to make her fall. To incarnate on this earth, Jesus did need to go through that path, just as we did, of being tortured. This is what Daniel's oven is about, though no one understood it since they lack the context. So, what most don't know is that He went through this twice. And the first one was worse than the cross. Doing this for us, to get us out, He took a huge step down. Normally I just say that bolded part and do not mention the torture by the Demon Nations.
yes i have a j.w BIBLE THAT WAS GAVE TO ME . never the less i am awaiting his reply on how to be born again . last where does it say in the Bible not to celebrate birthdays.
When we are rescued from this earth , and it could be any day, then we will be saved. Until then, just as all his souls, including prophets, apostles, and all who came before us, we have His Promise.
The problem I have with every sect, including JW, and evangelical and any other, is that they all claim God created this earth and this body.

Exegesis was set up, on purpose by God's enemy, to follow a Greek formula and by that, to ignore every bit of information in ancient texts.
yes i have a j.w BIBLE THAT WAS GAVE TO ME . never the less i am awaiting his reply on how to be born again . last where does it say in the Bible not to celebrate birthdays.
your birthday on this earth is the birth of you into the fallen matrix.

of course there is nothing wrong and everything nice with others being kind to you on that day or any day. I personally do not celebrate that day particularly... if someone wants to take me to dinner or give me a gift, I enjoy and take it all kindly.... that said, I wait every single day for Him to get us out of Hell, which is where we are. The trouble is everyone is drunk on the wine and does not know what this earth is.
Sounds like the sin of people pleasing.
I was and have been for years, what was that term you used, disfellowshipped, from everything... so at this point... wow. the only place I was not called every name in the book and left alone with nothing, was by God.. and He is the only one I will listen to until the Change when Christ gathers us the 144k up on the clouds...

humans on this earth in this foreign flesh and mind
are not the ones to please right?

the only reason I was not asked to leave any denomination is that I never made it that far into anything...

soon learning that what was being taught was the sealed vision I departed.
I went through these as I sought a church

quasi evang., mixed with baptist whatever
catholic (as a child)

and a few others I forgot by now.

So relieved none of it panned out.
When we are rescued from this earth , and it could be any day, then we will be saved. Until then, just as all his souls, including prophets, apostles, and all who came before us, we have His Promise.
yes and no we are saved but the finial step/progress of salvation is 3 steps we got saved--positional placed into the Body of Christ. 2. we become a work in progress progressive , 3. the last step we made it home. we have a glorified Body ultimate /finial ==sanctification. we are sanctified set apart to be made Holy once we get saved/born again
yes and no we are saved but the finial step/progress of salvation is 3 steps we got saved--positional placed into the Body of Christ. 2. we become a work in progress progressive , 3. the last step we made it home. we have a glorified Body ultimate /finial ==sanctification. we are sanctified set apart to be made Holy once we get saved/born again
this sort of right

i would expand, phrase it as this below
... but for the remnant... 144k

1 having His promise,
giving Him our loyalty and our soul

2 staying in Him until we go Home soon
- die to the self, and this world

3 restored to God and to the original body
made by Him in eden paradise and lost
because of adam... return with Christ to
eden paradise in the other reality
- this is saved.

for (most of) jacob between 2 and 3 is
- go through tribulation
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here is where i was...'s_Witnesses
admittedly wiki is not an expert on much
so their explanation could be wrong.

in the first section,
discussion of restoring "God's kingdom on this earth."

No, it won't be this earth. This one was created by adam and the evil realm.

The rest is not important compared to that. And every single denomination has this same problem. They all believe God created this earth and body..
we dont know exactly the who of the 144k one thing about it we need just let the be a God thing focus on our own salvation with fear and trembling
true we do not know who they all are...
just all of us please plead Him to get us out of here soon
and to be a part of his 144
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