Gods view of a cult= the only view that counts=A house divided(hundreds of trinity religions) will not stand--you can take it to the bank.
there is no cult concept in scripture...there is only the sealed vision and its sorcery =
to listen the enemy realm... (which modern christianity does because of the sealed vision= false scroll)
the idea of heretic came from the term 'sect' which itself is never discussed in detail..
and christ never mentioned it...His anger was only to the pharisees who mislead all the souls...
if there are preachers, of any sect, including baptist, evangelical or any other,
then if they mislead the people into following the sealed scroll, (which they mostly do!!)
and not the unsealed vision..
In that case... they are to blame..
the people are entrusted to them and as such,
though they may suffer for not understanding...are not in the same category
of false preacher...
the idea of using sects to then
judge groups of people is wrong,
since God only judges a soul by herself...
not based on sect...
but on if they understood The Belief = the unsealed scroll..
where would you find any mention
of judgment by sect ?
I never saw that...
every soul is in the fallen situation until the
Change when God will rescue His remnant, the 144k.
but much of jacob, most modern christianity, will be left behind
for trib....
the same remnant,
(=the two sticks, judah and ishral, the two lampstands, the two witnesses)
will restore eden paradise and rule with Christ,
and then return to this earth and help Jacob left behind during tribulation..
so that after his death he can return to paradise.