Jehovah's Witnesses Sexual abuse scandal



5 charged in sexual abuse cases among Jehovah's Witnesses​

A Pennsylvania grand jury investigating child sexual abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses community has charged another five people with raping or molesting children as young as 4, the latest developments in an ongoing probe that has identified 14 suspects.

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Apparently this has been going on for years and the Jehovah Witnesses leadership has been covering it up.

5 charged in sexual abuse cases among Jehovah's Witnesses​

A Pennsylvania grand jury investigating child sexual abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses community has charged another five people with raping or molesting children as young as 4, the latest developments in an ongoing probe that has identified 14 suspects.

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Apparently this has been going on for years and the Jehovah Witnesses leadership has been covering it up.
It has been going on for years and it's worldwide. It's not one isolated incident.


5 charged in sexual abuse cases among Jehovah's Witnesses​

A Pennsylvania grand jury investigating child sexual abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses community has charged another five people with raping or molesting children as young as 4, the latest developments in an ongoing probe that has identified 14 suspects.

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Apparently this has been going on for years and the Jehovah Witnesses leadership has been covering it up.
There isn't a JW on earth that would condone sexual abuse. Not a real one. Not all are real ones. They would not cover it up. Apostates claim they cover it up. There is no perfection in mortals. Some try and fail, same in every religion. Some paedophiles make it all the way into clergy positions Why? Because not a single mortal can read anothers heart. That is why, the blind guides who say- You are saved- are liars. They have no clue who will be saved. 1) they cannot read true hearts-2) They have no clue to what iniquities some practice-3) they have no clue who will endure until their end. Like Joel Osteen-say 3 lines of prayer with me and you are saved=100% bull. Yet mislead people believe them. They are in for a rude awakening they will not like. No real JW has sex out of marriage, nor condone it.
The Israelites fell over and over--they stood but fell just as any mortal can. Same occurs today in Gods religion. some fall. Solomon fell. Anyone can fall. It does not make the religion wrong. It makes them wrong.
a problem is that all of us are here, in this type of sin body because of adam...
the flesh body = sin...

so looking at the sins of others doesn't help us die to it...
and come to Him...

of course the evil type Esaus do Horrifying things to others and
trick souls to do horrors too...

plead Him to get us out of here so never
again will these things be remembered (tree of good and evil)
and only we will understand His realities
in paradise.

He will get us out.

5 charged in sexual abuse cases among Jehovah's Witnesses​

A Pennsylvania grand jury investigating child sexual abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses community has charged another five people with raping or molesting children as young as 4, the latest developments in an ongoing probe that has identified 14 suspects.

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Apparently this has been going on for years and the Jehovah Witnesses leadership has been covering it up.
No the leadership does not cover it up. No JW on earth accepts paedophilia. The parents are counciled to go to the police. The parents are responsible for their children to the law, then the congregation would be brought in as apart of the investigation. Apostates say it is covered up, they lie.
This shows one thing for certain, No mortal can read another's true heart, they do not know who is a paedophile or whatever until its exposed. That means-no mortal on this earth has the right to tell another--You are saved, he does not know, those are blind guides. Do not believe them, RUN FROM THEM. They cannot read a heart to know what they really are. Its why paedophiles get in and gain trust, even into the clergy positions.
most do have morals do tell what is a real j.w
Matt 7:21--They live now to do Jesus' Fathers will over self in this satan ruled system, And that will= Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God. To the best their ability. They are taught-OT-NT, it never stops by the real teachers( Matt 24:45) who have Jesus leading them.
Matt 7:21--They live now to do Jesus' Fathers will over self in this satan ruled system, And that will= Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God. To the best their ability. They are taught-OT-NT, it never stops by the real teachers( Matt 24:45) who have Jesus leading them.
i dont consider J.W part of the Body of Christ . while i am not the judge but what i know does not line up
i dont consider J.W part of the Body of Christ . while i am not the judge but what i know does not line up
I have studied both sides since 1961, i have studied Jesus carefully-The conclusion= In every translation on earth the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers all the way.
I have read apostate writings as well. I found lies in all of them.
If you have any questions regarding JW,s i will be glad to set things straight.
no questions there to work based salvation. there not my cup of tea were not dealing with translation even though i dont trust the one they use and yess i have there Bible . its helps me know the real from the fake. my Bible does not read like theres
no questions there to work based salvation. there not my cup of tea were not dealing with translation even though i dont trust the one they use and yess i have there Bible . its helps me know the real from the fake. my Bible does not read like theres
JW,s do not teach works salvation. Works builds a strong living faith. Faith without works is dead. JW,s teach one must OBEY.( John 8:31,John 15:10-14, Heb 5:9) that means-EVERY utterance from God as Jesus teaches-Man must live by them.
There isn't a JW on earth that would condone sexual abuse. Not a real one.
When a JW quits the cult, family members still part of it are not allowed to talk with them and must burn all letters.

JWs are a very outside appearance kind of religion that tend to have a fear induced silence already embedded into the culture.

So it is believable that sexual abuses have been covered up and will continue to be covered up.

The reason why it is coming out now, is because the society is making it easier to report it.
i dont consider J.W part of the Body of Christ . while i am not the judge but what i know does not line up
It's really up to God who is who, no? I would imagine He would be most angry at pastors for teaching from the unsealed vision...
and not so much poor souls simply going to church, who do not understand.
When a JW quits the cult, family members still part of it are not allowed to talk with them and must burn all letters.

JWs are a very outside appearance kind of religion that tend to have a fear induced silence already embedded into the culture.

So it is believable that sexual abuses have been covered up and will continue to be covered up.

The reason why it is coming out now, is because the society is making it easier to report it.
the problem is that souls are judged one by one...
and anyway, the 144k as those saved at Rapture, will have their judgment if you can call it that, in the form of having been restored to Him and will not undergo trib. I have never been JW but the idea that one is saved by denomination is not right... The 144k who meet Christ, each have to die to this world and meet Him and learn from Him.
It's really up to God who is who, no? I would imagine He would be most angry at pastors for teaching from the unsealed vision...
and not so much poor souls simply going to church, who do not understand.
as a pastor we are watchman we stand watch and if we see danger coming we blow the trumpet . if we fail to blow the trumpet preach the the truth. then anyone who perishes due to lack of warning. their blood is on the pastor/ watchman hands read Ezekiel 3 and 33 . the J,W doctrine is dangerous and cultish .. they are trained what to say. i have talked Bible with them and are trained how to stay on track. they come to my house i tell them i have a bible and i am saved. they move on i will not accept there false doctrine pamphlets
When a JW quits the cult, family members still part of it are not allowed to talk with them and must burn all letters.

JWs are a very outside appearance kind of religion that tend to have a fear induced silence already embedded into the culture.

So it is believable that sexual abuses have been covered up and will continue to be covered up.

The reason why it is coming out now, is because the society is making it easier to report it.
The elders council the parents to go to the police. That isn't covering it up.
You must have missed Gods view of acult=the only view that counts= A house divided( hundreds of trinity religions) will not stand.--They fail this true mark 100%=1Cor 1:10=Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth, no division. The JW,s pass that true mark 100%.
Apostates whose hearts are filled with hate make untrue claims against the JW,s.
God instructed--If one called a brother( baptized) becomes unrepentant, do not even eat a meal with him. 1Cor 5:9-13)- In the OT stoned to death was the penalty. Now they have an opportunity to still repent where as in OT days it was death.
Jesus taught members of ones household would become enemies= Matt 10:36)--Because they became enemies to God.
If you are an ex baptized JW please do not write back.
as a pastor we are watchman we stand watch and if we see danger coming we blow the trumpet . if we fail to blow the trumpet preach the the truth. then anyone who perishes due to lack of warning. their blood is on the pastor/ watchman hands read Ezekiel 3 and 33 . the J,W doctrine is dangerous and cultish .. they are trained what to say. i have talked Bible with them and are trained how to stay on track. they come to my house i tell them i have a bible and i am saved. they move on i will not accept there false doctrine pamphlets
not directed at you
but many pastors are missing rapture for teaching the sealed scroll/sealed vision.

they do not share His Words to us but instead share the corrupt kjv.

His souls will be saved when we meet Christ on the clouds
and finally
leave this clown show earth not created by Him
and this body not created by Him.
not directed at you
but many pastors are missing rapture for teaching the sealed scroll/sealed vision.

they do not share His Words to us but instead share the corrupt kjv.

His souls will be saved when we meet Christ on the clouds
and finally
leave this clown show earth not created by Him
and this body not created by Him.
God warned you--GET OUT OF HER. The teachings of Jesus in every translation on earth back the JW teachers-0 doubt in all creation.
The elders council the parents to go to the police. That isn't covering it up.
You must have missed Gods view of acult=the only view that counts= A house divided( hundreds of trinity religions) will not stand.--They fail this true mark 100%=1Cor 1:10=Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth, no division. The JW,s pass that true mark 100%.
Apostates whose hearts are filled with hate make untrue claims against the JW,s.
God instructed--If one called a brother( baptized) becomes unrepentant, do not even eat a meal with him. 1Cor 5:9-13)- In the OT stoned to death was the penalty. Now they have an opportunity to still repent where as in OT days it was death.
Jesus taught members of ones household would become enemies= Matt 10:36)--Because they became enemies to God.
If you are an ex baptized JW please do not write back.
Sounds pretty evil to me.

Thanks for confirming.
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