I have been suffering from mental issues.


Active member
Please pray for me. I have no friends because I have mental problems. I live with my parents because of my mental problems. They don't think getting help for me is a good thing to do. But I'm starting to feel like I'm having a breakdown. I'm trying to figure out a way that I can talk to someone to help me deal with my emotions. I'm sad almost all the time, and nobody seems to like me.
Please pray for me. I have no friends because I have mental problems. I live with my parents because of my mental problems. They don't think getting help for me is a good thing to do. But I'm starting to feel like I'm having a breakdown. I'm trying to figure out a way that I can talk to someone to help me deal with my emotions. I'm sad almost all the time, and nobody seems to like me.

I like you. I’ve been praying for you for quite some time now, and will continue to do so.
Words, Words, Words. Words can be hurtful and they can destroy relationships. They can also prevent relationships from even starting. I've learned that much. I might not be able to keep from burning bridges with you. I'm really having a hard time finding the correct words to say. I have no choice, I got to start somewhere, even though I don't know where to start, or even if it's the correct way to start.

I think it is a possibility that I can not have friends. I think what is wrong with me goes so deep and is so much apart of me and my spirit or however one can describe one's self at the deepest level, is so messed up that I will wreck any friendship that will ever get started.

Mental Health is a complicated thing and it is not an exact science. I know that much to be true.

Back in 1987, I was diagnosed with a learning disability, and I don't want to debate over it. Never mind the diagnosis. I had trouble learning in class. I worked my butt off, while other students shot right by me. Then eventually the bullying started, and it continued until I graduated High School. I never understood why my peers seemed to hate me so much. About a year after my High School graduation, I was trying to find a job, and I started having problems. Things got so bad that my mom finally drove me to the doctor. The doctor diagnosed me with the start of a nervous break down, and I was put on some medication to try and get me back on my feet. For my first two years of working, I couldn't hold down a job. My mom felt that since I was in the learning disability program at school, that maybe there was something they could do for me. I got into something called vocational rehab. They did a psychological evaluation on me and they diagnosed me with the following mental disorders: Obsessive-compulsive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Anxiety, and Mixed Personality Disorder. I was perplexed and didn't know what all that meant for me!

A psychiatrist tried me on some different medications, and then concluded He couldn't do anything for me. He said that if I didn't get better I would never be able to leave my parents.

Working with Vocational Rehab, it took us a year to get me placed in my current job but my mental health continued to give me problems. After several years I talked to my regular doctor and got connected to yet another Psychologist and Psychiatrist. The Psychiatrist treated me with different medication but it didn't work either. He basically told me the same thing the first guy did, and sent me on my way. As you can see, I am damaged at a very deep level. Due to this, my parents still have control of me. They don't like the mental health industry, and they don't think I should be getting help from it. But I am emotionally suffering from my issues, and loneliness. People don't want to be around me, and I can't blame them. I'm not a happy person. I do not recommend being my friend because you probably won't be able to handle my ups and downs, and frustrations. I'm hoping that God will step in and do something. That is why I ask for prayer.
I'm not a happy person. I do not recommend being my friend because you probably won't be able to handle my ups and downs, and frustrations. I'm hoping that God will step in and do something. That is why I ask for prayer.

For the most part it is probably best to stay away from most people. They can be terribly cruel and annoying.
You'll always have a friend in Jesus and it is to Him you can confide and pour your heart out to.
For the most part it is probably best to stay away from most people. They can be terribly cruel and annoying.
You'll always have a friend in Jesus and it is to Him you can confide and pour your heart out to.
I wish Jesus was enough but He's not. Jesus is God and God said this: Genesis 2:18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Cleaning a School, Second Shift for 21 years, I can testify that Jesus is not enough. Jesus created the Church so that Christians could be together. Relationships between humans are very important to God's design. If I did not have my parents I would die.
Hello there,

I have a grandson, who is now 26, he has Asperger's, I won't tell you of his journey, because it is you whom we are listening to, but he was incredibly lonely, like yourself, and only now, when he has been allocated a home where there are others like himself, with carers to provide support, has he found company, and the support that he needed. He visits home every week, and goes along to the local chapel with them on a Sunday, where he takes part in worship, and participates in the Bible study mid week meetings too, and they have included him, regardless of obvious differences, strange attire and habits. He is just Andy, and is loved.

Within the love of Christ our Saviour,
our Lord and Head.
Hello there,

I have a grandson, who is now 26, he has Asperger's, I won't tell you of his journey, because it is you whom we are listening to, but he was incredibly lonely, like yourself, and only now, when he has been allocated a home where there are others like himself, with carers to provide support, has he found company, and the support that he needed. He visits home every week, and goes along to the local chapel with them on a Sunday, where he takes part in worship, and participates in the Bible study mid week meetings too, and they have included him, regardless of obvious differences, strange attire and habits. He is just Andy, and is loved.

Within the love of Christ our Saviour,
our Lord and Head.

That's good news for your grandson! My work hours is also a problem when it comes to trying to get help. The second Psychologist I saw suggested that I get involved in emotional anonymous group. But once He heard my work hours, He was like "oh shoot". Because they meet when I'm at work.
I wish Jesus was enough but He's not.

I'm not trying to be mean or unmerciful, but a Christian should never say this... ever. It's a lie from Satan and it's evil and idolatry.

Life is not ideal for a lot of people, and it may be "not good" to be alone, but it's not impossible, and many Biblical characters were alone.

I recommend the books Tortured for Christ and Heavenly Man to help you put things in perspective.

I'm not trying to be mean or unmerciful, but a Christian should never say this... ever. It's a lie from Satan and it's evil and idolatry.

Life is not ideal for a lot of people, and it may be "not good" to be alone, but it's not impossible, and many Biblical characters were alone.

I recommend the books Tortured for Christ and Heavenly Man to help you put things in perspective.

This is a very complicated subject.
This is a very complicated subject.
Yes it is and take our advice with a grain of salt since none of us are professionals with mental illnesses. It’s a part of the trained medical field of professionals.

One must not have any bias and also have sympathy , empathy and compassion for those who struggle in these areas.
Yes it is and take our advice with a grain of salt since none of us are professionals with mental illnesses. It’s a part of the trained medical field of professionals.

One must not have any bias and also have sympathy , empathy and compassion for those who struggle in these areas.

I never one time thought that any of you would have answers for me. That is why I posted this in the prayer section of the forum.

I ran into a problem at work, and got into some trouble. This kind of trouble could get me fired one day. I bring this up because this issue is related to my mental illness. Where I work you got to be very very cool headed, and very very flexible. Basically if you don't want to get into trouble, you got to be a total door mat to everyone who is above you. And that is everyone there. If you stand up for yourself, you could get reported and then your boss might fire you.
Two words you will never hear from a professional psychiatrist are "repentance" and "sin."

Whatever mental/emotional/spiritual problems we have, repentance of sin is still a requirement of the Gospel if we are to remain Biblical.

We all have to confess and turn from our self-centeredness, ingratitude and resentment as a primary building block to further healing and deliverance.
Two words you will never hear from a professional psychiatrist are "repentance" and "sin."

Whatever mental/emotional/spiritual problems we have, repentance of sin is still a requirement of the Gospel if we are to remain Biblical.

We all have to confess and turn from our self-centeredness, ingratitude and resentment as a primary building block to further healing and deliverance.

Do you have something against professional psychiatrists? Because you use the words "Two words you will never hear from a professional psychiatrist are "repentance" and "sin."" My response to that is, it depends on who the professional psychiatrist is. They are not all the same or believe the same. Also you seem to think that "sin" is the cause of all of it. I heard it explained like this. Our brain is like a computer. Our soul is like the software on the machine. It is our soul that is redeemed by Christ. The machine is still sinful and imperfect. Our brains are extremely complicated and all the chemicals that are reacting in our brains stuff can get out of balance. Our Christian Soul tries to make us do right, but the machine doesn't always behave perfectly. You can repent until your blue in the face, but life is a journey of continuing to trust Christ. Continuing to seek him etc. There is no such thing as getting perfect deliverance on this side of heaven. If you believe in perfect deliverance then you also must believe in sinless perfectionism. I have never seen any evidence of perfect deliverance or sinless perfectionism out of anyone. You don't haft to agree or disagree with me, to simply pray that God will lead me in the right direction.
I pray that God will lead you in the right direction, that He will fill you with all joy in believing, and give you His peace.

In Christ Jesus
our risen Saviour, Lord and Head.

Thank you for praying that for me! Today at work, I was listening to Harvest Online with Pastor Greg Laurie. His message was about God being bigger then your problems. He talked about how sometimes your in a situation that the only thing you got is prayer. I feel like I have been in that situation for a long long long time! I do not think that sin put me in this situation. I asked Jesus into my life when I was 6 years old. And then there was some doubt and I asked him in again several more times. I've always been serious about my faith. I listen to an audio bible daily. I also listen to various Christian type podcasts and sermons. I also listen to Christian music. And I also pray. For many many many many years I also attended Church until Covid hit. But I will not start talking about Church in this thread. I will say this about Church. Unfortunately I no longer attend. My parents don't either. The reason is because a lot of bad things happened to us, and we kinda ran out Churches to try. Just to tell everyone how serious this is, I started writing about it. Currently my sad story about Church experience, is 5 pages long! And I'm not even including the little problems that one often faces around imperfect people. It's mostly covering Church politics, and some of ways people seem to ignore scripture in their behavior. A lot of this stuff we as a family tried not care about, but it always eventually caught up with us. The reason why have chosen not to share is because of how long it is, some stuff is private, and it's not finished. Rather than getting on me about not attending Church, I will welcome prayers on that subject as well. You could pray that God would create a Church that we could attend. I know my parents and I both would like to get back into worshiping God at Church again.
I've been alone all my life, been through massive depression, stress, fear and mental problems.

I've once asked God to take my life.

But never once have I said Jesus isn't enough.
Hello @dizerner,

I don't think too much should be made of that remark made by this young person, at this time of his life, a man who is lonely and in need on a purely human level, apart from having a mental illness. God knows His heart, and He, more than anyone knows what he is going through, and will understand, for He is of tender mercy.

Within the love of Christ our Saviour,
our Lord and Head.
Currently I am experiencing a lot of doubt and confusion. Many thoughts are running through my head. Within those thoughts are biblically conflicting ideas. If I wanted to debate the two ideas of "Jesus is enough" and "Jesus isn't enough" I could back up both views from scripture. I already backed up the idea that Jesus isn't enough. The reality is, both views are in a sense correct. It all depends on how you look at it. It is biblical that God wants us in fellowship with one another. If Jesus was really enough then why would He want us in fellowship with one another? If for some reason you can not be in fellowship, then Jesus needs to be enough. You always got to keep in mind God's design. When we all get to heaven, we will all be together. So that tells you one of the final outcomes. Why is that a final outcome? Because that is how God designed things to be. We only find ourselves with these issues like loneliness because of the imperfect sin filled world that we all must live in. Just because some people in the Bible had to live in solitude doesn't mean that was ideal. They only did it because of the circumstances. Did God use those circumstances to bring about his plan. He sure did! To me the saying "Jesus isn't enough" means you need Jesus and all He provides you with.

I'm 44 years old, and I have a learning disability and maybe even some other mental health problems. I live with my parents because I'm not able to completely take care of myself. They are in their mid 70's. Who is going to take care of me when they die? Will God provide this? Or will he send me out on the street like other homeless people?

When I make a controversial statement like that, It is because there is a lot going through my head.

These would help back up the Jesus is enough idea.

Psalm 68:5-6
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families,
he leads out the prisoners with singing;
but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

Proverbs 18:24
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
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