I have been suffering from mental issues.

I'm 44 years old, and I have a learning disability and maybe even some other mental health problems. I live with my parents because I'm not able to completely take care of myself. They are in their mid 70's. Who is going to take care of me when they die? Will God provide this? Or will he send me out on the street like other homeless people?

I assume you are not married - do you have a girlfriend?

Do you have any siblings, or uncles, cousins, nephews, etc.?
I assume you are not married - do you have a girlfriend?

Do you have any siblings, or uncles, cousins, nephews, etc.?

I'm not married, and I don't have a girlfriend.

I don't have any siblings. I do have one uncle that MIGHT help out. I have some cousins, but I don't think they would help me. I don't have any nephews.
I guess I should bump this thread.

It has been a long time since I've logged into this Christian Site. I have been struggling emotionally like crazy! I really need someone to talk to, but there is nobody. For a while I was on a site called 7cups. It is a mental health site, where you can sometimes find a listener to talk with. Sometimes you get a good listener and sometimes one that isn't so good. Most of those people think I need therapy. If my parents wasn't against therapy, I would get it right away! Saturday I wanted to add to a post that I had started on 7cups. When I tried to login, I found out that they banned me from the site. They say my account violated their terms of service. I tried to get the account reinstated but was told in an email that they reviewed it and can not because I violated the terms of service. I don't know that term I violated because they never told me!

I feel more hated now days then I have ever in my entire life! Several months ago, at work, I needed to stock something in the Kitchen. I'm a janitor so it is a task that I do normally. But the Kitchen lady, whom I have gotten along with for a good 5 years or so, turned on me, by saying that I have no business being in the Kitchen. This came out of the blue and I have never had her talk to me like that before. To make a long story short, I am no longer allowed to be in the same room as her. She does not want me around. She told me all kinds of crap, like I don't respect her etc. Anyways, combined that with not having any friends or Christian fellowship outside of work, makes me feel extra hated. I also run into strange situations online where people seem to like to argue with me. I often wonder, if they don't like what I post, then why not just leave me alone?

I've been thinking that I might be a total sinner on the way to hell. You might ask why? When I was 6 years of age, I prayed and asked Jesus into my heart. There were many other times I prayed something like that. One of the big issues that through a monkey wrench into me was puberty at the age of 12. This got me interested in women. The whole issue of what is lusting after woman, and how do you stop, took over my thought life. Things began to snowball, soon I was scared that I was going to hell, for the feelings I felt.

I wish my problems weren't so controversial. The subjects of Lust, Looking for a Girlfriend, getting Married, Is Jesus all we need, and Mental Health is all very controversial. Sometimes it all depends on how you look at things, and your life experiences. Even what Church Denomination can make a big deal of a difference. What are your views on how the Holy Spirit works. How much power does God give a person to overcome. Or does your problems need to be overcome at all. How do you know if you are trying to do it in your own strength or you are fully relying on God to do it for you? What if you don't have the Holy Spirit. Or maybe the Holy Spirit left you when you started sinning. It just goes on and on.

Christians has always got the answers to things. Usually it comes in the form of a work that would really be hard for me to do. Like get up every morning and read the bible and pray. But not just read the bible and pray. It might be read the right passages, and pray the correct prayers. That sort of thing.

At the end of the Day, my Head just goes BOOM!

Since I clean a school at night, and my whole life is lived at night. I don't feel that I'm any good at reaching others for Jesus. I don't know why God doesn't just take me out of this life. Because for the most part, I'm really just taking up space. I got all kinds of problems. One big one is my ability to drive around and get places. Another one is my stomach problems. Another one is my personality. The issues with the local Churches who don't seem to want or care if a person like me is there or not. The fact that my parents must still help me to do the things I don't know or understand how to do. The list goes on and on. My faith is really put to the test, and feels strained to it's limits. It's not that I want to stop believing in God, or who Jesus says He is, it is that I can't believe I'm saved. Because if I was truly saved, then I don't think I would have some of these problems. I think with as long as I've been a believer, and with as many times as I have listened to my Bible at work etc, that any of my mental sins should be gone, at least. I would think that more of my prayers would be answered. I would think that I would be less selfish. But if anything I feel more and more evil. More and More, that I am not going to make it heaven. I have a strong feeling inside of me that says, "you are not going to make it to heaven."

It would be nice if people would pray for me, and all of a sudden some of these things would get better. But I won't get my hopes up. I've been talking to Jesus about this stuff for years and years and years. For the most part, it is just silence. I mean maybe I don't praise enough. It's always something like that. You don't do this enough or that enough. Oh well..... Since I don't have anyone to talk to about this stuff, this is the best I can do. I'll probably get told that I'm a real piece of work, or that I shouldn't be babied or something like that.
Heaven is a free gift, but we also have to endure to the end to be saved—it is Satan that wants you to fail, not Jesus.

Sometimes the path really is incredibly hard, and we also are being a bit immature and full of self-pity. Those are not mutually exclusive options.

God is not hard-hearted about our difficulties and challenges, even when we are failing in them, even when we are quite sinful in them.

But he does have the right to ask a lot of us, he is our Creator and he went through hell on the Cross to save us.

One thing to remember, is God gives grace to the humble—so a lack of grace in our life often means pride somewhere.

We should look for any way possible to humble ourselves, to constantly ask for help, and count each thing to be thankful for instead of complain.

You might get something out of this series:

I am also always open to talk to, add me on discord as broken7213.

I guess I should bump this thread.​
It has been a long time since I've logged into this Christian Site. I have been struggling emotionally like crazy! I really need someone to talk to, but there is nobody. For a while I was on a site called 7cups. It is a mental health site, where you can sometimes find a listener to talk with. Sometimes you get a good listener and sometimes one that isn't so good. Most of those people think I need therapy. If my parents wasn't against therapy, I would get it right away! Saturday I wanted to add to a post that I had started on 7cups. When I tried to login, I found out that they banned me from the site. They say my account violated their terms of service. I tried to get the account reinstated but was told in an email that they reviewed it and can not because I violated the terms of service. I don't know that term I violated because they never told me!​
I feel more hated now days then I have ever in my entire life! Several months ago, at work, I needed to stock something in the Kitchen. I'm a janitor so it is a task that I do normally. But the Kitchen lady, whom I have gotten along with for a good 5 years or so, turned on me, by saying that I have no business being in the Kitchen. This came out of the blue and I have never had her talk to me like that before. To make a long story short, I am no longer allowed to be in the same room as her. She does not want me around. She told me all kinds of crap, like I don't respect her etc. Anyways, combined that with not having any friends or Christian fellowship outside of work, makes me feel extra hated. I also run into strange situations online where people seem to like to argue with me. I often wonder, if they don't like what I post, then why not just leave me alone?​
Hello @AlwaysOnAJourney, :)

Do you keep a journal? You may find it useful to write down these thoughts and experiences on a daily basis, in order to map cause and effect, so that you will be able to better understand why you receive the reactions that you do. You appear to have no problem expressing yourself, on paper at least.
I've been thinking that I might be a total sinner on the way to hell. You might ask why? When I was 6 years of age, I prayed and asked Jesus into my heart. There were many other times I prayed something like that. One of the big issues that through a monkey wrench into me was puberty at the age of 12. This got me interested in women. The whole issue of what is lusting after woman, and how do you stop, took over my thought life. Things began to snowball, soon I was scared that I was going to hell, for the feelings I felt.​
I wish my problems weren't so controversial. The subjects of Lust, Looking for a Girlfriend, getting Married, Is Jesus all we need, and Mental Health is all very controversial. Sometimes it all depends on how you look at things, and your life experiences. Even what Church Denomination can make a big deal of a difference. What are your views on how the Holy Spirit works. How much power does God give a person to overcome. Or does your problems need to be overcome at all. How do you know if you are trying to do it in your own strength or you are fully relying on God to do it for you? What if you don't have the Holy Spirit. Or maybe the Holy Spirit left you when you started sinning. It just goes on and on.​
Christians has always got the answers to things. Usually it comes in the form of a work that would really be hard for me to do. Like get up every morning and read the bible and pray. But not just read the bible and pray. It might be read the right passages, and pray the correct prayers. That sort of thing.​
At the end of the Day, my Head just goes BOOM!​
* Yes, your mind appears full of unanswered questions, some of which, because of their sensitive nature you will never feel able to express. You are not alone in this. Also there is a tendency with most of us to overthink these things, especially, when, like yourself, there appears to be no natural outlet to relieve them. A run in the park, an exercise routine, swimming, a walk in green spaces, among trees. Listening to the sounds of nature around you, and praising God.
,Since I clean a school at night, and my whole life is lived at night. I don't feel that I'm any good at reaching others for Jesus. I don't know why God doesn't just take me out of this life. Because for the most part, I'm really just taking up space. I got all kinds of problems. One big one is my ability to drive around and get places. Another one is my stomach problems. Another one is my personality. The issues with the local Churches who don't seem to want or care if a person like me is there or not. The fact that my parents must still help me to do the things I don't know or understand how to do. The list goes on and on. My faith is really put to the test, and feels strained to it's limits. It's not that I want to stop believing in God, or who Jesus says He is, it is that I can't believe I'm saved. Because if I was truly saved, then I don't think I would have some of these problems. I think with as long as I've been a believer, and with as many times as I have listened to my Bible at work etc, that any of my mental sins should be gone, at least. I would think that more of my prayers would be answered. I would think that I would be less selfish. But if anything I feel more and more evil. More and More, that I am not going to make it heaven. I have a strong feeling inside of me that says, "you are not going to make it to heaven."​
* Take your eyes off yourself, and trust God to do what He says. Read His word and rejoice in Him, even though you see no visible signs of change in yourself or your circumstances, for God has placed you in Christ Jesus, and you are complete in Him. There is nothing lacking in God's sight. Look around you and just let the love of God permeate outwards through you to others. Smile and be gracious to those around you, for they have difficulties and problems too.
It would be nice if people would pray for me, and all of a sudden some of these things would get better. But I won't get my hopes up. I've been talking to Jesus about this stuff for years and years and years. For the most part, it is just silence. I mean maybe I don't praise enough. It's always something like that. You don't do this enough or that enough. Oh well..... Since I don't have anyone to talk to about this stuff, this is the best I can do. I'll probably get told that I'm a real piece of work, or that I shouldn't be babied or something like that.​
* You are not alone, we all have things within ourselves that we feel unable to share. We need you to love us just as we are, 'warts and all', just as much as you need us. So, relax, and realise that you are just another member of the human race. We breath the same God given air, and walk the same lone walk, and struggle with similar problems.

Within the love of Christ our Saviour,
our risen and glorified Lord and Head,

Last edited:
'For we are saved by hope:
but hope that is seen is not hope:
for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities:
for we know not what we should pray for as we ought:
but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit,
because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to His purpose.'

(Rom 8:24-28)

I'm sorry about the wall of text. I got to get ready for a doctors appointment and don't have time to properly edit this.

Does anyone here know what it is like to be treated like crud, and then have everyone go silent? That is very short summery of what happened to me at school. After getting out of school, my only connection to other people was at church. But then that Church went belly up. No friend that I made there wanted anything to do with me anymore. Next I get a job, working a 2nd shift. It is hard having friends when you got to work those late hours by yourself. Year after year for 21 years. I thought, well, I have trouble concentrating on reading. And I'm not as good of a writer as some people online think I am. I mean this a forum! People don't write well in a forum. I decided to try and put more of my focus on Jesus and God's word. So I bought an audio Bible. I thought that by listening to it on a regular basis, might gradually change my attitude. I learned more Bible this way, but my feelings of loneliness just never goes away! I try to make friends on the internet, but nothing ever sticks.

My parents and I have gone from Church to Church. Many of these Churches had biblical messages to share. The praise and worship wasn't bad. No longer how long we attended (One we attended faithfully for 20 years) and it was clear nobody cared if we were there or not. Nobody cared to get to know us, even when we tried to reach out to them! Like I said, we even tried other Churches, and tried to show people that we wanted to get to know them, and nobody gave a rip! So here I am working a really lonely job, because I can't seem to be able to land any other job, and I'm feeling a nagging feeling of loneliness, and wondering what is wrong with me! A lot of people in the a Christian forum just seem to think if only I change my attitude and focus more on Jesus then somehow the loneliness problem will be replaced by Jesus. I know in the word it seems to imply that, but also it seems like God designed us for community with other believers. Just last night I was listening to Pastor Greg Laurie mention about how Satan attacks those that are not in Church around other Christians. But how can I be in Church when none of the Bible Believing Churches want anything to do with me and my Parents? I think the teachers at my job should be ashamed of themselves. You might be wondering why I say this! When I first show up at work, they are around the school for about 2 hours. And all of these teachers happen to be Church going people. You would think out of all of them, someone would want to outreach to the others about Jesus. But who does the outreaching? Me! I am the only one that is willing to have casual conversation about Church and the things of God. There is even one teacher who runs a prayer group on Wednesdays at the secular school! She is on my route but treats me very oddly. I can't tell from one day to the next if she is a friend or not. After 8 years of all the ups and downs with her, I got frustrated enough to ask her. Are we friends? Her reply was a hesitated "I guess". I hear a voice in my head that tells me "nobody likes you, really".

One person at work, told me that if I would fake smile at people then I would make friends. My interpretation of that is, they want me to be a fake! Because people want to be around happy people. They don't care if it is true happiness, just as long as somehow that person makes them feel good. The person could be totally dying on the inside, and they wouldn't care as long they make them feel good. Church going people, many going to so called Bible believing Churches, and this is how they act???? Makes me really wonder what are these people learning at Church? How much time do any of these people spend in scripture. Everyone tells me to spend more time in scripture, and yet if I am an example of how they treat the poor, then I'm not so sure that many of these so called Christians are going to heaven!

Remember the Kitchen lady I told you about? The one who turned on me? She is a pastors wife!
I'm sorry about the wall of text. I got to get ready for a doctors appointment and don't have time to properly edit this.

Does anyone here know what it is like to be treated like crud, and then have everyone go silent? That is very short summery of what happened to me at school. After getting out of school, my only connection to other people was at church. But then that Church went belly up. No friend that I made there wanted anything to do with me anymore. Next I get a job, working a 2nd shift. It is hard having friends when you got to work those late hours by yourself. Year after year for 21 years. I thought, well, I have trouble concentrating on reading. And I'm not as good of a writer as some people online think I am. I mean this a forum! People don't write well in a forum. I decided to try and put more of my focus on Jesus and God's word. So I bought an audio Bible. I thought that by listening to it on a regular basis, might gradually change my attitude. I learned more Bible this way, but my feelings of loneliness just never goes away! I try to make friends on the internet, but nothing ever sticks.

My parents and I have gone from Church to Church. Many of these Churches had biblical messages to share. The praise and worship wasn't bad. No longer how long we attended (One we attended faithfully for 20 years) and it was clear nobody cared if we were there or not. Nobody cared to get to know us, even when we tried to reach out to them! Like I said, we even tried other Churches, and tried to show people that we wanted to get to know them, and nobody gave a rip! So here I am working a really lonely job, because I can't seem to be able to land any other job, and I'm feeling a nagging feeling of loneliness, and wondering what is wrong with me! A lot of people in the a Christian forum just seem to think if only I change my attitude and focus more on Jesus then somehow the loneliness problem will be replaced by Jesus. I know in the word it seems to imply that, but also it seems like God designed us for community with other believers. Just last night I was listening to Pastor Greg Laurie mention about how Satan attacks those that are not in Church around other Christians. But how can I be in Church when none of the Bible Believing Churches want anything to do with me and my Parents? I think the teachers at my job should be ashamed of themselves. You might be wondering why I say this! When I first show up at work, they are around the school for about 2 hours. And all of these teachers happen to be Church going people. You would think out of all of them, someone would want to outreach to the others about Jesus. But who does the outreaching? Me! I am the only one that is willing to have casual conversation about Church and the things of God. There is even one teacher who runs a prayer group on Wednesdays at the secular school! She is on my route but treats me very oddly. I can't tell from one day to the next if she is a friend or not. After 8 years of all the ups and downs with her, I got frustrated enough to ask her. Are we friends? Her reply was a hesitated "I guess". I hear a voice in my head that tells me "nobody likes you, really".

One person at work, told me that if I would fake smile at people then I would make friends. My interpretation of that is, they want me to be a fake! Because people want to be around happy people. They don't care if it is true happiness, just as long as somehow that person makes them feel good. The person could be totally dying on the inside, and they wouldn't care as long they make them feel good. Church going people, many going to so called Bible believing Churches, and this is how they act???? Makes me really wonder what are these people learning at Church? How much time do any of these people spend in scripture. Everyone tells me to spend more time in scripture, and yet if I am an example of how they treat the poor, then I'm not so sure that many of these so called Christians are going to heaven!

Remember the Kitchen lady I told you about? The one who turned on me? She is a pastors wife!
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Do you have any siblings, just curious.
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Do you have any siblings, just curious.
If you think that is bad, there is more where that came from. I have no siblings. In this big mess of writing you might be able to glean why.

In School I was kinda beat up. People called me names, tripped me in the hallways, broke up plastic rulers and used rubber bands to shoot them at me. And if that wasn't enough they had to give me wet willies in my ears too. I told that nobody liked me, I was told that I am ugly. One strange guy turned around in his seat and randomly said to me. "You will never have sex." I remember feeling about 3 conflicting emotions when He said that to me. Because as a Christian I am not supposed to be doing that sort of thing unless I'm married. But of course the girls used to look at me and say eww. It was a strange time in my life, for sure! Fast forward to 2008, I found myself on facebook. I started looking around for local people that I could try to make connections with. In the process of doing that I thought maybe by now, some of those people I knew in school would be mature and perhaps I could make things right with a few of them. What I discovered, was these people were not much better then they were before. Yeah some of them got married, and later divorced. Some had kids. Just about all of them moved away. They were 'ok' with me being on their friends list, but that is as far as it went. One woman asked to be my friend, but didn't make any kind of proper contact. I was still searching for people that I might be able to connect with, and then she sent me a random message asking me not to send any friend requests to any of her friends. By 2010 facebook banned me. The reason the website gave was that I was adding too many people too quickly and sending out too many private messages too quickly. I have not rejoined facebook since, instead I got in my block list.

Let's talk just a little more about the high school crap! One day in early 2000s, I was driving to my dentist to get a tooth that was bothering me, checked out. As I pulled into the parking lot, a short girl runs up to my car, and introduces herself to me, and asks if I remembered her or not. I knew exactly who she was! Then she called herself "The Outcast Girl of 1999." It was true, people at the school hated her. Not because she did anything worse then they did, but because they just didn't like her personality. You might be wondering, why do I bring this up? Typically in Church people don't come across so mean, but I think in their hearts they are. They look at people like me, and say to themselves, "He's not my type" so they gladly take my tithe money but they don't really care. They probably think, we are being nice because we are not saying anything mean. But not doing anything good is mean in it's own way. It is just another way of saying: "you are worthless to us" without putting it into words. This does not sound to me like people who are really serving Jesus.

I remember one time I was sitting in Sunday School Class, and the lesson was on how Jesus said to love your enemies. The one kid just made a joke about it. His dad was one of the leading people in that Church! That same kid and his friend tied my shoelaces to the table in the middle of a Bible lesson. Later, when I was in High School, it was my Junior year, He was in my Volcational Electronics Class. He was telling everyone that He is an Agnostic, which meant to him, "I believe in God but I don't care." He used every bad word in the book, and took God's name in vane while wearing a Promise Keepers t-shirt. I later learned that his friend, was now selling drugs to other kids. Those twerps came from the same Bible believing Church that I grew up in!!!! And I could go on about the crap. There is so much I got to say, I don't even want to try and write all of this stuff down. But it is all in side of me, like it or not, I can't forget. I can't forget the feelings. The memories keep coming back.

My Parents have had their own trials. Everything started out good. My Grandparents were not saved people. My Grandpa had a drinking and smoking problem, and he lived wild. My grandma kinda went along with it. But at a Church revival meeting, they both gave their lives to the Lord. And it changed both of them! My Dad grew up in that same denomination. My Dad gave his life over to the Lord, and wanted to serve as a pastor. He went to the same Bible Collage that the same denomination is in control of. He even graduated second highest in his class. And yet here is where the politics became 'god'. At least one person who was in charge did not want my Dad to succeed. He wouldn't send my Dad the papers He needed to fill out to get his license. So one of my Dad's friends, drove to the office, and got the papers for him. After that, whoever this high up dude was, (I don't his name) sent my dad to really really small run down church to pastor. My dad and mom lasted there for about a year. The house they stayed in, was so leaky that even duct tape couldn't hold out the cold coming in the windows! My Dad said He would duct tape around the windows to help keep the cold air out, and the wind would just blow the tap loose! That is how bad this place was! Mom and Dad couldn't make ends meet there, so they ended up quitting. My Dad started serving in another Church. This was a Calvinist type Church, but they still allowed my Dad and Mom to serve, even though they were not Calvinist. The guy at the denomination office, decided to throw my Dad's pastors license away. This story continues.

My point is, my dad has been in and out of ministry. And for reasons that He does not know, they don't like him. They got who they like, and to them, no matter how good my dad is with the bible, they don't care!

By the grace and mercy, and provision of God, my Parents and I survive. But they don't have a lot of money, and therefor they decided with the use of perminate birth control, not to have another kid. That makes me an only Child.

I realize that almost any form of birth control can be controversial subject among those in the Christian faith. But to them, it was act of being a good steward of what God gave them. I know that some might argue and say, they didn't have enough faith. Nothing I can do about it, I'm just the kid. And the child does not have a say in that sort of thing. So anyone who wants to argue about faith and birth control, I really don't care to hear it. I don't care to get into arguments over things I have no control over.
Ever try just taking an entire day to write down everything in your whole life you should be thankful for?

Thank take a whole month, and every day go through the entire list.
I'm hoping that God will step in and do something. That is why I ask for prayer.
OK then let me pray.

Dear Father God in Jesus name I pray for this dear person and help them know that YOU DID step in and do something 2000 years ago. You stepped into this place this world of darkness to bring them your LIGHT your LIFE and your LOVE. and it's your good pleasure to give them the Kingdom and that Kingdom is righteousness, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Ghost. Rom 14:7

Cause them to know that you gave up and endured SO MUCH so that they could even have this ......it took you Jesus by going to the cross to provide this! You were beaten, and whipped and a crown of thorns was thrust down upon your head and large spikes were driven into your hands and feet plus also a spear was thrust into your side. You bore out infirmities, sorrows and griefs on the cross.

Oh Jesus you did step in and do something those many years ago and by doing what you did it opened the door for them to have JOY and PEACE. You said also Lord, "Come unto me all you which are heavy laden (which meant burdened down and feeling like their life is a mess) that you said Jesus COME unto ME and learn from me and you shall find rest for your souls.

That includes THEM Lord. And Jesus if you could deliver a demon possesses person in Lk 8:26 who had no family to take care of them and they wandered like an animal in the wilderness among the tombs and cutting themselves with stones.....and in an instant of time and you spoke a word of power which delivered them cause this person to know you have loved them just the same way. The gospel, the words of Christ are the power of God for your words Lord are spirit and they are LIFE!

They have just as much power today as they did in those long ago times. Cause this person to know regardless of what they think by their own assessments that YOU WANT THEM and have provided for them the means whereby they would have PERFECT PEACE!

It doesn't mean all our circumstances will always seem wonderful but you'll give us your power and anointing which causes us if we're waking through the valley of the shadow of death (depression, confusion, hurt, sorrow and pain) you can and will bring us out of those things into your LIFE and LIGHT, LIBERTY, FREEDOM and GRACE. in Jesus Name!

You will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you! Because he trusts in You. Isa 26:3
OK then let me pray.

Dear Father God in Jesus name I pray for this dear person and help them know that YOU DID step in and do something 2000 years ago. You stepped into this place this world of darkness to bring them your LIGHT your LIFE and your LOVE. and it's your good pleasure to give them the Kingdom and that Kingdom is righteousness, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Ghost. Rom 14:7

Cause them to know that you gave up and endured SO MUCH so that they could even have this ......it took you Jesus by going to the cross to provide this! You were beaten, and whipped and a crown of thorns was thrust down upon your head and large spikes were driven into your hands and feet plus also a spear was thrust into your side. You bore out infirmities, sorrows and griefs on the cross.

Oh Jesus you did step in and do something those many years ago and by doing what you did it opened the door for them to have JOY and PEACE. You said also Lord, "Come unto me all you which are heavy laden (which meant burdened down and feeling like their life is a mess) that you said Jesus COME unto ME and learn from me and you shall find rest for your souls.

That includes THEM Lord. And Jesus if you could deliver a demon possesses person in Lk 8:26 who had no family to take care of them and they wandered like an animal in the wilderness among the tombs and cutting themselves with stones.....and in an instant of time and you spoke a word of power which delivered them cause this person to know you have loved them just the same way. The gospel, the words of Christ are the power of God for your words Lord are spirit and they are LIFE!

They have just as much power today as they did in those long ago times. Cause this person to know regardless of what they think by their own assessments that YOU WANT THEM and have provided for them the means whereby they would have PERFECT PEACE!

It doesn't mean all our circumstances will always seem wonderful but you'll give us your power and anointing which causes us if we're waking through the valley of the shadow of death (depression, confusion, hurt, sorrow and pain) you can and will bring us out of those things into your LIFE and LIGHT, LIBERTY, FREEDOM and GRACE. in Jesus Name!

You will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you! Because he trusts in You. Isa 26:3
Amen brother thank you for the prayers and encouragement for our dear friend.
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