How to : Avoid Hell


Well-known member

The reason a person can't be saved after they die a Christ rejecting unbeliever, never born again... is because they have died "in their SIN",.

Jesus said "if you dont believe im the Messiah (He), then you will die in Your SIN"...

So, that is a permanent eternal state of damnation, that is found here... John 3:36.... and it follows you after you die, as "the unpardonable sin".. having been committed.

What is that sin?
What is the unpardonable sin?
That is Hebrews 10.... "if you sin WILLFULLY, there remaineth no more Sacrifice for your sin"..
And that is not "pre-determined".. that is WILLFULLY....."Willful" "the CHOICE to die in unbelief", and God will honor that choice FOREVER, exactly as He will honor your free will choice to TRUST IN CHRIST, and become a "new Creation in Christ".

God does not "choose hell" for you, as Lying Calvinism teaches...
YOU CHOOSE IT., and God honors your choice.

Listen.., the Sacrifice of Jesus for your SIN, this offer of = Eternal Forgiveness.... that is God's Grace, and is REDEMPTION... is valid only when you are ALIVE, as that is when you have not yet "died IN your Sins".
That is when you have not died having committed the "willful sin" of Rejecting Jesus, and are never born again.

That sin follows you after you leave your body.....reader.
Its a permanent Sin.
Its unforgivable, because you rejected, there is NONE FOUND FOR YOU< after you die..


So, a person who is not born again, = has never trusted in Christ, dies "IN their SIN".. whereas a person who has been born again, dies a born again believer = "IN CHRIST", and that means that Jesus has become their "sin Bearer"... and they have become "made righteous"... "forgiven"... "having received eternal Life".


"Christ is the ONE TIME.... Eternal Sacrifice for Sin".. because..>>>"God, hath made JESUS... to BE SIN.... for us".

See that Reader?

And if Christ has not become your sin bearer then you die "in your sins" and that is to die in unbelief, never born again, and you died Separated from God... WILLFULLY << and that cannot be resolved in HELL< where you just ended up, as no one is born again in Hell.

God does not offer Jesus on the Cross to anyone in Hell.
God does not offer the Blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sin, once you are in Hell, as the reason you are in Hell, is because you "willfully rejected Christ", and died unforgiven.... = You committed the "unpardonable sin".

And here is something else...

Everyone who died today, and went to Hell, NOW BELIEVES IN JESUS... and they are all crying out to God that they BELIEVE...... and its TOO LATE, as you can't be saved in Hell.. You Can't be born again in Hell.

Reader, have you still not given God your Faith in Christ?
Are you that one? = John 3:36
Thats "willfull"..........understand?
So, do you know when you are going to die?
Read this is coming for YOU......... Hebrews 9:27... and you dont know when that is going to happen...., so "now is the day of salvation, now is the accepted time".. Now is when you need to turn to Jesus and Let the beautiful Savior die for you sin, so that you can be forgiven, and get your eternity resolved.

Do not wait.
Turn to Jesus... Give your heart to Jesus..>TRUST IN CHRIST......and you know to do it.
Do not wait for tomorrow., as you may not be here.

Reader, if you take Jesus, by faith, God will take you forever.

Believe it.

Where do people who do not believe Jesus is God fall in this?

They will "die in their Sins"... unforgiven, and go to Hell like a Bullet, once they die., having committed the "unpardonable sin".

See, Jesus is the Sacrifice for our sin.. and if we 'WILLINGLY reject Him" = ""then there remains nor more SACRIFICE (Jesus), for our sin.""

This is a Christ Rejector, never born again... this is Hebrews 10.

They have entered "2nd Death".. after they died.
What is that?
That is the end result of dying here... John 3:36

Its a eternal continuation of 1st death.

What is 1st death. ???? = . its to NOT have "eternal life".., and die.

See, eternal life, is the end of the 1st death.......and that death is to be separated from God.. who is LIFE., and His Life is ETERNAL.
So, no unbeliever has life in them... and that means God's Eternal Life..
So, this is why Jesus says.. """"""all that Believe in me, I (God in the Flesh) given unto THEM (the believer) ETERNAL Life.. (which is God's Life)... and they shall never go to Hell (Perish)."""""

And that is why Jesus says...>"YOU Must be BORN AGAIN".. as then you have eternal life, and 1st Death has ended.. The Spiritual Separation from God, has been RESOLVED, = born.....again.

See that?

So, all who are not born again, are alive, but they dont have God's Life.. So, the NT describes this as "death"

Think of Adam....

He was told...>"if you eat that apple, you shall surely DIE".. .and He ate it, and kept on breathing......right?
Yet, He DIED instantly.. in the sense that he became Spiritually Separated from GOD... "who is A Spirit", and "Jesus is THAT Spirit".
And to be joined to them Spiritually is Eternal life... so.. if you have it, you are born again, "IN CHRIST", and that is to now be delivered from 1st Death.

The unbeliever, has none of this.. and are still in 1st death, which is to NOT be joined to God, Spiritually. = NO Eternal Life in them. = Separated from God who "is A Spirit" and "Jesus is THAT Spirit".
So, if they DIE, like that... never born again.. .never joined to God.. in Spiritual Union... then they dont have Eternal life.. they have spiritual Death, and it is now sealed as "2nd death".. which is ..You can never be joined to God... So, your first death, that was you, in unbelief.. separated from God, has now become your ETERNITY.. = 2nd Death..

DAMNATION., as you can't be born again in Hell.

There is quite a lot of debates going on the the Trinity threads that deny this.

Yes... The Devil wants us to believe that all are already saved, and that Hell is not really there.
His ministers teach the same, or they teach that God only chose some to become a Christian.
However, "Hell was created for the DEVIL and His Angels".. before Adam was created.
And Adam, became, spiritually.. of the Devil = once He kneeled before the Devil, having eaten that Apple.
So, in His Rebellion, he became the Devil's (sin) or (Adamic) "You are of YOUR FATHER.. the DEVIL, and the LUSTS of YOUR Father, you shall do". Is what Jesus says to all sinners, who are never born again.

See that?
That is every one of us, enjoying Sin... and being separated from God.

And if we are never born again, then GOD does not become our Heavenly Father, and that means we would die, being the spiritual sons and daughters of the DEVIL., and that is why we would go To Hell, as that is where the Devil is headed, and so, the unbelievers, who are of the devil, and not "in Christ".. go to the place created for the DEVIL, who is their spiritual father.

The simple version..

The born again, go to OUR FATHER.., after we die. = HEAVEN.

And the John 3:36, go to their father, after they die. = HELL

So, no Son/Dauther of GOD, goes to Hell, and no Son/Daugther of the Devil, goes to Heaven to stay.

The only way to change Spiritual Fathers ????????

A.) Jesus said..."" You MUST.. be born....again".. as that is how you change spiritual Fathers, and there is no other way.
They will "die in their Sins"... unforgiven, and go to Hell like a Bullet, once they die., having committed the "unpardonable sin".

See, Jesus is the Sacrifice for our sin.. and if we 'WILLINGLY reject Him" = ""then there remains nor more SACRIFICE (Jesus), for our sin.""

This is a Christ Rejector, never born again... this is Hebrews 10.

They have entered "2nd Death".. after they died.
What is that?
That is the end result of dying here... John 3:36

Its a eternal continuation of 1st death.

What is 1st death. ???? = . its to NOT have "eternal life".., and die.

See, eternal life, is the end of the 1st death.......and that death is to be separated from God.. who is LIFE., and His Life is ETERNAL.
So, no unbeliever has life in them... and that means God's Eternal Life..
So, this is why Jesus says.. """"""all that Believe in me, I (God in the Flesh) given unto THEM (the believer) ETERNAL Life.. (which is God's Life)... and they shall never go to Hell (Perish)."""""

And that is why Jesus says...>"YOU Must be BORN AGAIN".. as then you have eternal life, and 1st Death has ended.. The Spiritual Separation from God, has been RESOLVED, = born.....again.

See that?

So, all who are not born again, are alive, but they dont have God's Life.. So, the NT describes this as "death"

Think of Adam....

He was told...>"if you eat that apple, you shall surely DIE".. .and He ate it, and kept on breathing......right?
Yet, He DIED instantly.. in the sense that he became Spiritually Separated from GOD... "who is A Spirit", and "Jesus is THAT Spirit".
And to be joined to them Spiritually is Eternal life... so.. if you have it, you are born again, "IN CHRIST", and that is to now be delivered from 1st Death.

The unbeliever, has none of this.. and are still in 1st death, which is to NOT be joined to God, Spiritually. = NO Eternal Life in them. = Separated from God who "is A Spirit" and "Jesus is THAT Spirit".
So, if they DIE, like that... never born again.. .never joined to God.. in Spiritual Union... then they dont have Eternal life.. they have spiritual Death, and it is now sealed as "2nd death".. which is ..You can never be joined to God... So, your first death, that was you, in unbelief.. separated from God, has now become your ETERNITY.. = 2nd Death..

DAMNATION., as you can't be born again in Hell.

Yes... The Devil wants us to believe that all are already saved, and that Hell is not really there.
His ministers teach the same, or they teach that God only chose some to become a Christian.
However, "Hell was created for the DEVIL and His Angels".. before Adam was created.
And Adam, became, spiritually.. of the Devil = once He kneeled before the Devil, having eaten that Apple.
So, in His Rebellion, he became the Devil's (sin) or (Adamic) "You are of YOUR FATHER.. the DEVIL, and the LUSTS of YOUR Father, you shall do". Is what Jesus says to all sinners, who are never born again.

See that?
That is every one of us, enjoying Sin... and being separated from God.

And if we are never born again, then GOD does not become our Heavenly Father, and that means we would die, being the spiritual sons and daughters of the DEVIL., and that is why we would go To Hell, as that is where the Devil is headed, and so, the unbelievers, who are of the devil, and not "in Christ".. go to the place created for the DEVIL, who is their spiritual father.

The simple version..

The born again, go to OUR FATHER.., after we die. = HEAVEN.

And the John 3:36, go to their father, after they die. = HELL

So, no Son/Dauther of GOD, goes to Hell, and no Son/Daugther of the Devil, goes to Heaven to stay.

The only way to change Spiritual Fathers ????????

A.) Jesus said..."" You MUST.. be born....again".. as that is how you change spiritual Fathers, and there is no other way.
Thank you,

Exactly as I thought...

These Unitarians and other that deny the deity of Jesus because they do not understand what they read are the fulfillment of 2 Cor 4: 3-4 ~
3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled [a]to those who are perishing, 4 in whose case the god of this [b]world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving [c]so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God..... IMO.

Such a shame they truly do not know about being born again.
Thank you,

Exactly as I thought...

These Unitarians and other that deny the deity of Jesus because they do not understand what they read are the fulfillment of 2 Cor 4: 3-4 ~
3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled [a]to those who are perishing, 4 in whose case the god of this [b]world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving [c]so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God..... IMO.

Such a shame they truly do not know about being born again.

Let me show you a real situation.

An unbeliever, is "you are of your father, the devil"... so, that is their spirituality.

Now, if this same believes they have become a Christian, because they are water baptized, or have joined some cult that said.."you are a Christian now"... then that is a person who is not a Christian, who believes they are.....a Christian.

Now, what happens when these people come to forums, and start trying to teach the Bible ???

See the Problem?

Welcome to a "christian" you have that on all of them.....and some of them are Mods...

Quite a mess, isnt it.
Let me show you a real situation.

An unbeliever, is "you are of your father, the devil"... so, that is their spirituality.

Now, if this same believes they have become a Christian, because they are water baptized, or have joined some cult that said.."you are a Christian now"... then that is a person who is not a Christian, who believes they are.....a Christian.

Now, what happens when these people come to forums, and start trying to teach the Bible ???

See the Problem?

Welcome to a "christian" you have that on all of them.....and some of them are Mods...

Quite a mess, isnt it.
Well, yes a mess.

And another mess is when after how many translations of the bible that basically say the same thing are when they are now following a bible that makes enough change in a verse to alter the meaning....

I just posted this example elsewhere. "
Such as the JW choice on John 8:24 reads That is why I said to you: You will die in your sins. For if you do not believe that I am the one, you will die in your sins.”

They add the one... and meaning changes from "I am" to I am the one who can save you leaving the God name out of things.

So from the water cults... (borrowing your term that I love) to those that have no idea how or what it means to be born again... (I learned that from you) and Now following the words of someone who feels they know better then what even the Septuagint or Peshitta says...

Well, I am digressing and taking your thread off topic. So sorry.

Well, yes a mess.

And another mess is when after how many translations of the bible that basically say the same thing are when they are now following a bible that makes enough change in a verse to alter the meaning....

I just posted this example elsewhere. "
Such as the JW choice on John 8:24 reads That is why I said to you: You will die in your sins. For if you do not believe that I am the one, you will die in your sins.”

They add the one... and meaning changes from "I am" to I am the one who can save you leaving the God name out of things.

So from the water cults... (borrowing your term that I love) to those that have no idea how or what it means to be born again... (I learned that from you) and Now following the words of someone who feels they know better then what even the Septuagint or Peshitta says...

Well, I am digressing and taking your thread off topic. So sorry.


You're not taking it off topic.

Corrupted bibles are Devil inspired works.

People believe the "queen James bible" for Homosexuals is a terrible situation, and it is, but so is the NIV., and that bible is the #1 Seller.
And that bible causes more doctrinal-theological errors then most other bad bibles, combined.

I would imagine that over 70% of the people on this Forum, use an NIV, and that is why they are confused, and can't understand what they need to know, as that one bible, is one of Satan's finest tools.

See, when there is literal spiritual confusion, there is every evil work, found.. and that is the DEVIL behind it.

The reason that Forums are one big mass of confusion, which causes all the arguing, is because that is the Devil's work, in process.

Why are there 300+ Versions of the ""Bible"" obo, and every year a new one comes out that is "more clear, more easy to read", and yet, its not more clear, its actually, more deceptive, and its less related to the known Greek Text that should be used to create it.

Reader, just like you have to find out what a Pastor, or Teacher, or Pope, or Minister, BELIEVES, so that you can discern if they are of God are not... you have to do this with Bible versions.. As many are created to ruin your Christianity.

The DEVIL, understands, long ago... that if he can alter the word of God, 300+ times, with "new bibles" then he has caused the most damage he can do to the Body of Christ.

Think on this Reader..

Lets say you all come to hear me preach or teach.
All of on the forum......every single member........all in one room.
So, i say, "Lets all take our bible and turn to........>"

And then i just look up and watch.
So, i just gave you a verse that is not going to be in your NIV, or in your ................

So, i start reading my verse, and you are sitting there......wondering what is going on.....

See that confusion?
That is the DEVILS's work, and thats a fact.
You're not taking it off topic.

Corrupted bibles are Devil inspired works.

People believe the "queen James bible" for Homosexuals is a terrible situation, and it is, but so is the NIV., and that bible is the #1 Seller.
And that bible causes more doctrinal-theological errors then most other bad bibles, combined.

I would imagine that over 70% of the people on this Forum, use an NIV, and that is why they are confused, and can't understand what they need to know, as that one bible, is one of Satan's finest tools.

See, when there is literal spiritual confusion, there is every evil work, found.. and that is the DEVIL behind it.

The reason that Forums are one big mass of confusion, which causes all the arguing, is because that is the Devil's work, in process.

Why are there 300+ Versions of the ""Bible"" obo, and every year a new one comes out that is "more clear, more easy to read", and yet, its not more clear, its actually, more deceptive, and its less related to the known Greek Text that should be used to create it.

Reader, just like you have to find out what a Pastor, or Teacher, or Pope, or Minister, BELIEVES, so that you can discern if they are of God are not... you have to do this with Bible versions.. As many are created to ruin your Christianity.

The DEVIL, understands, long ago... that if he can alter the word of God, 300+ times, with "new bibles" then he has caused the most damage he can do to the Body of Christ.

Think on this Reader..

Lets say you all come to hear me preach or teach.
All of on the forum......every single member........all in one room.
So, i say, "Lets all take our bible and turn to........>"

And then i just look up and watch.
So, i just gave you a verse that is not going to be in your NIV, or in your ................

So, i start reading my verse, and you are sitting there......wondering what is going on.....

See that confusion?
That is the DEVILS's work, and thats a fact.

And my church a long while ago switched to the NIV. And for many reasons have not been an avid attender other then I can online since covid.
My church is a (Calvin believing) one... and I am death on Calvin. I so want to argue with my minister who admires Calvin. The good news is my church rarely mentions him. Truth is I have not found another nearby that I am comfortable in.

While on forums I tend to generally quote the NASB95 but also from others such as the Complete Jewish Bible, and the LXX, and joyfully from the Peshitta. Once in a long while from KJV... but I have issues there so stay away other then when it is expedient.

I know that there is a loss in meaning with each new translation and especially those who claim that this is the newest and most accurate and easy to understand. I see a lot of Satan in those.

Thank you for your thoughts.


The reason a person can't be saved after they die a Christ rejecting unbeliever, never born again... is because they have died "in their SIN",.

Jesus said "if you dont believe im the Messiah (He), then you will die in Your SIN"...

So, that is a permanent eternal state of damnation, that is found here... John 3:36.... and it follows you after you die, as "the unpardonable sin".. having been committed.

What is that sin?
What is the unpardonable sin?
That is Hebrews 10.... "if you sin WILLFULLY, there remaineth no more Sacrifice for your sin"..
And that is not "pre-determined".. that is WILLFULLY....."Willful" "the CHOICE to die in unbelief", and God will honor that choice FOREVER, exactly as He will honor your free will choice to TRUST IN CHRIST, and become a "new Creation in Christ".

God does not "choose hell" for you, as Lying Calvinism teaches...
YOU CHOOSE IT., and God honors your choice.

Listen.., the Sacrifice of Jesus for your SIN, this offer of = Eternal Forgiveness.... that is God's Grace, and is REDEMPTION... is valid only when you are ALIVE, as that is when you have not yet "died IN your Sins".
That is when you have not died having committed the "willful sin" of Rejecting Jesus, and are never born again.

That sin follows you after you leave your body.....reader.
Its a permanent Sin.
Its unforgivable, because you rejected, there is NONE FOUND FOR YOU< after you die..


So, a person who is not born again, = has never trusted in Christ, dies "IN their SIN".. whereas a person who has been born again, dies a born again believer = "IN CHRIST", and that means that Jesus has become their "sin Bearer"... and they have become "made righteous"... "forgiven"... "having received eternal Life".


"Christ is the ONE TIME.... Eternal Sacrifice for Sin".. because..>>>"God, hath made JESUS... to BE SIN.... for us".

See that Reader?

And if Christ has not become your sin bearer then you die "in your sins" and that is to die in unbelief, never born again, and you died Separated from God... WILLFULLY << and that cannot be resolved in HELL< where you just ended up, as no one is born again in Hell.

God does not offer Jesus on the Cross to anyone in Hell.
God does not offer the Blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sin, once you are in Hell, as the reason you are in Hell, is because you "willfully rejected Christ", and died unforgiven.... = You committed the "unpardonable sin".

And here is something else...

Everyone who died today, and went to Hell, NOW BELIEVES IN JESUS... and they are all crying out to God that they BELIEVE...... and its TOO LATE, as you can't be saved in Hell.. You Can't be born again in Hell.

Reader, have you still not given God your Faith in Christ?
Are you that one? = John 3:36
Thats "willfull"..........understand?
So, do you know when you are going to die?
Read this is coming for YOU......... Hebrews 9:27... and you dont know when that is going to happen...., so "now is the day of salvation, now is the accepted time".. Now is when you need to turn to Jesus and Let the beautiful Savior die for you sin, so that you can be forgiven, and get your eternity resolved.

Do not wait.
Turn to Jesus... Give your heart to Jesus..>TRUST IN CHRIST......and you know to do it.
Do not wait for tomorrow., as you may not be here.

Reader, if you take Jesus, by faith, God will take you forever.

Believe it.
There are just too many errors in these statements. Your understanding of the "unpardonable sin" is one such error. Your understanding of "hell" is another.

So, for clarification what is the "unpardonable sin" and what is the definition of "hell"?
So, for clarification what is the "unpardonable sin

Its the sin of dying unforgiven, and never born again.

Do not confuse being water baptized with being Born again.

So, How does a person commit the unpardonable sin. ????

Like this.

You have John 3:36..........and these are unbelievers who are "under God's Wrath"........until what?

= Until they are forgiven.........and born again.

This means that every unbeliever, who is not born again, is "in their sin".. "under God's Wrath".......and that remains on them until they are forgiven, and born again.
So, being unforgiven, is to be UN-Pardoned.......and to be Forgiven, is to be Pardoned..

See that, Reader??

So, if you die UN-Pardoned,= never forgiven, then you have committed the one sin, that can't be resolved, and that is a person who died never born again.........NEVER FORGIVEN... = UN-Pardoned for eternity... = they have committed the : UN-Pardonable sin.

See, God can't forgive you, if you REJECT the forgiveness, and that is a Christ Rejector, never born again...

This person has committed the unpardonable sin......of dying never forgiven........never born again.

This is every unbeliever who is currently breathing, who is not born again., as they are committing this sin RIGHT NOW...... = they are "in Damnation".. .and need to be forgiven, or they will "die damned"... = having committed the unpardonable sin.. of REJECTING CHRIST for LIFE.... never born again.

If you read Hebrews 10:26 and 6:4, you will see JEWS (Hebrews) who are "willfully rejecting" their Messiah, and that means there is "no more sacrifice available for them". .as when you reject Jesus.. you have rejected the only Sacrifice for your SIN, that God's provides..

A.) you have "trampled underfoot the blood of Jesus" and "done despite to the Spirit of Grace".. you have ""crucified Christ AFRESH".. by rejecting Him and are never born again.
So, the person remains....a John 3:36.. and they hit eternity after they die, UNFORGIVEN & Never Born again.. = committed the "unpardonable sin".

" and what is the definition of "hell"?

Hell is found at the end of a Christ's Rejecting.. never born again... Life.

So, Hell is created for the Devil and His Angels.. and after Adam "fell" He became this.. "you are of YOUR FATHER The DEVIL, and the lusts of YOUR FATHER, you shall do".

And that passed unto all of humanity, and we are all that one........until we are "born again" by another Spiritual Father.

This is why Jesus told you that "you MUST be.. born again"..........and that is NOT water baptism.

So, once God becomes our Spiritual; Father, then where HE IS.. is where we ARE already.. and where we go after we die or are Raptured.

If God never becomes your Spiritual Father then you remains.... """you are of YOUR FATHER, the DEVIL".. and he is your spiritual father, and you die and go to HIM.. = And "HELL, was created for the DEVIL".. and that is where HIS "spiritual children " end up.. ......and that is every one who is not born again.

Its these... JOHN 3:36
Its the sin of dying unforgiven, and never born again.
Do not confuse being water baptized with being Born again.
So, How does a person commit the unpardonable sin. ????
Like this.
You have John 3:36..........and these are unbelievers who are "under God's Wrath"........until what?
= Until they are forgiven.........and born again.

This means that every unbeliever, who is not born again, is "in their sin".. "under God's Wrath".......and that remains on them until they are forgiven, and born again.
So, being unforgiven, is to be UN-Pardoned.......and to be Forgiven, is to be Pardoned..

See that, Reader??

So, if you die UN-Pardoned,= never forgiven, then you have committed the one sin, that can't be resolved, and that is a person who died never born again.........NEVER FORGIVEN... = UN-Pardoned for eternity... = they have committed the : UN-Pardonable sin.

See, God can't forgive you, if you REJECT the forgiveness, and that is a Christ Rejector, never born again...

This person has committed the unpardonable sin......of dying never forgiven........never born again.

This is every unbeliever who is currently breathing, who is not born again., as they are committing this sin RIGHT NOW...... = they are "in Damnation".. .and need to be forgiven, or they will "die damned"... = having committed the unpardonable sin.. of REJECTING CHRIST for LIFE.... never born again.

If you read Hebrews 10:26 and 6:4, you will see JEWS (Hebrews) who are "willfully rejecting" their Messiah, and that means there is "no more sacrifice available for them". .as when you reject Jesus.. you have rejected the only Sacrifice for your SIN, that God's provides..

A.) you have "trampled underfoot the blood of Jesus" and "done despite to the Spirit of Grace".. you have ""crucified Christ AFRESH".. by rejecting Him and are never born again.
So, the person remains....a John 3:36.. and they hit eternity after they die, UNFORGIVEN & Never Born again.. = committed the "unpardonable sin".
The "Unpardonable" or "Unforgiven" sin is only the fact of not been chosen by God to salvation. It is nothing we do or don't do. It is clearly something that falls squarely in the prerogative of God.
Before God created anything He contemplated the Plan of Man. It all begins with God.
The "Unpardonable" sin is only the fact of not been chosen to salvation by God. That's all it is. And it has nothing to do with anything a person does. But what a person does clearly helps us to discern whether or not a person is of God.
Hell is found at the end of a Christ's Rejecting.. never born again... Life.

So, Hell is created for the Devil and His Angels.. and after Adam "fell" He became this.. "you are of YOUR FATHER The DEVIL, and the lusts of YOUR FATHER, you shall do".

And that passed unto all of humanity, and we are all that one........until we are "born again" by another Spiritual Father.

This is why Jesus told you that "you MUST be.. born again"..........and that is NOT water baptism.

So, once God becomes our Spiritual; Father, then where HE IS.. is where we ARE already.. and where we go after we die or are Raptured.

If God never becomes your Spiritual Father then you remains.... """you are of YOUR FATHER, the DEVIL".. and he is your spiritual father, and you die and go to HIM.. = And "HELL, was created for the DEVIL".. and that is where HIS "spiritual children " end up.. ......and that is every one who is not born again.

Its these... JOHN 3:36
The word "hell" merely means "the grave."

The reason a person can't be saved after they die a Christ rejecting unbeliever, never born again... is because they have died "in their SIN",.

Jesus said "if you dont believe im the Messiah (He), then you will die in Your SIN"...

So, that is a permanent eternal state of damnation, that is found here... John 3:36.... and it follows you after you die, as "the unpardonable sin".. having been committed.

What is that sin?
What is the unpardonable sin?
That is Hebrews 10.... "if you sin WILLFULLY, there remaineth no more Sacrifice for your sin"..
And that is not "pre-determined".. that is WILLFULLY....."Willful" "the CHOICE to die in unbelief", and God will honor that choice FOREVER, exactly as He will honor your free will choice to TRUST IN CHRIST, and become a "new Creation in Christ".

God does not "choose hell" for you, as Lying Calvinism teaches...
YOU CHOOSE IT., and God honors your choice.

Listen.., the Sacrifice of Jesus for your SIN, this offer of = Eternal Forgiveness.... that is God's Grace, and is REDEMPTION... is valid only when you are ALIVE, as that is when you have not yet "died IN your Sins".
That is when you have not died having committed the "willful sin" of Rejecting Jesus, and are never born again.

That sin follows you after you leave your body.....reader.
Its a permanent Sin.
Its unforgivable, because you rejected, there is NONE FOUND FOR YOU< after you die..


So, a person who is not born again, = has never trusted in Christ, dies "IN their SIN".. whereas a person who has been born again, dies a born again believer = "IN CHRIST", and that means that Jesus has become their "sin Bearer"... and they have become "made righteous"... "forgiven"... "having received eternal Life".


"Christ is the ONE TIME.... Eternal Sacrifice for Sin".. because..>>>"God, hath made JESUS... to BE SIN.... for us".

See that Reader?

And if Christ has not become your sin bearer then you die "in your sins" and that is to die in unbelief, never born again, and you died Separated from God... WILLFULLY << and that cannot be resolved in HELL< where you just ended up, as no one is born again in Hell.

God does not offer Jesus on the Cross to anyone in Hell.
God does not offer the Blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sin, once you are in Hell, as the reason you are in Hell, is because you "willfully rejected Christ", and died unforgiven.... = You committed the "unpardonable sin".

And here is something else...

Everyone who died today, and went to Hell, NOW BELIEVES IN JESUS... and they are all crying out to God that they BELIEVE...... and its TOO LATE, as you can't be saved in Hell.. You Can't be born again in Hell.

Reader, have you still not given God your Faith in Christ?
Are you that one? = John 3:36
Thats "willfull"..........understand?
So, do you know when you are going to die?
Read this is coming for YOU......... Hebrews 9:27... and you dont know when that is going to happen...., so "now is the day of salvation, now is the accepted time".. Now is when you need to turn to Jesus and Let the beautiful Savior die for you sin, so that you can be forgiven, and get your eternity resolved.

Do not wait.
Turn to Jesus... Give your heart to Jesus..>TRUST IN CHRIST......and you know to do it.
Do not wait for tomorrow., as you may not be here.

Reader, if you take Jesus, by faith, God will take you forever.

Believe it.
Subject Heading:- 'How To Avoid Hell'

'And many other signs truly did Jesus
in the presence of His disciples,
which are not written in this book:
But these are written, that ye might believe
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God;
and that believing ye might have life
through His Name.'

(Joh 20:30-31)

Hello @Behold,

Hell cannot be avoided, for it is gravedom, the place of the dead, and when our body dies it will be laid there, in the grave. The Lord Himself went there, and was quickened and raised from there by the power of the resurrection. For only that power can raise the dead.

In God's estimation the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord though dead, yet sleeps in Christ. For he has the hope of life in Christ Jesus, and will be raised to life again, like His Saviour, and granted life eternal.

The believer has no fear of judgment, for him there is no condemnation, for Christ has borne His sin, and paid the penalty for it, by dying in his place, so resurrection life awaits him.

The fires associated with Hell, of which our Saviour spoke are all to do with end time judgment, for there is no consciousness in death, so nobody is suffering eternal conscious punishment yet as some suppose. Judgment comes before punishment, and that is yet to come.

In Christ Jesus
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The "Unpardonable" or "Unforgiven" sin is only the fact of not been chosen by God to salvation. It is nothing we do or don't do. It is clearly something that falls squarely in the prerogative of God.

Before God created anything He contemplated the Plan of Man. It all begins with God.

I have no argument with that. He drew up the blueprint for all. Period.

The "Unpardonable" sin is only the fact of not been chosen to salvation by God.

When are you going to read your bible... Oh, might not be your fault you predestined soul.... but try this first.

First... “And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” (Matthew 12:31-32)
Are you out of the loop?

Are you under John 12: 39-40 perhaps?(look it up)

That's all it is. And it has nothing to do with anything a person does. But what a person does clearly helps us to discern whether or not a person is of God.

The word "hell" merely means "the grave."
Satan et al blesses you and thanks you for your direction of their eternity.

Read this from Got Questions... it should enlighten you... and certainly correct you in part, even if you disagree with their biblical references...

While not my choice for outside sources they do condense things well, with biblical references..


There is sometimes confusion about use of the term hell as the temporary gathering place of the dead (also known as Sheol or Hades). This article will focus on one common usage of the word hell as being synonymous with the lake of fire, the eternal place of punishment reserved for the lost.

If heaven is vastly misunderstood thanks to misconceptions and falsehoods perpetuated by myth and popular culture, the realities of hell are all the more misunderstood. Medieval art, fanciful literature, and biblical illiteracy may be the top three reasons why the average person’s understanding of hell is clouded with ignorance and fallacies. Compounding the problem, many pastors and Bible teachers avoid discussing hell for fear of upsetting their congregants. Indeed, hell is a most unpleasant topic, but since our Lord Jesus taught on hell, we should not remain silent on the matter. According to the Bible, hell is real (Mark 9:43), it is where sinners are punished (Matthew 5:22), it is a place of torment (Revelation 14:11), and it is eternal (Mark 9:48). Hell was originally created for Satan and his angels (Matthew 25:41).

Dispelling some of the more prevalent myths about hell is useful in adding to our biblical understanding:

Myth 1: The devil’s headquarters are in hell. The devil is not in hell now. Hell, or the lake of fire (also referred to as the second death), will receive its first occupants at the end of our Lord Jesus’ millennial reign (Revelation 20:7–10). Also, hell is a place of torment (Luke 16:23–24; Revelation 20:10), so cartoonish images of prancing devils brandishing pitchforks while merrily dancing around a ring of fire are nonsensical. Rather than partying with his legions of demons, Satan will languish in hell.

Myth 2: Hell is reserved solely for the worst of evildoers such as cruel dictators and serial killers. While there are likely degrees of eternal punishment (Luke 12:47–49), all who refuse God’s mercy must endure His wrath (John 3:18). There is heaven, and there is hell; there is no third option. While this reality makes the average person uncomfortable, there will be more unrepentant barbers, plumbers, middle school teachers, bricklayers, airline pilots, and accountants in hell than tyrants such as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Stalin will not be sent to the lake of fire because he murdered millions of his own countrymen; rather, Stalin, like the unrepentant librarian, will suffer in hell because he scorned God’s mercy and rejected Christ.

Myth 3: A loving God would not send people to hell. If, by “love,” one is thinking of an indulgent, enabling, misguided sort of sentimental affection, then there would be no eternal punishment. But God is not to be confused with a drowsy old man who winks at his grandchildren’s mischievous antics from a rocking chair. God is just (Romans 12:19), and He will repay evil with affliction (2 Thessalonians 1:6). Rather than accusing God of being cruel, we should remember hell is reserved for those who, by their own volition, snubbed God’s mercy (Hebrews 2:3). Salvation is a gift free for the asking (Ephesians 2:8–9), but the world is filled with those whose minds and hearts are so full of earthly matters they haven’t any room for what God would gladly give them. Ultimately, hell will prove to be a place for those who were willing to settle for less than God’s best.

Myth 4: A just God would not send people to hell. Of all the arguments against hell, this may be the weakest. Where else would a just God send rebels who stubbornly and steadfastly refused to repent of their evil? Even in our own sometimes corrupt criminal justice system, lawbreakers are sent to prison. Should a just God reward hardened evildoers with eternal bliss? Additionally, those who will occupy hell will be those who avoided contact, companionship, and communication with the One who made them. Why should we think the unrepentant sinner who ran from the presence of God here on earth would be happy in His intimate company in heaven?

In his usual pithy style, Christian writer and apologist C. S. Lewis explained, “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done’” (The Great Divorce, Signature Classics, p. 339). Hell will be populated by people who chose to be there.

Myth 5: Hell is merely a scare tactic to enforce a particular brand of allegiance or behavior. If hell is real, then we will do well to fear it, and if hell is only a scare tactic, then might the same be said of warnings against tobacco use, drinking and driving, or income tax fraud? Jesus warned of the dangers of hell (Matthew 10:28). Would He have alerted us to the dangers of hell if the dangers were not real? Are those who deny hell’s existence wiser, smarter, and better informed than the Son of God? To deny the perils of hell is to cast doubt on the words of our Savior.

Hell is a place of misery and suffering; hell is where torment and anguish never cease (Revelation 14:11). Whether the flames are literal or symbolic of some even greater woe, we can be certain that all this world has to offer—money, fame, reputation, power, or sexual gratification—is hardly worth the forfeiture of our eternal souls (Mark 8:36–38).

God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:32). He finds no satisfaction in those who choose hell over Him. On the contrary, God loved the world so much that He sent His Son to rescue and redeem us (John 3:16). Jesus’ death and resurrection are good news for lost sinners willing to believe that our sin debt has been paid in full. Those who receive God’s grace through faith will live forever with Him.

Jesus is the best God can give us. God has nothing greater to offer than His Son. Those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ have no reason to fear death and the grave; on the contrary, the best is yet to come. Yet there are those whose hearts are hardened and are more interested in gaining what the world has to offer. What a tragedy this is, for Christ has overcome sin, death, and hell on our behalf.
I have no argument with that. He drew up the blueprint for all. Period.

When are you going to read your bible... Oh, might not be your fault you predestined soul.... but try this first.

First... “And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” (Matthew 12:31-32)
Are you out of the loop?

Are you under John 12: 39-40 perhaps?(look it up)

Satan et al blesses you and thanks you for your direction of their eternity.

Read this from Got Questions... it should enlighten you... and certainly correct you in part, even if you disagree with their biblical references...

While not my choice for outside sources they do condense things well, with biblical references..


There is sometimes confusion about use of the term hell as the temporary gathering place of the dead (also known as Sheol or Hades). This article will focus on one common usage of the word hell as being synonymous with the lake of fire, the eternal place of punishment reserved for the lost.

If heaven is vastly misunderstood thanks to misconceptions and falsehoods perpetuated by myth and popular culture, the realities of hell are all the more misunderstood. Medieval art, fanciful literature, and biblical illiteracy may be the top three reasons why the average person’s understanding of hell is clouded with ignorance and fallacies. Compounding the problem, many pastors and Bible teachers avoid discussing hell for fear of upsetting their congregants. Indeed, hell is a most unpleasant topic, but since our Lord Jesus taught on hell, we should not remain silent on the matter. According to the Bible, hell is real (Mark 9:43), it is where sinners are punished (Matthew 5:22), it is a place of torment (Revelation 14:11), and it is eternal (Mark 9:48). Hell was originally created for Satan and his angels (Matthew 25:41).

Dispelling some of the more prevalent myths about hell is useful in adding to our biblical understanding:

Myth 1: The devil’s headquarters are in hell. The devil is not in hell now. Hell, or the lake of fire (also referred to as the second death), will receive its first occupants at the end of our Lord Jesus’ millennial reign (Revelation 20:7–10). Also, hell is a place of torment (Luke 16:23–24; Revelation 20:10), so cartoonish images of prancing devils brandishing pitchforks while merrily dancing around a ring of fire are nonsensical. Rather than partying with his legions of demons, Satan will languish in hell.

Myth 2: Hell is reserved solely for the worst of evildoers such as cruel dictators and serial killers. While there are likely degrees of eternal punishment (Luke 12:47–49), all who refuse God’s mercy must endure His wrath (John 3:18). There is heaven, and there is hell; there is no third option. While this reality makes the average person uncomfortable, there will be more unrepentant barbers, plumbers, middle school teachers, bricklayers, airline pilots, and accountants in hell than tyrants such as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Stalin will not be sent to the lake of fire because he murdered millions of his own countrymen; rather, Stalin, like the unrepentant librarian, will suffer in hell because he scorned God’s mercy and rejected Christ.

Myth 3: A loving God would not send people to hell. If, by “love,” one is thinking of an indulgent, enabling, misguided sort of sentimental affection, then there would be no eternal punishment. But God is not to be confused with a drowsy old man who winks at his grandchildren’s mischievous antics from a rocking chair. God is just (Romans 12:19), and He will repay evil with affliction (2 Thessalonians 1:6). Rather than accusing God of being cruel, we should remember hell is reserved for those who, by their own volition, snubbed God’s mercy (Hebrews 2:3). Salvation is a gift free for the asking (Ephesians 2:8–9), but the world is filled with those whose minds and hearts are so full of earthly matters they haven’t any room for what God would gladly give them. Ultimately, hell will prove to be a place for those who were willing to settle for less than God’s best.

Myth 4: A just God would not send people to hell. Of all the arguments against hell, this may be the weakest. Where else would a just God send rebels who stubbornly and steadfastly refused to repent of their evil? Even in our own sometimes corrupt criminal justice system, lawbreakers are sent to prison. Should a just God reward hardened evildoers with eternal bliss? Additionally, those who will occupy hell will be those who avoided contact, companionship, and communication with the One who made them. Why should we think the unrepentant sinner who ran from the presence of God here on earth would be happy in His intimate company in heaven?

In his usual pithy style, Christian writer and apologist C. S. Lewis explained, “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done’” (The Great Divorce, Signature Classics, p. 339). Hell will be populated by people who chose to be there.

Myth 5: Hell is merely a scare tactic to enforce a particular brand of allegiance or behavior. If hell is real, then we will do well to fear it, and if hell is only a scare tactic, then might the same be said of warnings against tobacco use, drinking and driving, or income tax fraud? Jesus warned of the dangers of hell (Matthew 10:28). Would He have alerted us to the dangers of hell if the dangers were not real? Are those who deny hell’s existence wiser, smarter, and better informed than the Son of God? To deny the perils of hell is to cast doubt on the words of our Savior.

Hell is a place of misery and suffering; hell is where torment and anguish never cease (Revelation 14:11). Whether the flames are literal or symbolic of some even greater woe, we can be certain that all this world has to offer—money, fame, reputation, power, or sexual gratification—is hardly worth the forfeiture of our eternal souls (Mark 8:36–38).

God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:32). He finds no satisfaction in those who choose hell over Him. On the contrary, God loved the world so much that He sent His Son to rescue and redeem us (John 3:16). Jesus’ death and resurrection are good news for lost sinners willing to believe that our sin debt has been paid in full. Those who receive God’s grace through faith will live forever with Him.

Jesus is the best God can give us. God has nothing greater to offer than His Son. Those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ have no reason to fear death and the grave; on the contrary, the best is yet to come. Yet there are those whose hearts are hardened and are more interested in gaining what the world has to offer. What a tragedy this is, for Christ has overcome sin, death, and hell on our behalf.
Got Questions? Why are you regurgitating someone else's bible study, and bible study that is in error.

The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not a sin of the tongue but of the unatoned, non-elect life.

And since being unelect and unatoned that condition receives no forgiveness. It is unpardonable.

And having such a person existing in the world who is unatoned is an offense against the Presence of the Holy Spirit in the world whose Ministry is to apply at the appointed time the salvation bought by the Son to God's elect people. That's why He's called the HOLY Spirit. The presence of an unatoned, non-elect person in the world alongside the HOLY Spirit is an offense against the Holy Spirit.
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