Here I summarize seven atonement theories.

I viewed this video up until Dr. Craig's 3rd faulty statement and then I had to stop. At that point he was promoting Vicarious Liability. How in the world would Jesus be vicarious liable for our faults? This warps the mind. I heard enough.
Yes and by @Johann own criteria it’s not Craig’s own work/book/writing since he used sources outside of his own work himself. See here

15,201 views Apr 7, 2021
Here I summarize seven atonement theories. This is adapted from an article I wrote several years ago, which you can read here:

Enjoy my work? Buy me a coffee:

Further reading on the atonement:

Gustaf Aulen, "Christus Victor" -
St. Anselm, "Cur Deus Homo: Why God Became Man" -
St. Irenaeus, "Against Heresies" -
"The Nature of the Atonement: Four Views" -
Rene Girard, "Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World" -
S. Mark Heim, "Saved from Sacrifice" -

A few other resources not mentioned in this video:
Darrin W. Snyder Belousek, "Atonement, Justice, and Peace" -
Fleming Rutledge, "The Crucifixion" -
John McLeod Campbell, "The Nature of the Atonement" -
T. F. Torrance, "Atonement" -
Karl Barth, "Church Dogmatics vol. IV/1" -
Jürgen Moltmann, "The Crucified God" -

I can’t watch any of this or read the book since they cite other sources and it’s not their own work or materials as a primary source. :)

I’ll follow your standard you set for me with your posts and sources. This works both ways you know :)

hope this helps !!!
It it my work , my paper that I wrote citing sources.

By your criteria every book you own and cite was not the author’s work.
Who is on the defensive now?
You want to debate?
Listen to the video clip of William and his objections against those who "dislike" PSA and let's start with the 7 "theories" on Kippur.

You claim you don't hold to ANY theory-yet from reading YOUR thesis-as you say it is all YOUR work-you hold to either Christos Victor or Moral Influence.

Here is my proposition-You listen to the video clip-and we can take it from there.

Show me -point by point-where Craig is in error-Yes?
Who is on the defensive now?
You want to debate?
Listen to the video clip of William and his objections against those who "dislike" PSA and let's start with the 7 "theories" on Kippur.

You claim you don't hold to ANY theory-yet from reading YOUR thesis-as you say it is all YOUR work-you hold to either Christos Victor or Moral Influence.

Here is my proposition-You listen to the video clip-and we can take it from there.

Show me -point by point-where Craig is in error-Yes?
I don’t like watching videos. And I can’t be pigeon holed into any single theory.

After all they are theories not facts .

Do you know the meaning of the word theory ?

hope this helps !!!
Here I will post this for the members snd guests .

What is the difference between theory and fact?

If the path from a statement to verifiable predictions is short and uncontroversial, we call it factual. A theory is a statement which can generate a wide scope of predictions, but only through some intermediate steps, such as reasoning, computation, the use of other statements.
What's that old informal idiom that means someone should either take action in order to do what they have been talking about, or stop talking about it? No doubt a one-on-one debate would settle the issue.
You know.

The amazing thing is Isaiah 53 is literally all you need.

And there's so much more...

"bore. . .carried" These two verbs are parallel.

bore ‒ BDB 669, KB 724, Qal perfect, used of bearing one's guilt, Gen. 4:13; Lev. 5:1,17; 7:18; Num. 5:31; 14:34; Ezek. 14:10; 44:12, but it is also used of someone or some animal bearing another's guilt, cf. Lev. 10:17; 16:22; Num. 14:33; Ezek. 4:4,5,6 and of the suffering Servant's redemptive ministry in Isa. 53:4
carried ‒ BDB 687, KB 741, Qal perfect; this is literally "bear a heavy load," it is used of the Servant in Isa. 53:4 and Isa. 53:11 (Qal imperfect)
Notice the series of verbs in Isa. 53:4-6 of what YHWH did to the Servant for humanity's benefit.

smitten by God, Isa. 53:4 ‒ BDB 645, KB 697, Hophal participle
afflicted (by God), Isa. 53:4 ‒ BDB 776, KB 853, Pual participle
pierced through for our transgressions, Isa. 53:5 ‒ BDB 319, KB 320, Poal participle
crushed for our iniquities, Isa. 53:5 ‒ BDB 193, KB 221, Pual participle
the chastening for our well being (no verb) upon Him, Isa. 53:5
by His scourging we are healed, Isa. 53:5

This is the textual foundation for the doctrine of the vicarious, substitutionary atonement.

"Smitten of God"

It was God's will that Jesus die (cf. Isa. 53:10; John 3:16; Mark 10:45; 2 Cor. 5:21). Jesus' trial and death were not accidents or mistakes, but the plan of God (cf. Acts 2:23; 3:18; 4:28; 1 Pet. 1:20).

53:5 "pierced. . .crushed" As "bore" and "carried" in Isa. 53:4 were parallel, so too, these verbs.

pierced ‒ BDB 319, KB 320, Poal participle usually by a sword in battle, but not here. The same root means "polluted" for mankind's purification and forgiveness.
crushed ‒ BDB 193, KB 221, Pual participle; this verb is used several times in Isaiah
Isa. 57:15 ‒ Niphal participle, "the heart of the contrite"
Isa. 3:15 ‒ Piel imperfect, "crushing My people"
Isa. 19:10; 53:5 ‒ Pual participle, "to be crushed"
Isa. 53:10 ‒ Piel infinitive construct, "to crush"

It denotes one who is humbled. In this context by YHWH Himself for the greater good of all mankind.

53:6 This is the OT counterpart to Rom. 3:9-18,23; 5:12,15,18; 11:32; Gal. 3:22. This shows the terrible development of the Fall of Genesis 3 (cf. Gen. 6:5,11-12; Ps. 14:3; 143:2).

"the iniquity of us all to fall on Him" Jesus died for the sins of the entire world. Everyone is potentially saved by Christ (cf. John 1:29; 3:16-17; 12:47; Rom. 5:18; 1 Tim. 4:10; Titus 2:11; Heb. 2:9; 7:25; 1 John 2:2; 4:14). Only willful unbelief keeps anyone from God.

Some commentators have tried to make a restrictive theological distinction between the "all" [twice] of Isa. 53:6 and "the many" of Isa. 53:11d and 12e. However, the parallelism of Rom. 5:18, "all" and "the many" of Isa. 5:19, clearly shows that they refer to the same group (i.e., fallen humanity made in the image and likeness of YHWH, Gen. 1:26-27).

God desires all humans to be saved ‒ John 4:42, 1 Tim. 2:4; 4:10; 2 Pet. 3:9).

NASB, TEV   "fall on"
NKJV, NRSV, REB, Peshitta   "laid on"
NJB   "to bear on"
NET   "to attack"
JPSOA   "visited upon"
LXX   "gave him over to"
The MT has the verb (BDB 803, KB 910, Hiphil perfect), which can mean

cause to light upon (here)
cause one to entreat (KB 910, Hiphil, #2)
interpose (cf. Isa. 53:12, Qal participle)
attack or assail (NET, p. 1269, #10)
"For the transgression of my people" This phrase shows that the term "Servant" in this context cannot be national Israel. The Servant dies (cf. Isa. 53:8c,d) for Israel.

Here the DSS has "of his people."

This song/poem has several rare and unusual verbals.

Isa. 52:15, "what had not been told" ‒ Pual perfect (BDB 707, KB 765)
Isa. 52:15, "they will understand" ‒ Hithpolel perfect (BDB 106, KB 122)
Isa. 53:4, "smitten" ‒ Hophal participle (BDB 645, KB 697)
Isa. 53:4, "afflicted" ‒ Pual participle (BDB 776, KB 853)
Isa. 53:5, "pierced" ‒ Poal participle (BDB 319, KB 320)
Isa. 53:5, "crushed" ‒ Pual participle (BDB 193, KB 221)
Isa. 53:7, "led" ‒ Hophal imperfect (BDB 384, KB 383)
Isa. 53:8, "considered" ‒ Polel imperfect (BDB 967, KB 1319)
"But the Lord was pleased

To crush Him, putting Him to grief"

YHWH was pleased (lit. "it was the will of" ‒ BDB 342, KB 339, Qal perfect). This verb means "to delight in" (cf. Isa. 58:2; 62:4) or "desire" (55:11). It is even used of YHWH's pleasure to put someone to death in 1 Sam. 2:25. It is shocking to use a verb like this in connection with the unfair, painful treatment of the righteous Servant. YHWH had an eternal redemptive plan!
YHWH's will and purpose was "to crush" (Piel infinitive construct, cf. Isa. 53:5) and "put to grief" (Hiphil perfect, BDB 317, KB 311). The verb means "to make sick" (JPSOA) or "sore by hitting." There was a high and costly price to pay for human redemption (cf. 2 Cor. 5:21)! YHWH and His Servant paid it fully and freely!

These discussion questions are provided to help you think through the major issues of this section of the book. They are meant to be thought-provoking, not definitive.

1. Does the title "My Servant" refer to the Jews or the Messiah?

2. Why are the numerous references to the Gentiles' inclusion so significant in this passage?

3. Why did God choose the Jews?

4. Why did the Servant suffer?

5. Why was God pleased to crush Him?

6. What does Isa. 53:6 say about sin?

7. Why has this passage been so influential on the church?

My pastor-Utley.
No thanks. But I would like to see a one-on-one debate there's a section in the forum for that.
Not interested-I cannot afford to stay online and neglect my own personal studies- edit personal comments
If you are not interested in seeing the content I have posted-I cannot help you.

An aside-we have regular power cuts in South Africa lasting for 2 hours daily. So I would rather redeem the time instead of a hotheaded "debate"

Outside sourced material once again.
Prove him wrong-as I cite my sources-you don't brother.
I am more than willing to debate you-but like I have said to another member-we have regular power outs here in South Africa, 2 hours daily-so I redeem my time.

I said it is not between you and me-but now you are stalking.

Isaiah 53-and you resort to Outreach for Judaism?

Besides-I get the impression some things are flying way over your head-I am in awe studying Isaiah 53-you are not.

I have rabbinical sources-you don't-so where do you even want to begin?

Do you know the rules for a debate? HOW to engage without playing the victim?
Prove him wrong-as I cite my sources-you don't brother.
I am more than willing to debate you-but like I have said to another member-we have regular power outs here in South Africa, 2 hours daily-so I redeem my time.

I said it is not between you and me-but now you are stalking.

Isaiah 53-and you resort to Outreach for Judaism?

Besides-I get the impression some things are flying way over your head-I am in awe studying Isaiah 53-you are not.

I have rabbinical sources-you don't-so where do you even want to begin?

Do you know the rules for a debate? HOW to engage without playing the victim?
No I’m no longer going to engage your posts unless it’s your own words and I will not respond to yours unless they are my own words. That way it’s our own ideas. Our own words , our own posts. That solves our problems.

Otherwise it’s he who has the most sources wins and he with the longest posts wins the argument.

hope this helps !!!
No I’m no longer going to engage your posts unless it’s your own words and I will not respond to yours unless they are my own words. That way it’s our own ideas. Our own words , our own posts. That solves our problems.

Otherwise it’s he who has the most sources wins and he with the longest posts wins the argument.

hope this helps !!!

Here is your view.

Edited For Continual rule violation Of large amount of copy and paste

Excerpt from the book Atonement from William Graig.
This was not done on purpose-but thanks for the edit.
Prove him wrong-as I cite my sources-you don't brother.
I am more than willing to debate you-but like I have said to another member-we have regular power outs here in South Africa, 2 hours daily-so I redeem my time.

I said it is not between you and me-but now you are stalking.

Isaiah 53-and you resort to Outreach for Judaism?

Besides-I get the impression some things are flying way over your head-I am in awe studying Isaiah 53-you are not.

I have rabbinical sources-you don't-so where do you even want to begin?

Do you know the rules for a debate? HOW to engage without playing the victim?
No I’m not interested in debating someone that’s not here. Invite him here and I will be glad to debate him.
This was not done on purpose-but thanks for the edit.
Not done on purpose, how does that happen? I'm sure the admin has better things to do than edit your post that accidentally copy and pasted large amount of text. Must have been during the power outage.
Not done on purpose, how does that happen? I'm sure the admin has better things to do than edit your post that accidentally copy and pasted large amount of text. Must have been during the power outage.
Sarcasm noted.
Anything you want to contribute?
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