Heaven? Not Interested.

You are not staying within the Word and are playing gimmicks with definitions of words.

You do not hear what you are being told because you are excited with an idea that makes you proud to have thought it.

Its an easy trap to fall into.
We are hid in Christ. Christ is God and Christ is eternal.
There is no real 'heaven' as a place other than God Himself.
Abraham's Bosom, Jesus' Bosom, these refer to being in the Presence of God.
Paradise, same thing.
Do you even know what it says that you totally ignored?

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything
under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his
glorious body." Philippians 3:20-21​

That got ignored, and you just went off and spouted what makes you feel good to think you have thought it....

I have seen others do that as well.

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything
under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his
glorious body.

Heaven is a location!
Do you even know what it says that you totally ignored?

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything
under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his
glorious body." Philippians 3:20-21​

That got ignored, and you just went off and spouted what makes you feel good to think you have thought it....

I have seen others do that as well.

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything
under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his
glorious body.

Heaven is a location!
Yes and heaven is where the city the New Jerusalem comes from. It is a real place, location where we will be after we die.
Do you even know what it says that you totally ignored?

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything
under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his
glorious body." Philippians 3:20-21​

That got ignored, and you just went off and spouted what makes you feel good to think you have thought it....

I have seen others do that as well.

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything
under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his
glorious body.

Heaven is a location!
The is only ONE God.
There is NONE like Him.
He gives His glory to NO ONE.

If heaven is a location, then God gave/copied/shared/reduplicated His glory to a something.
Only God is eternal.

Jesus said that where He is we are there with Him.
Why wait for our Savior if we are already there.
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
The moment we are saved we are in Christ and Christ is in us.
From the moment we are saved He is with us and within us and His promise is to never leave nor forsake us.
There is no waiting for God in anything once we are saved.
The is only ONE God.
There is NONE like Him.
He gives His glory to NO ONE.

If heaven is a location, then God gave/copied/shared/reduplicated His glory to a something.
Only God is eternal.

Jesus said that where He is we are there with Him.
Why wait for our Savior if we are already there.
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
The moment we are saved we are in Christ and Christ is in us.
From the moment we are saved He is with us and within us and His promise is to never leave nor forsake us.
There is no waiting for God in anything once we are saved.

You found some words that sparkle and they fascinate and distract you preventing you from concentrating on the full council of God's Word.

God is right here right now! Are we in Heaven?

God has given us locations to relate to.

Only God can be in the state you speak of.
You found some words that sparkle and they fascinate and distract you preventing you from concentrating on the full council of God's Word.
Well, that's just the way God is.
The parting of the Red Sea was 'sparkling' and '"fascinated" those that witnessed it and "distracted" them from the advancing Egyptian army.
God is right here right now!
Yes, He is.
Are we in Heaven?
God has given us locations to relate to.
And they all point to Him.
Only God can be in the state you speak of.
God IS the state I speak of.
Well, that's just the way God is.
The parting of the Red Sea was 'sparkling' and '"fascinated" those that witnessed it and "distracted" them from the advancing Egyptian army.

Soon later they melted down their gold and made the golden calf so they could have sex orgies to the pagan gods.

So much for their sparkling object.

grace and peace .....................
God IS the state I speak of.

God will be our "state of being of mind" that we will be baptized into.

Eternal God is outside of time and space. He knows all past, present, and future - simultaneously.

If He were interested to do so? God could transport you right into the Jurassic period while handing you a box of pop corn.
It will not be special effects you see. You will be actually living it as it happened.

I believe God is going to give us the greatest class trips any student could ever wish to have.

Soon later they melted down their gold and made the golden calf so they could have sex orgies to the pagan gods.

So much for their sparkling object.

grace and peace .....................
Focus on the good and whatever is of good report, like those that stayed faithful.
God will be our "state of being of mind" that we will be baptized into.

Eternal God is outside of time and space. He knows all past, present, and future - simultaneously.

If He were interested to do so? God could transport you right into the Jurassic period while handing you a box of pop corn.
It will not be special effects you see. You will be actually living it as it happened.

I believe God is going to give us the greatest class trips any student could ever wish to have.

If Jeff Goldblum is there, I'm good.
Focus on the good and whatever is of good report, like those that stayed faithful.

Only Caleb and Joshua and their families out of millions of adults pleased God. That is a good report?

Almost all the older generation was killed off during the 40 years in the wilderness!

You will all drop dead in this wilderness! Because you complained against me,
every one of you who is twenty years old or older and was included in the
registration will die." Numbers 14:29​


If you give me a powerful magnifying glass...

I will take your advice.
Only Caleb and Joshua and their families out of millions of adults pleased God. That is a good report?

Almost all the older generation was killed off during the 40 years in the wilderness!

You will all drop dead in this wilderness! Because you complained against me,
every one of you who is twenty years old or older and was included in the
registration will die." Numbers 14:29​


If you give me a powerful magnifying glass...

I will take your advice.
Over 1 million Hebrews left Egypt.
I mean, I didn't take a census but twelve sons and their wives having at least 6 children and multiplying in Egypt for 430 years may even break 3 million but who's counting? God knows.

*How many Israelites left Egypt and wandered the desert? The Torah, in multiple places, describes a vast number of Israelites leaving Egypt and traveling the Wilderness. The number is put at around 600,000 men aged between 20 and 60. If we include the women the number would double to 1,200,000. The children under the age of 20 likely doubles that number, giving us a total of about two and half million.
But then Hebrew families had upwards to six kids.


How many died in the golden calf incident?
Anyway, I'm not going to get into it right now, but you've spurred an interest to know a little more on this which I'll do later.
Over 1 million Hebrews left Egypt.
I mean, I didn't take a census but twelve sons and their wives having at least 6 children and multiplying in Egypt for 430 years may even break 3 million but who's counting? God knows.

*How many Israelites left Egypt and wandered the desert? The Torah, in multiple places, describes a vast number of Israelites leaving Egypt and traveling the Wilderness. The number is put at around 600,000 men aged between 20 and 60. If we include the women the number would double to 1,200,000. The children under the age of 20 likely doubles that number, giving us a total of about two and half million.
But then Hebrew families had upwards to six kids.


How many died in the golden calf incident?
Anyway, I'm not going to get into it right now, but you've spurred an interest to know a little more on this which I'll do later.

Please.... spare us.

;) ........ grace and peace.
I've been approved for Heaven, which of course is a much better option than the
other place; but I am not looking forward to going. Heaven is a distant alien world
with which I am unfamiliar and about which I know practically nothing-- and will
have to start all over again from scratch to make a life there.

1Tim 6:7 . . For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out
of it.

That's the part about Heaven that I really hate: we leave this life without a single
one of our most cherished possessions. I will leave behind all my birding optics, my
guns, my photographs, my little model cars and motorcycles, my watches, my
books, my souvenirs, my knives, my tools, my music, my Fender stratocaster, my
home, my genuine Army lensatic compass, my backyard, etc, etc. Were I to list all
the things I will dearly miss in this life, it would be a lot.

There's a story in the New Testament about a very successful guy who ran out of
things to do so he decided to build himself some warehouses where he would store
all his prized possessions. Well; God spoke with that man in a dream and
announced his death with this question: Then who will get what you have prepared
for yourself?
Doesn't sound like you read the Bible much, nor that you feel the need for Christ. Are you not tired of fighting sin? Are you not in awe of God or at least of his many attributes? Read John 17.

This life isn't about you, and the next isn't either.
Doesn't sound like you read the Bible much,

I began reading the Bible on my own back in 1968 when I was 24 years old;
but it wasn't till four years later in 1972 that I became a serious student of
the Bible via radio programs, mentoring, seminars, books, Sunday schools,
special classes, sermons; and of late via YouTube.

Fifty-one years as a conscientious student of the Bible hasn't made me a
seminary-level expert, but competent enough to be useful on internet forums
and message boards. I've been active at one time or another on nigh unto 50
such venues in the last 26 years dialoguing with men and women, and Jews,
Catholics, Protestants, Jehovah's Witnesses,
agnostics, atheists and know-it-all
wise guys. It's been quite an odyssey.

I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in November of 2022. There's a
47% chance I will be dead before Christmas even after completing the
appropriate amounts of chemo and radiation; and if perchance I should live
till Christmas, the odds against my survival from thence only get worse. The
upside is: there's treatment options for keeping my esophagus open enough
to permit swallowing so at least I won't be deprived of my favorite foods,
beverages, and snacks on my journey towards rendezvous with the Grim Reaper.

Well; as of today, I'm 79+ years old. Most of my life has already been lived
and I'm heading for the exit so I think you can appreciate why I think about
Heaven from a practical perspective instead of the sappy feel-good ethereal
nonsense floating around inside the heads of your average rank and file pew

Read John 17.

I fully expect that new arrivals in Heaven are whisked off to a sort of Bible
camp where all their mistakes are corrected and the blanks filled in so that
when we're released from quarantine and transferred to general population
(a.k.a. gen pop) there will be no quarreling and debating; which are
unbecoming behaviors for Christ's believing followers; as is unsolicited
spiritual counseling doled out by folks unqualified, and improperly trained, to
be doing so.

* Cancer isn't entirely a bad a way to die. It's a lingering death, so it gives
folks time to pack their bags, so to speak; unlike the ones who die quickly, thus
leaving behind loose ends and badly-shaken kin unprepared for their passing.

You know; cancer would be a really good way to lose weight were it not so
hazardous. I went from 240 pounds down to 189 before bouncing back up to
205 during recovery. So far my weight is holding steady, and I really like
being skinny the way I was for three years in the Army back in 1961-1964.

(That was a pretty exciting time. I was with the 101st Airborne division right
in the middle of the Cuban missile crisis. We were fully armed and equipped
ready to be in the air and on the way to Cuba within one hour had President
Kennedy given us the green light.)
Last edited:
I began reading the Bible on my own back in 1968 when I was 24 years old;
but it wasn't till four years later in 1972 that I became a serious student of
the Bible via radio programs, mentoring, seminars, books, Sunday schools,
special classes, sermons; and of late via YouTube.

Fifty-one years as a conscientious student of the Bible hasn't made me a
seminary-level expert, but competent enough to be useful on internet forums
and message boards. I've been active at one time or another on nigh unto 50
such venues in the last 26 years dialoguing with men and women, and Jews,
Catholics, Protestants, Jehovah's Witnesses,
agnostics, atheists and know-it-all
wise guys. It's been quite an odyssey.

I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in November of 2022. There's a
47% chance I will be dead before Christmas even after completing the
appropriate amounts of chemo and radiation; and if perchance I should live
till Christmas, the odds against my survival from thence only get worse. The
upside is: there's treatment options for keeping my esophagus open enough
to permit swallowing so at least I won't be deprived of my favorite foods,
beverages, and snacks on my journey towards rendezvous with the Grim Reaper.

Well; as of today, I'm 79+ years old. Most of my life has already been lived
and I'm heading for the exit so I think you can appreciate why I think about
Heaven from a practical perspective instead of the sappy feel-good ethereal
nonsense floating around inside the heads of your average rank and file pew

I fully expect that new arrivals in Heaven are whisked off to a sort of Bible
camp where all their mistakes are corrected and the blanks filled in so that
when we're released from quarantine and transferred to general population
(a.k.a. gen pop) there will be no quarreling and debating; which are
unbecoming behaviors for Christ's believing followers; as is unsolicited
spiritual counseling doled out by folks unqualified, and improperly trained, to
be doing so.

* Cancer isn't entirely a bad a way to die. It's a lingering death, so it gives
folks time to pack their bags, so to speak; unlike the ones who die quickly, thus
leaving behind loose ends and badly-shaken kin unprepared for their passing.

You know; cancer would be a really good way to lose weight were it not so
hazardous. I went from 240 pounds down to 189 before bouncing back up to
205 during recovery. So far my weight is holding steady, and I really like
being skinny the way I was for three years in the Army back in 1961-1964.

(That was a pretty exciting time. I was with the 101st Airborne division right
in the middle of the Cuban missile crisis. We were fully armed and equipped
ready to be in the air and on the way to Cuba within one hour had President
Kennedy given us the green light.)
OT you are alright in my book and I have great respect for you in your journey. I'm glad you decided to post on our forum and spend some time with us. You are in my thoughts and prayers brother.
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