God's grace to forgive and transform is not conditioned to recognizing Jesus' deity, blood atonement or physical resurrection

The one responsible for the betterment of their life in your question is the person. They decided to do better and so they do.
But that would be impossible.
It is impossible for man to transform himself. Otherwise, people would not need the grace of God.
That's the premise number 1 of soteriology, isn't it?

So we have three options so far:

  • OPTION A: Beelzebub made the Sikh and the Catholic honest men: IMPOSSIBLE
  • OPTION B: The Sikh and the Catholic made themselves honest men: IMPOSSIBLE
  • OPTION C: God made the Sikh and the Catholic honest men: POSSIBLE.
Dear Joe

First of all, I want to thank you for your respectful, fraternal way to interact with me. I appreciate it very much.
Regarding to your beliefs outlined in your post, let me tell you that the focus of this thread is not whether those beliefs are true or not.
The focus of this thread is if God can forgive and change the life of a person regardless of whether that person holds those beliefs or not.
It is in that context that I will answer to each of some of your bullet points.
Since some are closely connected, I will not address all of them, if you allow me to do that, for the sake of brevity.

@Pancho Frijoles

I confess this to be my true belief from my heart about the human being known as Jesus Christ. It is not all that I believe, but enough for now.
  • He is God's Son that preexisted with Him in His glory. (Jn 17:5; Jn 8:42)
When both the Sikh and the Catholic priest repented, they were not thinking if Jesus was God or not. Did they? Not even the Catholic priest, who strongly believes that Jesus is God. In fact, when you repent from something wrong you have done, the last thing you think about is on Theology or Metaphysics. Am I right?

In none of the stories of repentance in the Bible people were requested by God to believe in the deity of Jesus as a condition to be forgiven. Please review the case of Isaiah, David, the prodigal son, the tax collector, the servant of the king, the Roman soldiers at the cross, Simon the magician, etc. Please review the Book of Revelation as well. Never ever such belief is put as a condition.

  • He humbled Himself from being in the form of God and became Human. (Php 2:5-7; Luke 1:30-35)
  • The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (Jn 1:14)
  • He is called the Word because the Father lives within Him and expresses Himself through Him. (Jn 14:7-11)
Both the Sikh and the Catholic Priest believe that the words Jesus spoke were the words of God. That's why they want to live the life that Christ taught us to live.
  • He is the Creator and Sustainer of all creation. (Col 1:15-17; Heb 1:3)
When the Sikh and the Catholic priest repented, the last thing they were thinking is whether Jesus was the Creator or not. God is the creator and that suffices. Jesus talked about the Creator in third person, and his disciples spoke about the role of Jesus in creation as a mean, a channel ("through him"). But they keep recognizing the Father as the Creator.

Jesus Christ is God as a human, the Son of Man paying the ransom price for mankind's release from sin, death, and the grave.
The Sikh was not even thinking of that, as he knows that God forgives for free, and not in exchange of blood of an innocent.
Still, you can be sure that Jesus interceded for the Sikh as He did on the cross for the Roman soldiers, who worshiped many gods.
If Jesus was an intercessor for those polytheistic Roman soldiers, why wouldn't Jesus be intercessor for the monotheistic Sikh who value so much the figure of Jesus?
In regard to the Catholic priest, he does believe in the substitutionary atonement performed by Jesus Christ. Then, why wouldn't you think that God forgave him and transformed him?
And as God, He victoriously raises from death freeing us from its grip, as He told the Jews who would kill Him, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up". He is the Savior of the world! And no one can come to the Father except through Him.
The last thing both the Sikh and the Catholic priest thought about when repenting from their 1000 USD theft was if Jesus Christ has right now arms, legs, skin, hair, lungs, feet, or if he can walk, or needs to breath or eat.
As a matter of fact, when you repent from something you did wrong, you also don't think about that.
Question: Why do you advocate many ways to God and how a man can be saved?
I don't advocate many ways. There is only ONE WAY to God. Jesus showed that Way: man must repent and be born into a new life.

If the Sikh and the Catholic priests repented from their theft and allowed the grace of God to change them into new men, they followed the ONLY WAY that Christ came to teach and exemplify. There is no other way.
Dear @synergy

The scenario is not about mere confession.
A criminal can confess his crime only to avoid prison, without having repented.

The scenario presented is about true repentance, which includes pain, restitution of what was stolen, confession, and sincere willingness to be converted into an honest man. The scenario includes the transformation of those people into honest men.

What you are doing, as many do when presented this scenario, is to deny reality. I urge our brother @Joe to avoid the same mistake.

Since you can't explain why people from all religions can repent sincerely from having stolen 1000 USD (which includes pain, confession, restitution and willingness to change) and since you can't explain why people from all religions can get changed by God into honest men, your only resource is to create a straw man fallacy: that the scenario claims that confession is sufficient.
I already told you that forgiveness can be given and was given before the Cross and Pentecost made Salvation possible. So please stop with the false accusations.

(Psalm 51:17) The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
A broken and a contrite heart—
These, O God, You will not despise.

Jesus was accused by his enemies to cast out demons by the power of Beelzebub. Jesus replied that Beelzebub cannot cast Beelzebub... that such thing would be a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Jesus also taught, @Joe, that the good tree CANNOT (CANNOT, CANNOT, CANNOT, CANNOT) bear bad fruit, and that the bad tree CANNOT (CANNOT, CANNOT, CANNOT, CANNOT) bear good fruit.
What in the world are you ranting about? Of course Jesus can caste out demons by the power of God. He is God after all, right?
Those people who believe that Satan is able to transform dishonest men into honest men do not know what they are talking about. They are denying the explicit teaching of Jesus in the Bible.
Who said that? Produce the quotes.
I don't run away of any fact, since what you are presenting are not facts.
So, my behavior is not anti-Christian.
Please reflect on whether your own behavior reflects the character of Christ or not.
Since when is Baha'u'llah's attempt to usurp the 2nd coming of Christ and to usurp the Paraclete not a blasphemous disservice to God? :unsure:
In the mean time, I wish you all the blessings from God through Christ to your life and that of your family.
Since I cannot proceed to have a proper discussion with you, I prefer to silence your posts.
So I will click on the "Ignore" function.
That's exactly what heretics do when confronted with the truth that they cannot deny. They choose to bury their heads in the sand, in your case with the ignore function.
Yes one must leave everything to follow Jesus and be His disciple.

Jesus said HE didn't come to save those who were already repentant, and had "Yielded himself" a servant to obey God, AKA, "The Righteous". It is a wicked deception to say that Zacharias, Elizabeth, Simeon, Anna and the wise men had to turn away from obedience to God, in order to be disciples of Jesus.

And yet, this is the very foundation of the religious business which employs you Civic. My hope is that your desire for God's Truth is greater than your desire to preserve and promote your specific adopted religious sect and that you might consider what is actually written in Scriptures over the commandments and traditions of men you teach for doctrines.

They all left Judaism to follow Him.

This is what the Sun Worshipping founder of modern Christianity made into Law 350+ years after the death and Resurrection of the Lord's Christ.

They called for the rejection of God's Passover that Jesus and His Apostles honored and replaced it with an ancient pagan high day they called "Easter" that they placed Jesus Name on.

As history, shown in "Wikipedia", confirms because there is no such declaration, prophesy or command from Christ or His Father in the Holy Scriptures to reject the Feasts of the Lord, or God's Judgments Jesus Lived by.

"Constantine supported the separation of the date of Easter from the Jewish Passover (see also Quartodecimanism), stating in his letter after the First Council of Nicaea (which had already decided the matter):"

""... it appeared an unworthy thing that in the celebration of this most holy feast we should follow the practice of the Jews, who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin, and are, therefore, deservedly afflicted with blindness of soul ... Let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd; for we have received from our Saviour a different way."[5]"

""It was, in the first place, declared improper to follow the custom of the Jews in the celebration of this holy festival, because, their hands having been stained with crime, the minds of these wretched men are necessarily blinded. ... Let us, then, have nothing in common with the Jews, who are our adversaries. ... Let us ... studiously avoiding all contact with that evil way. ... For how can they entertain right views on any point who, after having compassed the death of the Lord, being out of their minds, are guided not by sound reason, but by an unrestrained passion, wherever their innate madness carries them. ... lest your pure minds should appear to share in the customs of a people so utterly depraved. ... Therefore, this irregularity must be corrected, in order that we may no more have any thing in common with those parricides and the murderers of our Lord. ... no single point in common with the perjury of the Jews."[8]"

It was the humble obedience to the God and Father of the Lord's Christ that led the first Church of God under HIS Prophesied New High Priest, to Pentecost. Passover, Unleavened bread, and counting correctly to be gathered together on Feast of Weeks.

Jesus saw this deception coming and warned us, not of Atheists or Islam or Buddhism, but of men who "transformed themselves" into apostles of Christ. Of "MANY" who call "Jesus" Lord, Lord, who prophesy in His Name and cast out devils in His Name, those "Many" who "Come in His Name" teaching that He, "Jesus" is Truly the Christ, but are actually deceivers.

The Catholic religion was the first "reformer" of this world's religious system. They broke away from the commandments of men the Pharisees taught for doctrines, but kept her traditions like building a religious business, building manmade shrines of worship, despising God's Judgments and creating their own. Polluting God's Sabbaths and creating their own. The Protestant reformation came next when religious men who "transformed themselves into apostles of Christ" broke away from the Catholic religion, but kept many of her traditions, like building a religious business, building manmade shrines of worship, made of wood and stone, to be seen of men. They also rejected God's Sabbaths, and kept her sabbaths and high days, and adopted her image of God created in the likeness of men of a long-haired handsome man.

Jesus' own Words, that is, the Jesus "of the Bible", exposes these worldly religions and their manmade traditions over and over, and there are men who live in this world who believe Him, I am one of them.

Matt. 4: 4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

The promoters of this world's religions, "who call Jesus Lord, Lord" call those men who would strive to be a "doer" of this Jesus Sayings, "A Judaizer". Teaching that if I believe in this Jesus, as opposed to the image of God they worship, I am a reprobate. Jesus said they would treat true worshippers of His father this way.

Jesus knew this world's religious system was coming and that they would continue in the traditions of the Pharisees and rebellious Jews and gave warnings for those who believe in Him, knowing they would promote iniquity and transgressions.

Matt. 5: 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

The promoters of this world's religious system promote the deception that when Jesus ascended, "All was fulfilled", and therefore, the Holy Scriptures are no longer trustworthy "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness", the same teaching of the Pharisees who also taught for doctrines the Commandments of men, just like the Catholic religion and her protestant daughters who promoter the exact same philosophy.

This is a very easy deception to discern by asking one simple question, "Has Jesus returned to gather His Elect from the four corners of the earth"? And if the answer is NO!, which is pretty clear since if HE returned with His Reward, I'm sure men would know. Then clearly, one of the most important parts of God's Salvation has yet to be fulfilled. And since not all has been fulfilled, then God's Word has not passed, as Civic and other promoters of this world's religious system would have us believe.

This is exactly what Jesus warned about several times.

Matt. 24: 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man "deceive you".

5 "For many" shall come in my name, saying, I (Jesus) am Christ; and shall deceive many.

So when you hear one of this world's religious promotes say something like, "Yes one must leave everything to follow Jesus and be His disciple. They all left Judaism to follow Him.

Remember that every example of Faithful man in the Bible, left this world's religious businesses and sects, their family, their traditions, from Abraham to Cornelious, and chose to "Live by" Every Word which proceeds from the mouth of God. And the Spirit that was in Christ told us in Moses and the Prophets,

Duet. 30: 9 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: 20 That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.

And the Jesus "of the bible" confirms;

Luke 16: 31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
I don't advocate many ways. There is only ONE WAY to God. Jesus showed that Way: man must repent and be born into a new life.

If the Sikh and the Catholic priests repented from their theft and allowed the grace of God to change them into new men, they followed the ONLY WAY that Christ came to teach and exemplify. There is no other way.

Hi Pancho,

I want to share some of my thoughts such as they are.

In the Law and Prophets, it is written that God told Adam and Eve that if they rejected His instruction, for any reason, they would certainly die. And I have come to understand that when a Law is given, "Thou shall Not", there are two paths this Law automatically creates. "Shall" or "Shall not". One is considered righteousness by God, the other is considered wickedness by God. It is the Law itself that proves free will to choose from the human heart.

Eve was convinced by another voice, other than God's, a voice that professed to know God and even quoted some of His Words, to deceive her into believing that God lied to her concerning the consequence of disobedience to His Law.

In another place, this same God said HE places Life and Death before humans and we all chose one or the other, and HE wants them to choose life, and HE detailed what choosing Life and choosing death meant. (Duet. 30)

He gave us many examples for our admonition.

In Ezek. 20: 18 But I said unto their children in the wilderness, Walk ye not in the statutes of your fathers, neither observe "their" judgments, nor defile yourselves with "their" idols: 19 I am the LORD your God; walk in "my statutes", and keep "my judgments", and do them; 20 And hallow "my sabbaths"; and they shall be "a sign" between me and you, that ye may know that "I" am the LORD your God.

I think Paul confirms this in Romans 6 in his teaching that we are servants to whom we choose to obey.

In your example, if the Sikh and the Catholic priests repented from stealing, but adopted and continued in the Judgments, Statutes and Commandments of their specific religious sect, perhaps concerning the 5 articles of faith for the Sikh, or the sabbaths, high days, traditions and idolatry of the Catholic religion, both of which reject much of God's known Judgments, known Statutes and commandments, how is that putting "on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness?" If a man doesn't yield himself to God's Instruction, how can they know that "HE" is the Lord our God?

Wouldn't a repentant Sikh and Catholic turn away from the religion of their fathers, like Abraham, and follow Paul's teaching to both Jew and Gentile, "that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance"?

And if there is only ONE GOD, then His Judgments, Statutes and Commandments would be for everyone, Yes? And men are allowed to "Choose" to "Yield themselves" to God's instruction in righteousness, or they are free to choose to listen to another voice, one that might profess to know God, who even quotes some of His Words, as Eve did.

They could have a good life here on earth. Family, friends, prosperity for many. They got to live as they pleased in this life, many receiving great rewards like fame and wealth even health and long life. We even have a Catholic president, such as it is.

But if I am seeking Glory and Immortality from the God of Abraham, why would I trust any of this world's religious businesses or sects over the Holy Scriptures that is said to be inspired by Him?

Why must I pick from, then adopt and promote the philosophies of literally hundreds of different religious businesses and sects who all have ONE thing in common, they transgress God's Commandments by their own religious traditions.

And what would I say to God, "In that Day"?

"The serpent beguiled me, and I did transgress" or "The Catholic beguiled me, and I did transgress", or "Sikhism" beguiled me, and I did transgress". Some random preachers, who calls Jesus Lord, Lord, beguiled me and I did transgress?

I don't know what God is going to do with everyone else and HE made it clear that I will be judged by my works, not the works of others. As it turns out, the Law and Prophets sums it all up for me, and truly I am the only one I have any power over.

Ecc. 12: 12And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. 13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

The most powerful deception known to man, in my view, is the teaching, "Ye shall not surely die". We are warned over and over about it in the Holy Bible.

Jer. 23: 16 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD. 17 They say still unto them that despise me, The LORD hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto every one that walketh "after the imagination of his own heart", No evil shall come upon you.

I like reading your posts, and the way it makes me think. Not of ways to justify myself, as you encounter often on this forum. But in discerning Biblical Truth from popular religious philosophy.

I hope that I might return the favor to you, my friend.

Have a good night.
Wouldn't a repentant Sikh and Catholic turn away from the religion of their fathers, like Abraham, and follow Paul's teaching to both Jew and Gentile, "that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance"?
Reading your posts is already a reward and blessing, for me, my friend.

Turning away from the religion of their fathers is certainly a possibility, but not a necessity to be forgiven and transformed into honest men.

First, because both the Sikh and the Catholic priests already accept Paul’s teaching “that you should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance” and they are convinced this is compatible with their religions. There is nothing in their religions that speak against that.

Second, because the vast majority of religious beliefs and the vast majority of religious rituals in Sikhism and Catholicism do not ask the person to transgress God commandments. Why would a Sikh or a catholic priest be compelled to dishonor their parents, steal, murder or commit adultery? Particularly, how do their religious traditions lead them to be indifferent to their neighbors in need?

Let me give you two examples:
How the belief that the host becomes the flesh of Christ leads the Catholic priest to sin?
How the commitment to let his hair unshaved leads the Sikh to sin?
I honestly cannot see how, even when you and me do not share those beliefs or rituals.

Third, because forgiveness and sanctification do not imply that men become 100% correct in doctrine on this earth. What if the Sikh converted to Catholicism? What if the Catholic priest became a Calvinist Presbyterian? Would that support or nullify their spiritual experience of having been forgiven and changed into honest men?

Let me know what you think. I value a lot your views.
Reading your posts is already a reward and blessing, for me, my friend.

Turning away from the religion of their fathers is certainly a possibility, but not a necessity to be forgiven and transformed into honest men.

It was for Abraham, wasn't it? Do you believe that Abraham should have said, "I will follow you, but only if I can continue in the religious traditions of the religious sect of this world adopted by my father"?

Wasn't it refusing to turn away from the religious traditions of Egypt, that caused Israel to fall? Did Paul continue in the religious philosophies and traditions of men that the Pharisees taught for doctrines, when he turned to God in repentance?

If Abraham's father's, and Paul's religion led to life, then why would God call them to repent and leave it and follow Him instead? What if it was the religious philosophies and traditions of the religious sects of this world they had adopted, that was leading them astray in the first place?

Jer. 50: 6 My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace.

Of course, the Catholic religion, and the Sikh religion, the Methodist religion, the Baha'i religion and all of this world's religious sects, would teach that it isn't necessary to leave the religious sects and businesses of this world, or their differing traditions and philosophies to follow God. Without contributing members, these religious businesses, and their shrines of worship, would fail and become long term storage units.

What if the entire purpose of the Gospel of Christ, is to free men from this world's religious system, and direct them to "The Way of the Lord" that God taught in the Scriptures I posted?

First, because both the Sikh and the Catholic priests already accept Paul’s teaching “that you should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance” and they are convinced this is compatible with their religions. There is nothing in their religions that speak against that.

This is true. There is nothing taught in these religious sects that would speak against their own differing philosophies and religious traditions.

And of course, those who adopt the philosophies of these religious sects of this world, are convinced they will receive a reward from God. Just as the Pharisees also believed. And in a sense, they do receive a reward. They have a decent life for the most part, lots of friends and families gathering each week in a manmade shrine of worship to sing praises and prayers to God. Jesus speaks to this in Matt. 6. I have friends who are happy with this existence, and are not willing to risk family, religious traditions, lifestyles, etc., as Jesus instructed, to receive access to the Tree of eternal life. Especially since their own pasters are telling them they already have it. As Jeremiah warns, "and they say unto "every one" that walketh "after the imagination of his own heart", No evil shall come upon you." Truly these folks have a reward in this life as Jesus points out.

So while I agree with you that men are convinced "their" specific religious "works" are compatible with "turn to God, and do works meet for repentance", and the promoters of their religion, regardless of what religious sect it is, say nothing to speak against that. It just seems prudent to consider the warnings throughout the Bible that specifically warn of this very mindset.

After all, are we not the result of whom we yield ourselves servants to obey?

Second, because the vast majority of religious beliefs and the vast majority of religious rituals in Sikhism and Catholicism do not ask the person to transgress God commandments.

Of course not my friend. Did the serpent in the garden tell or ask Eve to transgress God's commandments? Did the Pharisees ask the Jews to Transgress God's commandments? Consider something if you will please. Let's say God placed 10 fruiting trees in the garden, and commanded that 9 of them were OK to eat the fruit thereof, but one was forbidden. If Eve ate from all ten of the trees, then it can be said she obeyed God's commandment 90% of the time. Will God cause a person who obeys Him 90% of the time, to die?

It is transgressing God's commandments to promote images of God in the likeness of men? To reject God's Judgments concerning what is food and what is not, and create our own judgments? Is it disrespect towards God to reject the Feasts of the Lord, and choose instead to honor the high days created by this world's religious sects?

And the serpent didn't ask Eve to break the commandment. Not one time. Instead, it preyed on Eve's reasoning. I'll paraphrase, "Now Eve, do you think God is going to withhold eternal life because you ate a fruit off the wrong tree? Is God so mean and unjust that HE would dole out such a great punishment for such a small matter? Now if you killed someone, or stole from them, that is different. But what you eat?? No Eve, "You shall not surely die" because you ate something forbidding by God to eat."

The vast majority of this world's religious businesses and sects, including the Catholic and Sikh, completely reject many of God's Judgments, Statutes and commandments by their very philosophy, rituals and traditions. At least according to the Law and Prophets. You know this to be true.

The question is, "does it matter"? And if it doesn't, then we are all saved. But if it does matter, then the Path to Salvation is walked by few. The rest already have their reward.

Why would a Sikh or a catholic priest be compelled to dishonor their parents, steal, murder or commit adultery? Particularly, how do their religious traditions lead them to be indifferent to their neighbors in need?

The First and Greatest commandment is to Love the God of Abraham with all our soul, mind and body. He is the God and Father of all, according to Scriptures. He is my Father as well. Like any Father, HE knows better than His Children. I too, am a father. I directed my young daughter in matters pertaining to "what to eat", what to drink", who to listen to, etc. If I, as a nobody human, retain the right of a father to direct my children concerning these little things, shall I DENY my FATHER, the God and Father of the Lord's Christ, the same right? And my young daughter trusted me that I would not lead her astray as I allowed her to partake of some things, but not others, "for her own wellbeing". Shall I not therefore "Trust God" to direct me in the same way? Or shall I search through the smorgasbord of religious sects and businesses until I find one that fits my ideals, and then trust them to "show me the way"?

If helping others in need is all that is required by God, then Jesus would have healed every poor person and every man in need on the planet earth in His Time here. And surely God had the Power to accomplish such things. But what did Jesus actually say?

Luke 4: 24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.

25 But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land; 26 But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow. 27 And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.

Why does God choose to heal one person through the charity of His Son, but not the other?

If I don't love myself first, by "yielding myself" to God and HIS Way, "For my own wellbeing", how can I then Love others as myself? If I trust the Pope or Guru Granth Sahib or Gamaliel "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness", then I will encourage others to follow them and their religious philosophies.

The Bible warns of this very thig over and over, in my understanding.

Let me give you two examples:
How the belief that the host becomes the flesh of Christ leads the Catholic priest to sin?
How the commitment to let his hair unshaved leads the Sikh to sin?
I honestly cannot see how, even when you and me do not share those beliefs or rituals.

It is the doctrines, philosophies and traditions of these religious businesses and sects of this world, that cause those who adopt them to sin. Consider once again, the Words of the Christ.

Matt. 6: 1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: 4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself "shall" (at some time in the future) reward thee openly.

And again;

Rev. 18: 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers "of her sins", and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

Truly this world's religious system is seductive, and there are certainly benefits and rewards for those who adopt them. Whereas, to deny oneself, pick up our life's experiences, and follow God on a journey to a land we have never been to, is not so easy.

This is the journey I have chosen and advocate for and have been on for 25 years. It's a way of life, a choice, and as it were, a path less traveled.

Does it matter? Maybe not.

Third, because forgiveness and sanctification do not imply that men become 100% correct in doctrine on this earth. What if the Sikh converted to Catholicism? What if the Catholic priest became a Calvinist Presbyterian? Would that support or nullify their spiritual experience of having been forgiven and changed into honest men?

Let me know what you think. I value a lot your views.

In my experience and understanding, there is no real difference between the religious sects of the Baha'i, the JW, the Calvinist, the Methodist, the Baptist or the Catholic, etc. They are all a spoke on the wheel of this world's religious system. They are all religious businesses joined at the hip with this world's financial system. They all engage in the same marketing strategy, the creation of manmade shrines of worship, the promotion of manmade high days, images of God, and traditions of men as they compete against each other for contributing members without which their religious business could not survive.

God's Church, as described in the Holy Scriptures, is not a religious business. And it can exist, even flourish, under a tree with two or more people. Religions offer a seductive message, join our club, and live forever. But to sell it, they must dispose of God's Judgments concerning what is Holy, clean, Righteous and good, and engage in the same practice of the Pharisees, who "being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God".

I believe a man should let Gods Word instruct them as to what the "New Man" should be, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness, as opposed to the traditions or philosophies of one religious sect or another. As it turns out, "The Way of the Lord" as described in Scriptures, has no market value in this world.

I find that undeniable truth absolutely fascinating.

Thanks for asking and engaging with me my friend. Hope it isn't too long. Happy Sabbath.
Thanks for this very interesting exchange, Studyman. You've shared very important insights.
I can't comment on all of them for the sake of brevity, so I chose just some. Certainly, if you are interested in knowing my opinion on any other specific part of your post let me know.
It was for Abraham, wasn't it? Do you believe that Abraham should have said, "I will follow you, but only if I can continue in the religious traditions of the religious sect of this world adopted by my father"?... Wasn't it refusing to turn away from the religious traditions of Egypt, that caused Israel to fall? Did Paul continue in the religious philosophies and traditions of men that the Pharisees taught for doctrines, when he turned to God in repentance?
Certainly, many people are called by God to leave behind the religious traditions they were raised in and adopt a new theology and new practices. But the fact that Abraham left the Mesopotamic traditions of his father does not mean that the Chaldeans he left behind were damned to die in their sins. By the same way, the fact that Paul came to believe in Christ does not mean that all other Jews who did not follow his example were damned to die in their sins. God knows the reasons why each person remains within a religious system.

You have come to a better understanding of what the religious businesses and sectarian interests are. I congratulate you for that.
That does not mean, nevertheless, that people who remain within those organizations are damned to die in their sins and go to hell.
If we thought that way, we would become as sectarian as them: They say we cannot be saved outside their sect. We would say they cannot be saved inside their sect.

Of course, the Catholic religion, and the Sikh religion, the Methodist religion, the Baha'i religion and all of this world's religious sects, would teach that it isn't necessary to leave the religious sects and businesses of this world, or their differing traditions and philosophies to follow God. Without contributing members, these religious businesses, and their shrines of worship, would fail and become long term storage units.
Exclusivists churches profit from teaching that no one else can be saved outside their church (or at least, outside a range of churches that have a similar theology). Inclusivists religions, like Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism or the Baha'i Faith, do not profit from that.

What if the entire purpose of the Gospel of Christ, is to free men from this world's religious system, and direct them to "The Way of the Lord" that God taught in the Scriptures I posted?
The purpose of the Gospel of Christ is to free men from sin. It is my conviction that men can find such freedom both outside or inside religious systems.

And of course, those who adopt the philosophies of these religious sects of this world, are convinced they will receive a reward from God. Just as the Pharisees also believed. And in a sense, they do receive a reward. They have a decent life for the most part, lots of friends and families gathering each week in a manmade shrine of worship to sing praises and prayers to God. Jesus speaks to this in Matt. 6. I have friends who are happy with this existence, and are not willing to risk family, religious traditions, lifestyles, etc., as Jesus instructed, to receive access to the Tree of eternal life.
Well, you seem to be painting a picture in which people who remain in a religious system live comfortable lives while those who dare to leave face the challenges.;)
What I observe in the world is that people can live comfortable lives or face tremendous challenges both inside and outside religions/churches Just think about divorces, diseases, poverty or excessive money, drug addiction, loss of job or popularity for being honest, etc. These challenges come to your life regardless of whether you are a devote Baptist or a free-practicing non-denominational believer.

Of course not my friend. Did the serpent in the garden tell or ask Eve to transgress God's commandments? Did the Pharisees ask the Jews to Transgress God's commandments?
God commandments are of two kinds: those universal, and those specific for a group of people at a given time for a short-lived purpose.
For example, waging war against Amalek, destroying it completely, was a commandment by God for a specific situation, not applicable to all situations.

Specific commandments are contained in texts or verbal traditions that are different across religions... but as long as they are recognized as specific for a given people, or time, or place, what is the harm?
Jews don't expect non-Jews to abstain from pork to be saved.
Sikhs don't expect non-Sikhs to use a special underwear, comb and knife, to be saved.
Baha'is don't expect non-Baha'is to abstain from alcohol to be saved.
Catholics priests do not expect Protestants to pray to Virgin Mary to be saved.

Jesus said that all the Tanakh ("The Law and Prophets") could be summarized in two commandments: loving God and loving our neighbor.
The reason that Scriptures could be summarized that way, is that secondary commandments (temporary, specific for a circumstance) depend from primary commandments. Otherwise they couldn't be summarized.
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This is the journey I have chosen and advocate for and have been on for 25 years. It's a way of life, a choice, and as it were, a path less traveled.
All I can tell you with full honesty is that I admire you for being brave and honest in pursuing that journey.
You words resonate with me when you say that it is "a choice".
When people ask me why I believe in God (particularly those who knew me as an atheist) I answer that it is because I made a choice*.
I never say that I was persuaded by arguments, because I was not.
My soul was in need, and I found God fulfilling that need in a certain way and time, that may be specific to my circumnstance.

In this Forum, people want to persuade other people by arguments.
When I use arguments (and I love to use them, of course) it is to demostrate that people should not feel so safe in their arguments... that the arguments of the opposite side may make sense as well... and that therefore, the best we can do is to be humble in the way we present what we believe to be true.

(*NOTE: For any reader of a Calvinist background, I don't want to go here into theological or philosophical discussion about free will and God's predestination. I think God is the source of our faith, but we must be willing to receive that faith).
Thanks for this very interesting exchange, Studyman. You've shared very important insights.
I can't comment on all of them for the sake of brevity, so I chose just some. Certainly, if you are interested in knowing my opinion on any other specific part of your post let me know.

Certainly, many people are called by God to advance in the knowledge or appreciation of his will, and sometimes this implies leaving behind the religious traditions they were raised in and adopt a new theology and new practices.

It's important, in my understanding, to remember why "Many" are called away from their former lifestyle. I think Paul says it best.

"Wherein in time past ye walked according to "the course of this world", according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh "in the children of disobedience".

So if Abraham and Lot and their perspective families were living as Noah did, there would be no need to call them to repentance, and to leave their former lives, Yes? And they all could have followed Abraham like Lot did, Yes? So it seems that Abraham's father, and friends and family, like Lot, would have been offered the same journey as Abraham, and could have departed with him, as did Lot.

I understand this way, because when God called Ninevah or Sodom, HE didn't just pick one man from the region and offer them a deal. In the same way, I don't believe God would have picked Abraham from the entire region, and Lot just happened to overhear the offer. He desires that ALL men "do the works of Abraham". But HE teaches that not all men will "Choose HIM". This theme continued throughout the entire Law and Prophets, even with 600,000 Israelites, but only Caleb and Joshua "doing the works of Abraham". That is, as Jesus puts it, "Deny themselves, pick up their life's experiences, and follow God" like Abraham was instructed to do.

And thank you so much for the discussion, and know that I have spent many days, even years in study and prayer pondering these same questions you are bringing up. That is why I so enjoy your posts, as you hit on questions, I have pondered myself, since leaving the religious businesses of this world.

But the fact that Abraham left the Mesopotamic traditions of his father does not mean that the Chaldeans he left behind were damned to die in their sins.

Why not? If they heard the voice of the Lord, but chose instead, a different lifestyle, did they not "choose" their reward? Is God wicked because HE gives men a choice? And if the Chaldeans never heard His voice, can HE not raise them from the dead and give them their fair chance at repentance and Salvation? There are holy Days which prophesy of this very thing.

At any rate, how would any of this matter to those who did hear God? Should Abraham tell God, "I can't follow you because I didn't see you offer the Chaldeans the same deal as you offered me?

No my friend, I think I should remember that I am just a human, who has heard the voice of God and must choose for myself whether or not to harden my heart. I'll let God be God concerning matters above my paygrade.

Please forgive me if I am not able to make a point or explain my thoughts in a cogent manner. I truly want to share my thoughts with you, but I am not a college educated man and lack the writing skills of those who are.

By the same way, the fact that Paul came to believe in Christ does not mean that all other Jews who did not follow his example were damned to die in their sins. God knows the reasons why each person remains within a religious system.

Again, the issue with the Jews is not that they didn't believe Jesus was the Prophesied Christ. The rebellious, disobedient Jews didn't believe in the Oracles of God. If you read Luke 1&2, you will find Jews who believed Moses and the Prophets. The Wise Men knew who HE was and when HE came "Because" they knew the Father. If the Jews didn't believe Moses and the Prophets, then they would not be persuaded to obey God, even if One was raised from the dead. As it is written;

Luke 16: 31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Remember, Jesus used the teaching in the Law and Prophets to expose the mainstream religious sect of HIS Time. As HE also said:

John 5: 45 Do not think that "I will accuse you" to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. 46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: (Like Zacharias, simeon, Anna and the Wise men) for he wrote of me. 47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?

So Poncho, who would stay in a religious system that "Professes to know God, but by their works deny Him", even after they have been shown? Would this be only those men who didn't believe Moses and the Prophets?

You have come to a better understanding of what the religious businesses and sectarian interests are. I congratulate you for that.
That does not mean, nevertheless, that people who remain within those organizations are damned to die in their sins and go to hell.
If we thought that way, we would be as sectarian as them:
They say we cannot be saved outside their sect. We would say they cannot be saved inside their sect.

I have come to a different understanding concerning "going to hell". I don't believe humans are born immortal, or as it is written, have partaken of the Tree of Life. We are judged by our works in this life. At least, I should say, "I" am judged by "my" works in this life. I cannot speak for what God does to others. There are men who receive rewards in this life who will be raised, showed the choices they made, and granted eternal death. Not eternal life. I think they will become angry, and gnash their teeth when they see that Life was right there, right in front of them, but they were too greedy and selfish to take Him seriously.

14 But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it. 15 See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;

"therefore "choose life", that both thou and thy seed may live"

This is the Voice of the Lord that I have heard. And I believe Him. I would be foolish to allow myself to be convinced to not believe HIM, based on some human reasoning, like what happened to EVE.

Will God destroy all those who partake of this world's religious system? How can I know, or why would I even ponder such a thing, given I am to be judged by "my" works, not theirs. Will God destroy me and my family if "I" continue to defend and promote this world's religious system that full well reject God's Judgments that they might live by their own religious traditions? This is the question I should be asking, Yes?

How can I not believe this, given what is written in the Holy Scriptures. Jesus most assuredly believe it.

Luke 13: 27 But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. 28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when "ye shall see" Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.

But who really believes this stuff Poncho? I can say that I truly do, and the belief I hold doesn't bid well for the merchants of this earth, or the religious businesses of this world that are joined with them. Nevertheless, it is written in the supposedly Inspired Holy Scriptures "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

Everyone yields themselves servants to obey something. Why not the God of Abraham?

Again, thanks for the discussion. I was attracted to your posts in the beginning because I could see that you had studied "Apart" from the philosophies and traditions of modern "Christianity". When a person does this, their understanding of the Scriptures change. Imagine the change in your understanding if you were to be completely freed from this world's religious systems altogether.

I promise you would have a different understanding of the phrase, "The sufferings of Christ".
Why not? If they heard the voice of the Lord, but chose instead, a different lifestyle, did they not "choose" their reward?
Perhaps we are talking about different things, my brother.
I believe God calls all men to abandon a wicked lifestyle and start a new, better life. Chaldeans and Jews included.
Inasmuch as a Chaldean or Jew rejected such call, he could not enjoy salvation or eternal life.

I believe as well, though, that not all men are called on this earth to leave a religious tradition or community.
  • Oskar Schindler was called to die to his vanity, ambition and indifference and be born into a life of love to save 1200 Jews from the gas chambers. He had abandoned the Catholic practices he was raised in as a child, but…
  • Marcelo Godlweski, a Catholic priest in Poland, also saved many Jews, perhaps more than Schindler, and never stopped acting as a Catholic priest.

In the scenario we are using as an example, the Sikh and Catholic Priest are both called to abandon their dishonesty and start a new life in honesty. But we cannot say that both are being called to abandon Sikhism and Catholicism as a condition to be forgiven and renewed. The most likely thing is that they are not able (and will not be able) to find any connection between leaving their religions and achieving God’s forgiveness and renewal.
In the end of the day, there are also dishonest people among those believers not affiliated to any formal religion or church. Do you agree with me?

So, while I do advocate for an honest and critical examination of our current religious views and practices, God’s grace is not limited to those who succeed in such examination.

Paul was for sure puzzled and unhappy to see many of his own people, the Hebrews, rejecting Jesus as the Messiah on the basis of argumentation or indifference. But how did Paul manage that puzzlement or sadness? Did he say nonchalantly that Jews would face a well-deserved torment or destruction?
No. Paul understood that God had a plan for the Hebrews: that their unbelief was temporary, under the control of God, and necessary for a greater good (ie, that the focus of preaching could go to the Gentiles). Paul, a Jew, sticked to the notion that, eventually, all his people would be saved.

So, if the Sikh and the Catholic never come to understand in this life the contradictions and errors within their religious systems, is not something that should worry us too much, as long as they respond to the universal call to repent, crucify the old man and be resurrected into a new life.
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Exclusivists churches profit from teaching that no one else can be saved outside their church (or at least, outside a range of churches that have a similar theology). Inclusivists religions, like Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism or the Baha'i Faith, do not profit from that.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Judaism". Was Jesus a Judaizer? Or were the Pharisees Judaizers? No one wants to answer that question.

Apart from that, I have no need or desire, like the Centurian Soldier, to seek out other religions to find out about the Christ Jesus, or the God who sent Him. After all, Jesus said "Salvation is of the Jews".

Men are free to seek out and adopt whatever religious sect or business that they want. They all follow the tradition of building manmade shrines of worship, they all have their own judgments, high days and traditions. They all need contributing members to flourish or even survive. Since we are servants to who we obey, I'm going with the Holy Scriptures, and the righteousness of God revealed in them.

It's my choice to Trust God outside of "the course of this world" that I walked in, in times past.

Does it matter? "Many", who profess to know God, teaches that it doesn't. But even the serpent "professed to know God", so I believe we should "take heed" of the teaching of men who profess to know God by comparing their philosophy to the Christ's. Since we both believe and have stated that God sent Him, we should be safe trusting in Him and His Sayings.

The purpose of the Gospel of Christ is to free men from sin. It is my conviction that men can find such freedom both outside or inside religious systems.

What if you have been convinced of something that isn't true? What if all the warnings, and they are many, of deceivers "professing to know God", even as the first recorded deceiver in the Entire bible did, are given to us so we can "Come out of" this world's religious system and worship God in Spirit and in Truth? If a religious system of this world is promoting falsehoods about God and Salvation, why would we promote them, support them, defend them, justify them? Did Jesus adopt, defend and then promote the religious system, "that professed to know God", in the world HE was born into? No my friend Pancho. He made a whip and drove them out of the Temple that was called by God's Name. If my mind is the Temple of God, and this deed has Spiritual implications, what might that mean for you and me? To keep the philosophies, traditions and rituals of this worldly religious system inside our mind, or "outside"?

Therefore, wouldn't the purpose of the Gospel of Christ be to expose the truth of this world's religious system? And isn't it written that this "Truth" is what will set us free from sin?

If I repent from one religious philosophy of this world, only to adopt another in the same religious system, what have I gained?

Well, you seem to be painting a picture in which people who remain in a religious system live comfortable lives while those who dare to leave face the challenges.
This is certainly the picture painted by Jesus for those who would deny themselves and yield themselves to God. And certainly, any believer that lived outside of the mainstream religions of Jesus Time, suffered challenges that those who had adopted the mainstream religion didn't suffer. (Stephen is one quick example) I think it is undeniable that the examples given in the Bible, "whose refuge is the Lord", faced different and greater challenges than those "inside" the religious system of this world suffered. Isn't that the whole purpose of the Lazurus story?

And although I am a nobody, I can without any doubt, say that I face different and greater challenges since leaving this world's religious system, than I did when I adopted, defended and promoted the system that has told me from my youth, "you shall not surely die".

What I observe in the world is that people can live comfortable lives or face tremendous challenges both inside and outside religions/churches Just think about divorces, diseases, poverty or excessive money, drug addiction, loss of job or popularity for being honest, etc.

This is undoubtedly true as it is written, God rains on the just and on the unjust. And Sin in the world influences us all.

I'm not saying, nor do I believe that there are no challenges in this life for humans. I am simply pointing out that Jesus said those who want to live by this world's religious system "have their reward", such as it is.

And those Christians in Matt. 7:22 did many wonderful works, and cast out demons in Christ's name, "Inside" the religious systems of this world.

While Jesus, in God's Name, did many wonderful works and cast our demons "outside" this world's religious system.

Surely this has significant meaning, especially when added to all the other teachings of the bible.

These challenges come to your life regardless of whether you are a devote Baptist or a free-practicing non-denominational believer.

I do not mean to be argumentative here. But in the Holy scriptures, there is a clear difference between the challenges a true believer faced, and the challenges of those who had adopted this world's religious system, faced. It is these challenges which I am and was referring to.

God commandments are of two kinds: those universal, and those specific for a group of people at a given time for a short-lived purpose.
For example, waging war against Amalek, destroying it completely, was a commandment by God for a specific situation, not applicable to all situations.

But my friend Pancho, didn't you say that the stories in the Law and Prophets are Parables, stories to show a deeper Spiritual meaning to help us become the New Man which after God is created in righteousness and true Holiness? Would that not also apply to the Story of Amalek?

Consider that Amalek represents the mindset, philosophies and traditions of the religious system of this world, and we are the Temple of God. After all, we do not fight against flesh and blood, but powers of the air, Yes? Are these not thoughts that come against our mind? Isn't this the very purpose of the "Armor of God" and the "Sword of the Lord"? And what are we to use when these thoughts come against our mind?

1 Sam. 15: 2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. (SIN) 3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ***.

Shall I then preserve some of the possessions of Amalek? Maybe their images of God, or their high days, or rituals, as offerings to God? What happened to King Saul in this Parable? Wouldn't this story be applicable to me in all situations?

Specific commandments are contained in texts or verbal traditions that are different across religions... but as long as they are recognized as specific for a given people, or time, or place, what is the harm?
Jews don't expect non-Jews to abstain from pork to be saved.
Sikhs don't expect non-Sikhs to use a special underwear, comb and knife, to be saved.
Baha'is don't expect non-Baha'is to abstain from alcohol to be saved.
Catholics priests do not expect Protestants to pray to Virgin Mary to be saved.

Why should a man, seeking God's Truth, adopt this world's religious systems or their rituals, high days, images of God, or traditions or philosophies?

Isn't it the God of Abraham who defines what is Clean, what is Holy, what is Good? If HE is the One True God, then shouldn't I go to Him and SEEK HIS Righteousness, as Jesus instructs;

Matt. 6:31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

And wasn't this instruction also given to Jews, Catholics, Sikh's and Baha'is?

Shall I then reject the Christ's Words here because this world's religious system doesn't believe Him, or take HIS Saying seriously?

Jesus said that all the Tanakh ("The Law and Prophets") could be summarized in two commandments: loving God and loving our neighbor.
The reason that Scriptures could be summarized that way, is that secondary commandments (temporary, specific for a circumstance) depend from primary commandments. Otherwise they couldn't be summarized.

I agree. Every Word Written in the Law and Prophets is there to address specific circumstances the Faithful encounter on their journey through this life. As they were written for our admonition. We all have these oracles of God in our own homes. If we love ourselves, we will turn to our creator for "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness". Because "Living By" these Words, as Jesus instructs, will "prolong" our lives.

Duet. 5: 32 Ye shall observe to do therefore as the LORD your God hath commanded you: ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. 33 Ye shall walk in all the ways which the LORD your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye may prolong your days in the land which ye shall possess.

The first and greatest Commandment leads to the second.

"Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.

What if the Catholic, the Sikh, the Pharisees, the Baha'is, and the rest of this world's religious system with their rituals, doctrines, shrines of worship and philosophies of this world, are the spiritual Amalekites of our time Pancho. A religious system that includes literally thousands of differing sects and businesses, all professing to know God. Even you combine them all into one system even though they compete with each other for contributing members. Isn't this Chaos? Confusion? Babylon? Jesus didn't say to "live by" this world's religious system, HE said to "Come out of her".

It's not my place to Judge God or worry about what HE does with others. It's my place to honor and worship Him in Spirit and Truth. I can't serve God and the religious system of this world at the same time. I can only have ONE Master.

At least according to the Holy Scriptures.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and allowing me to share mine with you. I hope you might consider some of these things, but I know they can be hard sayings.

I hope you have a great day.
All I can tell you with full honesty is that I admire you for being brave and honest in pursuing that journey.
You words resonate with me when you say that it is "a choice".
When people ask me why I believe in God (particularly those who knew me as an atheist) I answer that it is because I made a choice*.
I never say that I was persuaded by arguments, because I was not.
My soul was in need, and I found God fulfilling that need in a certain way and time, that may be specific to my circumnstance.

In this Forum, people want to persuade other people by arguments.
When I use arguments (and I love to use them, of course) it is to demostrate that people should not feel so safe in their arguments... that the arguments of the opposite side may make sense as well... and that therefore, the best we can do is to be humble in the way we present what we believe to be true.

(*NOTE: For any reader of a Calvinist background, I don't want to go here into theological or philosophical discussion about free will and God's predestination. I think God is the source of our faith, but we must be willing to receive that faith).

Thank you for your kind words. I agree with how useful and helpful it can be between brothers to share our perspectives and understanding of Scriptures. I have learned and have been challenged by your perspective to my own edification. I think this is a good thing. What I have found so often, is that there are two kinds of people who participate in religious discussions.

#1. The person seeking to grow in the Knowledge of God, seeking God's truth and His Righteousness and sharing understanding of scriptures for the purpose of mutual edification. Thus, creating the avenue for Spiritual growth.

#2. The person seeking to justify, defend and promote a particular adopted religious sect or business.

The first is more interested in the truth of God, even correction, for growth in the knowledge of God.

The second simply repeats old religious slogans and philosophies to justify themselves and their adopted religion, as it is written "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth".

I love our discussion and hope they might continue.
Perhaps we are talking about different things, my brother.
I believe God calls all men to abandon a wicked lifestyle and start a new, better life. Chaldeans and Jews included.
Inasmuch as a Chaldean or Jew rejected such call, he could not enjoy salvation or eternal life.

I believe as well, though, that not all men are called on this earth to leave a religious tradition or community.
  • Oskar Schindler was called to die to his vanity, ambition and indifference and be born into a life of love to save 1200 Jews from the gas chambers. He had abandoned the Catholic practices he was raised in as a child, but…
  • Marcelo Godlweski, a Catholic priest in Poland, also saved many Jews, perhaps more than Schindler, and never stopped acting as a Catholic priest.

In the scenario we are using as an example, the Sikh and Catholic Priest are both called to abandon their dishonesty and start a new life in honesty. But we cannot say that both are being called to abandon Sikhism and Catholicism as a condition to be forgiven and renewed. The most likely thing is that they are not able (and will not be able) to find any connection between leaving their religions and achieving God’s forgiveness and renewal.
In the end of the day, there are also dishonest people among those believers not affiliated to any formal religion or church. Do you agree with me?

So, while I do advocate for an honest and critical examination of our current religious views and practices, God’s grace is not limited to those who succeed in such examination.

That is a religious view promoted by most every one of this world's religious businesses and sects. That our religious practices have nothing to do with receiving God's Grace. While this is a seductive religious philosophy, it is not taught in the Holy Scriptures, in my view.

No doubt you can find countless examples outside the bible to support such a religious philosophy. But I respectfully disagree with this part of your religion. A man cannot have two masters.
Paul was for sure puzzled and unhappy to see many of his own people, the Hebrews, rejecting Jesus as the Messiah on the basis of argumentation or indifference. But how did Paul manage that puzzlement or sadness? Did he say nonchalantly that Jews would face a well-deserved torment or destruction?
No. Paul understood that God had a plan for the Hebrews: that their unbelief was temporary, under the control of God, and necessary for a greater good (ie, that the focus of preaching could go to the Gentiles). Paul, a Jew, sticked to the notion that, eventually, all his people would be saved.

Because Paul understood why the Law and Prophets were written. And HE also knew that not all Israel "is Israel".

1 cor. 10: 11 Now all these things happened unto them "for ensamples": and they are written for "our admonition", upon whom the ends of the world are come. 12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

Yes, for some Hebrews Paul understood why they did what they did, and God is a Just God.

But hear what HE said, now that the Examples were written and given to them.

Rom. 1: 19 Because that "which may be known of God" is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they "knew God", they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

God's relationship with the Jews shouldn't be used to justify this world's rebellious religious system, in my view.

So, if the Sikh and the Catholic never come to understand in this life the contradictions and errors within their religious systems, is not something that should worry us too much, as long as they respond to the universal call to repent, crucify the old man and be resurrected into a new life.

I respectfully disagree my friend.

Eph. 2: 2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

If I repent from one religious sect of this world's religious system, that rejects God's Judgments, Statutes and commandments, how is it true repentance to simply adopt another religious business or sect, of the same religious system?

Thanks for the discussion. I appreciate your views. But I cannot partake with you in them.

I hope you have a great day and ponder on my understanding, as I have pondered on yours.
If I repent from one religious sect of this world's religious system, that rejects God's Judgments, Statutes and commandments, how is it true repentance to simply adopt another religious business or sect, of the same religious system?

Thanks for the discussion. I appreciate your views. But I cannot partake with you in them.

I hope you have a great day and ponder on my understanding, as I have pondered on yours.

I have given some thought to your post since yesterday, my friend. I have two comments:

1. I find no evidence in the gospels that Jesus called people to leave Judaism or the religious system they had: their rituals, organization, leadership, sacred textbook, core beliefs. Jesus called people to provide spiritual meaning to their religion... to stop being hypocrites, to repent from their sins (their lack of love, their hypocresy). When telling people how their relationship should be with Pharisees, for example, Jesus said people should believe what they taught, but not follow their example on how they practiced what they taught. It was, therefore, more like a profound renovation of the system, that a call to leave the system.

2. Moses organized the people of God. Jesus also organized his Church with disciples and the 70s, and his disciples organized it further. So, an organized system is divine in origin. Buddha, Muhammed, Bahaullah, they all organized people around them and gave them responsibilities. Indeed, no Cause or Entreprise could prosper without an organization, rules, roles and responsibilities, material resources (including financing) and a core set of shared values and objectives.

What do you think?
I don't advocate many ways. There is only ONE WAY to God. Jesus showed that Way: man must repent and be born into a new life.

If the Sikh and the Catholic priests repented from their theft and allowed the grace of God to change them into new men, they followed the ONLY WAY that Christ came to teach and exemplify. There is no other way.
A Sikh would no longer be a Sikh, a follower of the gurus. He would be a follower of Jesus Christ and only confessing Him only as the source for truth as He is the Truth. The same with the Catholic or anyone else.

Jesus Christ came not only to live a perfect life, but to save us imperfect ones and give us a new life of the Spirit of God, who lives within a person. It is by His powerful works within us that He teaches us, putting the laws of God in our heart and writing it in our mind.

Absolutely no one can do it alone. So, Jesus being the example that we can live on our own is a false religion.

"in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you." (Rom 8:4-11)

And no one becomes a child of God, being born anew by His Spirit unless they receive Jesus Christ as Lord. This means they forsake all others, Muhammad, gurus, etc.

God Bless
A Sikh would no longer be a Sikh, a follower of the gurus. He would be a follower of Jesus Christ and only confessing Him only as the source for truth as He is the Truth. The same with the Catholic or anyone else.

Jesus Christ came not only to live a perfect life, but to save us imperfect ones and give us a new life of the Spirit of God, who lives within a person. It is by His powerful works within us that He teaches us, putting the laws of God in our heart and writing it in our mind.

Absolutely no one can do it alone. So, Jesus being the example that we can live on our own is a false religion.

"in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you." (Rom 8:4-11)

And no one becomes a child of God, being born anew by His Spirit unless they receive Jesus Christ as Lord. This means they forsake all others, Muhammad, gurus, etc.

God Bless
So, an organized system is divine in origin.

What do you think?

The devil is very organized.

If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? (Matt. 12:26 NKJ)

lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices. (2 Cor. 2:11 NKJ)
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