You can easily replace “he” with “it.” Just because the writers use he, doesn’t mean the Holy Spirit is, a he, or even a she for that matter. There is noted documentation of the Holy Spirit I believe is portrayed as wisdom, in the Old Testament which was written and I believe it is speaking of the Holy Spirit, however in the case of “he” it can be easily deemed “it,” does 101g, have any issues with Matthews changing words, or does it make a blasphemy out of the Bible?
As far I know, most cases the Holy Spirit of Yahavah is just the Holy Spirit of Yahavah, it is the Spirit of Yahavah which comes forth from him, being a Spirit, himself (we notably called Yahweh, he due to the nature of him being a Father, He.) His Spirit is a comforter like a Mother would comfort their children by their presence, care, and nurture. In a sense we are birthed with newness of life, from being a creation of God, to become a child or a son or daughter of God maturing by the spiritual means with the grow that is added from God, though people may seed or water here and there, he, Yahavah will give the increase into peace and into understanding him.
Another remark is that many people consider the “Word” of Yahavah as a person; while there are many images and types and even “Angel of the LORD”, which give evidence to support perhaps a pre-incarnation of Yeshua before coming down; even so… true or not. It was before the Word was indeed sent outside of being with the Father coming down to earth from heaven born of water, blood and the spirit…
And the “Word” of God that was God and was in the beginning with God, whom the Word came forth from which expressed the heart of Yahweh… when he spoke “let there be light.” And then there was, and Yahavah saw the light and the darkness and separated them both. The Word or Logos of Yahweh, can also be seen as “it”, and not he or she.
Therefore, I do not see a reason why the need for God who is Spirit and has a Holy Spirit which comes forth from him, and also his Word which he speaks that comes from him… to see the Holy Spirit as a he or she though its documented that the Holy Spirit perhaps seen expressing the feminine side of Yahweh, and his spoken Word expressed his masculine side.
All I know for sure is, that most noted “spirit” or “Holy Spirit” is non-gender. I suppose when we die and given a resurrected body, it will have traits in which all of us will somehow be able to distinguish ourselves from each other in order for us to communicate in the after life. As from my reading and understanding is that though Yeshua was raised in the body he had laid in, it was done in order to show that life after this world exists and he was living proof to show forth, this and presented this message to the whole known Jewish world, having only went to them, and the apostles afterwards for a while longer before going to the gentiles in about a span of 40 years or so.
Going to Yahwehs realm or domain; one could suppose it’s all spiritual. And you can see the kingdom laid out in Revelation.
Not sure how much you read of this however I do hope you find it helpful or useful or informative if my own research
