Genesis chapter 1 and 2, sons of God Born in the Garden

Now back to the Original Topic. Eve was having Children while in the Garden, (BEFORE the FALL into SIN).

sure but those are not the evil sons consorting with women
which answers the questions A. "Who are the sons of God in chapter 6, and B.

the sons of ammon after the fall...
belonging to the evil realm.
esau when incarnated on this earth
That is not a pentagram.....
A pentagram is a five-pointed star. Not six.

The two overlapping triangles represent the relationship between man and God.
I see what you are saying...but still close enough to the pentagram and the point remains valid. do research the sources.
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sure? ...... but? ...... are these in Genesis 6 from Eve?

those sons of God were already of the demon realm before Gen. 6.
They are the adopted sons of Adam who went north to avoid God's judgment
and who gave us over to the demon nations.
sure? ...... but? ...... are these in Genesis 6 from Eve?

The key is to read every text, and cross read, where what He said of course has priority when there is any match... and the texts match quite a bit in places. The hieroglyphs are a treasure of information as to what happened and the evil they did to us relating to the fall. No wonder vatican started the rule that no one was to look outside of the corrupt scroll.
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if he did not die, where is he?


adam is in an area in the other reality referred to as assyria, not the assyria on this earth.

about your av.. the sons of IEUE were indeed made dark, and imprisoned on this earth...
by adam and the demon nations... so your dark man in detective mode is interesting,
and also since that is what we are to do, inquire of the prophets, and understand and
give back to Him what He said.

and the lampstand, which you believe to be candles are actually beings...the 7 torches of rev.
they also appear in every other ancient text. And that subject itself is incredible, in relation
to what adam did to them and how that affects us. But no one knows that since
sola scriptura has been twisted to mean "only can read esau's corrupt scroll"
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sorry i meant esther, not ruth.
Ive got chronic fatigue

when I typed
I was so disappointed
... because no one cares to enquire what He said.
looked again....

my first instinct was correct
'Ruth' as a book had no other goal but that millions of God's people would support Esau's own bloodline

another esau book.
in the other reality according to ancient texts and working for the demon nations, having hurt us all and now ruling this his dungeon earth...
well the bible say the flesh returns to the dust from where it came, and the spirit to God from where it can. as well as the soul.

and also the bible say the dead knows nothing. nor do anything. nor praise him or anyone else. and surely not working for any demon nation.... so try again.

well the bible say the flesh returns to the dust from where it came, and the spirit to God from where it can. as well as the soul.

and also the bible say the dead knows nothing. nor do anything. nor praise him or anyone else. and surely not working for any demon nation.... so try again.

dust in paradise and dirt on this earth are not the same root or thing...
who do you mean by the dead?

the only 'dead' are demons and those evil realm entities with no life from Him..

all his souls who passed are safe in Him until the end when paradise is restored...
and are not 'dead.'
in eden paradise everything of His, down to even a blade of grass, worships God
and loves God.

On this earth, inert DEAD matter loves nothing and kills without remorse..
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