Fellowship With Transgenders


It is my firm personal belief that transgendering is a gray area for Christians.
Whether it really is a gray area for Christians or not makes no difference as the
principles explained in in 14th of Romans allow an individual's conscience to dictate
their thinking in matters relative to faith.

Plus, seeing as how I truly believe transgendering is a gray area, then the rules
spelled out in the 14th of Romans forbid me to debate the subject.
I have appreciated all the posts that you made. And like myself it seems like you'd like to post devotions. Devotions don't really call for a lot of dialogue back and forth But when you post about a hot issue such as transgenderism you have to expect some feedback that you might not appreciate.

In my opinion transgenderism is just a cop out trying to get people to accept homosexuality. I think it's pretty plain for all of us that god made a man and a woman. And he said overall his creation that it was good.

The crown of God’s creation is a new creature, a creature that can sound the heartbeat of its Creator. That creature, made male and female, reflects God’s own relational richness.

It is my firm personal belief that transgendering is a gray area for Christians.
Whether it really is a gray area for Christians or not makes no difference as the
principles outlined in in 14th of Romans allow an individual's conscience to dictate
their thinking in matters relative to faith, i.e. fully persuaded in their own mind.

Plus, seeing as how I truly believe transgendering is a gray area, then the rules
spelled out in the 14th of Romans forbid me to debate the subject.
When it comes to sin there's no gray area. There are no sins that are acceptable sins. If god knew you before the foundations of the earth were made John 17:24 and he knows every hair on your head Luke 12:7 the obvious conclusion would be but he knows if you're a man or a woman. He didn't create anyone to be confused in this issue. This is all man-made goblin goop influenced by Satan. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
They actually don't want anything to do with Christians. They see Christians as the reason
they've been persecuted. In their minds it's time for Payback.

Beware of profiling!

For example it is the personal belief of some that if you're a white man, then you
are automatically a toxic male. Is that true? No, of course not, because not every
white guy is a bad person; in point of fact: quite a few white guys are very decent
folks. You see; profiling fails to take into account an individual's personal characteristics.

In the same vein, not every transgender person is militant, nor are they all political
activists, nor are they all together unified to poison the minds of young children. In
point of fact, many of the transgenders I've reviewed on YouTube are anxious to warn
children about the hazards associated with altering their sex.

Therefore I highly recommend dealing with transgenders on an individual basis, i.e.
one at a time, viz: should you meet with a transgender, resist jumping to
conclusions-- first get to know that person before deciding how best to classify their
thinking because if there is one thing on this earth that everybody despises it's a
prejudiced bigot, and too many Christians I encounter online are exactly that.
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Beware of profiling!

For example it is the personal belief of some that if you're a white man, then you
are automatically a toxic male. Is that true? No, of course not, because not every
white guy is a bad person; in point of fact: quite a few white guys are very decent
folks. You see; profiling fails to take into account an individual's personal characteristics.

In the same vein, not every transgender person is militant, nor are they all political
activists, nor are they all together unified to poison the minds of young children. In
point of fact, many of the transgenders I've reviewed on YouTube are anxious to warn
children about the hazards associated with altering their sex.

Therefore I highly recommend dealing with transgenders on an individual basis, i.e.
one at a time, viz: should you meet with a transgender, resist jumping to
conclusions-- first get to know that person before deciding how best to classify their
thinking because if there is one thing on this earth that everybody despises it's a
prejudiced bigot, and too many Christians I encounter online are exactly that.
It's not profiling it's a fact. A fact that you seem to have swallowed hook line and sinker. The big problem with being deceived is that you don't know you're deceived because you deceived.

We're talking about human nature here, of course not everyone is the same in any large group of people. How do you know the YouTube videos that you've watched are truthful? You're assuming you're telling you the truth in their video. That's like the people that listened to Hitler's speeches assumed he was doing the right thing. When in fact he murdered six million Innocent men women and children.

It's called propaganda. And unfortunately you're spreading it. I know you believe that you're being loving and kind, that the world would be a better place if we all accepted the homosexual agenda. We could have gay pride month every month of the year.

These feeling of being oppressed by culture goes way back. It's called GBT activism.

The primary organization for gay men as an oppressed cultural minority was the Mattachine Society, founded in 1950 by Harry Hay and Chuck Rowland. Other important homophile organizations on the West Coast included One, Inc., founded in 1952, and the first lesbian support network Daughters of Bilitis, founded in 1955 by Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin. Through meetings and publications, these groups offered information and outreach to thousands.
Bonnie J. Morris, PhD
George Washington University
I have yet to figure out why it is that so many Christians are in the habit of
conflating gender dysphoria with gays and lesbians; but I suspect the mistake is
due to a failure on their part to research the condition-- easily done by simply
taking the time to look for it on YouTube.
Gender dysphoria is a condition where there is significant discomfort or distress caused by incongruence between one's assigned gender at birth and their gender identity. In simpler terms, it's the emotional and psychological distress that can arise when a person's internal sense of gender doesn't align with the sex they were assigned at birth. This condition is recognized by mental health professionals, and support may include counseling, hormone therapy, or gender-affirming surgeries.

Also note:

Gender dysphoria can occur alongside a schizophrenia diagnosis. In some cases, gender dysphoria can present as an acute delusion, making it difficult to determine the proper diagnosis and treatment.

It's a mental disorder:

To be clear, we shouldn’t dismiss but feel compassion for anyone experiencing mental distress about a perceived misalignment between their gender identity and their body.

First it was same-sex marriage And now this nightmare:

The chasm between the biblical view of sexuality and the secular view grows wider every day. Social media and the entertainment industry now celebrate “gender fluidity” as a more enlightened way of thinking than the biblical view. The trend has grown quickly, with transgender-identified celebrities making headlines and drag queens leading story times at schools and libraries. Society faces unexpected legal and ethical challenges as transgender-identified people compete on sports teams and use public restrooms of their non-biological sex. Parents increasingly allow their underage children to chemically and surgically alter their bodies, and several states now permit minors to do so without their parents’ consent.

This ongoing moral drift is evident in the Christian response to these trends as well. A generation ago we faced backlash for proclaiming that living out a gay or homosexual identity is not God’s plan. We grieved as the U.S. Supreme Court redefined marriage in 2015. But today, the front line of moral questioning and challenges to sexual wellbeing is frequently encountered within the church and Christian homes. As secular opinions continue to reject biblical standards, many Christians struggle to discern what their response should be to such hot-button topics as transgenderism.

From Focus on the Family
FAQ: Should Christians shun transgenders?

REPLY: Absolutely not!

Transgendering isn't specifically addressed in the Bible, viz: it's a gray area, and as
such ought to be approached in accord with the 14th chapter of Romans which
says, in so many words, that we are not permitted to engage transgenders with
debating nor abuse them with judgmental criticism

Transgendering is a rough road to travel due to embarrassing therapy regimens;
and side effects, complications, negative public opinion, doubts, regrets,
disappointment, and mood swings that many would rather not talk about. So be
especially careful with your dialogue so as not to push them to the point where
you'll be forcing them to maintain their poise with fibs.

A little empathy, and a whole lot of tact and courtesy, can be very useful in helping
someone get thru the day, ergo: don't become a hell for transgenders, instead,
become a haven because people really ought to feel safe with Christians instead of

Matt 7:12 . . So in everything: do to others what you would have them do to you.
I just got this message from you Olde Tymer

This is to inform you that I don't have the patience to be distracted by your
remarks so I've placed you on my ignore list. Others will still be able to view your
content; just not me. Sorry.

That's fine you can put whoever you want on ignore. But if you're going to start a thread on a controversial topic you should at least have the intestinal fortitude to back up your original post, patience doesn't have anything to do with it. It's more like expressing your feelings about your beliefs. But I guess that would be too distracting.
I just got this message from you Olde Tymer

This is to inform you that I don't have the patience to be distracted by your
remarks so I've placed you on my ignore list. Others will still be able to view your
content; just not me. Sorry.

That's fine you can put whoever you want on ignore. But if you're going to start a thread on a controversial topic you should at least have the intestinal fortitude to back up your original post, patience doesn't have anything to do with it. It's more like expressing your feelings about your beliefs. But I guess that would be too distracting.
Well there is that expression "if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen."

Don’t persist with a task if the pressure of it is too much for you. The implication being that, if you can’t cope, you should leave the work to someone who can.
I just got this message from you Olde Tymer

This is to inform you that I don't have the patience to be distracted by your
remarks so I've placed you on my ignore list. Others will still be able to view your
content; just not me. Sorry.

That's fine you can put whoever you want on ignore. But if you're going to start a thread on a controversial topic you should at least have the intestinal fortitude to back up your original post, patience doesn't have anything to do with it. It's more like expressing your feelings about your beliefs. But I guess that would be too distracting.
I got the same exact message earlier today. I also don't think it has anything to do with being distracted or having patience. I think he has painted himself into a corner and he's unable to defend his position.
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Are there any types of sinners / sinful behaviors that should be shunned ?
Exact opposite is true, we are called to be fishers of men. / But the second part, that takes a little more thought. We don't want to condone sinful behavior and I think we should confront it. But you have to know how to do it in a way that works. This verse from Galatians 5:9 came to mind As I read your post. But I realized I couldn't just pull that out of context. It's better if you look at the whole thing.

Galatians 5:9-14​

9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump. 10 I have confidence in you, in the Lord, that you will have no other mind; but he who troubles you shall bear his judgment, whoever he is.

11 And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then the offense of the cross has ceased. 12 I could wish that those who trouble you would even cut themselves off!

13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
If you ask me: the real sinners in the world of transgender are the parents, and the
supposedly competent adults in education and the medical professions, who get
kids as young as 12 and 13 started on cross-sex chemicals which, in time, have the
potential to result in sterility, early-onset menopause, and irreversible changes to a
kid's physical characteristics.

The tragedy of it all is that quite a few youngsters are experimenting with
transgendering while too young to fully comprehend the gravity of what they are
doing to themselves. For example when pre-pubescent girls are told they may
never be able to have children of her own should they choose to go the distance
with transgendering, many don't care because they haven't matured enough yet to
perceive what it's like to be a mommy. Pre-pubescent girls often view children as a
messy nuisance.

And then there's also the permanent loss of libido; which is a loss common to both
boys and girls. Pre-pubescent kids have yet to experience full-on libido and thus are
unable to appreciate its value in adulthood.

For example; my first experience with chemo-therapy for esophageal cancer
quenched my normal libido considerably; and I began regarding women as
unsanitary beasts rather than the alluring beauties they are meant to be. Well; I
was very relieved when my libido got back up to speed after completing chemo, but
kids who pursue transgendering to the max quite possibly will never even get to
have a taste of that particular fact of life.

So-called "informed consent" isn't possible with pre-pubescent kids because they
just simply aren't old enough yet to appreciate the risks. For example: we were
babysitting a good friend's little girl one evening while watching Michael Jackson
perform on the television. Teen-age girls in the audience were screaming and
weeping; so our friend's little girl wanted to know why they were crying like that.
My wife explained: "When you get older; you'll understand" Well I can just about
guarantee that with enough cross-sex chemicals in their systems (e.g. testosterone
and puberty blocker) little girls will never be old enough to understand and thus
they'll miss the star-struck excitement that makes a growing girl's teen-age years
so special.
If you ask me: the real sinners in the world of transgender are the parents, and the
supposedly competent adults in education and the medical professions, who get
kids as young as 12 and 13 started on cross-sex chemicals which, in time, have the
potential to result in sterility, early-onset menopause, and irreversible changes to a
kid's physical characteristics.

The tragedy of it all is that quite a few youngsters are experimenting with
transgendering while too young to fully comprehend the gravity of what they are
doing to themselves. For example when pre-pubescent girls are told they may
never be able to have children of her own should they choose to go the distance
with transgendering, many don't care because they haven't matured enough yet to
perceive what it's like to be a mommy. Pre-pubescent girls often view children as a
messy nuisance.

And then there's also the permanent loss of libido; which is a loss common to both
boys and girls. Pre-pubescent kids have yet to experience full-on libido and thus are
unable to appreciate its value in adulthood.

For example; my first experience with chemo-therapy for esophageal cancer
quenched my normal libido considerably; and I began regarding women as
unsanitary beasts rather than the alluring beauties they are meant to be. Well; I
was very relieved when my libido got back up to speed after completing chemo, but
kids who pursue transgendering to the max quite possibly will never even get to
have a taste of that particular fact of life.

So-called "informed consent" isn't possible with pre-pubescent kids because they
just simply aren't old enough yet to appreciate the risks. For example: we were
babysitting a good friend's little girl one evening while watching Michael Jackson
perform on the television. Teen-age girls in the audience were screaming and
weeping; so our friend's little girl wanted to know why they were crying like that.
My wife explained: "When you get older; you'll understand" Well I can just about
guarantee that with enough cross-sex chemicals in their systems (e.g. testosterone
and puberty blocker) little girls will never be old enough to understand and thus
they'll miss the star-struck excitement that makes a growing girl's teen-age years
so special.
I believe in the age of accountability so I don't believe it's right to hold children accountable to what part of our society is trying to convince them of. A child’s best chance at a happy and healthy life is one free from sexual politics, one in which kids can be kids.

Here's a quote from the Heritage Foundation

Now, the White House and Congress are poised to exacerbate these trends by infusing K-12 schools with destructive ideology, politicizing medicine, and undermining parental rights.

On Day One of his administration, President Joe Biden signed a divisive transgender executive order that forces all K-12 public schools in the nation that accept federal funds to adopt sexual orientation and gender identity policies.

Such policies allow students to participate in single-sex sports and use single-sex facilities that don’t match their biological sex, such as bathrooms and locker rooms.

We definitely need to be praying for our nation and our children who will be leading the next generation.
Probably no entertainer understood a child's need for acceptance better than Mr. Rogers.

Herein is one of his tunes-- addressed to every kid watching his show regardless of age,
race, and/or gender. It's sort of self explanatory; so I offer no comments to go with it.

I like you as you are.
Exactly and precisely,
I think you turned out nicely;
And I like you as you are.

I like you as you are.
Without a doubt or question,
Or even a suggestion;
Cause I like you as you are.

I like your disposition,
Your facial composition,
And with your kind permission,
I’ll shout it to a star.

I like you as you are.
I wouldn’t want to change you,
Or even rearrange you;
Not by far.

I like you.
I like you, yes I do.
I like you, Y-O-U,
I like you: like you as you are.

Music and Lyrics by Josie Carey & Fred Rogers
© McFeely-Rogers Foundation.
All Rights Reserved.

Probably no entertainer understood a child's need for acceptance better than Mr. Rogers.

Herein is one of his tunes-- addressed to every kid watching his show regardless of age,
race, and/or gender. It's sort of self explanatory; so I offer no comments to go with it.

I like you as you are.
I wouldn’t want to change you,
Or even rearrange you;

Not by far.
So apparently Mr. Rogers wasn't into promoting the transgender agenda. But the bad news is the fact that he's a convicted pedophile.

Rogers was convicted of one count of sexual assault in the first degree, one count of deviate sexual assault in the second degree, and one count of sexual assault in the second degree.


The Mr. Rogers on television was Fred.

The Mr. Rogers on trial was John.
Right his son. The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The book, “The Good Neighbor,” shares a conversation Rogers had with a longtime friend, the openly gay Dr. William Hirsch. According to Hirsch, Rogers concluded that he belonged somewhere in “the middle” when it came to sexual orientation.

Rogers said that if sexuality was measured on a scale of one to 10, “Well, you know I must be right smack in the middle. Because I have found women attractive, and I have found men attractive.”

Rogers’ apparent admission to being attracted to both women and men had people on Twitter expressing profound delight, according to Pride.com.
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Right his son. The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The book, “The Good Neighbor,” shares a conversation Rogers had with a longtime friend, the openly gay Dr. William Hirsch. According to Hirsch, Rogers concluded that he belonged somewhere in “the middle” when it came to sexual orientation.

Rogers said that if sexuality was measured on a scale of one to 10, “Well, you know I must be right smack in the middle. Because I have found women attractive, and I have found men attractive.”

Rogers’ apparent admission to being attracted to both women and men had people on Twitter expressing profound delight, according to Pride.com.
Mr. Rogers always seemed gay to me. But I think it's unfair to say "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree", which implies Mr. Rogers was a pedo. Gay and pedo aren't the same thing. Unless you're Michael Jackson.
I hear what you're saying but there were quite a few Allegations made against him for being inappropriate with children. So in this case the shoe might fit. What I heard was because of his status in Hollywood he was untouchable. Money talks.
FAQ: Why do the transgender movers and shakers insist upon starting children as
young as 12-13 on the road to changing their sex?

REPLY: The thing is: in order for transgenders to successfully pass as women,
and/or successfully pass as men; they pretty much have to begin making changes
to their body in sync with nature's puberty clock; which presents a relatively brief
window of opportunity.

Should they begin transitioning after the window has expired-- say at 17 or 18 --
their body will very likely be stuck in whatever physical configuration nature gave
it. In other words: transitioning girls will be stuck with hips and a soft appearance
etc, and transitioning boys will be stuck with whiskers and a rugged appearance

So timing is crucial in the transgender process; which can actually work to a
parent's advantage. If moms and dads can manage to keep their underage children
off of cross-sex medications during those critical puberty years, it will become much
easier in the long run to persuade them to stay as they are because adult boys and
girls are typically lots more sensible, and a lot less impressionable, than those in
the 12-13 range.
FAQ: Why do the transgender movers and shakers insist upon starting children as
young as 12-13 on the road to changing their sex?

REPLY: The thing is: in order for transgenders to successfully pass as women,
and/or successfully pass as men; they pretty much have to begin making changes
to their body in sync with nature's puberty clock; which presents a relatively brief
window of opportunity.

Should they begin transitioning after the window has expired-- say at 17 or 18 --
their body will very likely be stuck in whatever physical configuration nature gave
it. In other words: transitioning girls will be stuck with hips and a soft appearance
etc, and transitioning boys will be stuck with whiskers and a rugged appearance

So timing is crucial in the transgender process; which can actually work to a
parent's advantage. If moms and dads can manage to keep their underage children
off of cross-sex medications during those critical puberty years, it will become much
easier in the long run to persuade them to stay as they are because adult boys and
girls are typically lots more sensible, and a lot less impressionable, than those in
the 12-13 range.
Hopefully their bodies will be stuck in whatever gender God has given them. Remember Satan only comes to rob to kill and destroy.
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