Every symbolic allegory of Christ in the OT?

We should never remove God's attribute of free will.

Jesus was not forced to be righteous apart from his choice.

Never said otherwise. However, Jesus always chooses God. The idea that God can choose evil it a misnomer.

God's nature is not one challenged to do EVIL. He is ABOVE... evil. Beyond evil.

For example God CAN NOT LIE......
I can attest to this. Eve has a rather unique position. I've never meet anyone else that holds her position.
thank you.. ..i know that doesnt mean you might agree
but I thank you for acknowledging and understanding how
what I say is not what others say.

I had an unusual situation...

I was raised catholic and left..
and then went through many trials and academia
as an 'agnostic'...

I did try during that time to join various
churches to try them
but didn't stay past one or two visits...
and not because I wanted to leave
but I did not feel welcome...

then, after all that, decades,
I was so broken I talked to Him and asked for Help.

I'd never been to a bible study. (now i view that as good).
Didn't know a thing!
And to this day have not joined any congregation.

Soon after experiencing His reply... and starting to try to
understand what He says,
I went to the previous forum, thinking to learn and
share... and was instantly labeled
though for years I tried to figure out
why...and no one would 'tell me' why except
just you are x.... i felt it was most unkind
but I guess I was unusual since I came
to Him without a preacher..

So here I am....
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He sent me a very sweet brilliant man
who listens to Him very much...
and I trust him... and actually, he and i understand the same...
so it's not like I'm just listening to my own mind...
but these days I just stay home and
now and then go to church
with a couple nearby who invite me
2 or three times a year
thank you.. ..i know that doesnt mean you might agree
but I thank you for acknowledging and understanding how
what I say is not what others say.

I had an unusual situation...

I was raised catholic and left..
and then went through many trials and academia
as an 'agnostic'...

I did try during that time to join various
churches to try them
but didn't stay past one or two visits...
and not because I wanted to leave
but I did not feel welcome...

then, after all that, decades,
I was so broken I talked to Him and asked for Help.

I'd never been to a bible study. (now i view that as good).
Didn't know a thing!
And to this day have not joined any congregation.

Soon after experiencing His reply... and starting to try to
understand what He says,
I went to the previous forum, thinking to learn and
share... and was instantly labeled
though for years I tried to figure out
why...and no one would 'tell me' why except
just you are x.... i felt it was most unkind
but I guess I was unusual since I came
to Him without a preacher..

So here I am....
I don't know you, and have to my knowledge, never interacted with you in the past. Therefore I am not criticising you in any way. I also came from a Catholic background, leaving that system in my 20s. I also searched for a congregation of believers in order to be taught and accept fellowship. And I also passed up on some, for several reasons.
This is important. One cannot survive alone. In Paul's letter to the Ephesians he talks about warfare and armour. The battle Christians are called to be a part of is very real, is intense, and totally beyond our personal capability to succeed in. Individuals especially are susceptible to failure. The battle is to be fought corporately. It is important to find that congregation and be a living vital component of an active army fighting a spiritual warfare against powers far greater than you or I can cope with on our own. Keep searching. Don't give up. They are out there. The 'unwelcome' signs you came across previously simply meant you hadn't arrived at the appropriate place... Yet. And some small advice. Pray. Don't be fooled into joining any church on account of its music, it's size, it's beautiful architecture, or its profession.
The one essential criteria you need apart from praying , and to search for is... Does that congregation teach the scriptures without tradition and human reasoning. Does it practise what it teaches. And does it rely on faith rather than emotion and feelings and excitement. Keep it simple. Did I mention prayer? Ask God to lead you. Ask His guidance. Don't give up, but don't settle for second best.
Ruth and Boaz

Christ is our “Kinsman Redeemer,” a close relative who relieves one of a certain trouble, in ancient Hebrew culture. As Ruth was not of the people of God, so every sinner starts out a child of wrath in the spiritual system of this world. As Ruth was willing to leave behind her old life for her mother-in-law Naomi (who stands for the Spirit) in the world while her sister Orpah turned back to the world, she was faithful to the light she had and being led to a greater light. As she gleaned from Boaz’s field, a relative back home, she came to better understand and appreciate him—this is the working of preceding grace in the sinner’s life. The ancient Hebrew law was a close relative should marry a widowed woman so she could have children. And listening to Naomi she took a chance and asked Boaz for marriage, going to him in the middle of the night and uncovering his feet, a rather unusual way of asking for marriage; perhaps it was just to wake him or also express some kind of symbolism for desire. But Ruth had a closer relative who had the legal right to marry her first before Boaz, so Boaz negotiated with his relative, who transferred a sandal to him as a contract, in lieu of the original Torah instruction that those who reject being a kinsman redeemer be also spit upon, as it was a bigger deal farther back in time to not have support. So the “closer relative” here represents Adam’s ancestral claim upon every human, and Christ must take upon him Adam’s “sandals” as it were, and walk as human to qualify to redeem us from the Law by being our substitute, and spread his wing over us making us a part of his people. Along with Tamar and her son Perez, Rahab the prostitute and Bathsheba, these all became symbols of redemption in the ancestral line to the Messiah.​
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