Every symbolic allegory of Christ in the OT?

I use to have a book called pictures of Christ in the OT. I'll see if I can locate it. I know there are numerous inferences to Him but what I do now is only use those the N.T. quotes and applies to Him with all the types, figure and shadows used in the OT.
And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand (forearm), and they shall be used as bands (frontals, frontlets) on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:8-9
All Scripture is for our learning and instruction, not just re-quoted Scripture.
Correct, the Lord Jesus in the OT. 1 Corinthians 10:4 "And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ."

let's see this ROCK who is Christ in the OT,

Deuteronomy 32:3 "Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God." Deuteronomy 32:4 "He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he."

Joseph sold into slavery becoming second in command and saving his family:

Clearly a type of Christ, being mistreated in this world, betrayed by his own people, and yet through virtuous suffering bringing salvation and provision to the very ones who tried to murder him and brought on his suffering; becoming second under command under Pharaoh, a picture of God the Father, and sending the wagons loaded with the good things of Egypt, a type of the ministry of the Holy Spirit bringing the spiritual riches of Christ to us.​
Abraham being commanded to sacrifice his only son Isaac who held the promises:

Perhaps the single strongest and deeply emotional type of Christ in the entire OT, just as Abraham would be willing to slay his own son and burn him on the altar, even though all the promises were given in Isaac, so would God the Father be willing to put Jesus to death in whom is all our promises. The wild ram caught in the thorn bush would be the defiance and curses of sin. Hebrews tells us Isaac was received back as a type of the resurrection of Christ from the dead, and it was proclaimed from heaven this very act paved the way for God to bless all nations in Christ.​
The Israelites captivity under Pharaoh, their escape, and journey to the Promised Land

This is a big one, a major theme. Pharaoh here represents Satan and his enslavement of humanity under sin. God sends a deliverer in Moses who verifies his call with great signs and wonders and judgments on the gods of Egypt, just as Christ verified his role as Messiah and pronounced a final judgment upon the nation of Israel. The exodus from Egypt represents the believers commitment to leave this world system and all it represents, and the trials in the wilderness represent the testing of Christian's faith in times of tribulation. The cloud and pillar of fire represent the Holy Spirit's power and presence in guidance and protection. The escape through the Red Sea, represents the baptism of the believer into Christ's death, upon which all the Pharaoh's army, his horses and chariots, are destroyed, representing the demonic power enslaving us to sin and condemnation, celebrated by physical baptism in water. This is followed by even more trials, showing us that we still struggle with the world and the flesh even after salvation. The Promised Land will represent heaven here, the Edenic rest that heaven typifies, and the enemies are everything that stands in the way of our faith. Within this journey itself are several more strong pictures of Christ that are worthy of their own entry.​
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Noah building the ark and surviving the flood that destroyed his world

The floodwaters would of course symbolize God’s wrath against sin, the world outside represents the flesh of Adam. The wood on the Ark of course represents the Cross, the curse of the Law, as he that is hanged upon a tree represents the punishment deserved, once a living tree now dead. Bitumen tar pitched within and without originates from biomass, and so in fact was formed from living things that died. Applied without against God’s wrath against sin, and applied within to guard us from the feelings of condemnation for our sins. 40 days and nights stands for the number of indefinite completion, the full cup of God's judgment. The dove is the Holy Spirit of course and he returns until there is no “flesh” left, after the 7 days standing for perfection, with the olive branch of peace with God in its beak, because all sin was judged at the Cross and now peace with God is offered to all. The raven would stand for the demonic which stays out where the rotting flesh is. Ararat could mean something liked “reversed curse” in Hebrew. And of course Noah did complete the picture of atonement by sacrificing only clean animals on the altar which smell of burning flesh was said to be a soothing aroma to YHWH. Finally the symbol of the rainbow—the restoration of the glory of YHWH to mankind—and a promise to never again judge in this way, expressing the finality and sufficiency of Christ's atonement. Represents our baptism with Christ and its expression in water baptism.​
Eve had the promise of Jesus Christ.

Gen 3:15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”

Esau (firstborn) sold his birthright. (Adam gave up his position for Eve) Jacob took "hold" upon the heel of Esau ( The Incarnation. The Elder serving the younger)

Esau was "cunning man" while Jacob was a "plain man dwelling in tents". (No reputation. Form of a servant.)

Jacob became like Esau to win the birthright sold by Esau. Christ "took" Satan in his craftiness. Christ was "fashioned as a man (Esau)". Whom IF..... the princes of this world.... had known. They wouldn't have crucified Christ.

The first appeal to prophecy. The "bruised" humanity of Jesus Christ. A prophecy written in the lives of Esau and Jacob.
Paul alluded to this truth in

Rom 16:20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.
Eve had the promise of Jesus Christ.

Gen 3:15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”

Esau (firstborn) sold his birthright. (Adam gave up his position for Eve) Jacob took "hold" upon the heel of Esau ( The Incarnation. The Elder serving the younger)

Esau was "cunning man" while Jacob was a "plain man dwelling in tents". (No reputation. Form of a servant.)

Jacob became like Esau to win the birthright sold by Esau. Christ "took" Satan in his craftiness. Christ was "fashioned as a man (Esau)". Whom IF..... the princes of this world.... had known. They wouldn't have crucified Christ.

The first appeal to prophecy. The "bruised" humanity of Jesus Christ. A prophecy written in the lives of Esau and Jacob.
Paul alluded to this truth in

Rom 16:20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.
Interesting perspective that I will have to consider. Thanks!
Yeah, I always felt the story had signs of being symbolic but could never make anything really fit so I gave up on it.

The problem here is Jacob and his mother were mostly being deceitful and I don't think that would be used a positive type.
Allegories are not perfect representations. They are indirect representations. I would not say that Jacob and his mother were deceitful. Esau sold his birthright and then refused to acknowledge it. Even working deceitfully to regain what he had so easily sold away. It is an induction of motive. A somewhat crafty display of being caught in your own nonsense.

In Repentance, it is a allegory with Isaac refusing to acknowledge the supposed repentance of Esau. Esau was definitely sorry but for all the wrong reasons. Ultimately, Isaac knew this and refused to undo what He had done to please Esau. Repentance is more than just saying I'm sorry. It is an acknowledgement of guilt and matters more about how God sees things than our own. It where our minds become one with God and we see things how God sees them.

What do you do with someone that thinks they no everything? You let them prove themselves wrong. God has often withhold direct information to those who think they have everything under control. In fact the "serpent" is said to be more crafty/deceitful than any other creature in Genesis 3. Satan was taken in his own crafty. He thought he had killed the heir of Abraham. He didn't know what he was doing.
Allegories are not perfect representations. They are indirect representations. I would not say that Jacob and his mother were deceitful. Esau sold his birthright and then refused to acknowledge it. Even working deceitfully to regain what he had so easily sold away. It is an induction of motive. A somewhat crafty display of being caught in your own nonsense.

In Repentance, it is a allegory with Isaac refusing to acknowledge the supposed repentance of Esau. Esau was definitely sorry but for all the wrong reasons. Ultimately, Isaac knew this and refused to undo what He had done to please Esau. Repentance is more than just saying I'm sorry. It is an acknowledgement of guilt and matters more about how God sees things than our own. It where our minds become one with God and we see things how God sees them.

What do you do with someone that thinks they no everything? You let them prove themselves wrong. God has often withhold direct information to those who think they have everything under control. In fact the "serpent" is said to be more crafty/deceitful than any other creature in Genesis 3. Satan was taken in his own crafty. He thought he had killed the heir of Abraham. He didn't know what he was doing.
God used a lying spirit to deceive ahab. Just sayin that objection can be overcome by that example since God caused that situation to happen :)
God used a lying spirit to deceive ahab. Just sayin that objection can be overcome by that example since God caused that situation to happen :)

That wasn't a type of Christ, though.

I don't think your argument works here, it's a false equivalence fallacy.
That wasn't a type of Christ, though.

I don't think your argument works here, it's a false equivalence fallacy.

Do you think Satan hasn't ever accused God of deceiving him?

It is an allegory to struggle that man shares with Satan in sin. Man is always blaming God for things he doesn't know. God doesn't owe us knowledge. When we reject God and exercise our "independence"..... God is not obligated to impart to us knowledge so that we can avoid calamity.

I personally believe that Satan did not know "The Son" in the wilderness temptation. In fact, I believe Satan tried to get Christ to acknowledge Himself before him and Jesus refused. If Satan had known what God was planning and executing, Satan would have acted differently. Satan thought he was destroying the heir of Abraham. God showed Himself the "Better man" in the Atonement for sin. Better in every way.

When we desire independence from God, He gives it to us.

I will say the argument you're making in opposition seems "Calvinistic" in nature.
my point was the lie part doesn't disqualify them. also rahab "lied" as well.

I've often thought that if Peter hadn't of denied Christ so completely before of the enemies of God..... they would have taken him away and killed him.

The Meticulous Determination taught by many is at issue here. God often overcome the intents of evil men without the need to directly intervene. He does so while remaining completely true to His Divine Character.

To your point.....I thought of this verse.

Rom 3:7 But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?

It is not that we seek to present a lie but we have to acknowledge that all of us have made statements that are not true. Often times, it takes many years for us to recognize our mistakes.

There is never any question that it is impossible for us to overcome God's direct intervention. However, it is silly to believe that God is directly involved in many things in this life. He establishes the framework and man moves with those boundaries of His freewill. It is why we have guardian angels and the Spirit of God to direct us. It is why we must pray and seek God for guidance and encouragement. It is why we should be total dependent upon God..... and at every turn seek His Character to be our own.

Act 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
Act 17:27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:
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