Eternal Security


Well-known member

The reason that believers and fake believers, reject eternal security, is simply because they do not understand that Jesus is Salvation, and not their self effort.

So, its really just a matter of wrong belief, that is based on not comprehending that : Jesus is Salvation.

See, once you recognize that JESUS is Salvation, then you go to Him for it, and that ends, "enduring" and "water baptism" and "commandment keeping" and "law keeping" and "trying to imitate some idea you have of how to try to behave like Jesus" and all of this SELF EFFORT (LEGALISM)..... that has no means to deal with your SIN.

See, Salvation, is based on one thing only...

Has GOD dealt with all your sin, yet, or not? ?????????????????????

If He has then "God hath made Jesus to be SIN... for us'' .. because "Jesus is the one time ETERNAL sacrifice for SIN".

See, God was in the world 2000 yrs ago, as JESUS the Man, and He went to the Cross to deal with the sin of the world.

2 Corinthians 5:19 and John 3:17 and Romans 4:8

And, He did.
And every single person who will go to the Cross of Christ Believing in Jesus, .. God will receive your faith instantly.. and take that Blood and Death that Christ has offered as the one time ETERNAL Sacrifice for YOUR SIN... and apply it to you. = "SAVED".
And once that NEW COVENANT = BLOOD Atonement...... is applied to you, then your sin is now on JESUS and God's Righteousness has now become the "imputed righteousness of Christ".

You now become "THE... righteousness OF GOD.... in Christ"...



The "GIFT of Salvation" and "the Gift of Righteousness".

And now that ALL your sin is gone, you are then birthed by the Holy Spirit into GOD's Spirit, as "born... .again"... and that is described in the New Testament.... as being "IN Christ". and "Translated from darkness .. TO Light"..... Having become "one with GOD".

See all that?
You didnt do it...
God did it all for you, if you are born again...

And this SALVATiON that is God's SON Offered for your SIN...., once applied.... to you.... will be completed by GOD, just as it is begun by God, Himself.

Philippians 1:6

So, READER.... learn to believe all this, and you can have divine confidence that is REAL FAITH in CHRIST.
And to have that is to have : ETERNAL Security.
A lot of eternal security advocates try to push the idea that it's the only true form of grace.

But God's grace allows for FREE WILL DECISIONS, else grace would mean we do LITERALLY NOTHING and so are AUTOMATICALLY SAVED.

The same reason why you to DECIDE to trust in Jesus the FIRST time, is the exact same logic of why you have to do it until the end.
Once a person understands that God accepted them "while they were YET a sinner" "ungodly", and took them for eternity, based on the Cross of Christ, then the person has understood Salvation, and not until.

When they dont understand this, then they dont yet understand the finished work of Christ, on the Cross that God accepted to accept them, and nothing else will God accept, as He provided nothing else.

See, you dont offer YOURSELF..... as "all have sinned".....So, God offers JESUS, as your Salvation, as its Christ's Blood and Death that God accepts to save you and Keep you saved..

Nothing else.

Let me show you a verse.

"where SIN abounds, Grace more abounds"..

See that?

So, Reader.....What you have to understand is that God on the Cross, shedding His Blood and Dying, is more than enough to keep you saved.
As Jesus is the Savior of the WORLD, so, that is certainly enough to deal with Your sin...

So, its PRIDE that believes..."well, i can OUT-SIN, God's Son's Sacrifice".

Do you See that kind of backwards CARNAL thinking that has pride at the Root?

So, once a person understands that Jesus is the "ONE TIME = ETERNAL Sacrifice".. for Sin", ...they'll stop trying to argue that they can sin more than God's Cross of Christ has already dealt with, 2000 yrs ago.

Another way to see their issue, is that, they believe that "God started my salvation, and as long as im good enough later on, He'll keep me".

See that?
That is a person who DOES NOT Trust in Christ...they instead trust in SELF ....

"as long as I dont"... "As long as I do this, and that".

See it?
That is faith in SELF righteousness, that has NO FAITH IN Christ.

What is the real proof you have faith in Christ?
You'll believe that Jesus KEEPS you saved, and if you don't, then you dont understand SALVATION Yet, and your faith is broken, or you are not born again yet.

Faith in Christ, the real faith....BELIEVES that Jesus who saved you keeps you saved.

That's REAL Faith. that pleases God.

And once you step out of that, and into...>"well what if i do this".. and "what if i do that"..
You are now doubting God's Salvation = who is JESUS.
And that type of faith, is NO FAITH in Christ, and in fact, insults the Cross and God's Grace.

Try to wrap your belief system around this fact.
You can trust God who saved you when you came to Him with a LIFETIME OF SIN..... and He forgave you all... and that means, that Jesus's Sacrifice is your Eternal Security.
You can TRUST IN Jesus who saved you, and not because you are good or bad... but because He died to do so.
You can TRUST this Fact.
See Jesus rose from the DEAD to prove that Your Salvation is "finished", as He stated from the CROSS.

"God who began Salvation, in the born again, will HIMSELF = be FAITHFUL to complete it".

You can Trust God.
Your Salvation is not in your hands, its in God's control,
because = Jesus didn't FAIL you, and never will.
Lets look at this... Reader...

"ETERNAL"....... security.

Who is that?
And where did that begin.?
And why is that continued?

Here is a clue(s) for you Student of the WORD, and word.

1.) """In Christ
2.) One with God "
3.) Born .., again"
4.) Heir with God"
5.) joint Heir with Jesus"
6.) Christ IN YOU the Hope....of Glory.""""

Now let me show you the = "Hope of Glory".

Listening on the inside yet? As that is how you HEAR.

A.) The HOPE OF GLORY>.... = This is 2-fold..

1.) Heaven is Glory

2.) Jesus is GLORY and "we beheld His Glory". See, Jesus is Heaven's Hope for us all, sent from Heaven to The Cross.... so that by This Hope and this BREAD come down from Heaven, we might all receive this HOPE by FAITH... and become ... born again.

And what did this HOPE tell us all to do?

A.) "You must be born... again"... or you have no hope in this world and no Hope of receiving Eternal Life which is : Eternal Security.

How do you know if you have it?

This is how you know... = You have become "The Temple of the Hope... The Temple of the Holy Spirit", and "GOD is A Spirit", and "Christ is THAT Spirit".

And that SPIRIT is our Eternal Hope.
A lot of eternal security advocates try to push the idea that it's the only true form of grace.

But God's grace allows for FREE WILL DECISIONS, else grace would mean we do LITERALLY NOTHING and so are AUTOMATICALLY SAVED.

The same reason why you to DECIDE to trust in Jesus the FIRST time, is the exact same logic of why you have to do it until the end.

@Behold and @dizerner

BOTH your posts (#1 ans #2) are TRUTH

Can you understand this in the LIGHT of Scripture?
Salvation is not probation.
Eternal life is not temporary life.
Jesus is the door. He is not a revolving door.
very true--but however is a license to do as w please when we please live like the world and still claim salvation ? there are those who live together as professing Christians saying its sin i know but i still go to heaven ...... that's Not salvation
very true--but however is a license to do as w please when we please live like the world and still claim salvation ? there are those who live together as professing Christians saying its sin i know but i still go to heaven ...... that's Not salvation
There are genuine Christians and there are 'nominal" Christians. There are genuine believers and there are make believers.
There are genuine Christians and there are 'nominal" Christians. There are genuine believers and there are make believers.
I believe I am a genuine believer and if that's true I know that I'll stay that way. I chose this topic to jump into because it's my favorite topic. I believe once you are a genuine believer that you do not go back to being a make believer.

Eternal Security is addressed in Romans 8:28-39

I see the assurance of our salvation in 1st John such as this verse:
"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life."

Since the finished substitutionary sacrifice of Christ is sufficient, and has been applied to the Christian, there is nothing for the believer to lose their salvation over, since all their sin has already been paid for in Christ.

A lot of people ask well what if they walk away? And the answer to that question is then they were never saved they were make believers.
The phrase "eternal security" is not found in the Bible. "Security", by itself, is found in the Old Testament several times, but never "eternal security". And "security", by itself, is never found in the New Testament. So the phrase has been made up by man. The doctrine also, has been made up by man to give him some kind of guarantee that, no matter what happens, no matter what he does or doesn't do, he's got his ticket to heaven - (or at least that's what his made up doctrine tells him)

He ignores the fact that even though we don't get saved by good works, the New and Old Testaments repeatedly say that we will be judged by our works:
Psalm 62:12; Proverbs 24:12; 1 Corinthians 3:8; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Matthew 16:27; Matthew 25:31-46; Romans 2:5-10; Ephesians 2:10; Ephesians 6:7-8; Colossians 3:25; 1 Timothy 1:19; 1 Peter 1:19; Revelation 20:12-13

So, as Christians, we are to be "zealous for good deeds" "so that we will not be unfruitful" Titus 2:14 and 3:14

Don't tell him all the warnings in the New Testament of walking away from the faith:

1 Timothy 4:1 "But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons." "Fall away" in the Greek is the same root word as "apostasy", which means "a renunciation of a religious faith" or an "abandonment of a previous loyalty; a defection.

Don't remind him of Peter's warning in 2 Peter 2:20-22:
"For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and are overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn away from the holy commandment handed on to them. It has happened to them according to the true proverb, 'A dog returns to its own vomit,' and 'A sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire.' "

Don't tell him what Paul warned young widows in 1 Timothy 5:14:
"Therefore, I want younger widows to get married, bear children, keep house, and give the enemy no occasion for reproach; for some have already turned aside to follow Satan."

Don't remind him of what the author of Hebrews says in Hebrews 3:12:
"Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God."

Yes, there are precious promises that He will keep us - but those are not for Christians who don't want to be kept. You might say that a true Christian will automatically want to be kept. Really, so a true Christian can't fall away, even if he wants to? So a true Christian loses his free will, his freedom of choice, because God forces him to stay saved? That's not what the Bible teaches at all. We will always have free will to either follow Christ or not. Jesus even gave His apostles the freedom to leave Him. John 6:67-68 They wisely chose not to.

Can you force your spouse to stay married to you? You might try, but in the end, he/she will do whatever they want - stay or leave. They have a free will. Our relationship with Christ is likened to marriage. He doesn't remove our free will, when we get saved. Are we free to leave Him any time we want? Yes, we are, God doesn't force us to follow Him. He wants willing, devoted, followers, not forced slaves. Just like we want our spouse to continue to be our marriage partner willingly and devotedly. Without that we would have a very unhappy "marriage". If God forces us, once we are saved, to stay saved, then we have a very unhappy relationship with Him - in fact, it's not even a relationship - it's slavery.

I always hear the convenient little statement, as we see in the previous post by "Adherent", if they walk away, then they were never saved in the first place. Read 2 Peter 2:20-22 above. Can anyone honestly say that that person mentioned by Peter was not genuinely saved? I think not. On the other hand, yes, of course, there will be those who were never saved to begin with. But not in every case. Many true believers have fallen, as the scripture says will happen, but also warns us to not be one of them. After all, who else would the scripture be warning to avoid falling away - if not believers? Nonbelievers? No, the scriptures are letters and admonitions to us - Christians.
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The phrase "eternal security" is not found in the Bible.

"Trinity" is not found in the Bible

"Elon Musk" is not found in the bible.

"Chocolate" is not found in the bible.

A.) Your point is moot @dwight92070

"Security", by itself, is found in the Old Testament several times, but never "eternal security".

There is no Redemption, that is Eternal life, found in the OT, as Jesus didnt die on the Cross, to make it possible in the OT.

In the NT, under the New Covenant , a Born again Believer has.. "THE GIFT of Eternal Life". and "The Gift of Salvation" and "The Gift of Righteousness."""

A.) Eternal Life is not temporary, its Eternal security.

Also, "the GIFTS and callings of God are without REPENTANCE".. = If you have them, you have them, for as long as God lives.

"without repentance".. God will have you keep them...

1.) Salvation'
2.) Righteousness
3.) Eternal Life (eternal security).
The phrase "eternal security" is not found in the Bible.
Correct, precious friend, but "God's Eternal Salvation" Is Found In
God's Word Of Truth!:
"And being made perfect, He Became The Author of Eternal Salvation
unto all them that obey Him" (Hebrews 5:9 AV)​
Now, in order for men to 'break' "This Eternal (Not 'temporary') Salvation"
That God Gives "all them that obey" The Gospel Of The Grace Of God
"Through faith (Not of works/self)" (Ephesians 2:8-9 AV), men have to go
to Extreme lengths (Minimum = 20x) in order to undo "All That God Has Done"
Apart from all works/self-actions, for the brand-spanking new "babe In Christ"
By "The Merits of His Precious BLOOD On The Cross!" - ie:

UN-accept these, That God Has Eternally:

(1) Accepted In The Beloved, To The Praise Of​
The Glory Of His Grace! (Ephesians 1:6 AV)​

UN-adopt these, That God Has Eternally:

UN-baptize these, That God Has Eternally:

(3) Baptized:​
BY” One Holy Spirit!​
Into His Death, And Buried With Him! (Romans 6:3 Colossians 2:12 AV)​
Into His One Body!! (1 Corinthians 12:13 AV)​
Into Jesus Christ!!! (Romans 6:3; Galatians 3:27 AV)​

UN-bless these, That God Has Eternally:
(4) Blessed With All Spiritual Blessings In Heavenly Places In Christ!​

UN-circumcise these, That God Has Eternally:

(5) Circumcised With The Circumcision Of Christ! (Colossians 2:11 AV)​

UN-deliver these, That God Has Eternally:

(6) Delivered:​
From the power of darkness! (Colossians 1:13 AV)​
From so great a death!! (2 Corinthians 1:10 AV)​
From the wrath to come!!! (Romans 5:9; 1 Thessalonians 1:10 AV)​

UN-forgive these, That God Has Eternally:

(7) FORGIVEN of All sins and trespasses:​
According To The Riches Of His Grace!​

UN-give "What God, for these, Has Eternally":

(8) Given:​
The Earnest of The Spirit in our hearts! (2 Corinthians 1:22, 5:5 AV)​
Everlasting Consolation and Good Hope Through Grace!​
Grace, Which was Given us In Christ Jesus Before the world began!​
Grace according to The Measure Of The Gift Of Christ! (Ephesians 4:7 AV)​
Peace Through our Lord Jesus Christ! (Romans 5:1; Philippians 4:7 AV)​
The Promise By Faith Of Jesus Christ! (Galatians 3:22 AV)​
The spirit of power, love, And a sound mind! (2 Timothy 1:7 AV)​

UN-glorify these, That God Has Eternally:

(9) Glorified!​

"When Christ, Who Is our Life, Shall Appear, Then Shall​
ye Also appear With Him In Glory!" (Colossians 3:4 AV)​
Thanks Be To The Father For "The Merits Of The Precious BLOOD"
Of His Only Begotten SON, The Lord Jesus Christ! Amen?​

UN-justify [ Canceling Christ's BLOOD? For ] these, That God Has Eternally:

(10) Justified:​
Freely By His Grace (Romans 3:24; Titus 3:7 AV)​
Christ, Who Was Delivered For our offences,
Was Raised For our justification! (Romans 4:25 AV)​
By faith (Romans 5:1 AV)​
By His BLOOD! (Romans 5:9 AV)​
In The Name Of The Lord Jesus, And By​
The Spirit Of our God! (1 Corinthians 6:11 AV)​

UN-make these, That God Has Eternally:

(11) Made:​
Accepted In The Beloved (Ephesians 1:6 AV)​
alive, Together With, And, In Christ! (Ephesians 2:1, 5; 1 Corinthians 15:22 AV)​
children Of God (Romans 8:14-16; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 1:5 AV)​
Complete In Him (Colossians 2:10 AV)​
to drink into One Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13 AV)​
Free From the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2 AV)​
Free In The Liberty Of Christ! (Galatians 5:1 AV)​
heirs With God / Joint heirs With Christ! (Titus 3:7; Romans 8:17 AV)​
nigh by The BLOOD Of Christ! (Ephesians 2:13 AV)​
righteous By The Obedience Of One { Christ! } (Romans 5:19 AV)​
The Righteousness Of God In Him! (2 Corinthians 5:21 AV)​
to sit together In Heavenly Places In Christ Jesus! (Ephesians 2:6 AV)​
[ worthy ] meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the​
saints in Light! (Colossians 1:12 AV)​

UN-predestinate these, That God Has Eternally:

12) Predestinated:​
"For whom He did Foreknow, He also did Predestinate to be Conformed To​
The Image Of His SON, that He might be The Firstborn among many brethren."​
"Having Predestinated us unto The Adoption of children By Jesus Christ​
To Himself, According To The Good Pleasure of His Will" (Ephesians 1:5 AV)​
"In Whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being​
Predestinated According To The Purpose of Him Who Worketh​
all things after The Counsel of His Own Will" (Ephesians 1:11 AV)​

UN-purchase these, That God Has Eternally:

(13) Purchased:​
God Purchased His Church With His Own BLOOD! (Acts 20:28 AV)​
“...Redemption Of The Purchased Possession, Unto​
The Praise Of HIS Glory!” (Ephesians 1:14 AV)​

UN-raise (Re-condemn?) these, That God Has Eternally:

(14) Raised:​
“Buried With Him In Baptism, Wherein Also ye Are Risen With​
Him Through The Faith Of The Operation Of God, Who Hath​
Raised Him From the dead.” (Colossians 2:12 AV)​
Up Together With Christ! (Ephesians 2:6 AV)​

UN-redeem these, That God Has Eternally:

(15) Redeemed:​
“...The Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who Gave​
Himself For us, That He might Redeem us From All iniquity…”​
(Titus 2:14 AV)​
From the curse of the law! (Galatians 3:13 AV)​
Redemption In Christ Jesus! (Romans 3:24 AV)​
Redemption Through His BLOOD (Acts 20:28 AV),​
According To The Riches Of HIS Grace!​
God Made Christ Redemption Unto us who are In Him!​
Sealed By The Holy Spirit Unto The Day Of Redemption!​
“...Redemption Of The Purchased Possession, Unto​
The Praise Of HIS Glory!” (Ephesians 1:14 AV)​
The Redemption of our body! (Romans 8:23 AV)​

UN-regenerate / UN-renew these, That God Has Eternally:

(16) Regenerated/Renewed:​
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but​
According To His Mercy He Saved us, By The Washing Of​
Regeneration, And Renewing Of The Holy Ghost;" (Titus 3:5 AV)​

UN-save these, That God Has Eternally:

(17) Saved:​
“For The Grace Of God That Bringeth Salvation​
Hath Appeared To all men” (Titus 2:11 AV)​
But, For Only those who are humble:​
The Gospel Of CHRIST Is The Power Of God Unto Salvation​
to Every one that believeth! (Romans 1:16 AV)​

“For The preaching Of The Cross is to them that​
perish foolishness; but unto us which Are Saved It​
Is The Power Of God!” (1 Corinthians 1:18 AV)​
“By Grace are ye Saved Through faith”​

“...According To His Own Purpose And Grace, Which Was Given
us In Christ Jesus Before the world began...” (2 Timothy 1:9 AV)​
[ Where, pray tell, do men get 'power' to UNdo​
"What God Has Done In Eternity Past"?????? ]​
“...According To His Mercy He Saved us...” (Titus 3:5 AV)​

UN-seal these, That God Has Eternally:

(18) Sealed:​
By The Holy Spirit Unto The Day Of Redemption!​

God’s Sure Foundation Has This Seal:​
“...The LORD Knoweth them That Are His!...” (2 Timothy 2:19 AV)​
Christ Has Always Known them That Are His!! (Ephesians 1:4-6 AV)​

Opposite of which is: "Christ Never Knew them that were Never His!" - Matthew​
7:21-23 AV, thus how can God Have "Always Known those whom He Never Knew"?
UN-translate (remove?) these, That God Has Eternally:

(19) Translated:​
“[ Spiritually Transferred ] Into The Kingdom Of His Dear SON!”​

UN-wash these, That God Has Eternally:
(20) Washed:
“And such [Unrighteous v. 9] were some of you: but ye are​
Washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified In The​
Name Of The Lord Jesus, and By The Spirit Of our God.”​
“...Christ also Loved the church, and Gave Himself For it;​
That He might Sanctify and Cleanse it with The Washing Of​
Water By The Word…” (Ephesians 5:25-26 AV)​

1. Neither phrase "eternal security" nor "temporary salvation" are found in The Bible!​

2. Either we have "God's Eternal Salvation," Or, we don't!!​

methinks What God Says, Appropriately applies to "UN-doing men"
(who erroneously think "they have More Power Than God"?):​

“For My Thoughts [ are ] not your thoughts, neither [ are ] your ways My Ways,​
Saith The LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My Ways
Higher Than your ways, and My Thoughts Than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)​

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The reason that believers and fake believers, reject eternal security, is simply because they do not understand that Jesus is Salvation, and not their self effort.
not all the Biggest problem with the teaching of eternal security is that the way its taught. for example i heard jack graham preaching on the subject.. till he said you cant live in sin. then the next breath said but you cant lose your salvation. the security of our salvation is there but when its watered down to the point of living how you want. then proclaim your saved IS NOT RIGHT. i have studied both teachings out for years . i find both sides water it down there is a know so salvation not a think so hope so maybe so. today i am tomorrow i am not .

the old timers had it right if your living like the devil and say your saved and make no effort to repent/turn from. you never was saved to start with . then lets not forget those who simply has no desire to attend Church. when we are told not to forsake the assembling of our selves together as we see that day approaching . i know folks who live it not talk it.
The Scriptures repeatedly employ the term “eternal life” in reference to the believer. But this is much more than merely having eternal existence. Eternal life refers not only to the duration but to the quality of an eternal existence. Consider again the meaning of “eternal.” it lose all meaning if eternal does not mean eternal.

Why would God have used the term “eternal” if He meant something that is, quite literally, infinitely less than that? Eternal nullifies all time, and thus if at any point one can be said to possess eternal life, by definition this life cannot be less than eternal. In other words, it cannot be temporal.

Again, time has no meaning compared to eternity. Trillions of computers could multiply trillions of years trillions of times multiplied to the trillion trillionth power a trillion times over and the surface of eternity would not even be slightly impacted.

Eternity wouldn’t be affected at all. The one who possesses eternal life, therefore, can never be lost, or else he could never have possessed eternal life to begin with.

If God had intended to convey the idea that a believer could never be lost, He could not have spoken in clearer terms than to use the term eternal. If He had intended to convey the idea that a believer could be lost, He would never have spoken of eternal life as a present possession.
The Scriptures repeatedly employ the term “eternal life” in reference to the believer. But this is much more than merely having eternal existence. Eternal life refers not only to the duration but to the quality of an eternal existence.

Eternal Life if not a time frame, as its connected to God who has "no beginning and no ending".

HUMAN life, on earth, that is the time our Body is given to live, is not the Life that is 'in Christ"..
Our "earth suit", houses our spirit, and this spirit will never die, yet, it can exist outside of Jesus who is Eternal Life.

Jesus said.....>"all that believe in ME... I give unto you... ETERNAL LIFE.....and you shall never go to Hell (Perish).""""

So, that GIft of Life, is Jesus Himself being given on The Cross, and Resurrected from the Dead, who has joined Himself Spiritually to the born again.

To have eternal life, is to be joined , spiritually, to the One who Himself IS : Eternal life.

This is why 1 John says we can "KNOW we have eternal life" as this is found "in Christ" and all the born again are IN Christ.

To exist there, is to have become......."one with God".
The Satisfying Fulfillment of God’s Love

The ultimate expression or consummation of God’s love is wrapped up in the phrase “eternal life.” I find that many Christians are confused about exactly what eternal life is. A large percentage of Christians define eternal life as: what happens to a Christian after he dies.

That is not eternal life! Eternal life is something you inherit and a reality that begins the moment you believe in Jesus Christ. Eternal life has less to do with the duration of time than it does the quality of life you are living. The day I received Jesus Christ into my life by faith, my life shifted to a higher plane and my eternal life began.

Jesus said in John 17:3, “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” Therefore, eternal life is knowing the true God and His Son, not the life you move into the day you die. Knowing God is a new kind and quality of life.
"Trinity" is not found in the Bible

"Elon Musk" is not found in the bible.

"Chocolate" is not found in the bible.

A.) Your point is moot @dwight92070

There is no Redemption, that is Eternal life, found in the OT, as Jesus didnt die on the Cross, to make it possible in the OT.

In the NT, under the New Covenant , a Born again Believer has.. "THE GIFT of Eternal Life". and "The Gift of Salvation" and "The Gift of Righteousness."""

A.) Eternal Life is not temporary, its Eternal security.

Also, "the GIFTS and callings of God are without REPENTANCE".. = If you have them, you have them, for as long as God lives.

"without repentance".. God will have you keep them...

1.) Salvation'
2.) Righteousness
3.) Eternal Life (eternal security).
"And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son does not have eternal life." 1 John 5:11-12 The believer has eternal security. The former believer does not.
"If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned." John 15:6 Jesus is warning His disciples.
Romans 11:29 "for the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable' The context here is Paul speaking about the nonsaved Jews - verse 28 - God gave Israel many gifts and called many of them, and He didn't take those away from them, but MOST of them rejected Him anyway.
The man-made concept of eternal security is not found in the Bible. It's wishful thinking, but not scriptural.
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Romans 11:29 "for the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable'

Spiritual Gifts and the call into the Ministry, as a '"""""""Prophet, Apostle, Teacher, Pastor, Evangelist.:""""""""

These "gifts and callings" are "without repentance" exactly as the "GIFT of Salvation", is the same.
Correct, precious friend, but "God's Eternal Salvation" Is Found In
God's Word Of Truth!:
"And being made perfect, He Became The Author of Eternal Salvation
unto all them that obey Him" (Hebrews 5:9 AV)​
Now, in order for men to 'break' "This Eternal (Not 'temporary') Salvation"
That God Gives "all them that obey" The Gospel Of The Grace Of God
"Through faith (Not of works/self)" (Ephesians 2:8-9 AV), men have to go
to Extreme lengths (Minimum = 20x) in order to undo "All That God Has Done"
Apart from all works/self-actions, for the brand-spanking new "babe In Christ"
By "The Merits of His Precious BLOOD On The Cross!" - ie:

UN-accept these, That God Has Eternally:

(1) Accepted In The Beloved, To The Praise Of​
The Glory Of His Grace! (Ephesians 1:6 AV)​

UN-adopt these, That God Has Eternally:

UN-baptize these, That God Has Eternally:

(3) Baptized:​
BY” One Holy Spirit!​
Into His Death, And Buried With Him! (Romans 6:3 Colossians 2:12 AV)​
Into His One Body!! (1 Corinthians 12:13 AV)​
Into Jesus Christ!!! (Romans 6:3; Galatians 3:27 AV)​

UN-bless these, That God Has Eternally:
(4) Blessed With All Spiritual Blessings In Heavenly Places In Christ!​

UN-circumcise these, That God Has Eternally:

(5) Circumcised With The Circumcision Of Christ! (Colossians 2:11 AV)​

UN-deliver these, That God Has Eternally:

(6) Delivered:​
From the power of darkness! (Colossians 1:13 AV)​
From so great a death!! (2 Corinthians 1:10 AV)​
From the wrath to come!!! (Romans 5:9; 1 Thessalonians 1:10 AV)​

UN-forgive these, That God Has Eternally:

(7) FORGIVEN of All sins and trespasses:​
According To The Riches Of His Grace!​

UN-give "What God, for these, Has Eternally":

(8) Given:​
The Earnest of The Spirit in our hearts! (2 Corinthians 1:22, 5:5 AV)​
Everlasting Consolation and Good Hope Through Grace!​
Grace, Which was Given us In Christ Jesus Before the world began!​
Grace according to The Measure Of The Gift Of Christ! (Ephesians 4:7 AV)​
Peace Through our Lord Jesus Christ! (Romans 5:1; Philippians 4:7 AV)​
The Promise By Faith Of Jesus Christ! (Galatians 3:22 AV)​
The spirit of power, love, And a sound mind! (2 Timothy 1:7 AV)​

UN-glorify these, That God Has Eternally:

(9) Glorified!​

"When Christ, Who Is our Life, Shall Appear, Then Shall​
ye Also appear With Him In Glory!" (Colossians 3:4 AV)​
Thanks Be To The Father For "The Merits Of The Precious BLOOD"
Of His Only Begotten SON, The Lord Jesus Christ! Amen?​

UN-justify [ Canceling Christ's BLOOD? For ] these, That God Has Eternally:

(10) Justified:​
Freely By His Grace (Romans 3:24; Titus 3:7 AV)​
Christ, Who Was Delivered For our offences,
Was Raised For our justification! (Romans 4:25 AV)​
By faith (Romans 5:1 AV)​
By His BLOOD! (Romans 5:9 AV)​
In The Name Of The Lord Jesus, And By​
The Spirit Of our God! (1 Corinthians 6:11 AV)​

UN-make these, That God Has Eternally:

(11) Made:​
Accepted In The Beloved (Ephesians 1:6 AV)​
alive, Together With, And, In Christ! (Ephesians 2:1, 5; 1 Corinthians 15:22 AV)​
children Of God (Romans 8:14-16; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 1:5 AV)​
Complete In Him (Colossians 2:10 AV)​
to drink into One Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13 AV)​
Free From the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2 AV)​
Free In The Liberty Of Christ! (Galatians 5:1 AV)​
heirs With God / Joint heirs With Christ! (Titus 3:7; Romans 8:17 AV)​
nigh by The BLOOD Of Christ! (Ephesians 2:13 AV)​
righteous By The Obedience Of One { Christ! } (Romans 5:19 AV)​
The Righteousness Of God In Him! (2 Corinthians 5:21 AV)​
to sit together In Heavenly Places In Christ Jesus! (Ephesians 2:6 AV)​
[ worthy ] meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the​
saints in Light! (Colossians 1:12 AV)​

UN-predestinate these, That God Has Eternally:

12) Predestinated:​
"For whom He did Foreknow, He also did Predestinate to be Conformed To​
The Image Of His SON, that He might be The Firstborn among many brethren."​
"Having Predestinated us unto The Adoption of children By Jesus Christ​
To Himself, According To The Good Pleasure of His Will" (Ephesians 1:5 AV)​
"In Whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being​
Predestinated According To The Purpose of Him Who Worketh​
all things after The Counsel of His Own Will" (Ephesians 1:11 AV)​

UN-purchase these, That God Has Eternally:

(13) Purchased:​
God Purchased His Church With His Own BLOOD! (Acts 20:28 AV)​
“...Redemption Of The Purchased Possession, Unto​
The Praise Of HIS Glory!” (Ephesians 1:14 AV)​

UN-raise (Re-condemn?) these, That God Has Eternally:

(14) Raised:​
“Buried With Him In Baptism, Wherein Also ye Are Risen With​
Him Through The Faith Of The Operation Of God, Who Hath​
Raised Him From the dead.” (Colossians 2:12 AV)​
Up Together With Christ! (Ephesians 2:6 AV)​

UN-redeem these, That God Has Eternally:

(15) Redeemed:​
“...The Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who Gave​
Himself For us, That He might Redeem us From All iniquity…”​
(Titus 2:14 AV)​
From the curse of the law! (Galatians 3:13 AV)​
Redemption In Christ Jesus! (Romans 3:24 AV)​
Redemption Through His BLOOD (Acts 20:28 AV),​
According To The Riches Of HIS Grace!​
God Made Christ Redemption Unto us who are In Him!​
Sealed By The Holy Spirit Unto The Day Of Redemption!​
“...Redemption Of The Purchased Possession, Unto​
The Praise Of HIS Glory!” (Ephesians 1:14 AV)​
The Redemption of our body! (Romans 8:23 AV)​

UN-regenerate / UN-renew these, That God Has Eternally:

(16) Regenerated/Renewed:​
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but​
According To His Mercy He Saved us, By The Washing Of​
Regeneration, And Renewing Of The Holy Ghost;" (Titus 3:5 AV)​

UN-save these, That God Has Eternally:

(17) Saved:​
“For The Grace Of God That Bringeth Salvation​
Hath Appeared To all men” (Titus 2:11 AV)​
But, For Only those who are humble:​
The Gospel Of CHRIST Is The Power Of God Unto Salvation​
to Every one that believeth! (Romans 1:16 AV)​

“For The preaching Of The Cross is to them that​
perish foolishness; but unto us which Are Saved It​
Is The Power Of God!” (1 Corinthians 1:18 AV)​
“By Grace are ye Saved Through faith”​

“...According To His Own Purpose And Grace, Which Was Given
us In Christ Jesus Before the world began...” (2 Timothy 1:9 AV)​
[ Where, pray tell, do men get 'power' to UNdo​
"What God Has Done In Eternity Past"?????? ]​
“...According To His Mercy He Saved us...” (Titus 3:5 AV)​

UN-seal these, That God Has Eternally:

(18) Sealed:​
By The Holy Spirit Unto The Day Of Redemption!​

God’s Sure Foundation Has This Seal:​
“...The LORD Knoweth them That Are His!...” (2 Timothy 2:19 AV)​
Christ Has Always Known them That Are His!! (Ephesians 1:4-6 AV)​

Opposite of which is: "Christ Never Knew them that were Never His!" - Matthew​
7:21-23 AV, thus how can God Have "Always Known those whom He Never Knew"?
UN-translate (remove?) these, That God Has Eternally:

(19) Translated:​
“[ Spiritually Transferred ] Into The Kingdom Of His Dear SON!”​

UN-wash these, That God Has Eternally:
(20) Washed:
“And such [Unrighteous v. 9] were some of you: but ye are​
Washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified In The​
Name Of The Lord Jesus, and By The Spirit Of our God.”​
“...Christ also Loved the church, and Gave Himself For it;​
That He might Sanctify and Cleanse it with The Washing Of​
Water By The Word…” (Ephesians 5:25-26 AV)​

1. Neither phrase "eternal security" nor "temporary salvation" are found in The Bible!​

2. Either we have "God's Eternal Salvation," Or, we don't!!​

methinks What God Says, Appropriately applies to "UN-doing men"
(who erroneously think "they have More Power Than God"?):​

“For My Thoughts [ are ] not your thoughts, neither [ are ] your ways My Ways,​
Saith The LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My Ways
Higher Than your ways, and My Thoughts Than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)​


It's amazing how complicated some people's explanation gets, when they're trying to explain something that the Bible doesn't teach.

Especially since Jesus stated the same thing quite simply:

John 6:67 - "So Jesus said to the twelve, 'You do not want to go away also, do you?' "

He did not say, "If you want to go away, too bad, because that's impossible, I will not let you go."

Nor did He say, "If you want to go away, you'll have to undo this and undo that and undo that and undo this, etc., etc."

Some of His disciples had already left in verse 66 - "As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were no walking with Him anymore."

Biblically, disciples are true Christians - Acts 11:26

The truth is very simple: After you become a Christian, you have the free will to stay in the body of Christ or to leave the body of Christ. God does not take your free will away.

To think that it's impossible for a true believer to leave Jesus is nonsense. He pretty much told them that they were free to go, if they wanted to.
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