John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions:
Geneva Bible
John 14:2 In my Fathers house are many dwelling places
I remember the first time I heard a fundamentalist ripping apart modern translation for "removing" mansion from the translation. He FORCEFULLY insisted that HE was going to have a "LARGE STATELY MANOR". After all.... "God had promised it".....
What he was really saying.... "I deserve my reward".
1. Problem. Both Geneva and Bishops Bible that came from the TR didn't have "mansion" in John 14. They were both BEFORE the KJV. Nothing "modern" about them.
2. "Mansion" comes from Latin. The Latin Vulgate and the English DRB influences the KJV. So much for the lack of "Rome" in the KJV....
3. This type of mistake only further the egos of those that hear it.
Which is why I asked if you have a "mansion"?
Personally, my treasure is Christ. I'll take a calm cool seat next to the "river". You can have your "Large stat
John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions:
Geneva Bible
John 14:2 In my Fathers house are many dwelling places
I remember the first time I heard a fundamentalist ripping apart modern translation for "removing" mansion from the translation. He FORCEFULLY insisted that HE was going to have a "LARGE STATELY MANOR". After all.... "God had promised it".....
What he was really saying.... "I deserve my reward".
1. Problem. Both Geneva and Bishops Bible that came from the TR didn't have "mansion" in John 14. They were both BEFORE the KJV. Nothing "modern" about them.
2. "Mansion" comes from Latin. The Latin Vulgate and the English DRB influences the KJV. So much for the lack of "Rome" in the KJV....
3. This type of mistake only further the egos of those that hear it.
Which is why I asked if you have a "mansion"?
Personally, my treasure is Christ. I'll take a calm cool seat next to the "river". You can have your "Large stately manor". My heart is elsewhere.
You have to look at the Jewish Covenant Marriage to understand John 14:2
Since believers in Yeshua have consented to the conditions of
eyrusin (betrothal), they enter into the betrothal period.
This is the period of time (biblically, one year) between the solemn first cup of the
eyrusin ceremony and the full marriage
as symbolized by the second cup. Although the couple is married in the legal sense, they are not to live together as husband
and wife. There is still too much to be done. The groom has his own responsibilities, the most pressing one being the preparing
of their future home. In the ancient Middle East, this was most likely to take the form of adding a room to the family's existing
home. The preparation of a future home fits with the teaching of Yeshua. The Messiah was trying to comfort his disciples concerning
his impending death and departure from the earth. As troubling it was to those followers, there was great hope expressed when
Yeshua said:
Don't let yourselves be disturbed. Trust in God and trust in me. In my fathers house are many places to live. If there weren't, I
would have told you; because I am going there to prepare a place for you. Since I am going and preparing a place for you,
I will return to take you with me; so that where I am, you may be also (John 14:1-3) Messianic Jewish Version
Yeshua, our heavenly bridegroom, has taken the first vows with his New Covenant bride; that is, Jews and Gentiles who call
on his name. He is now fulfilling his responsibility of preparing a special home for his wife-to-be. It is understandable that the
immediate reaction of the disciples to Yeshua's death would be one of fear and doubt. However, in God's wisdom, this
temporary separation from the groom perfectly fulfills the purpose of the betrothal period. It must have been a comfort
to those disciples to realize that their redeemer and Messiah was simply completing the spiritual plan of the Father,
as seen in the betrothal.
God's Anointed Customs 'A Messianic Jewish Guide to the Biblical Lifecycle and Lifestyle'
by Barney Kasden
John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions:
Geneva Bible
John 14:2 In my Fathers house are many dwelling places
I remember the first time I heard a fundamentalist ripping apart modern translation for "removing" mansion from the translation. He FORCEFULLY insisted that HE was going to have a "LARGE STATELY MANOR". After all.... "God had promised it".....
What he was really saying.... "I deserve my reward".
1. Problem. Both Geneva and Bishops Bible that came from the TR didn't have "mansion" in John 14. They were both BEFORE the KJV. Nothing "modern" about them.
2. "Mansion" comes from Latin. The Latin Vulgate and the English DRB influences the KJV. So much for the lack of "Rome" in the KJV....
3. This type of mistake only further the egos of those that hear it.
Which is why I asked if you have a "mansion"?
Personally, my treasure is Christ. I'll take a calm cool seat next to the "river". You can have your "Large stately manor". My heart is elsewhere.