Comparing Calvinism, Arminianism, and Molinism

Acts 16:30–31 (ESV) — 30 Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” 31 And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
That's what I did. I believed. And you'll never guess what happened... I got saved. The Bible is right on.
Well Paul does tell us In Romans 1:20-21

For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
Knowing God how? Conceding His existence and tge gospel are two different things.
Knowing God how? Conceding His existence and tge gospel are two different things.
I agree and it's one of those Mysteries that God hasn't explained to us. But But I think it's something to do with people that never hear the gospel that may go to hell for not knowing Jesus and then complain about it. And Paul saying in Romans that they don't have an excuse maybe there's some way they could have sought God or something I don't know like I said it's one of those Mysteries.

I did find this explanation on Romans 1:20

According to the previous verses, those who are unrighteous before God do not want to know about Him, so they try to suppress the truth about God. To some extent, this is true of all human beings, since we all sin (Romans 3:23). Paul has shown that God has plainly shown what is knowable about Him to everyone (Romans 1:18–19). How has He done that? This verse answers that it is obvious from what He has made.

Specifically, Paul asserts that human beings can easily know at least some things about God by looking at creation. We should look at what is visible around us in nature, what God has made, and arrive at some obvious conclusions about what is not visible. Adding one and one together, we should understand from nature that God has eternal power and a divine nature. David said something similar in Psalm 19:1–6.

After all, Paul seems to be saying, what kind of power would it take to make the world and all that is in it? Such a feat would require "eternal power," or endless and inexhaustible power. Such a Creator must also be divine and not merely human. He must be God, in other words. Human beings should look at creation and decide there must be a God who made it, a God we must answer to on some level.

Especially in our era, some might argue that reaching such a conclusion by looking at nature is not a given. After all, the prevailing alternative theories about the origins of our universe may lead someone to decide that just the opposite is true: There is no God. God does not accept that argument. This passage is especially important when viewed in context with Jesus' comments in Matthew 7:7–8. God gives every single person enough knowledge that they should seek Him. Those who respond by seeking God will always find Him.

If human beings do not "work out" the basic nature of God from what is seen in creation, and seek Him from there, they are simply "without excuse." They are willfully ignoring the obvious. God insists that He has made it plain to human reasoning and that to decide otherwise is to suppress the truth we know by nature.
It sure is and its throughout both testaments and required by God. Synergism is from cover to cover.
Christ praises great faith and castigates little faith. Were faith simply a result of God's doing, his response would be rather inappropriate
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