Church Abuse (Video)

never said there was any good im just trying figure out your point
The point has been made clear.

Abuse exist in Churches... If a person decides to protect their 'elder' who they even know has done something wrong, is not right. There is plenty of amount of historical research on people of churches, and abuse are available out there for people to see and view.
The point has been made clear.

Abuse exist in Churches... If a person decides to protect their 'elder' who they even know has done something wrong, is not right. There is plenty of amount of historical research on people of churches, and abuse are available out there for people to see and view.
no body disagrees .do you attend church
no body disagrees .do you attend church
You seemed to disagree with me. I have attended churches in the past, however for now I decide not to attend because a lot of the time, the pastors, do not do that great of a job in my opinion. Rare use of the reading the bible, and actual learning, just random stories and this and that, and very little of the bible being used, to edify and enhance ones learning of the things pertaining within it.
Sometimes Churches just play on your feelings. Singing songs about loving Jesus, and light shows, And they say "GIVE US YOUR MONEY" in tithing and what not, such an abuse in my opinion.
the pastors, do not do that great of a job in my opinion
had you been in church' with me this morning i was all over the Bible Jeremiah 4:3 mark 4:11-20 2nd Corinthian 2:11 Philippians 2 12-13 rev chapter 12. curious have you ever been a pastor have you ever been a leader ? i seriously doubt it.. i get your point loud and clear . your very anti Church and your like a pencile with a eraser on both ends NO POINT
Thank you @Rockson, for fueling more of my disdain towards abuse.
Hold on now fella, how about you explain this accusation! If you have an ounce of decency about you I think you should. You tell me what was the horrible thing I stated in my posts! I told you sometimes police are called and I stated that can be a good thing. And I said with others some can be accused of something and ARE NOT guilty so what you disagree with that? I want to believe the best of you that you believe people are innocent until proven guilty or perhaps you don't???
had you been in church' with me this morning i was all over the Bible Jeremiah 4:3 mark 4:11-20 2nd Corinthian 2:11 Philippians 2 12-13 rev chapter 12. curious have you ever been a pastor have you ever been a leader ? i seriously doubt it.. i get your point loud and clear . your very anti Church and your like a pencile with a eraser on both ends NO POINT

Whether you go to church or not, doesn't mean that you are not a person who has faith in God and seeks him out faithfully. I have not one problem with you going to church, have I stated that "ALL CHURCHES ARE BAD ALL SHOULD LEAVE THEIR CHURCH AND NEVER GO BACK?"
yes your right and opinions are likes noses everyone has one

This subject is about abuse that goes on in Churches.
Hold on now fella, how about you explain this accusation! If you have an ounce of decency about you I think you should. You tell me what was the horrible thing I stated in my posts! I told you sometimes police are called and I stated that can be a good thing. And I said with others some can be accused of something and ARE NOT guilty so what you disagree with that? I want to believe the best of you that you believe people are innocent until proven guilty or perhaps you don't???

That is good, its good to call the police upon abuse when it become noticed, and a person is notified. Have I stated anything differently? Sometimes investigations are in place and it can take time for someone to actually have enough evidence which could place a person behind bars. The sooner the report, the more likely evidence can come against the same alleged allegations which in turn leaves a paper trail.
@Rockson, sure, I wanna believe people are innocent, however isn't that what a person who is not innocent desires for others believe? Sometimes people are wrongly accused and arrested from crimes which they did not commit, however how often that happens compared to those who are guilty, one would have to calculate those numbers, which is most certainly a daunting task.

None of us are innocent when it comes to God, are we?
No need to throw out the accusations dear posters, let us try to understand another's perspectives.
And you said the following Dizerner of which I totally agree.

One must be careful of 3 things:

1. Don't just foster and harbor feelings of resentment.
2. Don't just assume every accusation is true.
3. Don't be passive and condoning of abuse.

That's a common sense approach. For that other poster to be mad at me it seems they lean towards believing every accusation is true or maybe I've misinterpreted what they've said. If so I apologize. Regardless I'm out of this particular thread.
Good bye, @Rockson, none of us are innocent in front of God are we. That is a sobering thought.

Abuse happens in churches.
Abuse can happen anywhere.
Abuse is something that can be hidden and not seen by others.
Abuse should be addressed, reported if it is emergency or damaging towards any persons.
Abuse kills, and hurts people.

Sexual Abuse, Mental Abuse, and Physical abuse, Spiritual Authority abuse are the four main types of abuse that exist in this world.
Recently a minister named Mike Bickle has been falsely accused.

These accusations can destroy a person's reputation before they even had time to defend themselves or discover the facts.

Let's make sure we balance both sides of the issue, here.
There is always the right to a fair trial. That is something to praise God for, but even in the court systems abuse can go on. It's okay to balance and discern, by the holy spirit of God, what would be the right action to take in a course of something like this coming upon them.
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