Calvinism + TULIP : Will get you Killed... (Vol 2)


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1.) Everyone has faith, as we are born with it. Romans 12:2

What Holy God requires is that we take OUR faith and place it in Christ, before we die, or we die "in our sins" and will go to Hell, as to die unforgiven, having never trusted in Christ, never born again, is to commit the unpardonable sin.. .. that is the Hebrews 10 sin, of "willful sinning".
Thousands died today, having committed it..., and many were water baptized and were taught that "the water washed away your sin".
It didnt, and Hell showed them it didnt.

So, when we take OUR faith, and place our faith in Christ......... then God's GRACE, accepts OUR FAITH in Christ... and He justifies us, by accepting our Faith as righteousness.

Brain dead Calvinism, and its bastard step child TULIP, were created by people who are Cross denying Heretics who deny John 3:16, and Deny God's Grace, and reject the Truth regarding The Cross of Christ as God Designed it to be freely given. to "all who will come" "whosoever will believe".

2.) How to die early : by Calvinism + TULIP

Calvinism and TULIP will get you killed, also.... Reader/.
How..????...= Because once you are brain locked by this "doctrine of devils" and your mind is completely blinded by this obsession with "pre-destined" everything.. then when Satan gives you cancer, or something worse.. you are so CALVINISED and so TULIP'd that you will falsely believe that God gave it to you... And now you can't pray to God for a healing because you BELIEVE that God is causing your Cancer, or your blood disease, or your Kidney Failure, or your blindness.
So you will die.

See that?
Satan is laughing at you... on your way to the grave.
Why? Because He killed you with the disease + Calvinism + TULIP> having you believe that God caused it.. "pre-destined" it.

A.) Calvin and TULIP just KILLED you...., and the Devil did it to you, and you went to the grave early....= falsely believing that GOD "Pre-destined" your death by disease, that sent you to the grave, early.
Now, Reader.

I realize that on this forum, there are some deeply devout (Calvinist and TULIP) worshipers who feel the need, the burning flesh obsession to come and take a Stand for John Calvin's Doctrine of Devils.
And these same will be infected, mentally, with a Doctrine, connected to Calvinism, which is TULIP.

Now, people who have this mental stronghold, this odd theological psychosis, will need to preach their Calvinism, and their Hyper Calvinism (TULIP), as all of Calvin's Disciples, are obsessed with talking about Him, and His Teaching, or Talking about TULIP that is connected to Calvin's Doctrine of Devils.
I understand what is wrong with you, and i understand that its nearly impossible to come OUT of the spiritual Darkness that is : Calvinism and TULIP.
So, be that as it may, and even tho your entire ministry is Grace Denying Heresy, and Cross Offending theology.........i do hope that if you find yourself in a situation where Death is at your door....or at the door of someone you love...... you will come to realize that God didnt pre-destine you or them to be sick, which will free you to trust in God for the Healing that is to be manifested through God's Grace and the Blood of Jesus.

God is our HEALER, and the Blood of Jesus is given so that we may have our healing and have our redemption. = FREELY

Reader, now remember what i told you, if you are a Calvinist or a TULIP obsessed or you are someone who has been listening to one of these liars, and they almost have you convinced..
You know who you are...
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The part of Calvinism I understand where its coming from .. is making salvation all about Jesus and not us making it happen. That I could agree with as we are sinners in need of grace and nothing we do can earn salvation.

Where Calvinism crosses the line though is calling belief.. 'a work' .

Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.. the salvation doesn't come from the believer.. but from Jesus convicting them and the object of the belief..Jesus.. saving them eternally.

Believing is all about Jesus.. not an effort of works or behaviour.

So to me the appeal of Calvinism is the emphasis on God doing the converting.

But the object of the belief who saves us..seems to be missing.. if salvation is before belief.
So to me the appeal of Calvinism is the emphasis on God doing the converting.

The lie of Calvinism, one of them, as Calvin's + TULIP lies are LEGION.. is that you are born again, to then be able to believe in Jesus.

See that?
That is Theological Insanity on steroids, and is an incredible deception.
As that is teaching that God gives you the New Birth, .... so that you can THEN trust in Christ by that FAITH that God forced you to have, ... So, that is teaching that God's Holy Spirit is birthing the sinner, while still unforgiven, as a New Creation in Christ, to THEN be able to BELIEVE in Jesus by Faith to then be forgiven, as you have to BELIEVE before GOD will forgive you sin.


Now that is as CRAZY a Theology as you'll find that Satan has ever created for deceived people (Calvinists and Tulip Heads) to spew out on "christian" forums and from Pulpits and from a TV screen.
The lie of Calvinism, one of them, as Calvin's + TULIP lies are LEGION.. is that you are born again, to then be able to believe in Jesus.

See that?
That is Theological Insanity on steroids, and is an incredible deception.
As that is teaching that God gives you the New Birth, .... so that you can THEN trust in Christ by that FAITH that God forced you to have, ... So, that is teaching that God's Holy Spirit is birthing the sinner, while still unforgiven, as a New Creation in Christ, to THEN be able to BELIEVE in Jesus by Faith to then be forgiven, as you have to BELIEVE before GOD will forgive you sin.


Now that is as CRAZY a Theology as you'll find that Satan has ever created for deceived people (Calvinists and Tulip Heads) to spew out on "christian" forums and from Pulpits and from a TV screen.
It's not only nuts but it also makes Zombies of Calvinists. Calvinism believes that one can be regenerated (alive) and still not a believer (still dead in sins). That's the Living Dead belief they promote. Their congregations at night can be called the Night of the Living Dead.
It's not only nuts but it also makes Zombies of Calvinists. Calvinism believes that one can be regenerated (alive) and still not a believer (still dead in sins). That's the Living Dead belief they promote. Their congregations at night can be called the Night of the Living Dead.

Yea.. if they dont actually place their faith in the object of the faith..Jesus.. then they are still dead in sin.

I know alot of Calvinists still do place their faith in Jesus.. because they believe that is what they were predestined to there are some Calvinists who are converted.

Predestination though they get mixed up. Rather than it being about a place in heaven preset for those who believe on Jesus, its salvation itself being preset regardless of belief.
God does not save all people without exception, but God does offer The Cross of Christ to ALL people, without exception.

Any Theology that denies That Jesus died for us ALL... denies THE Cross......>> because ... "Christ came into the world to save SINNERS" not just the "elect" as demonic heresy teaches..

"Christ came into the seek and save.. that which is LOST">....... and EVERYONE is "Lost"..until they trust in Christ..... So, if a Theology changes that into "pre-destined elect only", then you are dealing with a Demonic "doctrine of devils" that has Theologically FALSELY changed the Way that God offers The Cross of Christ.

Thats a false Gospel.. = Galatians 1:8

This type of Theology, is CROSS DENYING Heresy., and its all over this Forum, as its being Taught, here, all the time.
Its taught on EVERY "christian" forum, nearly..... about 99% of them..

So, The Cross of Christ, is explained in John 3:16, and is offered to us ALL.. to "ALL who will believe".

John 3:16 defines the "All" as "the WORLD"... thats EVERYONE IN IT< since The Cross was Raised.

"Predestined Elect" Theology, denies this TRUTH, regarding THE CROSS...., and that is why its a "doctrine of Devils".... Hebrews 13:9
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