Now that’s a sad commentary on our day and age in Christendom .
I always assumed-not anymore brother, not after listening to this clip.
Stay strong.
I see this Forum as an outreach ministry to others not as fortunate as we are-freely we have received, freely we give.
I have so much information but don't want to flood this Forum.
Love you guys and gals, including the @Administrator as I noticed I have double posts-please feel free to edit or delete the "duplications" since it was not done on purpose.

Can someone summarize in a nutshell why that video makes this claim? It's 1 hour and 30 minutes long....just can't see myself wading through it all just to get to it's basic points.
Can someone summarize in a nutshell why that video makes this claim? It's 1 hour and 30 minutes long....just can't see myself wading through it all just to get to it's basic points.
I see this Forum as an outreach ministry to the "silent voices" -I am not going to condense this in a one-two liner for you.
I see this Forum as an outreach ministry to the "silent voices" -I am not going to condense this in a one-two liner for you.
Sorry but I'd say nonsense to that. If someone is going to say 87 % of Christians don't know what the gospel is they should be able to say the basic reasons in a couple of paragraphs. People's time on here can be limited. What if they went through it all and found out it's a joke, in other words not a valid criticism whatsoever.

I admit it's a catchy claim to get hits to create a great curiosity how ANYONE can make such a claim but sorry not going to take the bait. I fear others could go through all that and say what a waste of time so TO ANYONE ELSE....maybe you can tell me in a nutshell why they made such a wild claim? If not I'll just call it a day on this.
Sorry but I'd say nonsense to that. If someone is going to say 87 % of Christians don't know what the gospel is they should be able to say the basic reasons in a couple of paragraphs. People's time on here can be limited. What if they went through it all and found out it's a joke, in other words not a valid criticism whatsoever.

I admit it's a catchy claim to get hits to create a great curiosity how ANYONE can make such a claim but sorry not going to take the bait. I fear others could go through all that and say what a waste of time so TO ANYONE ELSE....maybe you can tell me in a nutshell why they made such a wild claim? If not I'll just call it a day on this.
I have not watched the video but I’ll try and find out where that stat came from. Barna does allot of such statistics.

Here is a barna on the great commission

Sorry but I'd say nonsense to that. If someone is going to say 87 % of Christians don't know what the gospel is they should be able to say the basic reasons in a couple of paragraphs. People's time on here can be limited. What if they went through it all and found out it's a joke, in other words not a valid criticism whatsoever.

I admit it's a catchy claim to get hits to create a great curiosity how ANYONE can make such a claim but sorry not going to take the bait. I fear others could go through all that and say what a waste of time so TO ANYONE ELSE....maybe you can tell me in a nutshell why they made such a wild claim? If not I'll just call it a day on this.
Here is another one where 2/3 of Christian’s don’t know how to share their faith

Here is another one where 2/3 of Christian’s don’t know how to share their faith

OK thanks Civic....at least the article you shared one can read through in a few minutes. So my wife and I have shared the gospel various ways, the Romans Road approach, sharing personal testimonies of people's stories of coming to God, there's the way of Ray Comfort who uses the law asking series of questions. I think you know of what Im speaking. In our church we've got many saved through out soup kitchen...in loving them and helping them I've found they're more open to hear the gospel.

Back to the articles 2/3 don't know how to share their faith. So what is the problem and why isn't it they don't. Is it no drive coming from within them, no passion being indifferent not caring?
OK thanks Civic....at least the article you shared one can read through in a few minutes. So my wife and I have shared the gospel various ways, the Romans Road approach, sharing personal testimonies of people's stories of coming to God, there's the way of Ray Comfort who uses the law asking series of questions. I think you know of what Im speaking. In our church we've got many saved through out soup kitchen...in loving them and helping them I've found they're more open to hear the gospel.

Back to the articles 2/3 don't know how to share their faith. So what is the problem and why isn't it they don't. Is it no drive coming from within them, no passion being indifferent not caring?
We see things very similarly. I know there has been a lack of discipleship after conversion as next steps for believers in the local church. We are pushing that big time over the past couple of years.
I'm suspicious of such polls.

In college, I got a hold of last years exam. A question was what was Hooke's Law. I had no idea. However, I was intimately familiar with the equation; I just forgot - or never learned - the name of the equation. To me it was all "governing equations."

In the last year or so, I've come across a term I've never heard of before, "Olivet Discources." Yet, I am very familiar with the Scripture verses involved. The jargon may be the lynch pin.

I suspect the same thing with these Bible verses. If the question yes or no, have you heard X, I suspect more Christians would say yes. My parents and grandparents never read the Bible. Rather than ask what "the Gospel" is, if they were asked why did Jesus come to Earth, they'd give a great answer.

I have to confess, when I hear the question, my mind immediately goes to attempting to summarize 4 books of the NT, a daunting task. Catholics normally are good at rote. Maybe the survey results were better if Christians were brainwashed with rote.

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