Women of God Devotionals

God’s Word has the power to create.

We read in Genesis chapter 1 how the Lord literally spoke the world, the stars and everything we see into existence. He said, “Let there be light,” and it appeared!

Now, I think it’s relatively easy for people to believe that God’s Word is powerful. However, I want you to consider this: We are God’s representatives here on earth, and we can speak His Word just the same as He would— boldly, with authority, and believing it has power to change our lives and circumstances.

Romans 4: 17 tells us that God gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist. God is The Creator, and His Word has the power to create something from nothing and even bring dead things back to life.

Isaiah 55: 11 says that His Word never fails but always accomplishes its purpose. What would you like to see come to pass in your life? Are there some “dead” things— issues that seem hopeless and beyond help— that need to be revived? If so, I encourage you to begin declaring God’s Word over your life. Maybe you’ve suffered from some disappointments and it feels like your dreams have died and will never come to pass.

That’s when you need to open your mouth and say things like: “God has a great plan for my future— plans to bring me hope. I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me, and if I keep moving forward and don’t quit, I will reap a harvest in my life” (see Jeremiah 29: 11; Philippians 4: 4; Galatians 6: 9).

Simply put, God’s Word has the power to create. And when we speak His words out of our mouths, we are cooperating with Him to bring about His good plan for our lives (see Hebrews 4: 12).

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
The Word brings stability, fruitfulness, and fulfillment.

Psalm 1: 3 provides some pretty amazing promises for the person who delights in God’s Word and chooses to meditate on it regularly. It says: He will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season; its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers [and comes to maturity].

I think it’s fascinating to look at large, healthy trees that have been around for years. They have thick, full branches with a massive underground root system that spreads both deep and wide. When a storm comes, although the branches may sway, its foundation stands strong and immovable. Similarly, as we spend time growing in the Word, we become like one of these strong, healthy trees.

We become “rooted and grounded” in God (see Ephesians 3: 17), and our spiritual roots grow deep and wide. You see, God never intended for us to constantly get blown over by the storms of life. Yes, we will all go through unpleasant circumstances from time to time. But if we’re rooted in God’s Word, our “branches” may sway in the wind, but our foundation will remain solid. With God, we can go through our tough times with peace and joy and actually come out stronger on the other side!

His Word is also the key to bearing good fruit in our lives. When we continue to study and do what His Word says, it causes everything to blossom— our work, our gifts and talents, our relationships, our walk with God... everything. I have lived both ways. I have lived without a foundation, easily blown over by the smallest storm, and I have also enjoyed life firmly planted in God’s Word. And there is no comparison. I believe it’s your time to bloom. God’s plan is for you to be strong and stable. He desires for you to enjoy a rich, full life, bearing fruit and enjoying growth in every season.

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
God’s Word destroys mental strongholds (lies), and teaches us the truth.

For years, I believed so many things that weren’t true, and they created a mess in my life. I didn’t know I had an enemy, Satan, who wants to bring all kinds of negative thoughts to my mind. I didn’t know I have a choice to reject wrong thinking! The truth is, so many of God’s children are also struggling because they are believing lies.

Second Corinthians 10: 4-5 says, The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (NKJV). What is a stronghold? A stronghold is an area where the enemy entrenches himself and takes control. You have probably heard this term used when referring to soldiers fighting battles.
Well, the Bible talks about strongholds in our mind. These are areas of our thinking dominated by the enemy— areas where we are deceived. How does he do it? He comes against us by bombarding our minds with cleverly devised patterns of nagging thoughts that lead to suspicion, doubt, fear, reasoning and theories that refute the truth of God’s Word.

When these thoughts get rooted in our minds, then they become strongholds that give the enemy control. The good news is that the Word of God is the most powerful thing on earth, and it will literally transform us from the inside out and help us to destroy these strongholds in our thinking. For instance, maybe you’ve walked around for years feeling vaguely guilty about past mistakes. But here’s the truth: whether you feel forgiven or not, God forgives you the very moment you ask if you are sincere and your heart is right before Him (see 1 John 1: 9).

It requires taking a step of faith to believe the truth of God’s Word more than your feelings or what the enemy is telling you. I dealt with this for years, and it helped me to read and meditate on what the Bible has to say, then even speak it out of my mouth. To this day, I continue to say things like: “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. I have been made righteous through Jesus Christ. God loves me, He forgives me, and He has removed my sins as far away as the east is from the west.” (See Romans 8: 1; 2 Corinthians 5: 21; Psalm 103: 12.)

I’ll say this many times in this book, but it’s worth repeating: God’s Word helps us recognize the truth and expose the lies of the enemy. And the more we know the Word— the more we read it, study it and speak it— the greater freedom we will enjoy in every single area of our lives.

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
Meditating on the Word brings wisdom, prosperity and success.

In Joshua 1: 8, the Lord says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be successful.”

To meditate means to dwell on a thought or roll it over and over in our mind. When we meditate on God’s Word, we take the time to ponder it and give it our full attention. We pause to reflect on a specific verse, phrase or passage of Scripture. I think it’s easy to get caught up in seeing how much we can read. However, meditating on the Word is more about quality than quantity.

Yes, I believe it’s a good thing to read as much of the Bible as we can, and specific reading plans can be very helpful. However, it’s better to get a deeper understanding of just one verse of Scripture than read five chapters and not understand anything at all! My husband, Dave, has always been a great influence on me when it comes to meditating on the Word.

For instance, I remember a time several years back when he studied and meditated on Psalm 91 for about a month; he just felt like the Lord really wanted Him to get something special out of it. Well, by the end of that month, God gave Dave an incredible understanding of His love and protection— He gave him a revelation that would forever change his life! I challenge you to begin meditating on God’s Word. Practice taking a little time to just sit and think about a particular scripture or principle in the Bible.

Maybe even write it on a sticky note and post it on the refrigerator or at your desk so you’ll see it throughout the day. One thing’s for sure: The more time you spend thinking and meditating on God’s Word, the more you’ll get out of it and truly understand what it means... and the easier it will become to put these principles into practice. Then you will make your way prosperous and have success in all that you do (Joshua 1: 8).

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
God’s Word upholds, guides, maintains and propels the universe.

I’m particularly fond of Hebrews 1: 3. I think we all have days when we think, Am I strong enough to do this? God, are you really going to take care of this? During these times, I sometimes ponder this verse and remind myself Who’s holding everything up: The Son is the radiance and only expression of the glory of [our awesome] God... upholding and maintaining and propelling all things [the entire physical and spiritual universe] by His powerful word [carrying the universe along to its predetermined goal].... Wow, I love this!

God upholds and maintains and propels all things. Just think: What keeps the sun and the stars in the sky? What keeps the earth rotating on its axis? What keeps the ocean from going further than the sand? It’s Almighty God, and we can trust Him to hold us up! If you have a problem right now, and you feel like you’re about to cave in, begin saying, “God, I trust You to hold me up.” Then remind yourself that you don’t have to make it on your own... you have the God of the universe to support you.

I want to look at another important part of this verse. How does it say God upholds, maintains and propels all things? By “His powerful Word.” He speaks it! The great thing about the Word is that we can also speak it over our lives— we can be a mouthpiece for God and say what He says. For instance, when I wake up in the morning, I begin declaring good things from His Word over my day. I say things like: “Everything I lay my hand to today is going to prosper” (see Deuteronomy 30: 9) and “God orders my steps and He has a great plan for my day!” (see Psalm 37: 23; Jeremiah 29: 11)

Remember, God’s Word has inherent life and power, and it always accomplishes something good (see Isaiah 58: 11). The next time you have the opportunity, take a few moments to walk outside and look up at the evening sky. Stare at the stars and just imagine what kind of power and ability it takes to keep everything in our massive, almost inexhaustible universe working perfectly. Then ponder this: If God, through His Word, can do all of this, He can also hold you up and orchestrate and direct every single detail of your life.

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
Those who order their conduct and conversation according to God’s word are blessed.

blessed are those who keep God’s statutes and seek Him with all their heart. Psalm 119: 2

Let me ask you: Are you ordering your conduct and conversation... or are you allowing your emotions to order what you say and do?

I can tell you from experience that we can save ourselves a lot of trouble by not living out of our emotions— by finding out what God says to do, then receiving His grace to do it.

I look back now at some of my early years of marriage, and I’m not quite sure how my husband, Dave, put up with me. I was definitely driven by my emotions— I complained, I rebelled, I threw fits and I blamed him for things that weren’t really his fault. If I felt like getting angry, I got angry.

Or if I felt like feeling sorry for myself, I could spend an entire day moping around the house, giving Dave the silent treatment. When we live out of our emotions— when we say and do whatever we feel like— it steals our peace and creates problems for everyone involved. My emotional “fits” never helped the situation... they only made it worse! However, as I started to read and study the Word, it showed me the right way to think, talk and act.

I began seeking God for His grace and strength to do what it says to do and make the necessary changes. Little by little, He brought me to the place where I desired to follow His Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit more than I wanted to follow my emotions.

As a result, it brought peace and stability to my mind, my marriage, and every single area of my life. Do you want to have a great life? Would you like to improve the quality of your relationships, have more peace and stability, and truly enjoy every single day? If so, God’s Word has your answers. And when you do what it says to do, your life will be truly blessed.

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
The entrance of God’s Word brings light and dispels darkness.

Psalm 119: 130 says, The unfolding of Your [glorious] words give light.... I really like this. When we “turn on the light” of God’s Word, it has the power to dispel any darkness in our soul. It has a supernatural ability to help wash away disappointment and discouragement, and breathe new hope and life into our minds and hearts.

In John 8: 12, Jesus says, “I am the Light of the world.” And in John 1: 14, it says He is “the Word made flesh.” So, when you open those pages of the Bible, you are fellowshipping with Jesus Christ Himself—“ the Light of the world.” And where He is, no darkness can stay! I know a lot of people look at the Bible and get a little overwhelmed. They think, I’m not smart enough to understand all of this.

But we don’t have to be “smart enough.” If we are diligent to read and study the Word, we can trust the Holy Spirit to give us “light”... to teach and direct us through God’s Word. Are you dealing with something difficult right now? Is there an issue in your life that just doesn’t make sense or is causing you pain?

If so, I encourage you to spend some time in God’s Word and allow Him to shine His light on the subject. Allow the Holy Spirit to help and comfort you. Let Him “illuminate” the path in front of you. I’ve found that spending time in God’s Word can do more to teach, strengthen, and inspire me than any person could ever do in a lifetime. That’s because it has the power to get deep down inside of us and change us from the inside out. It has the ability to shine God’s light and dispel the darkness.

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
We are born again (regenerated) by the ever living and lasting Word of God.

1 Peter 1: 23 The Bible is God’s love letter to the world. It proclaims the message of Jesus Christ and offers the free gift of eternal life to anyone who chooses to believe.

John 3: 16 is probably the most-quoted scripture in the Bible— and for good reason. It says, “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Here’s more good news: “Whoever” includes you. That means whoever you are, or whatever you’ve done, you can receive God’s free gift of salvation.

One thing’s for sure— you’re not alone. We’ve all made mistakes in the past that have left us feeling unworthy of God’s love and affection. But the truth is, God loves you so much... no matter what yesterday looks like. God sent His Son to set you free from every sin in your past, present and future. All you have to do is believe in Him and receive His unending love.

When you give your life to Christ, you not only receive the gift of eternal life (see Romans 6: 23), all your past mistakes are washed away (see 2 Corinthians 5: 21) and you become a joint heir with Jesus— God’s one and only Son (see Romans 8: 17). By faith, everything Jesus is suddenly applies to you! If you want to experience a brand-new life in Christ, simply pray: “Father, I believe You love me and that Jesus died for me. Please forgive me of my sins. I’m ready to leave my old ways behind and start a new life with You. Amen!”

If you’re ready to start your own, personal journey with Jesus or perhaps want to get to know Him in a deeper way, I encourage you to visit joycemeyer.org/ salvation

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
God’s Word causes us to delight even in the midst of trouble and anguish.

Psalm 94: 19 says, When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your comforts delight me. God’s joy is so much greater than any sense of happiness the world has to offer. In fact, people look in a lot of places to find comfort and solace when they are hurting. Some look to other people for all of their comfort. Others may seek entertainment or other ways to “check out” mentally.

Some people even end up abusing things like alcohol and drugs, stemming from a desire to make life go away. While the Lord will most definitely use other people to comfort us, first and foremost He wants to be our comfort. Psalm 16: 11 says, ... In Your presence is fullness of joy.... When we spend time with God in His Word or through prayer, we enter a powerful place.

It’s a place where He takes away our anxiety, fears and heaviness and exchanges them with His supernatural peace and joy. Try this: The next time you feel the heaviness of life creeping into your thoughts and emotions, take a few minutes to open God’s Word and allow Him to comfort you. Thank Him for His goodness and ask Him to refresh you and fill you with His joy.

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
God’s words are life, healing and health to all who find them.

Proverbs 4: 20-22 says, My son, attend to my words; consent and submit to my sayings. Let them not depart from your sight; keep them in the center of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh (AMPC).

God never intended for us to limp through life and “just get by.” These verses tell us that God’s Word brings life, health and healing to every single area of our lives. He wants to heal us physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, socially, and in every other way. I like to say it this way: Jesus wants to heal you everywhere you hurt! He wants to make you whole, and there’s not one area beyond His reach.

For instance, maybe you can use some help in your marriage or relationships. Or maybe you struggle with your self-image and can use more confidence. Whatever the need, there’s an answer in God’s Word for every single problem you have. Let’s take a closer look at the verses above. The New Living Translation says, My child, pay attention to what I say…. To pay attention means that we look at, read, study, ponder and even pray about God’s Word... then do it over and over again. But it doesn’t stop there. Next it says, “consent and submit to my sayings.”

In other words, we shouldn’t just know God’s Word, but we should also do what it says to do. Just like we would take an aspirin for a headache or put a band-aid on a scraped knee, we should apply God’s Word to the “wounded” places in our lives. God’s Word is literally medicine for our spirit, soul and body. Whatever your needs are today, I encourage you to research and study the Word in those areas, then even begin declaring what God says over your situation.

For instance, if you have sickness in your body, say things like: “The Lord heals all of my sicknesses. Jesus took away all sickness and disease, and by His stripes I am healed.” (See Psalm 103: 3; Matthew 8: 17.) I am walking proof that God’s Word can heal you in every way possible. In fact, I often tell people that I feel younger and healthier today than I did when I was in my thirties! It’s because His Word breathes life into every part of who we are. Whatever you’re going through today, remember that God loves you, He sees what you’re going through, and He wants to heal you everywhere you hurt.

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
The Word transforms (changes) us into God’s image.

Growth and change are a big part of life. In fact, without change we’ll never truly enjoy our lives and become everything God has created us to be. I think one of the greatest lessons God ever taught me is that we can’t change ourselves— only God can help us grow and mature. How does He do it? Growth occurs when we spend time in His Word and pursue a more intimate relationship with Him.

Second Corinthians 3: 18 says, And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory.... God changes us in degrees— from glory to glory.

Throughout our lives, as we stay in His Word, He continues to deal with us and helps us grow from one level to the next, gradually becoming more like Him. Years ago, when I first began studying God’s Word, I needed a lot of help. But little by little, by God’s grace, I began to change. The Lord transformed me from being rude, critical, harsh and rebellious into someone who’s actually very nice! What types of changes would you like to see in your life?

Changes in your thoughts, words or attitudes? Would you like to be a better spouse, parent, or friend— more loving... more like Jesus? One thing’s for sure: You can’t change yourself— willpower will only go so far! But God’s Word can. And as you continue to spend time reading, studying, and living His Word, He will transform you, little by little, into who you need to be.

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
The Word cleanses and purifies us.

Psalm 119: 9; John 15: 3; John 17: 17; Ephesians 5: 26

Psalm 119: 9 says, How shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed and keeping watch [on himself] according to Your word [conforming his life to it]. I really love this. David, the psalmist, gives young people some great advice as they begin their lives and start making important decisions. He says, “Conform your life to God’s Word!” And this is a lesson for all of us. God’s Word is a guide— it leads us, directs us, and keeps us from getting into trouble.

Now, it doesn’t mean we‘ll never encounter any difficulties in life. Jesus said, “In this world, you will have tribulation.” But He also said, “Cheer up! For I have overcome the world” (see John 16: 33). When we live our lives according to God’s Word, we put ourselves on a safe path of blessings and protection. This means even when things don’t go our way and life gets difficult, God will be right there to strengthen us, give us peace, help us out, and even work everything out for our good as we trust Him (see Romans 8: 28).

Psalm 119: 9 also promises that God’s Word will “cleanse” us. I’ll be honest, when I first started studying the Word, I had a lot to cleanse! I was negative, judgmental, critical, rebellious and hard to get along with. I had patterns of behavior that, at the time, seemed impossible to change. But gradually, God’s Word transformed me. Today, I am by no means perfect, but I’ve come a long way! You may think, Joyce, I don’t think I can straighten out this area of my life. I’ve tried to change before and nothing ever works. If that’s the case, then I urge you to try one more thing: God’s Word. Don’t just read it once or twice to see if you’ll get results. Make an investment of your time and decide to continue in His Word and never give up. Because no matter who you are or how much you need to change, there’s no mess that God can’t clean up.

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
God’s Word gives us hope.

You are my refuge and my shield;
I have put my hope in your word.
Psalm 119: 114

Hope is the confident expectation that something good is going to happen. It’s closely related to our faith and what we believe. When we dare to hope, it floods our life with joy and peace. The enemy wants us to be hope-less. He wants to convince us that our best days are behind us and nothing will ever turn out right. But God wants us to be full of hope— believing, expecting, and anticipating great things from Him. In fact, the Bible says He is the “God of hope,” full of mercy and new beginnings (see Romans 15: 13).

The fastest way to fill your heart with hope is to open God’s Word and begin reading about His promises, His love, and His great plan for your future. As you read, ask the Lord to fill your heart with expectancy and anticipation of the good things He can do in your life. One thing I like to regularly do— and I encourage you to do the same— is speak out this hopeful statement each morning: “God is good, and something good is going to happen to me and through me today!” So, are you stuck in a rut and can’t see a way out? Have you lost your positive vision for the future?

Would you like to rediscover joy in your everyday life? Then take some time to refresh yourself with the Word... and allow the “God of hope” to help you see your future with a whole new perspective.

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
God’s Word gives us wisdom, good judgment, right discernment and knowledge.

Let me ask you: Have you ever made a really bad decision and had to live with the consequences for a long time? I sure have! And while the Lord will use these situations to help us learn and grow, He ultimately desires to give us His wisdom and discernment so we can make great decisions for our lives and avoid negative consequences.

Psalm 119: 66 says, Teach me good judgment, wise and right discernment, and knowledge, for I have believed (trusted, relied on, and clung to) Your commandments (AMPC).

Wisdom, for instance, is a gift from the Lord that helps us discern truth and the right thing to do in a situation. Having God’s wisdom is different than simply being smart or intelligent. You can be extremely intelligent and still not operate in wisdom. Wisdom is closely related to common sense. I often say wisdom is choosing to do today what you will be satisfied with tomorrow or down the road. When we read and study God’s Word, we become wise. In many cases, His Word gives us specific details on how to wisely deal with a situation.

For instance, the Book of Proverbs is filled with practical wisdom for daily life. In other cases, the Bible may not have a specific, direct answer to our question— for instance, “Should I buy this car?”— but it provides wise guidelines to help us make quality decisions in everything we do. God also wants to give you discernment. Discernment has nothing to do with your natural brain— it has to do with what’s in your heart and your spirit. For instance, maybe someone invites you to do something really fun, and it seems like the obvious answer is to say yes; yet, something in your heart keeps saying, “No, no, no!”

The Lord wants to use discernment to guide and protect you. There have been many times over the years when I didn’t feel right inside about doing a particular thing and I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was, but I knew that I needed to follow my heart. Sometimes, I would find out down the road why God was preventing me from doing it, and other times I never found out. But it’s always important to trust God and follow His leading because He knows more than we do! I know there are a lot of great books and other tools to help us with almost every area of life.

But there’s only one Book that has the ability to provide us with God’s wisdom, good judgment, discernment and knowledge.

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
The Word of God is truth, and when we follow it, we are made free.

Jesus says in John 8: 31-32, ... If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.

This is one of my all-time favorite passages of Scripture. In the early years of my walk with God— when my life was a mess and I truly couldn’t imagine ever truly being free— I held on tightly to this promise. I think an important part of this scripture is the word abide, which means “to continue.”

In this day and age, we are good at “trying” things for a couple days or a couple weeks to see if it makes a difference. But God’s Word isn’t something we “try”— it’s a commitment we make, knowing it will produce life-changing results if we stick with it. I’ll never forget a woman I met at one of my conferences a few years ago. She approached me and said, “Joyce, I’ve listened to your messages and decided to try it. But after two weeks, I haven’t noticed any changes.”

Although she was serious, I tried not to laugh! I told this precious woman what I’m telling you today: It won’t happen overnight, but if you continue in God’s Word and refuse to give up on your relationship with God, your life will change.

Jesus says in Mark 4: 24: ... The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you... (AMPC).

I really love this because it’s so practical. Here, Jesus is saying, “You will get out of it what you put into it!” When you read or listen to the Word, I encourage you to approach it with an attitude that says, “I’m going to do what God says to do.” Because when you approach His Word with a willing heart, you will receive revelation and understanding. God’s Word will show you truth that will help you combat the lies of the enemy.

Today, I am a walking testimony of John 8: 32. God has set me free in so many areas, and He continues to set me free as I abide in His Word and pursue a relationship with Him. People ask me all the time for my advice and how they can succeed in life. If I have to give just one answer, this is it: Continue in God’s Word and never give up on your relationship with Him. Because if you don’t quit, you will be free, and it will be greater than you ever imagined.

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
God’s Word is better than thousands of gold and silver pieces.

Psalm 119: 72 says, The law from Your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.

I think it’s healthy to occasionally stop and ask ourselves this: Are we going to pursue the Word of God as much as we pursue money or “things?” Many people spend their lives pursuing money, only to find out that it can never keep them happy. However, God will give you joy and happiness free of charge if you allow Him.

Look with me at Luke 17: 21. Jesus says, ... The kingdom of God is within you (KJV).

This verse can sound deep and mysterious, but the Lord’s message is quite simple: True satisfaction doesn’t come from the outside— from all of the things we can do or buy— but it comes from within. When we accept Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to live on the inside of us. As a result, we can enjoy “Kingdom benefits”— joy and fulfillment that the world can never give us. As we read and digest God’s Word, it works deep down inside of us, renewing our minds, transforming our spirits, and gradually helping us enjoy a life of true freedom (see Roman 12: 2; John 8: 32).

Right now, I wouldn’t trade God’s Word or my freedom in Christ for any amount of gold, silver, jewelry, or money in the world. Because when life gets difficult and I need true strength, comfort and support, those things don’t have any power to help me! I think we need to come to a place where we are absolutely unwilling to do without the Word of God. I encourage you to begin looking at your Bible like it’s the most precious treasure you own. Remind yourself that everything you truly want is found in those pages. Guard your time in the Word as if your life depends on it.

The truth is, God isn’t against us having money or “things”— He delights in being good to His children! But He doesn’t want those things to have control of us. However, when we make God’s Word a priority in our life and seek an intimate relationship with Him, it honors God. And His Word says when we honor God, He will honor us (see 1 Samuel 2: 30). When we put God first, we will not only experience His righteousness, peace and joy, but we’ll find that a lot of the “things” also come along with it (see Matthew 6: 33).

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
God’s Word has the power to create.

We read in Genesis chapter 1 how the Lord literally spoke the world, the stars and everything we see into existence. He said, “Let there be light,” and it appeared! Now, I think it’s relatively easy for people to believe that God’s Word is powerful. However, I want you to consider this: We are God’s representatives here on earth, and we can speak His Word just the same as He would— boldly, with authority, and believing it has power to change our lives and circumstances.

Romans 4: 17 tells us that God gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist. God is The Creator, and His Word has the power to create something from nothing and even bring dead things back to life. Isaiah 55: 11 says that His Word never fails but always accomplishes its purpose. What would you like to see come to pass in your life? Are there some “dead” things— issues that seem hopeless and beyond help— that need to be revived? If so, I encourage you to begin declaring God’s Word over your life.

Maybe you’ve suffered from some disappointments and it feels like your dreams have died and will never come to pass. That’s when you need to open your mouth and say things like: “God has a great plan for my future— plans to bring me hope. I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me, and if I keep moving forward and don’t quit, I will reap a harvest in my life” (see Jeremiah 29: 11; Philippians 4: 4; Galatians 6: 9). Simply put, God’s Word has the power to create. And when we speak His words out of our mouths, we are cooperating with Him to bring about His good plan for our lives (see Hebrews 4: 12).

Joyce Meyer. 40 Things the Word of God Does for You
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