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Hypergamy. In a word, for those who appreciate exactness.
This is a thread I've wanted to start even before I jointed this website. I've got 2 friends who are 60 years old who have gone through divorce in the last year. Let's approach this subject with relevant Scripture.
God's Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful
Galatians 5:22 (CEV)
After 50 years, feminism has failed to produce happier women. Gains in women’s rights haven't made women happier. Why is that? A hallmark of any valid principle is that it works. Feminism does not work. There can be no greater indicator of a flawed belief system than it fails the Galatians 5:22 test, it fails to produce happiness. The scientist in all of us ought to ask why is it that feminism has failed?
Of course, feminists double down on external causes, move the goal posts. From equal opportunity to equal outcomes. From equal pay for equal work to equal pay, regardless of work. The embrace of victim mentality is somehow empowering but does not produce happier woman. After half a century, the data is in. Women make different choices than men. And these choices make them less happy. Why?
Regarding relationships, the feminist claim was that feminism would make relationships between men and women better because there would be less stress on men to financially provide and have less stress in making all the big decisions. This idea is wrong because it fails to take into account inherent nature of women; hypergamy. Repeating the failure of Original Sin, today's woman want it all. The catch phrase is that they "won't settle" AS IF that makes them a strong, high value women. Feminism's appeal to woman's pride - of coveting, of getting MORE - is the root cause of feminism's failure.
In practice, today's women don't get more, they get less. They end off bitter and alone. Men are far worse off also and that is a topic for another thread. Let us pray. Let us pray people turn away from failed ideas not of this world and embrace Jesus and the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.
This is a thread I've wanted to start even before I jointed this website. I've got 2 friends who are 60 years old who have gone through divorce in the last year. Let's approach this subject with relevant Scripture.
God's Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful
Galatians 5:22 (CEV)
After 50 years, feminism has failed to produce happier women. Gains in women’s rights haven't made women happier. Why is that? A hallmark of any valid principle is that it works. Feminism does not work. There can be no greater indicator of a flawed belief system than it fails the Galatians 5:22 test, it fails to produce happiness. The scientist in all of us ought to ask why is it that feminism has failed?
Of course, feminists double down on external causes, move the goal posts. From equal opportunity to equal outcomes. From equal pay for equal work to equal pay, regardless of work. The embrace of victim mentality is somehow empowering but does not produce happier woman. After half a century, the data is in. Women make different choices than men. And these choices make them less happy. Why?
Regarding relationships, the feminist claim was that feminism would make relationships between men and women better because there would be less stress on men to financially provide and have less stress in making all the big decisions. This idea is wrong because it fails to take into account inherent nature of women; hypergamy. Repeating the failure of Original Sin, today's woman want it all. The catch phrase is that they "won't settle" AS IF that makes them a strong, high value women. Feminism's appeal to woman's pride - of coveting, of getting MORE - is the root cause of feminism's failure.
In practice, today's women don't get more, they get less. They end off bitter and alone. Men are far worse off also and that is a topic for another thread. Let us pray. Let us pray people turn away from failed ideas not of this world and embrace Jesus and the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.