Who do you say that I Am ?


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Jesus asked that question ( who do people say that I Am ? ) and lets here the testimony of Jesus, the Apostles and scripture.

Jesus said He was the I Am who existed before Abraham was born. He says He is the Savior, Lord, Christ, The Alpha and Omega the First and the Last. The names and titles of YHWH for sure

John calls Him God, YHWH and true God in his writings

Peter call Him God and Savior in his writings

Jude calls Him the only Sovereign/Lord to the exclusion of all others.

Paul calls Him God, Lord, Lord over all, YHWH in his writings

Thomas called Him God.

Now the question remains today? Can you confess like those above that Jesus is YHWH(God) ?

If not then you deny the Son. Remember Jesus also said those who deny the Son the Father will also deny !

Lets see what the Apostles who were inspired by God to record in Scripture

Matthew said He was Immanuel, God with us- Matthew 1:23

John said the Word was God and the Word became flesh John 1:1,14
John said Jesus is the True God and Eternal Life- 1 John 5:20
John said Jesus is the I AM ( YHWH) the Alpha and Omega, The First and the Last- Revelation 22:12-13
John said Jesus is the Lord God Almighty, the Alpha and Omega- Revelation 1:8

Thomas said Jesus was His Lord and His God- John 20:28

Peter said Jesus is our God and Savior- 2 Peter 1:1

James said Jesus is the Lord that elders call upon to heal the sick- James 5:14
James said the Prophets spoke in His name YHWH- James 5:10

Jude said He is YHWH, the Only Sovereign and Lord- Jude 1:4
Jude said Jesus is the Lord( YHWH) who delivered his people out of Egypt- Jude 1:8

Paul says Jesus is our God and Savior- Titus 2:13
Paul says Jesus is YHWH( Lord)- Romans 10:13 and Joel 2:32
Paul says all the fulness of Deity ( God ) dwells in Him Bodily- Colossians 1:19, 2:9

Author of Hebrews
He said Jesus is the Creator who is YHWH that made everything and called Him God- Hebrews 1:8-10

Jesus said He is the I Am ( YHWH)- John 8:58
Jesus said he who has seen Me has seen the Father- John 14:9
Jesus said He was EQUAL with the Father- John 5:17-18

So my question is since all these who were inspired to write these TRUTHS down concerning the Person of Christ, why do people not share this with others ?

Why do people in the church not share this with others when they witness ?

Why are people afraid to tell others who the REAL JESUS is ? God Incarnate

No one can say Jesus is LORD (YHWH) except by the Spirit !

hope this helps !!!
One of the greatest questions Jesus asked His disciples was who do people say that I am ?

This is one of the most important questions He asked.

To Confess

NT:3670 ‎o(mologe/w ‎homologeo (hom-ol-og-eh'-o);

Strong's Concordance

: to speak the same, to agree

Original Word: ὁμολογέω

Part of Speech: Verb

Transliteration: homologeó

Phonetic Spelling: (hom-ol-og-eh'-o)

Definition: to speak the same, to agree

Usage: (a) I promise, agree, (b) I confess, (c) I publicly declare, (d) a Hebraism, I praise, celebrate.

3670 homologéō (from 3674 /homoú, "together" and 3004 /légō, "speak to a conclusion") – properly, to voice the same conclusion, i.e. agree ("confess"); to profess (confess) because in full agreement; to align with (endorse)

Joel 2:32
32 "And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Will be delivered;
For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
There will be those who escape,
As the Lord has said,
Even among the survivors whom the Lord calls.

Here we see Paul quote this OT passage about YHWH and apply it to Jesus who is the one and only Lord according to the N.T.

Romans 10:9-13

9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, "WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED." 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13 for "WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED."

So a person must confess Jesus is YHWH(Lord) to be saved. Confess means to agree with so the person confessing Jesus is Lord is in agreement that He is YHWH. Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord ( YHWH) will be saved.

The number one test to distinguish truth for error and the Spirit of God from that of the spirit of antichrist is the confession of our divine Lord Jesus Christ. Every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. There is one thing the spirit of antichrist will deny and that is they will deny He is God in the flesh- that He is fully God and fully man. They will deny God in human flesh. They will always deny the Incarnation which was permanent. When a person affirms that Jesus Christ is God in flesh that equates to divine truth. Every spirit that confesses meaning to continually confess or agrees with saying the same thing as John declares in his writings is from God. This is the person who is taught by the Spirit of God according to John. The first test that you want to have for any teacher is their Christology, check out what they say about Christ. This becomes a litmus test that is very easy to spot among the false teachers.

If we go back to the beginning of 1 John, we read that which we he beheld, and actually touched concerning the Word of life. That is a term expressing the very deity of Christ. Christ emanates from God as His living Word. He was with the Father in the beginning in 1:2. Jesus was One with the Father sharing the same essence with the Father in heaven with Him before the foundation of the world. John says He was manifested to us. John's language then starts out with the fact that Jesus Christ emanates from God as the very living Word of God. Jesus is the living Word of God,the One John says that was from the beginning that we heard, we saw and we touched. Jesus the Word of life was the eternal One who was with the Father prior to His Incarnation and was then manifested to us in the flesh that we could see and hear and touch according to John. Therefore, we can clearly see Jesus is the very Word of God Incarnate. He is the eternal life who became flesh. The Word who was with God, the Word who was God, was the One who John says was manifested to us. This is how we can tell the spirit of truth from the spirit of antichrist. Can you confess Jesus is God Incarnate?

1 John 4:2
By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God;

2 John 7
For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge ( confesses ) Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist.

Erchomenon the present participle in 2 John 7

Below we have many Greek Scholars and Theologians who affirm this truth !

the present tense is timeless(pg 274 RNTC on 2 John)

Brooke- the Incarnation is not only an event in history, it is an abiding truth(pg 274 RNTC on 2 John)

Stott- the two natures manhood and Godhood were united already at His birth, never to be divided. In 1 John 4:2 and here in 2 John 7 emphasizes this permanent union of the natures in the One Person ( TNTC pages 209-210) He who denies the Incarnation is not just a deceiver and an antichrist but “the deceiver and the antichrist”. There is in this heresy a double affront: it opposes Christ and deceives men.(stott TNCT page 210)

Marshall- the use of the present and perfect tenses becomes significant if the point is that Jesus Christ had come and still existed “in flesh”. For him(John) it was axiomatic that there had been a true Incarnation, that the word became flesh and remained flesh. It is a point that receives much stress in 1 John 2:18-28;4:1-6;5:5-8. (NICNT pages 70-71)

Smalley- the present tense emphasizes the permanent union of the human and Divine natures in Jesus. Gods self disclosure in Jesus took place at a particular moment in history , but it has continuing effects in the present and into the future(Word Biblical Commentary page 317)

Nicoll- the continuous manifestation of the Incarnate Christ(Expositors Greek Testament Volume 5 page 202)

Akin- Much has been made of the fact that John uses the present tense in this Christological confession. Literally the verse reads, “Jesus Christ coming in flesh.” “Coming” is a present active participle. This stands out in remarkable contrast to the affirmation of 1 John 4:2, where the text states that “Jesus Christ has [emphasis mine] come in the flesh.” There the perfect active participle is used. The key, it seems, is to discover what John is affirming. Here in 2 John the emphasis falls on the abiding reality of the incarnation. First John 4:2 teaches that the Christ, the Father’s Son (v. 3), has come in the flesh. Second John affirms that the wedding of deity and humanity has an abiding reality (cf. 1 Tim 2:5). The ontological and essential nature of the incarnation that would receive eloquent expression one thousand years later in the writing of St. Anselm (1033–1109) in his classic Cur Deus Homo is already present in seed form in the tiny and neglected letter of 2 John.

Lenski- In 1 John 4:2 we have ἐν σαρκὶ ἐληλυθότα, the perfect participle, “as having come in flesh” (incarnate, John 1:14); here we have ἐρχόμενον ἐν σαρκί, “as coming in flesh,” although the participle is present in form it is really timeless.of Christ as "still being manifested." See the note at 1 John 3:5. In 1 John 4:2 we have the manifestation treated as a past fact by the perfect tense, ‎eleeluthota ‎"has come

Robertson- That Jesus Christ cometh in the flesh ‎Ieesoun ‎‎Christon ‎‎erchomenon ‎‎en ‎‎sarki‎. "Jesus Christ coming in the flesh." Present middle participle of ‎erchomai ‎treating the Incarnation as a continuing fact which the Docetic Gnostics flatly denied. In 1 John 4:2 we have ‎eleeluthota ‎(perfect active participle) in this same construction with ‎homologeoo‎, because there the reference is to the definite historical fact of the Incarnation.
hope this helps !!!
Jesus asked that question ( who do people say that I Am ? ) and lets here the testimony of Jesus, the Apostles and scripture.

Jesus said He was the I Am who existed before Abraham was born. He says He is the Savior, Lord, Christ, The Alpha and Omega the First and the Last. The names and titles of YHWH for sure

John calls Him God, YHWH and true God in his writings

Peter call Him God and Savior in his writings

Jude calls Him the only Sovereign/Lord to the exclusion of all others.

Paul calls Him God, Lord, Lord over all, YHWH in his writings

Thomas called Him God.

Now the question remains today? Can you confess like those above that Jesus is YHWH(God) ?

If not then you deny the Son. Remember Jesus also said those who deny the Son the Father will also deny !

Lets see what the Apostles who were inspired by God to record in Scripture

Matthew said He was Immanuel, God with us- Matthew 1:23

John said the Word was God and the Word became flesh John 1:1,14
John said Jesus is the True God and Eternal Life- 1 John 5:20
John said Jesus is the I AM ( YHWH) the Alpha and Omega, The First and the Last- Revelation 22:12-13
John said Jesus is the Lord God Almighty, the Alpha and Omega- Revelation 1:8

Thomas said Jesus was His Lord and His God- John 20:28

Peter said Jesus is our God and Savior- 2 Peter 1:1

James said Jesus is the Lord that elders call upon to heal the sick- James 5:14
James said the Prophets spoke in His name YHWH- James 5:10

Jude said He is YHWH, the Only Sovereign and Lord- Jude 1:4
Jude said Jesus is the Lord( YHWH) who delivered his people out of Egypt- Jude 1:8

Paul says Jesus is our God and Savior- Titus 2:13
Paul says Jesus is YHWH( Lord)- Romans 10:13 and Joel 2:32
Paul says all the fulness of Deity ( God ) dwells in Him Bodily- Colossians 1:19, 2:9

Author of Hebrews
He said Jesus is the Creator who is YHWH that made everything and called Him God- Hebrews 1:8-10

Jesus said He is the I Am ( YHWH)- John 8:58
Jesus said he who has seen Me has seen the Father- John 14:9
Jesus said He was EQUAL with the Father- John 5:17-18

So my question is since all these who were inspired to write these TRUTHS down concerning the Person of Christ, why do people not share this with others ?

Why do people in the church not share this with others when they witness ?

Why are people afraid to tell others who the REAL JESUS is ? God Incarnate

No one can say Jesus is LORD (YHWH) except by the Spirit !

hope this helps !!!
I don't know if you are deliberately inviting contention and/ or confusion for a 'higher' rated OP or thread here, as nearly every line you wrote is false, truly.

You cannot just generalize, assume and create your own terms of understanding without further knowledge, of not only the verse (typical) at hand, what about writing a bit on each of their surrounding context that would involve understanding, and if that criteria was met, of more that one verse.

You list verses here as if you are saying to your audience, it is self-evident what they mean, right? Or we know what they mean just by reading the verse without any more research or understanding. I wish this could be true, and in reality most verses need elaboration in context. They were written for a 2000 year old audience and of a foreign origin, culture and language, for starters.
addressing the OP,
101G like this question he asked about himself, concerning his Lordship. Matthew 22:41 "While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them," Matthew 22:42 "Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The Son of David." Matthew 22:43 "He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying," Matthew 22:44 "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?" Matthew 22:45 "If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?" Matthew 22:46 "And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions."

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