What is the Soul? Is it Immortal?

' For this corruptible must put on incorruption,
and this mortal must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption,
and this mortal shall have put on immortality,
then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,
Death is swallowed up in victory.
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?'

(1Cor. 15:53-55)

Hello @civic,

When do you anticipate the resurrection taking place?

In Christ Jesus
Could be today , tomorrow, next week , month, year, decade, century etc……

But at His Coming we who are alive will be transformed instantaneously and the mortal will be immortal. As Jesus taught in numerous parables always be ready.
I'm ready, come soon Lord Jesus.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14

What’s Inside My Soul?

The soul is a very complicated thing with an intricate internal structure that we need to understand if we are to appreciate the mind’s role in spiritual transformation. In order to understand that structure, we need to grasp two important issues: the different types of states within the soul and the notion of a faculty of the soul. The soul is a substantial, unified reality that informs its body. The soul is to the body what God is to space—it is fully “present” at each point within the body. Further, the soul and body relate to each other in a cause-effect way. For example, if I worry in my soul, my brain chemistry will change; if I exercise my will to raise my arm in my soul, the arm goes up. If I experience brain damage, this can cause me to lose the ability to remember certain things in my soul. And so forth. The soul also contains various mental states within it—for example, sensations, thoughts, beliefs, desires, and acts of will. This is not as complicated as it sounds. Water can be in a cold or a hot state. Likewise, the soul can be in a feeling or thinking state.

J. P. Moreland, The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul
According to YOU, Jesus did.

Your (and Lighfoot's) comment about the Pharisees avoids the obvious conflict presented in my post and the true question I posited for your consideration which highlights that conflict.

I get it ... you came, not really asking a question, but advocating a preconceived false notion. If you had simply stated that HONESTLY in the OP, I would not have wasted time arguing against your settled position.
Hello @atpollard,

Please do not impute your own interpretation upon my words and actions.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
Could be today , tomorrow, next week , month, year, decade, century etc……

But at His Coming we who are alive will be transformed instantaneously and the mortal will be immortal. As Jesus taught in numerous parables always be ready.
Hello @civic,

Yes it will take place at a time of God's choosing. I am glad you did not say at death. :)

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
Hello there,

What is the soul? and Is it immortal?

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
the soul was npsh

soul and body being the same nature

whereas now
the soul is separated from God
because of Adam

and is imprisoned in a foreign nature,
this body...

and this earth
a foreign land
after adams sin
he handed us over to the demon nations
for now we were separated from God
by adam's treachery.
they tortured us (daniel's oven)

yes this is found in ancient texts.
whereas now
the soul is separated from God
because of Adam
I suggest we can only become separated for GOD by our own choice, by a free will choice to be sinful in HIS sight. IF it is by HIS will by Adam then HE is a house divided.

and is imprisoned in a foreign nature,
this body...
Yes! All sinners were flung into the Earth to Sheol, both the elect sinners flung down by Satan and the non-elect demons flung down by GOD's army, Rev 12:4-9.
From Sheol the elect sinners are sown into this world of mankind by the Son of Man to learn to become holy and the demons are sown into this world by the devil to help the sinful people of the kingdom learn to accept the absolute necessity of their eternal damnation. This is the history lesson of:
Matt 13:36-43 ...Explain unto us the parable of the tares of the field.
(To explain a metaphor by the use of the metaphor is to explain nothing but only serves to lengthen the metaphor. Verses 38-39 are the bald truth without metaphor or hyperbole, ie just the facts!

38 the field is the world
the good seed are of the people of the kingdom sown by the Son of man

the weeds are the people of the wicked one 39 sown by the devil

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

1 John, Chapter 3, 10: In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.
I suggest we can only become separated for GOD by our own choice, by a free will choice to be sinful in HIS sight. IF it is by HIS will by Adam then HE is a house divided.

Yes! All sinners were flung into the Earth to Sheol, both the elect sinners flung down by Satan and the non-elect demons flung down by GOD's army, Rev 12:4-9.
From Sheol the elect sinners are sown into this world of mankind by the Son of Man to learn to become holy and the demons are sown into this world by the devil to help the sinful people of the kingdom learn to accept the absolute necessity of their eternal damnation. This is the history lesson of:
Matt 13:36-43 ...Explain unto us the parable of the tares of the field.
(To explain a metaphor by the use of the metaphor is to explain nothing but only serves to lengthen the metaphor. Verses 38-39 are the bald truth without metaphor or hyperbole, ie just the facts!

38 the field is the world
the good seed are of the people of the kingdom sown by the Son of man

the weeds are the people of the wicked one 39 sown by the devil

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

1 John, Chapter 3, 10: In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.
thank you ted for writing...

my reply is that rather than speak of abstract separations and such..

I meant actually, in reality we are separated...
since right, you cannot walk in the garden of God with Him
physically and see Him...
that has not happened since the evil realm forced us
out of God's eden paradise, which is our land..
and their sending us to this foreign place we are now
separated from God....

so in that physical sense, that is the effect Adam has caused..
hurting us on purpose now by his evil.... the situation that
that we are actually literally separated from God...
Being saved for me will be when all His sons and daughters
return to our land, and the sons can walk and talk with God
in paradise again, literally...

until then... what is the situation?
we are imprisoned in this foreign land
belonging to the sin realm.
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