What is so good about the good news?

Your religion twists firstborn,
personal opinion? 101G can careless. if twisted, then by scripture prove 101G in ERROR.... that's all. no twisting, just produce scripture to rebuke..... twisted.... you never looked up the word "preeminence" have U... tell the TRUTH. this is why many false religions are out there. pick up a dictionary sometimes and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.

so complaining that someone religion is twisted is just that talk, do what 1 Thessalonians 5:21 say do, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."

did 101G say that?

and? ....... and the angels are "MEN" too..... did you know this? not like us but in title..... did you know this?

I know... (your version). Two men went to Sodom to take Lot and his family to safety. :sneaky: This guy is for real??????

They can dematerialize. They are not simply men.
I know... (your version). Two men went to Sodom to take Lot and his family to safety. :sneaky: This guy is for real??????

They can dematerialize. They are not simply men.
but are they men, and is not Gabriel? an angel let's see what the bible say..... Daniel 9:21 "Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation."

you didn't have a clue that was in the bible about this angel...... Gabriel did you? ............... no.

but are they men, and is not Gabriel? an angel let's see what the bible say..... Daniel 9:21 "Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation."

you didn't have a clue that was in the bible about this angel...... Gabriel did you? ............... no.


"The man" is simply a way for them to say the angel was physically materialized..

Because, angels typically appear to be men when they are materialized...

"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people
have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it." Heb 13:2​

"The man" is simply a way for them to say the angel was physically materialized..
the Lord Jesus upon resurrection materialized, is the Lord an angel? so that materialized excuse will not cut it.
"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it." Heb 13:2
and? .......... should you not been do that all along? Micah 6:8 "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"

do Justly? if you were practicing that, then why bring up Hebrews 13:2?...... (smile).

the Lord Jesus upon resurrection materialized, is the Lord an angel? so that materialized excuse will not cut it.

and? .......... should you not been do that all along? Micah 6:8 "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"

do Justly? if you were practicing that, then why bring up Hebrews 13:2?...... (smile).

You are a very brilliant humanoid! Amazing!

Can't argue with you! No sir! You are just too smarted for me.
personal opinion? 101G can careless. if twisted, then by scripture prove 101G in ERROR.... that's all. no twisting, just produce scripture to rebuke..... twisted.... you never looked up the word "preeminence" have U... tell the TRUTH. this is why many false religions are out there. pick up a dictionary sometimes and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.

so complaining that someone religion is twisted is just that talk, do what 1 Thessalonians 5:21 say do, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."

The protestants saw that Catholicism was this-2Thess 2:3--the protestants did not fix it because information wasn't so easily obtained back then. They had no clue that Catholicism altered the bible to fit false council teachings. They wont admit to being in error, but the reason there are hundreds of different trinity religions is because someone saw something wrong in the one prior to the new one they made. And it goes on and on. There will always be something wrong in the one before because they use Catholicism translating. the top 3 or 4 major teachings are all error, but they all agree on those errors.
The "good news", ie the gospel, seems to mean different things to different people. Before I comment further, have a listen to the following. Some of you may have heard this already...

There is so much truth in those lyrics, and it applies not only to the US. It's just as bad, if not worse in New Zealand, and heading that way fast in Australia. Britain, and Europe have their issues as well. There is ag global crisis of morality, goaltenders, political narcissism, and ideological craziness.
The question however, what do we do about it, is very much open to debate. The answer we all know, theoretically, is the gospel. Jesus and Him crucified. On that all Christians tend to agree. How that plays out, and how the gospel is implemented, well, that's another story. I'm not sure if this is the thread to discuss such matters, but we are all pondering in these things, whether it's over our coffee or out Bible, or both, the direction the world is heading is of concern to anyone with half an eye open. I have mentioned several times on other sites PROJECT 2025. No-one it seems wants to talk about that. Why not? Or have you not heard of this? Would anyone like to discuss it? Is it good or bad? Basically, it is evangelicanism's answer to the nations need of a change of mind and heart in response to the current spiritual malaise and political antagonism toward Christianity in the US. THE QUESTION IS, is this the correct response? Very interested in people's thoughts on this.
God IS love. Don't doubt His motives in calling you. Don't leave Him at the door knocking. Don't break His heart by turning Him away. Like any good Husband, He wants only that which is for your good. He will never abuse you, hurt you, let you down, disappoint you, dishonor you, or be unfaithful. Whatever your needs are, He will meet them. Whatever endangers you, He will remove. He will never take away that which is good for you, nor give anything that which will hurt you.
He already knows everything there is to be known concerning who you are, where you have been, all you have done. And He still loves you. In Him there is no condemnation, no shame, no embarrassment. Whatever debt you feel you owe God for whatever transgressions you may have made, that debt is paid for. In full. There is no interest to be paid...no further deposits to be made...no more installments necessary to make up the price of your ransom. The Son of God has already paid the full price of your redemption in the name of His Father, therefore you are His. Wholly His, lock, stock, and barrel. Let Him now take charge of that which He has purchased with His own blood, and begin a new life; an abundant life; a life free from sin, addiction, worry, fear.
Let today be the first day of eternity.
That's all well and good, but the Bride and Church of God is Israel.
Covenant, Matrimonial Israel.
Gentiles have no covenant with God. God saves Gentiles without a covenant and to make His Bride and Church (Israel) jealous.
It's working.
That's all well and good, but the Bride and Church of God is Israel.
Covenant, Matrimonial Israel.
Gentiles have no covenant with God. God saves Gentiles without a covenant and to make His Bride and Church (Israel) jealous.
It's working.
Jesus cut off Israelite religion,( Matt 23:38) He told them off.( Matt 23) Sending him to his death was the last straw- They must do Matt 23:39--they have outright refused for over 1950 years. They never will, spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen. This system is almost done. The warning signs Jesus gave are all coming true.
Jesus cut off Israelite religion,( Matt 23:38) He told them off.( Matt 23) Sending him to his death was the last straw- They must do Matt 23:39--they have outright refused for over 1950 years. They never will, spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen. This system is almost done. The warning signs Jesus gave are all coming true.
No it was the religious hypocrites the Pharisees He was rebuking and condemning in Matthew 23, not Israel.
Jesus cut off Israelite religion,( Matt 23:38) He told them off.( Matt 23) Sending him to his death was the last straw- They must do Matt 23:39--they have outright refused for over 1950 years. They never will, spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen. This system is almost done. The warning signs Jesus gave are all coming true.
7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. Gen 17:6–8.

Everlasting means eternal.
Jesus didn't "cut off" Israel.
On the Day of Pentecost 3000 Jews were born-again and Christ began building His Church populated by Jews and for the next forty years until the destruction of their Temple everything that happened in Israel and Gentile lands where Jews lived was happening to Jews. It's their covenant. Let's not try to make Jesus "cut off" His Bride and Church for WHOM He came in accordance to covenant and prophecy.
If 3000 Jews were born-again on that one Day of Pentecost, and Jesus added to His Church daily such as should be saved, and if 3000 is a median number, then by weeks end 21,000 Jews were born-again and as promised Christ was building His Church as per Covenant, New Covenant, and prophecy.
Let's not try to steal another peoples' inheritance. Sounds like tomb raiding.
No it was the religious hypocrites the Pharisees He was rebuking and condemning in Matthew 23, not Israel.
And all who listen to them are mislead by the darkness of those spiritual leaders. They were apostocised and are to this day.
7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. Gen 17:6–8.

Everlasting means eternal.
Jesus didn't "cut off" Israel.
On the Day of Pentecost 3000 Jews were born-again and Christ began building His Church populated by Jews and for the next forty years until the destruction of their Temple everything that happened in Israel and Gentile lands where Jews lived was happening to Jews. It's their covenant. Let's not try to make Jesus "cut off" His Bride and Church for WHOM He came in accordance to covenant and prophecy.
If 3000 Jews were born-again on that one Day of Pentecost, and Jesus added to His Church daily such as should be saved, and if 3000 is a median number, then by weeks end 21,000 Jews were born-again and as promised Christ was building His Church as per Covenant, New Covenant, and prophecy.
Let's not try to steal another peoples' inheritance. Sounds like tomb raiding.
Matt 23:38,39
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