What do 7th Day Adventists Believe ?

Interesting. There are 5 time prophecies in Revelation, and 2 in Daniel, all referencing the same duration of time.
Daniel 7:25; 12:7. Revelation 11:2,3; Revelation 12:6,14; Revelation 13:5.
How did you know which ones to add together?
Who is the woman in Revelation 12?
Who are the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11?
What is the holy city in Revelation 11?
Whose mouth is it speaking great things and blasphemies in Revelation 13? Is the entity speaking great things and blasphemies the same as in Daniel 7:25?
And what's Daniel 12:7 all about?

Where are your answers going to come from? History? Or clairvoyance and guesswork?

Daniel 9 - 70 weeks with no other specifics is prophetic time, so 490 years. Jesus came right on time. The last verse is one week, so that was 7 years. We know that the last Jewish revolt was from 66 AD to 73 AD, and the temple was destroyed in the middle of the week in 70 AD.

Daniel 8 shows 2300 mornings and evenings. That is more than one specific so not prophetic day/year.Those are the same type of specifics as the 24 hour days of Creation Week. That adds up to almost 7 years and is actually 6.3 years. That was the first Jewish Revolt from 67 BC to 60 BC with the altar being defiled in the middle of the week around when Antiochus died in 64 BC.

Revelation 12 and 13 shows more than one specific so is not day/year but actual 24 hr. days. They are all three one half years.

Rev. 12 - one thousand two hundred and sixty days is the same as time, times and half a time and is 3.5 years. That is repeated but is the same first half of the Great Tribulation. Rev. 13 has another 3.5 years period of 42 months.

Romans 11:25-26 shows the last Gentile coming into the Church, then a strong delusion from God is put on the rest of the Gentile world that did not accept Christ when they could have. 2 Thess. 2:8-12. Now the focus goes to national Israel for all Israel to be saved during those last 7 years. The WOMAN is Israel. Jesus geneology is from God's chosen people Israel.

The first half of the Great Tribulation, lukewarm Christians will be tested during the GT and will have to stop being lukewarm and Repent. As Romans 11 said, the Gentiles in the Church were grafted into the Jewish Church. Now the Gentile Christians will be martyred during the first half while National Israel is being saved. The last half, chapter 13 the Antichrist will continue for another 3.5 years and both the Jewish and Gentile Christians will continue to be martyred. Of the 7 letters to the 7 churches in Rev. 2 and 3 only the Philadlphians who keep all of the Bible will be protected from the plagues, etc. and will be alive to the end.

Holy City is Jerusalem.

My knowledge is from history, but also I have been able to hear God's voice for the past 46 years and 10 years ago I asked Him to wipe my mind of all denominational false doctrines and just be retaught by Him. My mind about exploded!
Daniel 9 - 70 weeks with no other specifics is prophetic time, so 490 years. Jesus came right on time. The last verse is one week, so that was 7 years. We know that the last Jewish revolt was from 66 AD to 73 AD, and the temple was destroyed in the middle of the week in 70 AD.
Okay, do of the destruction of the temple was in the middle of the final week, then you would be able to inform us the exact time the 490 years began right?
It's interesting don't you think CL, that the most somber warning in scripture includes the phrase that the wicked "shall find no rest day or night", and these are compared in contrast with those who "keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus". Including the 4th.
KJV Revelation 14:11-12
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

This echoes Isaiah's warning,
KJV Isaiah 57:20-21
20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.

The Sabbath is a memorial. First of creation, wherein man took no part.
The second is of redemption, wherein man took no part. Far from being a legalistic exercise, it is in reality the only sign God gives that man can demonstrate his faith in God's full providence, in which man took no part.

KJV Ezekiel 20:12
12 Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them.

KJV Romans 2:13
13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.

KJV James 1:22
22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
It had to do with the decree to rebuild Jerusalem and its walls, so 457 BC or 444 BC. I can't remember which included the walls.
69 weeks takes you to the Baptisn of Jesus in 27ad. To "Messiah the Prince", his inauguration ceremony when He was baptized not just in water, but also the holy Spirit for ministry.
That left one week to complete Israel's probation, in the midst of which shall "Messiah be cut off, but not for Himself".... The same event bringing to a close of the febrifuge and oblation era. Calvary was that event, 31ad. In 34ad, 3 and half years later, Stephen was stoned by the rulers of the nation, with Stephen indicting them and condemning them.
KJV Acts 7:51-53
51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
52 Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:
53 Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.
The rulers them blocked their ears, refusing to hear his testimony, this they closed forever God's association with the Jewish nation. As Jesus Himself said the last time He entered the temple. "Behold, your house is left unto you desolate". Thus the 490 years, determined (cut off) for the people of Israel as a nation, was complete. No longer was Good going to use Israel as a vehicle for His reaching a world lost in sin. The duty passed on to the church. Not as a replacement, but a continuation.
1. Have we believed for so long, a lie that convinced us our freedoms could never be taken away, that today we fail to recognise the truth that they are already gone?

2. We know from prophecy that shortly before the second coming, amidst almost universal agreement and standing ovation, Satan will establish a global tyrannical government that will enforce a form of worship.

3. It will be so devastating to those living in those days, that Jesus Himself was compelled to ask of those times, "will the Son of man find faith in the earth"?

4. All rebellious movements, from the Luciferian rebellion in heaven, to the conflicts seen even within lawful electoral processes, are founded on the same premise. "Your government has created victims through unjust, unfair, ineffective laws".

5. The one law in God's ten commandments, the 4th, is the one law so many object to. It is also the one and only law of the 10 that identifies the Lawgiver, His position of authority, and the territory over which He rules, and can therefore be justifiably termed the "seal of God" by which His law is affirmed.

How can any objection to that law be anything other than rebellion, if the Lawmaker Himself hasn't changed, altered, modified, or abrogated that law?

On what basis therefore are you seeking to set up an alternative government, and upon whose specific authority is it to be subject to?

6. To convince the world of a lie, it takes a scheme of political manipulation through lies, with the connivance of the media, through the threat of and literal exercise of force. Such is what the world witnessed just 2 years ago, with ongoing ramifications today and a doubling down of that lie through the continuing promotion of boosters and refusal to acknowledge truth, and refusal to rehire those fired from the jobs and the resulting destruction of careers for many.

But the vaccines are inconsequential compared to...

7. The lies and force engendered by the Roman hierarchy in the 5th century and beyond to convince the Christian world that God has endowed the Roman Catholic church with the authority to change the very law of God, in particular the 4th commandment.

8. Oh. You don't agree that Rome had such authority? Neither do I. Then why do you willingly submit to it by obeying her tradition in place of God's commandment? Remember what the Lord said of the ambition and arrogance of the littler horn Antichrist, that he would think to change times and laws. Joining him in his charade and thinking any counterfeit is worthy of honour, is surely worshipping in vain.
Symbolic for what? It can't be symbolic for the heavenly sanctuary because why would a heavenly sanctuary need cleansing?
KJV Hebrews 9:22-24
22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.
23 It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.
24 For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:
Two important facts are stated in this portion of Scripture.
1. The earthly sanctuary was cleansed by blood.
2. The heavenly sanctuary must be cleansed by better sacrifice, that is, by the blood of Christ.

It is plain, then, that the idea of cleansing the sanctuary by fire has no support in the Bible.
These words, as rendered by Macknight, are very clear: "And almost all things, according to the law, are cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood, there is no remission. There was a necessity, therefore, that the representations indeed of the holy places in the heavens should be cleansed by these sacrifices; but the heavenly holy places themselves, by sacrifices better than these. Therefore Christ hath not entered into the holy places made with hands; the images of the true holy places; but into heaven itself, now to appear before the face of God, on our account." Hebrews 9:22-24. Then the fact of the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary is plainly taught by the apostle Paul in his commentary on the typical system. And this great truth, plainly stated, is worthy of lasting remembrance.
By many, the idea of the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary will be treated with scorn, "because," say they, "there is nothing in Heaven to be cleansed." Such overlook the fact that the holy of holies, where God manifested his glory, and which no one but the High Priest could enter, was, according to the law, to be cleansed, because the sins of the people were borne into it by the blood of sin-offering. Leviticus 16. And they overlook the fact that Paul plainly testifies that the heavenly sanctuary must be cleansed for the same reason. Hebrews 9:23, 24. See also Colossians 1:20. It was unclean in this sense only: the sins of men had been borne into it through the blood of sin offering, and they must be removed. This fact can be grasped by every mind.
The work of cleansing the sanctuary changes the ministration from the holy place to the holiest of all. Leviticus 16; Hebrews 9:6, 7; Revelation 11:19. As the ministration in the holy place of the temple in heaven began immediately after the end of the typical system, at the close of the sixty-nine and a half weeks (Daniel 9:27), so the ministration in the holiest of all, in the heavenly sanctuary, begins with the termination of the 2300 days. Then our High Priest enters the holiest to cleanse the sanctuary. The termination of this great period marks the commencement of the ministration of the Lord Jesus in the holiest of all. This work, as presented in the type, we have already seen was for a two-fold purpose, viz.: the forgiveness of iniquity, and the cleansing of the sanctuary. And this great work our Lord accomplishes with his own blood; whether by the actual presentation of it, or by virtue of its merits, we need not stop to inquire.
69 weeks takes you to the Baptisn of Jesus in 27ad.

That is not the day Israel saw Jesus as their Messiah. It was Palm Sunday. But it was certainly short-lived. Within the week they killed Him!

That left one week to complete Israel's probation, in the midst of which shall "Messiah be cut off, but not for Himself".... The same event bringing to a close of the febrifuge and oblation era. Calvary was that event, 31ad. In 34ad, 3 and half years later, Stephen was stoned by the rulers of the nation, with Stephen indicting them and condemning them.

Stephen's death did not bring the end to God's saving Israel. That is still future and 7 years - the final week.

Romans 11:25-26
25 For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written:

“The Deliverer will come out of Zion,
And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob;

I believe it is very soon as 2029 I believe to be the fulfillment of Revelation 8.

That is not the day Israel saw Jesus as their Messiah. It was Palm Sunday. But it was certainly short-lived. Within the week they killed Him!

Stephen's death did not bring the end to God's saving Israel. That is still future and 7 years - the final week.

Romans 11:25-26
25 For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written:

“The Deliverer will come out of Zion,
And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob;

I believe it is very soon as 2029 I believe to be the fulfillment of Revelation 8.

There is no grounds for wresting the final 7 years from the original 70. Like I have said previously, dividing the years such as dispensationalism does to that final "week" was a Jesuit idea during the counter reformation in order to take the eyes of the reformers away from the papacy. You have been sucked in God and proper. You are deceived. You are so busy looking for a distant individual to sit in a future literal temple you have completely missed the Antichrist already sitting in the temple of God. The church. The beast of revelation 13, the little horn of Daniel 7, the man of sin in Thessalonians, are all the same entity, and they are Roman through and through. The horn grew from Rome. Not Greece. Not Assyria. Rome. The Antichrist is a Roman power, that derived it's authority and power and seat from a Roman Emperor, an agent of the dragon. You are ignoring 1500 years of prophetic history.
I can't take any claim the Pope is the Antichrist seriously.

I'm sure the man may be demonic, but he may also have a sincere trust in Christ.

One thing he does not do is exalt himself above all that is called God—that means the Pope would not just claim to be God's representative, but actually above God.

The Pope has never claimed to be above God himself—ever.

Many will try to twist language and say he does, but he literally does not. He just does not fulfill that, and no honest person could say he does, you'd have to stretch things a ridiculous and dishonest amount.
because the sins of the people were borne into it by the blood of sin-offering. Leviticus 16.


Leviticus 16 does not say the sins were borne into it with the blood of the sin offering, this is made up out of thin air and not at all in the text.

Just. Made. Up.

This blood was there to demonstrate the symbolism of cleansing sin, there is no doubt about that part.

But not one thousand and eight hundred years or more after Christ ascended, that's utterly ridiculous and made up.

Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus wait over 1800 years, Jesus is pictured as taking his blood immediately up to heaven.

Just. Made. Up.

And no—the SDA who so proudly declares and thinks they alone have come up with Jesus' sprinkling the heavenly temple is just false.

Many, many have already believed and saw this symbolism, and many still teach it today.

The idea SDA is alone the bearer of this doctrine (which is distorted by over 1800 years)?

Just. Made. Up.

And I have heard some theorize Adam's sin contaminated heaven itself as Eden was a picture of a heavenly paradise or such closeness to God.

Or some other sin which somehow may have contaminated heaven doesn't require 1800 years of sitting around holding blood before it's sprinkled.

Or it might be, that our sins are so evil and against God, that his very presence even in heaven feels the defilement.

But I think there is a better theory even than these.

The sprinkling was not a cleansing sprinkle here.

Some sprinkling of blood was for cleansing, this does not logically equate to all sprinkling was for cleansing.

This sprinkling was for a demonstration and application, to show that sins were officially and fully atoned.
It's interesting don't you think CL, that the most somber warning in scripture includes the phrase that the wicked "shall find no rest day or night", and these are compared in contrast with those who "keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus". Including the 4th.
KJV Revelation 14:11-12
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

This echoes Isaiah's warning,
KJV Isaiah 57:20-21
20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.

Yes, very interesting, and there is no greater rest than simply being annihilated.

For no pain is any more experienced in that eternal rest.
There is no grounds for wresting the final 7 years from the original 70. Like I have said previously, dividing the years such as dispensationalism does to that final "week" was a Jesuit idea during the counter reformation in order to take the eyes of the reformers away from the papacy. You have been sucked in God and proper. You are deceived. You are so busy looking for a distant individual to sit in a future literal temple you have completely missed the Antichrist already sitting in the temple of God. The church. The beast of revelation 13, the little horn of Daniel 7, the man of sin in Thessalonians, are all the same entity, and they are Roman through and through. The horn grew from Rome. Not Greece. Not Assyria. Rome. The Antichrist is a Roman power, that derived it's authority and power and seat from a Roman Emperor, an agent of the dragon. You are ignoring 1500 years of prophetic history.

Its not. It is the final two verses have to do with the end of the Jews temple and they have not been able to offer a sacrifice since.

Even in troublesome times.

26 “And after the sixty-two weeks
Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself;
And the people of the prince who is to come (prince is Titus, general in Nero's army I believe)
Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. (they destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in 70 AD but the Jewish revolt started in 66 AD and ended in 73 AD. 70 AD is in the middle of the week.
The end of it shall be with a flood,
And till the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;
But in the middle of the week
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. (and they brought an end to sacrifice and offering.)
And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, (that is not about Jesus)
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”

So we have seen two one week revolts regarding God's chosen people the Jews. Chapter 8, 2,300 days equals 6.3 years from 67 BC to 60 BC. The temple was cleansed by the Maccabees. Then, the next one from 66 AD to 73 AD. This creates a paradigm. Revelation 12 and 13 is future and interestingly is the same amount of time and again is regarding the Great Tribulation of the Jews. This has a lot to do with Daniel 7.

Can you show me the 1,500 years in prophecy and when it will be fulfilled?

Personally, I don't go by what others dream up. I look at history and the Holy Spirit. The Antichrist is going to be a political leader of the whole world. The false prophet I believe is the Pope. And this Pope they have now is him. What you seem to believe is what every other SDA belives. Have you studied it at all for yourself?
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I can't take any claim the Pope is the Antichrist seriously.
It isn't any individual Pope... Not this one or any other. The little horn that grew from the Roman pagan beast of Daniel 7 is a political power with a religious component. Or if you like, a religious power with a political component. But it's a power, a kingdom even... The Pope is a King... And the prophetic characteristics of the little horn cannot be met by any individual. Remember, it grew out of pagan Rome. It shares the exact same characteristics as the first beast of Revelation 13. It's a union of church and state... The Papacy, which appeared to suffer a mortal wound in 1798, but recovered in 1929. There are at least ten specific criteria that identifies the Antichrist in scripture... Individuals cannot meet those criteria, but the Catholic church has met every one. I'm happy to present the details if you like.
The Pope has never claimed to be above God himself—ever.
But the papacy had absolutely claimed to be above God, in claiming the authority to change His commandments.
That is not the day Israel saw Jesus as their Messiah. It was Palm Sunday. But it was certainly short-li
It isn't about Israel recognising their Messiah, for as you pointed out, they killed Him. The rulers of Israel never recognised Him. The prophecy is about the presentation of Messiah, and John the Baptist did that..."Behold the Lamb of God..."
KJV Hebrews 9:22-24
22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.
23 It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.
24 For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:
Two important facts are stated in this portion of Scripture.
1. The earthly sanctuary was cleansed by blood.
2. The heavenly sanctuary must be cleansed by better sacrifice, that is, by the blood of Christ.

It is plain, then, that the idea of cleansing the sanctuary by fire has no support in the Bible.
These words, as rendered by Macknight, are very clear: "And almost all things, according to the law, are cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood, there is no remission. There was a necessity, therefore, that the representations indeed of the holy places in the heavens should be cleansed by these sacrifices; but the heavenly holy places themselves, by sacrifices better than these. Therefore Christ hath not entered into the holy places made with hands; the images of the true holy places; but into heaven itself, now to appear before the face of God, on our account." Hebrews 9:22-24. Then the fact of the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary is plainly taught by the apostle Paul in his commentary on the typical system. And this great truth, plainly stated, is worthy of lasting remembrance.
By many, the idea of the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary will be treated with scorn, "because," say they, "there is nothing in Heaven to be cleansed." Such overlook the fact that the holy of holies, where God manifested his glory, and which no one but the High Priest could enter, was, according to the law, to be cleansed, because the sins of the people were borne into it by the blood of sin-offering. Leviticus 16. And they overlook the fact that Paul plainly testifies that the heavenly sanctuary must be cleansed for the same reason. Hebrews 9:23, 24. See also Colossians 1:20. It was unclean in this sense only: the sins of men had been borne into it through the blood of sin offering, and they must be removed. This fact can be grasped by every mind.
The work of cleansing the sanctuary changes the ministration from the holy place to the holiest of all. Leviticus 16; Hebrews 9:6, 7; Revelation 11:19. As the ministration in the holy place of the temple in heaven began immediately after the end of the typical system, at the close of the sixty-nine and a half weeks (Daniel 9:27), so the ministration in the holiest of all, in the heavenly sanctuary, begins with the termination of the 2300 days. Then our High Priest enters the holiest to cleanse the sanctuary. The termination of this great period marks the commencement of the ministration of the Lord Jesus in the holiest of all. This work, as presented in the type, we have already seen was for a two-fold purpose, viz.: the forgiveness of iniquity, and the cleansing of the sanctuary. And this great work our Lord accomplishes with his own blood; whether by the actual presentation of it, or by virtue of its merits, we need not stop to inquire.
The Cross, where we were cleansed of our sins, happened in an open field, not in any sanctuary. Our sins were nailed to the Cross, in an open field. It did not happen in any sanctuary. This fact is treated with scorn by those who want to sell you their snake oil ideas.
The Cross, where we were cleansed of our sins, happened in an open field, not in any sanctuary. Our sins were nailed to the Cross, in an open field. It did not happen in any sanctuary. This fact is treated with scorn by those who want to sell you their snake oil ideas.
While one aspect of redemption was finished at the cross... The sacrifice of the Lamb... There was yet a work to accomplish by the High Priest on our behalf, and that began with the resurrection, without which our hope in the shedding of the blood of Christ would be vain.
The OT sanctuary services were a type of the gospel. Yes, the sacrifice took place outside the gate. But that was the first step. Essential yes, wonderful yes, but only the first step in a process. The blood was of necessity sprinkled before the altar inside the first compartment of the Sanctuary, and on the day of Atonement inside the second compartment, the holy of holes. This services and rituals reveal a reality of the current ministry of Christ as our Mediator and Redeemer in heaven. It is a package deal. One component of the redemption process is useless without all the other essential parts. Understanding the meaning and significance of the whole entirety of the gospel and Christ's office as High Priest opens upa clear and broader appreciation of the love of God and His power and victory over the enemy wrought on our behalf.
Understanding the meaning and significance of the whole entirety of the gospel and Christ's office as High Priest opens upa clear and broader appreciation of the love of God and His power and victory over the enemy wrought on our behalf.

I have no problem with this.

I've always accepted the Mediatorial high priestly work of Jesus.

He sprinkles his blood in heaven and on those who place their faith in him.

However, this is does not mean:

1. Sins are transferred to the holiest place somehow.
2. Jesus sits around for one thousand eight hundred years before he decides to do some sprinklin' up there.
3. Sins are transferred somehow to Satan to bear them.

These doctrines are aberrant and unbiblical and have nothing essential to do with the priesthood of Jesus.

It is equivocation of the highest order to say they are necessarily entailed within the priestly ministry of Jesus.
It isn't about Israel recognising their Messiah, for as you pointed out, they killed Him. The rulers of Israel never recognised Him. The prophecy is about the presentation of Messiah, and John the Baptist did that..."Behold the Lamb of God..."
All the prophecies have to do with Israel.
While one aspect of redemption was finished at the cross... The sacrifice of the Lamb... There was yet a work to accomplish by the High Priest on our behalf, and that began with the resurrection, without which our hope in the shedding of the blood of Christ would be vain.
The OT sanctuary services were a type of the gospel. Yes, the sacrifice took place outside the gate. But that was the first step. Essential yes, wonderful yes, but only the first step in a process. The blood was of necessity sprinkled before the altar inside the first compartment of the Sanctuary, and on the day of Atonement inside the second compartment, the holy of holes. This services and rituals reveal a reality of the current ministry of Christ as our Mediator and Redeemer in heaven. It is a package deal. One component of the redemption process is useless without all the other essential parts. Understanding the meaning and significance of the whole entirety of the gospel and Christ's office as High Priest opens upa clear and broader appreciation of the love of God and His power and victory over the enemy wrought on our behalf.
Jesus resurrected from his grave, not from a sanctuary.
The blood that was sprinkled represented Jesus' blood which is holy to begin with.
So again, what exactly needs cleansing in the heavenly sanctuary?
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