This is the second time you're made an argument to me that was already answered previously.
When you prove capable of stating what you intend without need to harp about your suspiciousness then I will reconsider.
- State your purpose.
- State your position.
- State your intent so everyone knows how to proceed.
- Stop thinking you've answered questions when you have not.
You and I get into dispute because you do not do those four things. You've got a lot in your head, but it does not come out of your keyboard in a very articulate manner. It try to
HELP you but the effort is not recognized or received with the goodwill intended and you get your panties all bunched up because
you cannot do those four bullet points and refuse to collaborate when anyone asks you to do so.
How can anyone possibly discuss the weakness of the first covenant without first identifying that first covenant?
Then do not post foolish incorrect statements like, "
It is the very reason for the law itself," because that is not THE very reason for the Law.
I don't need you to teach me anything.
Apparently, you do.
No, it's train wreck.
The train wreck begins because you've come into a discussion board with a self-professed intent to debate, not discuss. The wreck becomes a disorganized pile up because you quoted scripture without salient commentary. My seven-year-old can copy and paste scripture into a discussion board. The pile up becomes worse because you haven't stated a thesis, nor specified a particular point of commentary or inquiry intended for discussion and when anyone asks defensiveness and attack ensue.
If you read Jeremiah 18:4.... and pay attention to the words chosen. You will notice that there is no mention of the clay in the "new vessel". The clay fell. The "new" covenant isn't established in the clay. It is more than clay can support. It is a "new creation". Yet, we still have this "treasure in clay/earthen vessels" for a reason....
So what?
There's a pile of stuff wrong with that portion of the op but you lack any ability to face your own errors. For example, the fact there is no mention of the clay in the new vessel does not mean there is no clay. Logically speaking, that's called an
argument from silence (argumentum ex silentio). There's no mention in the Jeremiah text of any air, water, or Spirit in the vessel, either, but the vessel holds something. There's no mention of purple polka-dotted elephebras in the Jeremiah text, either, but that does not mean such a position has any validity in logical discourse. What the Jeremiah text does not mention is endless. What the Jeremiah text does not mention is endless.
You cannot build a logical debate on fallacy.
No one can! You look dumb when you do that, and you are not dumb. You look foolish when you refuse well-meaning guidance. The reason you don't like trading posts with me is because I reveal the places needing improvement and you do not like that. Rather than treating those occasions as opportunities to refine and improve your position(s), you get defensive and rancorous.
You are going to have to
prove the selective use of Romans 8:3, Hebrews 8:7-9, Jeremiah 18:4, and 2 Corinthians 4:7 is valid
and you are going to have to prove the specific compilation or intersection you are asserting with these four texts are valid
if you're going to prove your position correct. and only 7 posts into this "
debate" and you've got your panties all bunched up. Fix your panties and put on your big boy pants because the op shows the intellectual prowess of a seven-year-old and you are better than that. I expect your next post will be more of the same so this will probably be my last post in this thread. But, if you fix your attitude and answer the specific questions I have asked and address the specific comments I have made
op-relevantly, then I'll reconsider. I expect you post another defensive rancorous post, but I hope you won't.
- What do you think the author of Hebrews means when he says "first covenant"?
- Why have you chosen to couple Hebrews 8:7-9 with Romans 8:3 when the Romans verse makes no mention of any covenant?
- Why have you chosen to couple Hebrews 8:7-9 with Romans 8:3 when the Hebrews text makes no mention any flesh?
- Why have you chosen Jeremiah 18:4 as some sort of intersection between Romans 8:3 and Hebrews 8:7-9 when the Jeremiah verse makes no mention of flesh or covenant and the other two texts do not mention any vessel?
These are just a few of the many, many question anyone might. This op is a mess. It's a copy-and-paste hodgepodge of randomly selected verses, all of which were removed from their original contexts. The op leaves out critically important passages about the flesh, vessels, the covenant including the specific OT references from which Paul and the author of Hebrews were making their appeals.
What I just told you is new to you.
Nothing you ever post is new to me. It is because you think you have something new to post that you get yourself into trouble and prove incapable of having a courteous, focused, topical discussion.
I have much more to say about this. You're capable of having this discussion. Please continue.
if you do not have the tolerance to answer questions succinctly when asked, comment op-relevantly on valid points made, and receive affirmation where offered, correction where needed, and stay on topic throughout without getting defensive then do not expect others to treat your ops with respect. It will not matter what more you have to say. You will never prove to anyone you know something they do not until you're able to do so.
I'm going to give you the opportunity to IGNORE this post and start this discussion over. In the next post I will
again summarize the salient op-relevant points of comment and inquiry that have arisen thus far, and I hope you will answer the questions asked without getting defensive or posting a single word about either of us. I hope you will address the op-relevant points op-relevantly in the same manner.