The Truth is Not Nice

1 Cor 13- If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
The only thing that is truly nice is the truth.

Falsehood is never nice.

Try this nice one on for size.....

If you nice sweet grandma? Who did a lot of nice things for others...

If she felt she did not need Jesus to be saved?

She will be in the Lake of Fire.

The Truth is not always nice.
Try this nice one on for size.....

If you nice sweet grandma? Who did a lot of nice things for others...

If she felt she did not need Jesus to be saved?

She will be in the Lake of Fire.

That might be true but I believe in the wider hope. She would be judged on her works by the man whom God has appointed to be the judge, Jesus. I don’t believe the white throne judgement is nothing but a show trial. Even so, no one would want to find themselves there.

The Truth is not always nice.

The destruction of the incorrigibly wicked will be a nice thing for mankind.
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That might be true but I believe in the wider hope. She would be judged on her works by the man whom God has appointed to be the judge, Jesus. I don’t believe the white throne judgement is nothing but a show trial. Even so, no one would want to find themselves there.

The destruction of the incorrigibly wicked will be a nice thing for mankind.
The bad news is you don't have to be incorrigibly wicked to find yourself in the lake of fire. The only way to avoid the lake of fire is by believing in Jesus and having faith in him. There's also the doctrine of common Grace:

The doctrine of common grace encompasses the biblical teaching about the universal and undeserved goodness of God toward sinners. By common grace, God restrains sin, evil, misery, and wrath in this fallen world, while conferring general, nonredemptive blessings on all mankind. As distinguished from special (saving) grace, common grace is a necessary aspect of the continuance of life in this fallen world. It restrains evil and confers goodness on mankind as a whole, reflecting God’s attributes of goodness, mercy, and justice. God confers common grace on mankind to encourage sinners to repent and trust in Christ.

The bad news is you don't have to be incorrigibly wicked to find yourself in the lake of fire. The only way to avoid the lake of fire is by believing in Jesus and having faith in him. There's also the doctrine of common Grace:

The doctrine of common grace encompasses the biblical teaching about the universal and undeserved goodness of God toward sinners. By common grace, God restrains sin, evil, misery, and wrath in this fallen world, while conferring general, nonredemptive blessings on all mankind. As distinguished from special (saving) grace, common grace is a necessary aspect of the continuance of life in this fallen world. It restrains evil and confers goodness on mankind as a whole, reflecting God’s attributes of goodness, mercy, and justice. God confers common grace on mankind to encourage sinners to repent and trust in Christ.

What about the little old lady from Fiji? She died a thousand years before Jesus was born. Never knew a thing in the world about him. Will she be destroyed in the lake of fire over something which she had no control over?
What about the little old lady from Fiji? She died a thousand years before Jesus was born. Never knew a thing in the world about him. Will she be destroyed in the lake of fire over something which she had no control over?
How could God ever possibly send some person to hell who never even had the opportunity to hear of the Savior? Let's see what Paul has to say about it In the Book of Romans.

When Paul introduces the gospel, he begins in the first chapter by declaring that the wrath of God is revealed from heaven and this manifestation of God’s anger is directed against a human race that has become ungodly and unrighteous. So the reason for God’s anger is anger against evil. God’s not angry with innocent people; He’s angry with guilty people. The specific point for which they are charged with evil is in the rejection of God’s self-disclosure.

Paul explains that from the very first day of creation and through the creation, God has plainly manifested His eternal power and being and character to every human being on this planet. In other words, every human being knows that there is a God and that He is accountable to God. Yet every human being disobeys God and is without excuse.

God's Wrath against Sin

Romans 1:20-22​

…20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse. 21For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking and darkened in their foolish hearts. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools,…
How could God ever possibly send some person to hell who never even had the opportunity to hear of the Savior? Let's see what Paul has to say about it In the Book of Romans.

When Paul introduces the gospel, he begins in the first chapter by declaring that the wrath of God is revealed from heaven and this manifestation of God’s anger is directed against a human race that has become ungodly and unrighteous. So the reason for God’s anger is anger against evil. God’s not angry with innocent people; He’s angry with guilty people. The specific point for which they are charged with evil is in the rejection of God’s self-disclosure.

Paul explains that from the very first day of creation and through the creation, God has plainly manifested His eternal power and being and character to every human being on this planet. In other words, every human being knows that there is a God and that He is accountable to God. Yet every human being disobeys God and is without excuse.

God's Wrath against Sin

Romans 1:20-22​

…20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse. 21For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking and darkened in their foolish hearts. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools,…

Into the lake of fire she goes? Or will she experience the wideness of God’s mercy?
Into the lake of fire she goes? Or will she experience the wideness of God’s mercy?

Who will go to hell?​

We can choose to trust in Jesus’ payment for our sin, or we can choose to pay for our sins ourselves—but we must remember that the payment for our sin is eternity in hell.


Who will go to hell?​

We can choose to trust in Jesus’ payment for our sin, or we can choose to pay for our sins ourselves—but we must remember that the payment for our sin is eternity in hell.

The little old lady from Fiji, having no knowledge or awareness of Jesus, didn’t make a choice to trust him or not. Her place is in the second resurrection, where she will be judged by Jesus based on what she did in life.
The little old lady from Fiji, having no knowledge or awareness of Jesus, didn’t make a choice to trust him or not. Her place is in the second resurrection, where she will be judged by Jesus based on what she did in life.
That would be the “resurrection of damnation” Yes and It was impossible for her not to sin. Revelation 20:12-13 identifies those comprising the second resurrection as the wicked judged by God at the great white throne judgment prior to being cast into the lake of fire. The second resurrection, then, is the raising of all unbelievers; the second resurrection is connected to the second death. It corresponds with Jesus’ teaching of the “resurrection of damnation” (John 5:29).
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