The Strond Delusion & Heresy of an Israeli-Gentile Covenant


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The teaching and theology in Constantinian Gentile churches in the past and today is that through Christ Gentiles are now included in the three major salvation covenants made with Abraham, Moses, and the New Covenant prophecy of Jeremiah chapter 31 is so wrong and heretical on many levels that to even entertain such belief let alone write on it twists and inflicts a personal self-deception upon the mind it borders on insanity. This belief isn’t anchored in any of the covenants Yahweh made the Hebrew people through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as described in the Hebrew Scripture is reached through misunderstanding of statements made by the apostles Peter, James, John, Luke (Acts), and especially Saul. I will attempt to bring out that delusional state in the mind infecting Gentile Christians below.

To begin, the Scripture states unequivocally the Abrahamic Covenant is made between Yahweh, Abram the Hebrew, and his seed (descendants.) There are also two covenants God made with Abraham at two separate times.

12 And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him.
13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.
15 And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age.
16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.
17 And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces.
18 In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:
19 The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites,
20 And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims,
21 And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites. Ge 15:12–21.

This covenant is unconditional. There is no requirement of faith.

This covenant promises that Abraham’s seed:
a.) will be a “stranger in a land” not theirs.
b.) will be servants in that land and be afflicted for four hundred years.
c.) God will judge that nation that afflicts them.
d.) They will survive and come out from among them with great substance.
e.) Abraham will live a good old age, be buried in peace, and receive salvation of his life.
f.) God promises his seed land, lots of land.

God will perform all He’s promised to Abraham and to his seed.

The second of two covenants God makes with Abraham and his seed is described in Genesis 17.

7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. Genesis 17:7.

In this covenant God promises Abraham:
a.) He will multiply his seed (verse two.)
b.) Abraham would be a father (biologically) of many nations/children (verse four.)
c.) Change his name to Abraham (verse five.)
d.) Make him prosperous (verse six.)
e.) Nations/tribes and kings will “come out of thee”, be born from him (verse six.)
f.) God’s covenant will be “everlasting” (forever) (verse seven.)
g.) Give Abraham and his seed “all the land of Canaan for an everlasting/forever possession (verse eight.)
h.) God would be a God to Abraham’s seed (verse eight.)
i.) Circumcision (verse ten.)

There is no requirement of faith.

Here, we have a covenant between God and Abram the Hebrew (Genesis 14:13.). How do I know? Because the language says so. We have the parties involved: God the Promisor, and Abram the Promisee. Next, we have the word “covenant” showing intent. After this there are the prerequisite considerations or something of value that is exchanged between the parties. Then we have the agreement: For a covenant to exist there must be mutual agreement between the parties involved. Next, there must be legal purpose. This means the covenant must abide by the law and cannot contain any illegal activities or go against public policy. Last, there is the Performance of covenant which refers to each party's duty to fulfill their respective obligations under the covenant.

In the covenant later to be called the Abrahamic Covenant the Gentile church use Genesis 12:1-3 as evidence of covenant before the exchange of Genesis 15 and Genesis 17.

1 Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Genesis 12:1–3.

Comparing the two covenants of Genesis 15 and 17 with the passage in Genesis 12, there are key facts lacking in chapter 12 that could aptly describe it as “covenant.” There is no intent of covenant as the word is missing. What verse 1-3 is mostly is instruction/command for Abraham to do something, that is, to take his immediate family (Sarai), and get out and leave his father’s house and arrive at the land of Canaan (It should be noted that Abraham was a worshiper of God and knew God. Also, that Abraham disobeyed God and took with him his nephew, Lot, and his father, Terah.)

One of the teachings in the Gentile church is that Abraham was Gentile, and by teaching this give all credits to Gentiles as the real ethnicity of God’s covenants. But this is untrue. If one were to study the family line of the patriarchs one would see two groups of people on the earth: The seed of the woman, and the seed of the serpent. The seed of the woman would be a people that followed the God of Adam, and this family of people are identified as the “called upon the LORD “ (Gen. 4:26) which means worship and points to a people in positive relationship with God. This identifier began at the birth of Enos. This family line was preserved by God and used sovereignly to eventually bring into the world the Savior of God’s covenant people. These would simply be known as “sons of God. "The other group, the seed of the serpent remained together and did not scatter and “fill the earth” as God commanded. This was a people that lived as they chose, did as they pleased and did not obey God. This family line and seed of the serpent stayed in a group and in time due to the unequal yoke of the blessed offspring of Seth (sons of God) intermingling and marrying the daughters of men - do you see the contrast between God and man? It was this seed of the woman of which God declared the imaginations of [their] hearts were only evil continually, and God decided to destroy His creation from the face of the earth. But God had his people, the seed of the woman to preserve and it says that Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. After the flood, the seed of the woman continued in the person of Noah. The seed of the serpent was restored in Noah’s sons, Japheth, and Ham.

In Genesis 11:10 the seed of the woman picks up through Shem who had a son named Arphaxad and Arphaxad had a son named Selah whose name means “missile” or “spear.” A good indication he may have been the father of a weapon of warfare. Salah, for some reason departed from the rest of the group of Nimrod followers, through dispute or aggression and “crossed over” the Jordan and had a son, “Eber,” which means “crossed over” and itis reasonable to conclude that Salah commemorated his “crossing over” the Jordan to divide his family from the rest of the Adamites named his son Eber. Both man and woman were called "Adam" (Genesis 5:2.) They weren’t “human” race, not “Gentile” for the Gentile designation did not come into existence until God separated Abraham and his seed, the seed of the woman,” from the seed of the serpent and established covenant with Abraham and his seed and placed a middle wall partition between the Hebrews (descendants of Seth, Enoch, Shem, and Eber), and gave them circumcision as a token/sign of said covenant, a covenant that Gentiles were NOT included, hence the word Gentile is used to identify “non-Hebrew” or “non-covenant.”

Constantinian Gentiles also teach that Gentiles are part of the Abrahamic Covenant as they interpret the words in Genesis 17:4 “many nations” and Genesis 17:5 “father of many nations” and verse 6 “nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee” as proof that Gentiles are part of the covenant God made with Abraham and his seed. But this, too, is an error. Abraham had at least two sons: Ishmael and Isaac.” Scripture is clear in many places that Ishmael was the son of Abraham and a bondservant and Isaac the son of a free woman and the seed of promise (God gave to Sarah.) Isaac also had two sons, twins named Esau and Jacob. And Scripture is also clear the promise of covenant was made with Jacob, the seed of the woman and Esau the seed of the serpent. Ishmael had sons - twelve sons - and this family line along with Esau God blessed. It is through Ishmael and Esau (and other sons and daughters Abraham had that are not recorded in Scripture that he is the “father of many nations/non-covenant” and that “nations and kings” come “out of him” as recorded in Genesis 17 that were born from his loins but are “non-covenant.” They are Gentile but they are also non-covenant and seed of the serpent. If God declared in the Garden two groups of people: “seed of the woman” or (good seed), and “seed of the serpent” (bad seed) and we know Isaac, the seed of promise is good seed, then Ishmael would be “bad seed” by process of elimination. Let me be clear. Gentiles do not come from “out of Abraham.” Hebrews come out of Abraham. The descendants of “Eber” whose name the designation Hebrews derives.

Now, I know this is a long post so let me conclude. The Holy Scriptures declare unequivocally that God made covenant with Abram the Hebrew (Abraham) and his seed, and that his seed through Ishmael and grandson, Esau (and other children he had) are the “nations and kings” that “come out of him” and that he is the biological “father of” these nations and kings. Scripture is also clear that there is a seed of the serpent that are non-Hebrew that Scripture also identifies as “Gentile(s).” Gentiles (non-Hebrew) do not “come of of thee” (Abraham) and thus are not his offspring and there are no “non-Hebrews” (Gentiles) in the Abrahamic Covenant, a covenant that God gave sign through circumcision is and has been closed. This covenant has been signed, sealed, and delivered in part today to the children of Israel and will be completely delivered when Messiah returns to sit on His throne.

Gentiles are not included in this covenant. But the best Gentiles can claim is they enjoy the blessings of Abraham through the One seed in which all prophecies and covenants are fulfilled, and that is through Christ Jesus, Israel’s promised and fulfilled Messiah, Redeemer, Deliverer, and King. When a Gentile is born again, they are joined to Christ NOT any covenant of the Hebrews. The teaching in the Gentile church is delusional at least, and heretical at most. On a personal note: I have been raised to understand I am not Hebrew/Jewish; therefore, I am Gentile (non-Hebrew.) These conclusions are the Word of God and as a Gentile Christian must receive them as presented in Scripture. As Gentile I am very grateful to God to have His only begotten Son revealed in me and I am eternally grateful to God I am saved, born-again, and in communion with Christ. I do not make attempts to ‘elbow’ my way into their covenants, nor do I commit theft of their covenants and their inheritance. I am happy for the Hebrews/Jews. It is through them that salvation has come to me. And knowing my place as Gentile in the plan of God has brought a clearer, deeper understanding of God and this “so-great salvation.”
Thank you, Jesus.
The teaching and theology in Constantinian Gentile churches in the past and today is that through Christ Gentiles are now included in the three major salvation covenants made with Abraham, Moses, and the New Covenant prophecy of Jeremiah chapter 31 is so wrong and heretical on many levels that to even entertain such belief let alone write on it twists and inflicts a personal self-deception upon the mind it borders on insanity. This belief isn’t anchored in any of the covenants Yahweh made the Hebrew people through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as described in the Hebrew Scripture is reached through misunderstanding of statements made by the apostles Peter, James, John, Luke (Acts), and especially Saul. I will attempt to bring out that delusional state in the mind infecting Gentile Christians below.

To begin, the Scripture states unequivocally the Abrahamic Covenant is made between Yahweh, Abram the Hebrew, and his seed (descendants.) There are also two covenants God made with Abraham at two separate times.

12 And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him.
13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.
15 And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age.
16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.
17 And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces.
18 In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:
19 The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites,
20 And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims,
21 And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites. Ge 15:12–21.

This covenant is unconditional. There is no requirement of faith.

This covenant promises that Abraham’s seed:
a.) will be a “stranger in a land” not theirs.
b.) will be servants in that land and be afflicted for four hundred years.
c.) God will judge that nation that afflicts them.
d.) They will survive and come out from among them with great substance.
e.) Abraham will live a good old age, be buried in peace, and receive salvation of his life.
f.) God promises his seed land, lots of land.

God will perform all He’s promised to Abraham and to his seed.

The second of two covenants God makes with Abraham and his seed is described in Genesis 17.

7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. Genesis 17:7.

In this covenant God promises Abraham:
a.) He will multiply his seed (verse two.)
b.) Abraham would be a father (biologically) of many nations/children (verse four.)
c.) Change his name to Abraham (verse five.)
d.) Make him prosperous (verse six.)
e.) Nations/tribes and kings will “come out of thee”, be born from him (verse six.)
f.) God’s covenant will be “everlasting” (forever) (verse seven.)
g.) Give Abraham and his seed “all the land of Canaan for an everlasting/forever possession (verse eight.)
h.) God would be a God to Abraham’s seed (verse eight.)
i.) Circumcision (verse ten.)

There is no requirement of faith.

Here, we have a covenant between God and Abram the Hebrew (Genesis 14:13.). How do I know? Because the language says so. We have the parties involved: God the Promisor, and Abram the Promisee. Next, we have the word “covenant” showing intent. After this there are the prerequisite considerations or something of value that is exchanged between the parties. Then we have the agreement: For a covenant to exist there must be mutual agreement between the parties involved. Next, there must be legal purpose. This means the covenant must abide by the law and cannot contain any illegal activities or go against public policy. Last, there is the Performance of covenant which refers to each party's duty to fulfill their respective obligations under the covenant.

In the covenant later to be called the Abrahamic Covenant the Gentile church use Genesis 12:1-3 as evidence of covenant before the exchange of Genesis 15 and Genesis 17.

1 Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Genesis 12:1–3.

Comparing the two covenants of Genesis 15 and 17 with the passage in Genesis 12, there are key facts lacking in chapter 12 that could aptly describe it as “covenant.” There is no intent of covenant as the word is missing. What verse 1-3 is mostly is instruction/command for Abraham to do something, that is, to take his immediate family (Sarai), and get out and leave his father’s house and arrive at the land of Canaan (It should be noted that Abraham was a worshiper of God and knew God. Also, that Abraham disobeyed God and took with him his nephew, Lot, and his father, Terah.)

One of the teachings in the Gentile church is that Abraham was Gentile, and by teaching this give all credits to Gentiles as the real ethnicity of God’s covenants. But this is untrue. If one were to study the family line of the patriarchs one would see two groups of people on the earth: The seed of the woman, and the seed of the serpent. The seed of the woman would be a people that followed the God of Adam, and this family of people are identified as the “called upon the LORD “ (Gen. 4:26) which means worship and points to a people in positive relationship with God. This identifier began at the birth of Enos. This family line was preserved by God and used sovereignly to eventually bring into the world the Savior of God’s covenant people. These would simply be known as “sons of God. "The other group, the seed of the serpent remained together and did not scatter and “fill the earth” as God commanded. This was a people that lived as they chose, did as they pleased and did not obey God. This family line and seed of the serpent stayed in a group and in time due to the unequal yoke of the blessed offspring of Seth (sons of God) intermingling and marrying the daughters of men - do you see the contrast between God and man? It was this seed of the woman of which God declared the imaginations of [their] hearts were only evil continually, and God decided to destroy His creation from the face of the earth. But God had his people, the seed of the woman to preserve and it says that Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. After the flood, the seed of the woman continued in the person of Noah. The seed of the serpent was restored in Noah’s sons, Japheth, and Ham.

In Genesis 11:10 the seed of the woman picks up through Shem who had a son named Arphaxad and Arphaxad had a son named Selah whose name means “missile” or “spear.” A good indication he may have been the father of a weapon of warfare. Salah, for some reason departed from the rest of the group of Nimrod followers, through dispute or aggression and “crossed over” the Jordan and had a son, “Eber,” which means “crossed over” and itis reasonable to conclude that Salah commemorated his “crossing over” the Jordan to divide his family from the rest of the Adamites named his son Eber. Both man and woman were called "Adam" (Genesis 5:2.) They weren’t “human” race, not “Gentile” for the Gentile designation did not come into existence until God separated Abraham and his seed, the seed of the woman,” from the seed of the serpent and established covenant with Abraham and his seed and placed a middle wall partition between the Hebrews (descendants of Seth, Enoch, Shem, and Eber), and gave them circumcision as a token/sign of said covenant, a covenant that Gentiles were NOT included, hence the word Gentile is used to identify “non-Hebrew” or “non-covenant.”

Constantinian Gentiles also teach that Gentiles are part of the Abrahamic Covenant as they interpret the words in Genesis 17:4 “many nations” and Genesis 17:5 “father of many nations” and verse 6 “nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee” as proof that Gentiles are part of the covenant God made with Abraham and his seed. But this, too, is an error. Abraham had at least two sons: Ishmael and Isaac.” Scripture is clear in many places that Ishmael was the son of Abraham and a bondservant and Isaac the son of a free woman and the seed of promise (God gave to Sarah.) Isaac also had two sons, twins named Esau and Jacob. And Scripture is also clear the promise of covenant was made with Jacob, the seed of the woman and Esau the seed of the serpent. Ishmael had sons - twelve sons - and this family line along with Esau God blessed. It is through Ishmael and Esau (and other sons and daughters Abraham had that are not recorded in Scripture that he is the “father of many nations/non-covenant” and that “nations and kings” come “out of him” as recorded in Genesis 17 that were born from his loins but are “non-covenant.” They are Gentile but they are also non-covenant and seed of the serpent. If God declared in the Garden two groups of people: “seed of the woman” or (good seed), and “seed of the serpent” (bad seed) and we know Isaac, the seed of promise is good seed, then Ishmael would be “bad seed” by process of elimination. Let me be clear. Gentiles do not come from “out of Abraham.” Hebrews come out of Abraham. The descendants of “Eber” whose name the designation Hebrews derives.

Now, I know this is a long post so let me conclude. The Holy Scriptures declare unequivocally that God made covenant with Abram the Hebrew (Abraham) and his seed, and that his seed through Ishmael and grandson, Esau (and other children he had) are the “nations and kings” that “come out of him” and that he is the biological “father of” these nations and kings. Scripture is also clear that there is a seed of the serpent that are non-Hebrew that Scripture also identifies as “Gentile(s).” Gentiles (non-Hebrew) do not “come of of thee” (Abraham) and thus are not his offspring and there are no “non-Hebrews” (Gentiles) in the Abrahamic Covenant, a covenant that God gave sign through circumcision is and has been closed. This covenant has been signed, sealed, and delivered in part today to the children of Israel and will be completely delivered when Messiah returns to sit on His throne.

Gentiles are not included in this covenant. But the best Gentiles can claim is they enjoy the blessings of Abraham through the One seed in which all prophecies and covenants are fulfilled, and that is through Christ Jesus, Israel’s promised and fulfilled Messiah, Redeemer, Deliverer, and King. When a Gentile is born again, they are joined to Christ NOT any covenant of the Hebrews. The teaching in the Gentile church is delusional at least, and heretical at most. On a personal note: I have been raised to understand I am not Hebrew/Jewish; therefore, I am Gentile (non-Hebrew.) These conclusions are the Word of God and as a Gentile Christian must receive them as presented in Scripture. As Gentile I am very grateful to God to have His only begotten Son revealed in me and I am eternally grateful to God I am saved, born-again, and in communion with Christ. I do not make attempts to ‘elbow’ my way into their covenants, nor do I commit theft of their covenants and their inheritance. I am happy for the Hebrews/Jews. It is through them that salvation has come to me. And knowing my place as Gentile in the plan of God has brought a clearer, deeper understanding of God and this “so-great salvation.”
Thank you, Jesus.
You keep ignoring or forgetting the New Covenant that Jesus established at his Last Supper. See Luke 22:19-20. Tell us how many Synagogues practice that Covenant. Tell us how you would classify that covenant as a "theft of their covenants" when Jews never adopted it in the first place.

19 And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave to them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.
20 And the cup in like manner after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood, even that which is poured out for you.
You keep ignoring or forgetting the New Covenant that Jesus established at his Last Supper. See Luke 22:19-20. Tell us how many Synagogues practice that Covenant. Tell us how you would classify that covenant as a "theft of their covenants" when Jews never adopted it in the first place.

19 And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave to them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.
20 And the cup in like manner after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood, even that which is poured out for you.
17 And when we were come to Jerusalem, the brethren received us gladly.
18 And the day following Paul went in with us unto James; and all the elders were present.
19 And when he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry. 20 And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law:
Acts 21:17–20.

The Church Christ promised to build was populated by thousands of Jews who became born-again and saved. They continued to practice the Torah as Jewish Christians and as Christ-followers so why don't you follow the Law as Christ follower? That's what Biblical Christianity is. Christ TAUGHT His followers to obey Moses, so why don't you? Are you a Christ follower or are you something else? Biblical Christianity of the Lord Jesus Christ is obedience to Christ who was obedient to the Torah. Christianity of the Scripture is only Completed Judaism.

And for your information if you had learned true Biblical Christianity, you would know Jesus at the last supper implemented the New Covenant. The New Covenant was ESTABLISHED by the Holy Spirit of Promise when He arrived (Acts 2.) I suggest you get your Constantinian Gentile doctrine in line with true, Biblical Christianity because what you teach and believe is not true CHRISTianity.
It is another 'gospel.'
It's called CHURCHianity.
It definitely is not the teaching of the Way.
17 And when we were come to Jerusalem, the brethren received us gladly.
18 And the day following Paul went in with us unto James; and all the elders were present.
19 And when he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry. 20 And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law:
Acts 21:17–20.

The Church Christ promised to build was populated by thousands of Jews who became born-again and saved. They continued to practice the Torah as Jewish Christians and as Christ-followers so why don't you follow the Law as Christ follower? That's what Biblical Christianity is. Christ TAUGHT His followers to obey Moses, so why don't you? Are you a Christ follower or are you something else? Biblical Christianity of the Lord Jesus Christ is obedience to Christ who was obedient to the Torah. Christianity of the Scripture is only Completed Judaism.

And for your information if you had learned true Biblical Christianity, you would know Jesus at the last supper implemented the New Covenant. The New Covenant was ESTABLISHED by the Holy Spirit of Promise when He arrived (Acts 2.) I suggest you get your Constantinian Gentile doctrine in line with true, Biblical Christianity because what you teach and believe is not true CHRISTianity.
It is another 'gospel.'
It's called CHURCHianity.
It definitely is not the teaching of the Way.
You continue to display your ignorance of God's Covenants by siding with your beloved Synagogues who abhor the Lords Supper by deliberately not practice it. You ran away from answering my question as to how could you classify that covenant as a "theft of their covenants" when Jews never adopted it in the first place?
You continue to display your ignorance of God's Covenants by siding with your beloved Synagogues who abhor the Lords Supper by deliberately not practice it. You ran away from answering my question as to how could you classify that covenant as a "theft of their covenants" when Jews never adopted it in the first place?
There are thousands upon thousands of Jews whose eyes have not been blinded by God - a remnant, if you will - that practice true Biblical Christianity out in the world.
What Gentiles practice is NOT Biblical nor is it Christianity.
There are thousands upon thousands of Jews whose eyes have not been blinded by God - a remnant, if you will - that practice true Biblical Christianity out in the world.
What Gentiles practice is NOT Biblical nor is it Christianity.
Explain your statement that I highlighted. Your statements are not automatically true just because you say so.
Explain your statement that I highlighted. Your statements are not automatically true just because you say so.
I've been explaining Gentile heresy towards God, His Torah, and His Christ for some time now, but Gentiles will not listen. Hard hearts. Blindness. Hard of hearing. It's all been prophesied.
It does not end well for Gentiles that's for sure.
I've been explaining Gentile heresy towards God, His Torah, and His Christ for some time now, but Gentiles will not listen. Hard hearts. Blindness. Hard of hearing. It's all been prophesied.
It does not end well for Gentiles that's for sure.
Nobody here is against God's Commandments. That's a strawman you purposely brew up so that you can justify and revel in your euphoric thoughts of ethnic cleansing.
I've had my share of strong delusions and I've left them at the Wayside. Just give Me Jesus and him crucified, then I'm good to go.

We need to watch out for ourselves because the tempter will make his first and sharpest assault on us. If you want to war against him, he will not spare you. He bears the greatest malice against the man who is engaged in working the greatest damage against him. But God tells us not to worry.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

We need to put on the whole armor of God and abide in Jesus. But know this, in his temptation of Adam and Eve, Satan also reveals the way he thinks. He already considers himself a god—essentially a rival gang leader who’s amassing his own guerilla army to overthrow what amounts to a rival of equal standing. In John’s fantastical vision of the cataclysmic events that preceded the fall, in the book of Revelation, we learn that Lucifer succeeded in convincing one-third of all heaven’s angels to join him in his insurrection. Not a bad ratio if your goal is to turn God’s beloved against Him.

We have to understand that he's a defeated foe. Jesus crushed his head by sacrificing himself on the cross.

Do not be deceived is a phrase that appears in the Bible, in the context of warning Christians not to be misled by false teachings or sinful lifestyles. The phrase is followed by a list of sins that will exclude people from inheriting the kingdom of God, such as sexual immorality, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, theft, greed, drunkenness, reviling, and swindling. The phrase implies that Christians should be vigilant and discerning in their faith and conduct.

Be led by the holy spirit and you will not be a victim of strong delusion.
Because what you affirm is garbage.
This is what Jesus said:

15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. Jn 14:15.

His commandments are the Torah. He didn't come to teach any other lessons but the Torah to His people.

Is what Jesus commanded garbage?

And if not then why don't you love Him enough to obey His commands to obey His Torah?
Nobody here is against God's Commandments. That's a strawman you purposely brew up so that you can justify and revel in your euphoric thoughts of ethnic cleansing.
I haven't read anyone here who says God's Torah still exists and agree that Jesus commanded obedience to God's Torah.
But I have read Gentiles say God's ETERNAL Torah is "obsolete" or "ended" or "abolished."
Imagine that. God says His Word is eternal and Gentiles say it's obsolete.
But that's one of the sinful heresies of the Gentile church.
Attack the person when you cannot withstand the Word of God in Him.

It does not end well for Gentiles.
Obey God's Torah and live, disobey and die.
You don't have problem with me, you have problem with God.
I am vehemently disagreeing with your ethnic cleansing agenda. Since you've been exposed as having that euphoric passion then of course you will seek shelter any way you can.
I haven't read anyone here who says God's Torah still exists and agree that Jesus commanded obedience to God's Torah.
But I have read Gentiles say God's ETERNAL Torah is "obsolete" or "ended" or "abolished."
Imagine that. God says His Word is eternal and Gentiles say it's obsolete.
But that's one of the sinful heresies of the Gentile church.
We say that God's Law is fulfilled in Christ, not "obsolete" nor "ended" nor "abolished." Start listening to what the Bible actually says about God's Commandments.
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