The omnipotence and omniscience of Jesus


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The Watchtower: Whenever we ask Jehovah God, as did David, to examine our “kidneys” we mean for him to make a most searching examination, one that takes in the deepest emotions, thoughts, feelings. Being omniscient and omnipotent, Jehovah God has no difficulty at all in making such an examination. (The Kidneys—Why Used Symbolically, April 1, 1965, page 219)

Because Jehovah God is omniscient and omnipotent He is able to fully understand our (1) deepest emotions, (2) thoughts, and (3) feelings.
Since the Lord Jesus can do the same thing demonstrates He is omniscient and omnipotent (= God).

The Watchtower: Christ Jesus, to whom judgment is committed, also looks where Jehovah looks: “I am he who searches the kidneys [“deepest emotions,” Ref. Bi., footnote] and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (Revelation 2:23) (Determined to Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart, June 1, 1986, page 17)

Insight on the Scriptures: He was able to see into men’s hearts, discern their thinking, reasoning, and motives. (Mt 9:4; Mr 2:6-8; Joh 2:23-25) (Jesus Christ, Volume 2, page 71)

The Watchtower: THE literal kidneys represent a region of the body lower than the fleshly heart. According to one of the definitions, the kidneys are the seat of human feelings, affections and passions. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary links the kidneys with the person’s “temperament.” At Revelation 2:23 the resurrected, glorified Jesus Christ says: "I am he who searches the kidneys and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (The “Kidneys” and the “Heart” in the Scriptures, September 1, 1984, page 19)
The Watchtower: Whenever we ask Jehovah God, as did David, to examine our “kidneys” we mean for him to make a most searching examination, one that takes in the deepest emotions, thoughts, feelings. Being omniscient and omnipotent, Jehovah God has no difficulty at all in making such an examination. (The Kidneys—Why Used Symbolically, April 1, 1965, page 219)

Because Jehovah God is omniscient and omnipotent He is able to fully understand our (1) deepest emotions, (2) thoughts, and (3) feelings.
Since the Lord Jesus can do the same thing demonstrates He is omniscient and omnipotent (= God).

The Watchtower: Christ Jesus, to whom judgment is committed, also looks where Jehovah looks: “I am he who searches the kidneys [“deepest emotions,” Ref. Bi., footnote] and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (Revelation 2:23) (Determined to Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart, June 1, 1986, page 17)

Insight on the Scriptures: He was able to see into men’s hearts, discern their thinking, reasoning, and motives. (Mt 9:4; Mr 2:6-8; Joh 2:23-25) (Jesus Christ, Volume 2, page 71)

The Watchtower: THE literal kidneys represent a region of the body lower than the fleshly heart. According to one of the definitions, the kidneys are the seat of human feelings, affections and passions. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary links the kidneys with the person’s “temperament.” At Revelation 2:23 the resurrected, glorified Jesus Christ says: "I am he who searches the kidneys and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (The “Kidneys” and the “Heart” in the Scriptures, September 1, 1984, page 19)
If God is able to do this because he is omniscient and omnipotent, then Jesus’s ability to do this must mean that he too is omniscient and omnipotent.

Since omniscience and omnipresence are only possible if you are God, the Jesus is necessarily God.

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