The Lack of Empathy in Calvinism


Well-known member
Do you know how a human being understands empathy? It comes from knowing ourselves.

It is why I often challenge Calvinists on the emptiness they showing in claiming to be sinners just like all of humanity or claim Grace for themselves while denying it to others.

If you know yourself and claim to be a sinner like everyone else, the by all means act like it and show empathy toward your sinful companions.

Calvinist can't see themselves in others. After all .. God has chosen them.....
There cannot be any empathy if one believes in the Calvinists predestination doctrine especially double predestination as taught by Calvin and his followers. If you believe in that God then empathy cannot exist- it would be an oxymoron.

Here is the thing whatever and whoever one believes their god to be they will inevitably act it out in their life in how they treat others. Think of the militant Muslims as an example with all the hate with non muslims, sound familiar ? Look at how Calvin treated his opponents with persecution, hatred that led to killing them of driving them out of the country. It’s the exact opposite of what Jesus who is God taught His disciples/ followers to be.

Most people do not what to come face to face with what their religious beliefs are really teaching. And the Bible says we are to be imitators of God/Christ.
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There cannot be any empathy if one believes in the Calvinists predestination doctrine especially double predestination as taught by Calvin and his followers. If you believe in that God then empathy cannot exist- it would be an oxymoron.

Here is the thing whatever and whoever one believes their god to be they will inevitably act it out in their life in how they treat others. Think of the militant Muslims as an example with all the hate with non muslims, sound familiar ? Look at how Calvin treated his opponents with persecution, hatred that led to killing then of driving them out of the country. It’s the exact opposite of what Jesus who is God taught His disciples/ followers to be.

Absolutely. This is all of humanity expressing their "divinity" in what they create themselves.
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