I would like to end my analysis of the video kindly provided by
@synergy with a reflection of how the video starts.
The author honestly recognizes in
0:10 that: "
The Trinity is unarguably one of the most difficult concepts to understand, let alone explain". Certainly it is. Fortunately, Jesus does not require from anyone to be able to understand or explain it in order to consider that person his follower.
Recognizing that the Trinity is one of the most difficult concepts to explain does not stop our brother Qureshi from giving it a try, though.
He says in
5:00 that
"God is One in Being, but Three in Person". What is the difference between "being" and "person"? Well, he proceeds to explain it: "Being" refers to what somebody is, and "person" to who somebody is. So, what am I? A human being. Who am I? Pancho Frijoles, a 57 year-old male, Mexican, married, etc. So, being refers to the "essence" while person to the specific atributes of a particular mind and life.
Is Qureshi telling us that "God" is a category in which three persons (three minds, three lives, three wills) can fit ? A category defined by a divine essence?
If billions of human beings all share the same human essence, does this make us all one being? Well, that is true metaphorically (and very Baha'i, for that matter).... but literally, we know we are a family, a group, a species, who encompasses billions of different minds, wills, lives, choices.
If God for Trinitarians a family, class, species or institution of three persons? In that case, God would not be very different to the Greek Pantheon.
Greeks could also have explained that all their numerous gods shared the same essence (all were divine), so all of them were one Being, God.
Then Qureshi try to explain us that, when Jesus says "
The Father is Greater than me", the difference between Jesus and the Father is a difference of roles. Jesus had a role, that implied to live as a human, while the Father had a role, that implied to live as... well... God ! (not too hard to guess).
He goes on giving an example to illustrate his point: Obama and him. Obama is greater than him as President, but not greater than him as human being. It is a difference in role, but not in nature. By the same token, the Father is greater than Jesus in role, but not in essence.
What Qureshi is missing, is that the role of Obama did not come from his essence as human being. Presidential powers were not inherent in Obama's genes or mind. Since those powers were not inherent, Obama had to play a role, assigned by the Constitution and voters. Before Obama was president, he had no rule over Qureshi... and once Obama has come out of office, he cannot rule any more over Qureshi.
In contrast,
The Father does not play a role of God. He is God. Nobody assigned him that role, nor gave him his powers. They are inherent to his condition as God. That's why, although Jesus has finished his mission and has been exalted, he still refers to his Father in the Book of Revelation as "
my God". Jesus never claimed to have inherent powers.