I see several OT references where God came and guided the Israelites during the day on a pillar of cloud, on their way to the promised land.Thank you, Synergy, for this good video. I am reviewing it and will provide my comments.
On 12:13, Nabeel Qureshi makes an unsupported statement: that "the Bible says repeatedly that only one comes in the clouds of heaven, and that is Yahweh". I have looked for that in the Old Testament, and found not a single instance of such statement.
We are not Muslims to think that the Cross was not necessary for Christ to gain authority over Hades for our salvation.On 12:43, Qureshi is reading from Daniel that the Son of Man receives authority, glory and sovereign power when presented before the Ancient of Days. Qureshi does not pause to ask himself or the audience: If the Son of Man is God, why would he need to be given such authority, glory and sovereign power? If God by definition is All Glorious, All Powerful, why would He need to receive those attributes, and Who would bestow them to God?
Whether he piggybacks or not, "latreuo" is worship.On 13:45, Quresih tries to persuade us that the fact that all nations "serve/worship" the Son of Man is indicative of its deity. He calls our attention to the word "Pelach" which can mean not only "worship" but "serve" and "pay reverence". He admits that Daniel is the only Book of the OT that has portions written in Aramaic, but then... what happens? he piggybacks on the Greek word latreuo (based on the Septuagint) to state that it is used 130 times across the Bible and that it is used exclusively in reference to service to God.
Actually, it's the Septuagint that becomes our problem because that was that OT that received the Apostle's stamp of approval since they overwhelmingly quoted from it and not from any other OT (Hebrew, Masoretic, nor Aramaic).Well, if translators of the Septuagint chose "latreuo" over other possible terms like proskuneo, that was their choice and problem. Querish piggybacking is, therefore, in conflict with his own assessment of the uniqueness of the use of Aramaic in the OT, and the other meanings of "pelach".
That's Paganism. We have evolved past that paganistic thinking.Qureshi is also missing the fact on how kings honored somebody (please remember how the king honors Mardocei in the Book of Esther). He is missing the fact that emperors were assigned a political form of "divinity" based on the fact that they could rule over multiple nations, languages and religions (remember Alexander the Great and the Persian emperors).
Have you wondered why emperors were often considered gods? Were their subjects so silly to think that a god would need to sleep and defecate? Were they so silly to think that a god could get sick, need doctors and die as any mortal?
Of course not. What they believed is that the only explanation of the incredible power of these emperors, which extended beyond the borders of each national god, is that the gods had shared with this emperor their divinity. They thought they should be sort of demi-gods.
That's their problem. Too bad for them.On 14:45, Qureshi explains that while many people think that "Son of God" is the title assigned to the divine part of Jesus while "Son of Man" is the title given to the human part, from the Jewish perspective is backwards. He says "Son of God" is a title given to prominent humans, such as Solomon. Quershi is right on that. What he is not right about is to think that then "Son of Man" is a title for God. Never ever Jewish rabbis or scholars thought that the "Son of Man" of Daniel 7:14 was God. The Messiah has never been expected to be God.
Are you seriously saying that it's David who will sit at the right hand of God's Throne? Seriously? What about all the verses that say that it was Christ and only Christ who sits at the right hand of God?In 15:50, Qureshi resorts to Psalm 110:1 to say that, in the Semitic context, sitting at the right of God means that God is telling Jesus "Rule the universe with me".
However, that's absolutely not the context of Psalm 110:1, nor the Semitic context whatsoever. God is promising David that God will crush David's enemies. God will be the protector of David, the source of David's power. So, the Messiah, as seed of David, would also receive from God such power and protection. No hint that David was going to become God, and no hint that his seed would become God.
In fact, Qureshi says that God is trying to say in Psalm 110:1 "You'll be my heir". How is that Qureshi misses the fact that God does not need to inherit anything, because He already possesses everything? If Jesus is a heir of God, by definition He is not the original owner, the source of wealth. He is not God.
Huh? Didn't we just witness Psalms 110:1 where God is called Lord? Sorry, you can't have it both ways.In the end of the video, Qureshi draws our attention to Philippians 2:5-11.
Again, I don't understand why he misses altogether that Paul is clearly distinguishing between God and Jesus. God is one thing, Jesus is another thing.
- Verse 6. Christ Jesus is said being "in the form of God". In other letter it is said to be "the visible image of the invisible God". All these are ways to say that Jesus is a Manifestation of God, not God. Why doesn't Paul say without hesitation that Christ Jesus is God? Well, because Paul treats God as a different being. Let's see:
- Verse 9. God exalted Jesus. Who exalted Jesus? God. Who is God, then?
- Verse 10 and 11. Every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is... is... what? God? No. Lord. Lord? Why not God? Well, because God is another being, identified in unequivocal terms at the end of the verse: "God the Father".
- Verse 11, further reflection. What for should everyone bow to Jesus? The answer at the end of the verse is: "To the Glory of God the Father". If Jesus were God, the purpose of worshiping him would not be to please or give glory to another Person. Worshiping God is a purpose in itself. That's why it is the First Commandment.
If all three Persons of the Holy Trinity have deified wills (and they do) then there can exist one and only one divine will. It is impossible for deified Persons to have conflicting wills as we incorrigible humans display each and every second of our lives.BEING VS PERSON
Recognizing that the Trinity is one of the most difficult concepts to explain does not stop our brother Qureshi from giving it a try, though.
He says in 5:00 that "God is One in Being, but Three in Person". What is the difference between "being" and "person"? Well, he proceeds to explain it: "Being" refers to what somebody is, and "person" to who somebody is. So, what am I? A human being. Who am I? Pancho Frijoles, a 57 year-old male, Mexican, married, etc. So, being refers to the "essence" while person to the specific atributes of a particular mind and life.
Is Qureshi telling us that "God" is a category in which three persons (three minds, three lives, three wills) can fit ? A category defined by a divine essence?
If billions of human beings all share the same human essence, does this make us all one being? Well, that is true metaphorically (and very Baha'i, for that matter).... but literally, we know we are a family, a group, a species, who encompasses billions of different minds, wills, lives, choices.
You mixed up Nabeel's explanation. It's the Personhood role of the Father that is different than the Personhood role of the Son. The role is tied to Personhood. By Essence, the Father and Son are equals.If God for Trinitarians a family, class, species or institution of three persons? In that case, God would not be very different to the Greek Pantheon. Greeks could also have explained that all their numerous gods shared the same essence (all were divine), so all of them were one Being, God.
Then Qureshi try to explain us that, when Jesus says "The Father is Greater than me", the difference between Jesus and the Father is a difference of roles. Jesus had a role, that implied to live as a human, while the Father had a role, that implied to live as... well... God ! (not too hard to guess).
He goes on giving an example to illustrate his point: Obama and him. Obama is greater than him as President, but not greater than him as human being. It is a difference in role, but not in nature. By the same token, the Father is greater than Jesus in role, but not in essence.
What Qureshi is missing, is that the role of Obama did not come from his essence as human being. Presidential powers were not inherent in Obama's genes or mind. Since those powers were not inherent, Obama had to play a role, assigned by the Constitution and voters. Before Obama was president, he had no rule over Qureshi... and once Obama has come out of office, he cannot rule any more over Qureshi.
In contrast, The Father does not play a role of God. He is God. Nobody assigned him that role, nor gave him his powers. They are inherent to his condition as God. That's why, although Jesus has finished his mission and has been exalted, he still refers to his Father in the Book of Revelation as "my God". Jesus never claimed to have inherent powers.
If there is God the Father then who is God the Son? You can't have a Father without a Son, now can you?Dear Fred, @synergy and @civic:
Revelation 1:6, which precedes Revelation 1:7 and 1:13, shows in unequivocal terms that that the exalted Jesus has a God, his God, so can't be God.
To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
There is no single instance in the whole Bible in which the Father is declared to have a God, or to have Jesus as his God.
In contrast, there are 10 instances in which Christ is said to have a God, and in 8 of them such God is called explicitly by one name: The Father.
We are saying the same thing to you.The evidence is overwhelming. What is the Bible teaching us?
Christ worships Our Father, while Our Father worships no one.
Please reflect on this.
I'm not making a call to any of you to reject any of the beliefs you hold. Just to open your heart to your brothers who think differently. They are not fools. They are not deliberately blind. They are not perverse. They are interested in loving Jesus and following Him just as you.
Those titles take nothing away from the fact that Christ declared Himself the "I Am" OT God who existed before Abraham was alive. This is a massive stumbling block for all Arian faiths.That is why Christ is also presented in the Bible as a heir, and as a Prince or a Conqueror. Remember that Paul says that Christ brings captives along, and delivers the Kingdom to God, so that God can be everything to everyone.