The Abrahamic Covenant


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The Abrahamic Covenant is a significant aspect of the Bible, delineating God's promises to Abraham and his descendants. Below, I have itemized the key elements of this covenant as found in Genesis 12, 15, 17, and other relevant passages.

Genesis 12:1-3

  1. Call to Leave: God commands Abram (Abraham) to leave his country, people, and father's household.
  2. Promise of a Great Nation: God promises to make Abram into a great nation.
  3. Blessing: God promises to bless Abram.
  4. Great Name: God promises to make Abram's name great.
  5. Blessing to Others: Abram will be a blessing.
  6. Blessing and Curse: God will bless those who bless Abram and curse those who curse him.
  7. Blessing to All Peoples: All peoples on earth will be blessed through Abram.

Genesis 15

  1. Descendants as Numerous as the Stars: God promises Abram that his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky (Genesis 15:5).
  2. Land Promise: God promises to give Abram's descendants the land from the river of Egypt to the Euphrates (Genesis 15:18-21).
  3. Covenant Ceremony: A formal covenant ceremony involving a sacrifice is conducted, symbolizing God's commitment to the promises (Genesis 15:9-17).

Genesis 17

  1. Everlasting Covenant: The covenant is described as everlasting (Genesis 17:7).
  2. Name Change: Abram's name is changed to Abraham, meaning "father of many nations" [nations referring to his descendants] (Genesis 17:5).
  3. Multitude of Nations: God promises that Abraham will be the father of many nations through Ishmael, Esau, and Jacob (Genesis 17:4).
  4. Kings from Descendants: Kings will come from Abraham’s descendants (Genesis 17:6).
  5. Land of Canaan: God reiterates the promise of the land of Canaan to Abraham and his descendants as an everlasting possession (Genesis 17:8).
  6. Covenant of Circumcision: Circumcision is established as the sign of the covenant (Genesis 17:10-14).
  7. Promise to Sarah: God promises that Abraham's wife Sarah will bear a son, Isaac, through whom the covenant will continue (Genesis 17:16, 19).

Genesis 22:15-18 (The Binding of Isaac)

  1. Oath of Blessing: After Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac, God swears by Himself to bless Abraham.
  2. Multiplication of Descendants: God reiterates that Abraham's descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore (Genesis 22:17).
  3. Victory Over Enemies: Abraham's descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies the non-Hebrew Gentiles (Genesis 22:17).
  4. Blessing to Nations: All nations on earth will be blessed through Abraham's offspring (Genesis 22:18).
  • Genesis 13:14-17: God promises Abraham the land of Canaan and innumerable descendants.
  • Genesis 26:2-5: God reaffirms the covenant with Isaac, Abraham's son.
  • Genesis 28:13-15: God reaffirms the covenant with Jacob, Abraham's grandson, promising land, descendants, and blessings.
These passages collectively outline the promises made by God to Abraham, forming the foundation of the Abrahamic Covenant which includes promises of land, descendants, blessings, and a special relationship with God.
There are no non-Hebrew Gentiles in any of the three salvation Hebrew covenants (Mosaic and New.)
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