Small Giants

The Rogue Tomato

Well-known member
Yeah, I know that sounds like an oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp.

I'm not going to address whether or not Nephilim were giants. I think there's sufficient support for that, but you can argue amongst yourselves if you want.

4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward

Many giant skeletons have been found, and there are tales all over the world of having to deal with giants. Magellan, for example, recorded encountering giants when he stopped in South America, and other early travelers recorded similar stories. The rest of Magellan's records have never been questioned as fiction, so I take it that his story about the giants were true. Same with other explorers' written accounts.

Where would they come from "and also afterward" then? I don't see any support for the "sons of God" impregnating daughters of men after the flood. And the giant skeletons found are between 8 and 36 feet, not the towering giants of the original Nephilim. So I'm assuming the giant skeletons and stories about giants represent generations removed from the original Nephilim.

So what is the source?
  • Noah
  • Noah's sons
  • Noah's sons' wives
11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence.

What did God mean by "corrupt"? Genetically corrupt? Morally corrupt goes without saying. But notice that Noah is described as without spot or blemish (translated blameless, but the same word is used elsewhere as being without blemish), so he was genetically pure. Noah supposedly married Enoch's daughter, so she was genetically pure. That combination means Noah's sons were genetically pure.

But what about one of the wives of Noah's sons?

Notice when Ham did something wrong, Noah didn't curse Ham. He cursed Canaan, Ham's son. Is it possible Canaan's genetics were corrupted by his mother? Canaan himself is not recorded as being a giant, but it the land of Canaan had giants in it, as we know from scripture.
Yeah, I know that sounds like an oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp.

I'm not going to address whether or not Nephilim were giants. I think there's sufficient support for that, but you can argue amongst yourselves if you want.

4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward

Many giant skeletons have been found, and there are tales all over the world of having to deal with giants. Magellan, for example, recorded encountering giants when he stopped in South America, and other early travelers recorded similar stories. The rest of Magellan's records have never been questioned as fiction, so I take it that his story about the giants were true. Same with other explorers' written accounts.

Where would they come from "and also afterward" then? I don't see any support for the "sons of God" impregnating daughters of men after the flood. And the giant skeletons found are between 8 and 36 feet, not the towering giants of the original Nephilim. So I'm assuming the giant skeletons and stories about giants represent generations removed from the original Nephilim.

So what is the source?
  • Noah
  • Noah's sons
  • Noah's sons' wives
11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence.

What did God mean by "corrupt"? Genetically corrupt? Morally corrupt goes without saying. But notice that Noah is described as without spot or blemish (translated blameless, but the same word is used elsewhere as being without blemish), so he was genetically pure. Noah supposedly married Enoch's daughter, so she was genetically pure. That combination means Noah's sons were genetically pure.

But what about one of the wives of Noah's sons?

Notice when Ham did something wrong, Noah didn't curse Ham. He cursed Canaan, Ham's son. Is it possible Canaan's genetics were corrupted by his mother? Canaan himself is not recorded as being a giant, but it the land of Canaan had giants in it, as we know from scripture.
ERROR, Nephilim, according to the bible. the Giants, men in stature and the Mighty Men in valor, whom all had Ordinary parents. Nothing supernatural here
Type I. “Mighty Men”, Ordinary men of valor, “A Warrior”.

Type II. “Mighty Men”, Ordinary men in stature, “A Giant”

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