"Sacred service" in reference to Jesus


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The boldface below is mine.

The Watchtower: They must “listen” to the voice of the Fine Shepherd when he urges them to render sacred service only to Jehovah, to keep on seeking first the Kingdom, to keep separate from the world, and to show self-sacrificing love for one another. (Matthew 4:10; 6:31-33; John 15:12, 13, 19) (A Great Crowd of True Worshipers—From Where Have They Come?, February 1, 1995, page 11)

The Watchtower: True worship, however, is "sacred service" that we offer with our “power of reason.” (Romans 12:1) (Pay Constant Attention to Your Teaching, March 15, 1999, page 11)

The Watchtower: Many honesthearted people have joined them in true worship, and these all make up “a great crowd . . . out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, . . . and they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: ‘Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.’ (Revelation 7:9, 10) (Who Will Survive the Day of Jehovah?, May 1, 2002, page 23)

Since the Lamb (the Lord Jesus) is the proper recipient of "true worship" in Revelation 7:10 means He is the proper recipient of "sacred service."
This demonstrates Jesus is Jehovah.
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